Chapter 9

Ash walked into the classroom in a very good mood. The events of yesterday were still fresh in his mind, and he couldn't wait to see his friend again.

Though he wasn't expecting to see her talking to Lillie in the classroom.

"Oh! Ash! Alola!" Serena said, waving to her friend.

"Alola Serena!" Ash responded, waving back. "So what brings you here?"

"Well, I talked to Professor Kukui about it yesterday, and while I am here I am going to be joining you guys in class!" Serena explained with a smile on her face. "I think it will be very helpful!"

"Sounds great! I know I have learned a lot since I started coming here, so I am sure you will as well!" Ash said, excited that his friend would be joining them.

Little by little, the rest of the class arrived and class had begun.

Other than the additional student, it was a very normal day. That is, until everyone left.

"So Serena, what did you think of your first day?" Lillie asked as they were leaving the school grounds.

"It was great! I am really excited to learn all about this region!" Serena said.

"Hey! Serena! Lillie!" Ash called out to the two girls. "Me and Kiawe are going to have a practice battle! Want to watch?"

"Sure! It's been so long since I have seen you battle! I can't wait to see how much you have improved!" Serena said as the two of them walked over.

At this, Ash's face turned slightly red, but he quickly shook it off before anyone noticed. "Great! We are battling on the beach! Lets go!"

The group then made their way to the beach, and the two boys quickly began their battle. Ash was using Pikachu and Kiawe was using Turtonator.

The battle was going well, and Ash seemed to be winning, when a sudden cloud of smoke covered the battlefield.

*cough* "What's going on?!" Ash called out from the smoke. Everyone else was also equally confused.

That is, except for Serena. The situation seemed all too familiar, and kinda nostalgic. It also helped that she was just wondering if this was still happening or not. Quickly realizing what was about to happen, she leaped into action, and ran towards Pikachu.



When Ash heard the two screams, he began to slowly realize what what happening. "PIKACHU! SERENA!"

"Pikapi!" Pikachu said.

Ash then looked down to see that Pikachu was down by his feet. He had some sand stuck to him, but he seemed perfectly fine.

Ash then realized that Serena wasn't there.

"ASH!" Serena yelled out from… above?

When the smoke cleared, everyone finally got a good look at what was going on.

Serena was in a net, which was attached to a hot air balloon that looked like a Meowth.

"What's going on?!" Ash yelled out.

"Prepare for tro-"

"Seriously Ash? What do you think is going on?!" Serena yelled out from the net, a little annoyed at the situation.

"HEY! DON'T INTERRUPT OUR MOTTO!" Yelled out a male voice from the balloon.

"Wait, isn't that the Kalos twerpette? The one that performed?" Said another male voice.

"What is SHE doing here?!" Yelled out a female voice. "And why is she in the net and not Pikachu?!"

"TEAM ROCKET!" Ash yelled out.

"PIKA!" Pikachu yelled out as well.

"Wait, did the twerpette push Pikachu out of the way or something?" Jessie asked.

"Wonder how she managed to do that…" James wondered.

"Let Serena go! Right now!" Ash yelled out, though he seemed to be a lot more… furious than usual.

"Uh… is it just me, or does the twerp seem a lot more angry than usual?" Meowth asked.

"Maybe it's because we just captured his girlfr-" Before James could finish that sentence, Ash sprung into action.

"ROWLET! USE LEAFAGE!" He yelled out, waking up Rowlet, who was currently taking a nap in his backpack.

Rowlet then quickly flew up to the balloon and used leafage on the balloon and net. The balloon got a tear in it and the net broke apart.

"Rowlet quick! Use leafage again and slow her down!" Ash yelled out as Serena was falling from the net, currently screaming. That is, until Rowlet's leafage slowed her decent.

Then, for some reason, Ash felt the need to catch her. And he did so.

"Are you alright?" Ash asked.

"Uh… yeah, I think so." Serena said, trying to hid her red face, but failing.

"You sure?" Ash asked, a little worried about the red face.

"Yeah, I am sure. Besides, I think we have something else to worry about." She said, looking over to Team Rocket.

"Oh don't worry about it, this won't take long." Ash said before giving her a nice grin and putting her down. "You ready Pikachu?"


What happened next, Serena could only describe as what seemed to be a series of weird poses by both Ash and Pikachu, followed by a massive electric attack which Pikachu then punched to send it towards Team Rocket, while Ash yelled out "GIGAVOLT HAVOC!"

When the smoke cleared, Team Rocket was no-where to be seen.

"Ash… what was that?!" Serena asked, in complete shock as to what happened.

"That, was a Z-Move!" Ash explained. "You see, a Z-Move is…"

Before Ash could finish his explanation, a giant geyser of sand shot up, catching everyone's attention. When they finally got a good look at what was going on, they saw a Bewear, carrying all of Team Rocket in his arms, before jumping up, spinning rapidly, and tunneling away.

"Uh… Rotom? Can Bewear even learn dig?" Ash asked.

"Negative." Rotom answered.

From there, everyone just looked in the direction that Bewear tunneled towards, still confused as to what the heck just happened.

After a while, everyone gathered their things, and decided to head over to Mallow's restaurant again to grab a bite to eat before going their separate ways again. On the way there, Ash explained Z-Moves to Serena.

After everyone finished eating, they went there separate ways, with Serena and Lillie getting into the limo and heading back to the mansion.

"Hey Ash?" Kiawe asked.

"What's up?" Ash responded.

"Are you alright? You seemed be be really angry before." Kiawe asked.

"Well, I am always mad when Team Rocket tries to take our pokemon." Ash explained.

"But this was… different. You seemed absolutely furious this time." Kiawe explained.

Ash then thought about it, and realized that Kiawe was right. When he saw that they had captured Serena, he did feel a lot more angry than he usually did… but he really didn't know why.

"I guess you are right, but I don't think it is anything to worry about! I am fine!" Ash said with a big smile.

Satisfied with the answer, Kiawe just nodded, and flew off on his Charizard.

Meanwhile, Ash was still thinking about what had happened. Eventually though, he shook it off and went home.

End of Chapter 9

So… guess who got sick? Yeah, kinda got a terrible fever a couple of days after posting the previous chapter, and was just resting for a week. So sorry about that, but I am back now, and feeling a lot better! As such, I will be getting back to my stories now, so sorry about the long wait.

Anyways, for a little bit, this story is going to essentially become a series of one shots, up until when I decide to end off the story. These can range from just random ideas I have, retelling of actual episodes, but set in this universe. Don't expect many, if any, of the later of those though.

Don't expect too many appearances from Team Rocket btw, I am not great at writing battles... and Team Rocket would only bring in battles... that being said, I will probably include them in a later chapter for reasons. Also Bewear, had to have a great Bewear moment, and I think I succeeded. I had to look up if he could learn dig, and when I saw that he couldn't I was happy. :)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and I will see you tomorrow for Chapter 10!