Disclaimer: I claim no ownership to Yu-gi-oh!

Chapter Six: Of Blue, Gold, and Crimson

Yuugi had always found comfort in Seto's presence considering that their jobs meant being isolated from society. He appreciated the Alpha's calm approach to political matters and his amusement to Yuugi's mild rant about receiving marriage proposals from prominent families around Japan. This time, however, Seto was far from welcoming and Yuugi wasn't surprised when nothing but silence greeted him when he slipped into Seto's opulent office and sat on the cushioned chairs waiting for the Alpha to acknowledge his presence.

"Did you know?" Seto's tone didn't hold the accusation that Yuugi was prepared to face, causing a jolt of surprise to race down his spine. He raised his head, meeting Seto's eyes from across the desk. He was met with a solemn expression that froze Yuugi in his seat. It wasn't supposed to be like this: Seto wasn't supposed to be staring at him as if he was the source of pain. As if he was the source of his eventual damnation. The Seto he knew was supposed to be angry and violent with a want for revenge. He never-

He didn't want to be the source of his friend's pain.

"I knew about the seer abilities that are given to Connectors, but I didn't expect Jounouchi-"

"It was an eventuality that you were supposed to prepare for, Yuugi." Seto cut him off, still staring at him with that solemn gaze. "The moment that Jounouchi was acknowledged as the Connector, you should have told me about the visions - about the flashes of nightmares that he would experience. You know better than anyone about the burden that was placed upon him and yet you did nothing." Seto's eyes narrowed and for the first time, Yuugi saw a flash of anger in the Alpha's eyes. "You were supposed to be his friend-"

"I am his friend." Yuugi snapped, his nerves fraying at the blame placed at his feet - blame that he knew he deserved. "Do you not understand the implications if we don't have a Connector? He is one of the three people in this world holding it together via spiritual means and I-"

"Don't have time to check on his mental wellbeing?" Seto finished smoothly. "We don't have the time to see how one of those three people is handling his new abilities. Jounouchi Katsuya was and is always strong of heart and character, but even the strongest can fall to an onslaught of visions of seeing their loved ones killed, maimed, and taken by disease. You have no right to sit there and tell me that just because he's needed doesn't mean we shouldn't care for him properly. Is that not where we failed your Father? Your Mother? Two wonderful and intelligent people lost to the wayside because we didn't care enough? You, as the Eyes of the Eagle, should know better."

"I do," Yuugi murmured, shamed that he didn't think of his friend's wellbeing before the world's, but deep down, he knew that his responsibility was to the world first and his friend second. He knew that, and even though Seto was hurting, he knew it too. The pain in the man's eyes was proof enough. "And so do you, Seto." Yuugi lowered his head, unable to bear the pain that Seto was displaying. "I'm sorry."

"As am I." Seto rose from his seat, lowered himself next to Yuugi's chair, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm angry. I'm angry at the hand that was dealt to my Guide and to you in the process, Yuugi. How much more can the Gods give us and still expect us to stand?" Seto squeezed Yuugi's shoulder. "I can't stand the thought of standing by and doing nothing for either of you, but understand that I will doom this entire world for Jounouchi's sake and I will eliminate those who stand in my way."

Including you.

Yuugi swallowed, a drip of sweat sliding down his neck at the determination pressing against his shields. Seto was never a man who bolstered his words and for the first time since he laid eyes on the Alpha, Yuugi was genuinely afraid for his life, but Yuugi didn't blame Seto, not after what would have been a frightening night.

"Tell me," Seto continued, unaware of Yuugi's degrading thoughts. "What will happen to him should this continue? Can he control it? Use it to his advantage?"

"Of course," Yuugi responded, courage entering him as Seto returned to his seat, the air tension disappearing with distance. "The visions are just that - visions. Jounouchi can do with them as he pleases as he gains more control of his abilities as a Connector."

"And if he wishes to get rid of them?"

"He can't," Yuugi murmured, feeling a rush of sympathy towards his friend. "You know that the role of the Connector is an important one, but I don't believe that it's been explained."

"I am aware of their connection with the spiritual realm, but what of ours? What is Jounouchi's role on this plane?"

"Jounouchi's role is aligned with my own: To Observe. However, Jounouchi has the choice to interfere with Fate and set it to his liking, but in doing that, he risks creating futures and fates that are better or worse than the one he foreseen."

"What if he doesn't do anything?"

"The future will be kept in line with what the Gods want for this world."

"And if he does?"

"He risks their wrath when they want a specific event to occur. He risks losing his place in the spiritual world as a Guide."

"You call this a blessing?" Seto clenched his jaw. "You sentenced him to death."

"You judge me for something that is out of my control, Seto." Yuugi protested swiftly. "I wasn't the one who gave Jounouchi the powers of the Connector and do not accuse me of such, understand?"

"You could have told him about the visions."

"I could have, but what would it have done? A Connector with that ability occurs once in every eighteen generations. It would have done nothing but worry him for nothing if nothing had occurred."

"And prepare him if it did." Seto shot back viciously. "You can spin it any way that you wish, but the blame for this is placed at your feet, Yuugi."

"That's not fair-"

A knock at the door startled them both into silence and Seto called out a terse demand to enter and a man dressed in a sharp, black suit entered.

