Chapter 15: Lights, Camera, Action

The night of 'Romeo and Juliet' was upon them and Eleven was filled with nerves. Not only was she forgetting everything she had learnt the past few weeks but she was standing backstage feeling like vomiting or running away, neither very wise options as she had a whole audience out there waiting for her to make an appearance.

"Mike." Eleven said tugging on his shirt. "I can't."

"You can't what?" Mike said as he rubbed his sweaty hands together anxiously.

"I can't act." Eleven said as if it was the most normal thing to say before going on stage.

"Yes you can. You know your lines and besides it's just a high school play. There isn't even sixty people out there, fifty at the most." Mike said.

"I can't." Eleven said, fumbling with the hem of her skirt.

"You can El. You have to. We're all going on there too, just say your lines and if you need some encouragement just look over at me, I'll be right here in the wings." Mike said with a smile.

"Encouragement?" Eleven said.

"It means when you feel sad or like you can't do something, someone gives you encouragement to do it." Mike said just as Mrs Sunny began to shove Eleven on stage as the curtains drew back.

So Eleven stood there, centre stage, the glaring lights of the bright stage blinding her for a few seconds. She thought about running, the idea did spring to her mind, but she stood rooted to the spot. A million thoughts flashed through her mind in the few seconds she stood on the stage, fear gripping her like an iron fist, forcing her to the spot.

Just as she was about to turn and run off the stage, scoping out her escape, she spotted Mike in the wings. He was standing there in his costume, looking very adorable, waving to her and mouthing the words so she could begin her short speech.

And after one deep breath she began, stumbling through it and mispronouncing words every few seconds as anyone does. It wasn't a Oscar worthy performance but the show ran smoothly and Eleven put enough effort and energy in to make it believable that she was in fact, maybe, possibly, Juliet.

By the time she was back at Mike's for the party's sleepover she was buzzing with excitement.

"I'm glad that's over!" Lucas aid as the entered the basement.

"Yeah, so boring!" Dustin said jumping the last step.

Later that evening and everyone was crowded around Mike's small television screen. Star Wars was playing on repeat, Dustin and Mike were arguing about whether Goofy was a dog or not, and Eleven sat beside Max as the ignored the movie and painted each others toe nails. Max had a strong hatred for Star Wars and Eleven had seen it far too many times. Besides, nail painting was much more enjoyable.

I know I haven't been updating this story much lately, but I was away on a holiday with no wifi, yes tragic I know, and I have decided that this might be the last chapter for this story. I understand it is shorter then Stranger Things 3 but I think from now on the stories will be shorter. Stranger Things 5 will be around the same length as this and it will be up eventually. Once it is up I will update this story to tell you all. Thanks for reading and I will continue this curiosity voyage!