Outsider Chronicles: Phantom Thief

Getting reborn as the Harry in a WBWL story is NOT fun. However, for all the pain I was put though, I think I came out best in the end. I'd have prefered to not have to go through hell, but its hard to imagine that I'll ever be trapped again when the Darkness itself is at my beck and call. Now, lets have some fun and steal everything thats not nailed down...and help stop the end of the world while I'm at it!

And we are back with another HP idea, this time its another WBWL, although from a more trationanal Harry POV. Oh, and theres an additional part to this story that will make things...interesting. Expect Potter, Weasley and possible Hermione bashing in the future. Not sure about the last one though. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

You know, I often wonder if maybe I pissed someone off last time through. Then I look at my friends and realize that no, I most definitely didn't. Sorry, I'm getting WAY ahead of myself. Lets back up a bit and start from the beginning. It all started after I died from having a shelf full of Harry Potter merchandise fall on me. Not the most grandiose of deaths, although it does make me think that maybe Death has a sense of humor considering where I woke up. Anyway, after I died from blunt force trauma, I woke up again in the body of a baby. Not what I was expecting. But lets roll with it. What I can't roll with is the fact that someone upstairs seems to be having a laugh at my expense. What makes me say that? Well, my Father can turn into a stag, my mother is known for a fiery temper and green eyes and my Godfather is literally a mutt. I am fucking screwed! Oh, and you know the worst part? I'm not the only newborn Potter. Oh no, I've been reborn with a twin brother, Brandon Potter. Something tells me that is is gonna end badly…

I WAS FUCKING RIGHT! The attack happened pretty much exactly as I was expecting, with Voldie barging into Brandon and my room, stunned Mum in front of our crib, before shooting the Killing Curse at me. I'm not entirely sure what happened next, but whatever it was resulted in the Curse being reflected straight back at Voldemort with far more force, blowing the Dark Lord to bits and carving a pair of horizontal lines into my brothers cheek with the backlash. You can probably guess what happened next.

Dumbledore showed up, declared me the BWL and then did something that resulted in me getting dumped on the Dursley's front steps. What happened next was...not pleasant to say the least. Oh, the menagerie never touched me (at least not for the first few years), but instead they threw me in the cupboard and forgot about me, only remembering to feed and change me every couple of days. When I was three, Petunia set me to work on backbreaking chores that no reasonable person could expect a toddler to manage and then tossed me back in the cupboard with no food when I failed to complete them. I managed to take two years of that, but a few days after my fifth birthday, that changed. I had my first outburst of Accidental Magic.

It happened when Petunia was yelling at me again about something I can't remember and my anger and frustration at the demented woman finally reached a breaking point. I'd been able to keep my rage suppressed for years, mainly because I really had no inclination to make things worse until I could at least defend myself, but that day was just too much and I snapped. As a result, Petunia was sent flying through the glass door leading to the kitchen. To make matters worse, it was a Sunday, so Vernon and Dudley were home. You can probably guess where this is going.

Without going into details for obvious reasons, it hurt. In fact, it damn near killed me, not helped in the least by being tossed into the cupboard and left there for two weeks. I'm pretty sure that the only reason I didn't die of dehydration was because of my Magic, but even that couldn't stave of death for long and I was reaching my limit.

"D-damn it," I gasped as my vision started to fail, "I...I don't want to die...not like this...I need to...get...OUT!"

I tried to lunge forwards to hit the door, if only to remind them I was still in here so they would hopefully get me out. I didn't think they wanted to kill me after all. However, I was to weak and instead, slumped to the floor as I blacked out.

I found myself floating among the stars. It took me a moment to realize that I wasn't dead, but that thought was quickly washed away when I spotted...something. They were massive, well beyond what any Human could possibly imagine, made up of countless glowing hypercubes that were shifting and changing. They seemed to be twisting together in an endless dance as they moved through space towards an unknown destination. Then, I heard a voice. I couldn't hear exactly what it was saying, but I could feel the creatures gaze on me, watching, judging and finding me to be acceptable. Then, one of the creatures twitched and a fragment broke off and flew at me with the speed of a comet. Before I could react, it hit me in the chest and I found myself back in the cupboard, my body suddenly feeling full of energy and oddly...fluid. Then, my awareness suddenly expanded and I could see...EVERYTHING. My body came apart, flowing and shifting into the darkness as my vision shifted and I found myself able to see out of every single shadow in the house. The Dursleys were all asleep, oblivious to my near death and sudden change. I felt all the rage I'd been saving rear up like a firestorm as I watched them sleep and I felt my shadowy body respond, ripping and rising up, forming into blades and corkscrews, ready to turn them into burger meat.

That though served to break me out of my rage however as my non-existent body decided to remind me that my body desperately needed sustenance, despite the energy surge. I closed my eyes and focused, trying to pull myself back together. It took a moment, but my awareness pulled back out of the shadows and I found myself in the kitchen. I stumbled as a wave of tiredness washed over me and I staggered towards the fridge. I wrenched the door open and grabbed the first thing I saw that wouldn't kill me. I quickly lost track of time as I worked my way through the fridge, my starved body and magic driving me to consume more and more to replenish my body.

By the time I was done, I had emptied the fridge of everything that didn't need cooking and had polished off most of the pantry as well. Considering the size of Dudley and Vernon's appetites, that was an impressive amount of food. With my belly now full (and somehow not bursting at the seems), I dropped to the floor in a sitting position with a sigh of relief, idly noting the sunlight leaking through the kitchen window as I did. My body no longer ached and it seemed that my Magic or perhaps my strange new powers had already digested the massive meal and used the energy and nutrients to start fixing the damage caused by starvation and the beating. With nothing else to do for now, my thoughts turned to my new powers and their apparent source.