"Lord Kaiba."


"The Lord Ishigami has arrived and is sequestered in the drawing-room." the guard looked hesitant and it drew a look of curiosity from Yuugi. "He is quite impatient."

Seto closed his eyes, as if it asking for patience, before returning his gaze back to the guard. "I will be there in a moment once I've concluded my meeting with Lord Motou."

If he was a coward, Yuugi would have taken this moment to excuse himself from the meeting, but Yuugi was just as and if not more than stubborn than Seto, so he remained in the chair, patiently waiting for the conversation to be done.

Surprisingly, the guard remained unmoved, drawing a raised eyebrow from Seto. "I apologize, Lord Kaiba, but Lord Ishigami told me not to return unless I brought you."

Yuugi narrowed his eyes at the request before meeting Seto's gaze. "Who is this man? To request you without an ounce of manners?"

"Lord Alpha Atem Ishigami of Battle City," Seto responded with a quirk of his lip. "We have been friends for a long time so I'm sure you're surprised by my lack of offense?"

"I am surprised, considering that not even your council would be so bold even when you're in a good mood." Yuugi moved to stand, deciding that this meeting could wait for a moment longer along with the fallout that would come from it. "Shall I see myself out?"

"You abandon me?" Seto teased, rising from his chair and urging him towards the door. "I think it's the perfect time to meet Lord Ishigami."

Yuugi opened his mouth to protest before closing it with a tight, resigned sigh. As Eyes of the Eagle, it was one of his duties to meet with Alpha Sentinels and maintain good relations and he had met that duty so far, but he had yet to meet with this Lord Ishigami.

'Very well."

"You don't have to sound so excited." Seto urged him through the quiet hallways until they reached the drawing-room and Yuugi would have entered if had not been for the sudden curiosity pressing against his shields.

Bold indeed.

Scandalized, Yuugi stepped back and whirled on Seto with a furious glare. "Who in the hell does he think he is? Pressing against my shields like some-some-"

"Jackass?" Seto supplied, amusement settling in his eyes. Despite the situation with his Guide, he knew that Yuugi and Atem were going to get along like a house on fire.

"I was going to use vagabond, but jackass is just as good." Yuugi twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door, halting when he spotted the man sitting in the chair wearing a small grin that obviously meant to hold back the laughter that was just on the surface. Seeing that smile made Yuugi realize that their esteemed guest probably heard Yuugi and Seto's insults and while he was internally horrified, Seto met the man's gaze with one of boredom.

"Lord Ishigami." Seto intoned, waving a hand in Yuugi's direction. "This is Lord Yuugi Motou of Domino City and the current Eyes of the Eagle. Lord Motou? Lord Atem Ishigami, Alpha Sentinel of Battle City."

Atem was a man that sat just two feet taller than Yuugi himself with a darker tan and crimson eyes that reminded Yuugi of one of the dangerous predators that lingered in the spiritual realm and it sent a shiver down his spine. While he was used being around powerful Sentinels, Yuugi knew that Atem could break his shields with nudge strong enough to simply push open a door and that was what Atem was doing, right? Pushing against his shields to enter his thoughts, to learn about the Guide that had entered with his long-time friend.

"It's a pleasure." Atem rumbled, eyeing Yuugi with an intensity that sent a shiver down the Guide's spine. "I have heard of the Eyes of the Eagle's accolades and achievements for our community and while I'm thankful, I didn't expect you to be so young...and small."

"I assure you that I am old enough, Atem."

"I am aware, little one." Atem chuckled, brushing off the mild insult of the smaller man using his name. "You're no ordinary Guide, even I see that-" Atem tapped his head. "and feel it."

"My name is Yuugi. I believe that Lord Kaiba just told you that a moment ago or are your senses in need of fine-tuning?"

"No." Atem murmured, the amusement fading and turning into that of interest and it was never good to have a Sentinel interested. "My senses are in excellent condition." Atem lifted his nose into the air and took a mocking sniff before letting his gaze fall to Yuugi's pocket. "A little bit of a fan of cinnamon?"

The inquiry forced Yuugi's hand to his pocket, where, just more than a day ago, sat more than eight pieces of cinnamon candy. It was an indulgence that only Jou and Seto were privy to and Yuugi wasn't prepared to be outed.

"You're a wolf," Yuugi uttered, a blush staining his cheeks. "And it was not a pleasure to meet you. At all."

Atem chuckled, lowering his head and sending Yuugi a cheeky wink. "It was a pleasure. I didn't expect you to be so feisty. It's quite attractive."

"You're funny." Yuugi deadpanned, turning to Seto with a disapproving frown. "We'll continue our discussion at a later date? I take it the matter isn't settled?"

"No." Atem cut in, surprising them both. "That's the reason why I came to meet with you, Seto, and the fact that Lord Motou is here will work in our favor."

"Oh?" Seto took a step closer to Yuugi, shielding him from Atem's gaze and even though he and Seto were at odds ends, it still warmed his heart that Seto was still protective of him.

"I am here to discuss Jounouchi Katsuya, the Connector and the degradation of his mind." Atem retook his previous seat, inviting Yuugi and Seto to do the same. "We have a lot to discuss gentlemen. The degradation of Jounouchi Katsuya's mind and the consequences."