So this has already been published on Wattpad, and now I thought that I would bring it onto this site to see if I could do well on here as this has so far on there. So welcome, my name is OCo, and I welcome you to The Four Of Us!

The Four Of Us

Amourshipping AU

(Serena POV)

The gentle bump of the runway making collision with the landing gear jolted the plane about as we landed on Hau'oli Coty Airport's runway. This sudden jolt kinda shot some excitement into my cells as I looked back onto the Southern Kantonese Ocean out in the bay.

The pearl white sands of the beaches hustled with people basking in the last of the summer sun and heat as the sun started to set in the early evening conditions. It was the perfect day for maybe a barbecue on it, chilling with friends, eating scrumptious grub and drinking alcohol. The definition of having a good time.

"Thank you for travelling with Air Kalos today," the announcer buzzed as other passengers around me in first class (one of the benefits of being the daughter of a rich businessman) grabbed their hand luggage and headed towards the exits as I stretched out. "We all from the company hope you enjoy your stay in wonderful Alola."

'Come on Serena, one more year and you're free,' I thought to myself as I walked to the exit myself, grabbing my sunglasses out of my bag.

The heat outside compared to the plane wasn't much as I stepped out onto the runway, and breathed the air so fresh and much better then Kalos.

The wait for customs and baggage collection was the usual. Kinda long, but it was worth it, getting used to the Caribbean-like accents of the Alolan people and their enthusiasm was nice again, one of the great reasons and benefits I got for choosing the world-renowned Hau'oli Beach High.

Tying my long blonde hair back into a ponytail, I dragged my suitcase behind me as I pulled my phone out to check the time. 20:34, just perfect to walk to campus instead of a taxi.

Grabbing my headphones too, I turned on my music playlist and walk on, moving my feet to the beat of the song, my sandals clip-clopping against the pavement as the gentle breeze soothed my legs.

Walking through the markets was one of my favourite pastimes, and seeing as I hadn't been in the city for a couple of months, I had to reminisce the vibes.

Having vendors like Ms Ortis, the fruit seller with her loud voice and wittiness, and Mr Campbell, the fishmonger with a great recipe book in his head, it was an amazing feeling to say hello and catch up, something I had to do more with my friends at uni and was my aim for the new year to come.

I can't help being shy and quiet, it's my character and is why I love the way I live my life. There's one thing about having the peace and quiet, and it's that I can concentrate on the good stuff in my life: cooking, learning, history and learning languages. If I had more friends, I would add hanging out at cafes or ordering out food and watching a movie, but my friendship group at this current minute is enough to suffice.

There had been rumours I saw on my social medias that dorms were being shamed up into mixed genders this year as a trial for the future. My view is if true, it'll be nice to hopefully make more friends with people I necessarily would have never thought I would have. Grabbing a fresh mango from the stand in front of me, the fresh taste brought me back to reality.

"Ms Blanche, how many would you like?" Ms Ortis' smile asked.

"Three of these, and a couple of limes, please," I took the paper bag in my arms and proceeded to pull my purse out.

"No money, please. Consider it a welcome back gift," she smiled.

"Oh well, thank you," I said and with a wave continued on my way towards campus.

Soon enough, the high rise apartment block of the dorms came into sight. It was a masterpiece of architecture, bright and colourful, while the glass reflected the low lying sun. Why an ideal place of residence should be like.

"Excuse me, whoah!" A small force ran into me and launched me forward slightly. Once I staggered to a stop, I turned around to see a small brunette, at least a couple of inches shorter then myself brushing herself down.

Her hair was lovely, long and straight parted into slight ponytails on both sides. Her petite frame was curvy in all of the right places, shouting out for a boy to take. She has piercing lime eyes, that were vibrant and beautiful in their own world. Her pink top and short shorts collided perfectly with her sandals, and she seemed very tanned too.

"I'm so sorry. I was trying to get to the reception desk before tonight," she said, seemingly worn out. "Shauna's the name."

"Don't worry at all," I smiled. "Serena, nice to meet you." I stuck my hand out, and she shook it. Her touch was soft and firm, but not firm enough to hurt.

"Hopefully this is a start of a new friendship." Shauna smiled. I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm, and it wouldn't be hard to make a new friend.

"Sure, why not?" We opened the door and walked over to the desk where a slightly whitening man sat typing away on his computer behind it.

"Welcome back seniors. How may I help you?" He, Winston his name tag read, asked.

"Can we find it our dorm numbers please?"

"May I have your names ladies?"

"Serena Blanche."

"Shauna O'Connell."

"Let's see, you're both in the same dorm, and that number is 20B. It's on the twentieth floor, furthest from the lift. I've heard it's got the best view onto the beach from up there. We hope that enjoy you and your roommates enjoy it. Be aware the other two are both male, so be aware. Here are your keys," he handed us the brass coloured pieces of metal, the cold touch feeling nice against my hot skin. "And enjoy your last year here. Your things from previous dorms have been moved in boxes and clearly labelled, so you can tell whose is whose."

"Thank you," we replied as we walked off, giggling the whole way to the lift, waiting for the mechanical machine to lift us to our destination. We walked into it and hit the twenty button, and slowly the steel casing we were in trundled up its cables.

"So what is your main subject?" Shauna asked, rubbing her arms in nervousness.

"History of modern conflict. What about you?" I asked.

"Art and photography. I like to paint and edit a lot of stuff." She smiled gently.

"Nice. Drawing is my portray, but I'm not overly good at it. I prefer to bake and cook." I smiled back, trying to make Shauna feel less nervous then she already was.

"Where you from originally?"

"Vaniville Town, Kalos. You?"

"Wow, really? I'm from Santalune City. I'm surprised we never knew each other before." Shauna perked up as we hit the twentieth floor.

"I'm the same. What middle school did you go to?" I asked as we walked out towards the room, now excited that I had met a new friend so early on, and she was from near where I lived, so she would be with me if I flew home at Christmas.

She had no chance to answer the noise that came out from behind from the door of 20B. It sounded like a lot of shouts and scuffles, maybe one of an animal. A sudden bark caught our attention before a loud 'THUMP' against the door in front of us.

I slowly inserted my key and turned it right, hearing the click of the door and pushed it outwards. The scene inside, oh my word.

There slumped on the floor was a brunette male, with dark brown eyes, a strong tall frame and a purple shirt with cargo shorts. At his feet was a ton of animal food, pellets spilt everywhere over the wood floor, and a hyper black and white dog jumping on his feet.

"Oh hey, looks like the females have arrived Charlie. Welcome to the partial Oak residence. My name is Gary 'Muthafucking' Oak, but you can call me Gary. Good day fleshy mammals, I'm glad to be your roommate."