Just what was that? It was like nothing I'd ever felt and I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't find anything similar in the Wizarding World, so what…

I jumped as the door rattled and something landed on the doormat with a thump. I hesitantly stood and went to see what had arrived. It was the newspaper, something Vernon had never let me read, or watch the TV, either because he wanted to keep me ignorant of the world outside or because he didn't want Freak germs on his favorite things. Still, its not like I didn't know what was going on, having already lived through the ev...WHAT THE HELL?!

I had just idly glanced at the front page, only to be met with a headline about a town in America being destroyed by...the Slaughterhouse Nine. I snatched up the paper and wrenched it open, scanning the articles. Alexandria had fought a stupidly powerful Villain and won, a big fashion company had come out with some new fashion based on popular Capes that was hot shit and Leviathan was starting to make worrying moves...well, this was certainly interesting. At least now I knew where my powers came from. I glanced at the date and saw that it was 2001. So, to summarize, I'm apparently in a crossover world with countless people who make Voldemort look like a minor annoyance at best, the HP timeline was forwards about 10 years and I'm a Cape with power over Shadows. This was...AWESOME!

I felt a dark grin slowly cross my lips. If this world was that of Worm, as well as Harry Potter...ohh, the fun I could have! Screw the Wizarding World, the only thing they'd done for me was throw me aside! I'd probably attend Hogwarts, if only so I could learn Magic, but theres no way I'd help them with Voldie. No, I'm gonna go and have fun with the world as a whole! Theres so much to see and do, so many things I could swipe...wait, what?

I frowned and went back to that last thought. For some reason, I was suddenly feeling an urge to just start stealing everything that wasn't nailed down with my powers. Huh, I wonder if that was coming from my Passenger...eh, whatever, its not a bad idea at all. Hell, with my powers, it'd be a synch! My grin widened as the shadows around my feet started to writhe in anticipation.

A thump from upstairs wiped my smile of my face however. A life as a Phantom Thief could wait, first there was something I needed to do here.

A quick application of focus and my body turned into an inky black liquid-like substance that dissolved into the shadows and the darkness in the house became my body. I gave a dark grin as I located the Dursleys and went to work. Dudley was still in bed, but that quickly changed as the darkness under his covers suddenly came alive and wrapped around him, turning him into a fat, black cocoon that was yanked through his door (literally) and downstairs before he could even scream. Vernon was in the bathroom in the middle of shaving when his shadow suddenly shot up and grabbed him by the ankles, yanking him down as if the darkness had suddenly become a pool of ink, while Petunia was grabbed from behind as she turned away from her closet with her chosen outfit for the day in hand.

Within seconds, all three animals were in the living room, bound like flies in a spiders web as more and more black liquid like darkness leaked from the walls, floor and ceiling, transforming the sickeningly normal room into a chamber that wouldn't look out of place as the lair of a villain in the Lord of the Rings.

"M-mummy, whats happening?!" stuttered Dudley, his eyes wide with fear.

"Whats happening, Dudley, is me working out some anger issues," I said as I emerged from a pool of darkness, the ink-like substance acting as a body, despite the fact I was technically living shadow at the moment.

At the sight of me, the fear on Vernon's face was replaced with anger and his face went purple.


He was cut off as I plugged his mouth with darkness.

"Quite Uncle, I'm talking now," I said condescendingly, "Plus, you really don't want to make me angry...well, angrier."

The darkness binding the Dursley's rippled and tendrils emerged, morphing into razor sharp blades and corkscrews that aimed themselves at numerous tender places. Vernon immediately stopped trying to yell through his gag and went the colour of paper.

"Thats better," I said, "Now, despite the fact that I'd love nothing more than to kill you and consume your bodies, I really don't want you inside of me. Plus, I have no interest in staining my hands with blood, especially not yours. However, I still have a lot of issues to work through."

I gave a dark grin that made all three Dursley's recoil.

"Now, lets have some fun!" I said with false cheer.

I'm not ashamed to admit that their screams were soooo sweet to my ears.

So, that'll do for now. So, what do you think of my first attempt at a Dark (sort of) Harry story? It'd probably be more accurate to call him chaotic neutral considering his role will be more 'anti hero with a habit of fucking with the heros and stealing everything that isn't nailed down' than outright villain. Think Catwoman or Red X.

Harry's power allows him to merge with shadow and darkness, transforming every shadow within a certain radius around him into his eyes and ears, although his range of control is a little smaller. He can draw things into his darkness, travel quickly and silently and is basically untouchable within his dark dimension, although bright lights can and will hurt him and force him to retreat.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much Worm will impact this story...probably not much in all honesty. Technically, I'm just using the world because I love the idea of depicting the Wizarding World as so insular that most Purebloods aren't even aware of Scion and the Endbringers (somehow), although I do have a few ideas of Harry breaking into the Ward HQ and spraypainting 'GIEST WOZ HEER!' all over the walls. Expect a level of maturity on par with Abridged Alucard.

And with that, I'm done. Don't forget to leave a review on the way out!

EDIT: Made a few alterations where I fucked up and I think I've got the year right. My intention is for Harry to be 14 at the start of Worm. Would someone better at maths than me double check to make sure I got the date right?