I welcomed each coming weekend with open arms. Weekends meant that I didn't have to go to work and as a result, we were both warranted a lie in. By the time I rolled out of bed and had showered, the sun was high in the sky. Towel drying my hair until it was no longer dripping, I headed into the kitchen and set about making breakfast. Remus followed shortly after me, yawning largely.

Glancing over my shoulder with a smile, I watched as he fought to keep his eyes open. Pouring some coffee into a mug, I held it out for him. He took it with a grateful smile, pressing a kiss to my cheek before drinking his coffee. Leaning against the counter, he watched as I moved around the kitchen.

"Do you want some help?" he asked approaching me and wrapping an arm around me from behind.

Rolling my eyes, I elbowed him to get him to release me. Pointing towards the dining table, I silently ordered him to take a seat and with an affectionate smile, he headed over to the table. But really, he was just as distracting even if he was sitting at the table. I could feel his eyes on me as I worked, and my eyes settled contemplatively onto the newspaper resting on the counter. With a wave of my wand, I sent the newspaper over to him.

Casting a glance over my shoulder, I watched as he picked the newspaper up and began to read from it. Plating up our food, I began to hum quietly as I put the dirty pans in the sink to wash later. Remus cleared his throat, making me fall silent as I approached the table with both of our plates. Setting Remus' plate in front of him, I watched curiously as he seemed to hesitate.

"What is it, Remus?"

"The dream last night," he cut himself off again, looking down to his plate. "What do you think it meant?"

Ever since the pair of us had accepted the soulmate bond and bound ourselves to one another, our shared dreams had become fewer and far between. Thankfully, I didn't die in them anymore because I'd managed to alleviate his fear but on the few occasions where we did share dreams, it was always about something important. Last nights was no doubt, of importance too.

The Forbidden Forest was beautiful during the daytime, especially during the summer. The forest floor was littered with colourful flowers and it seemed like magic itself flowed through the very air. Remus and I had fallen asleep only to emerge in a very familiar clearing to find a blanket laid out and waiting for us. We shared a smile, hurrying over to the blanket. The moment I sat down, Remus was lying down with his head in my lap.

With the sun shining down on the pair of us, I tilted my head back to enjoy the heat. Carding my fingers through Remus' hair, I looked down at my husband as he smiled with his eyes closed. He caught my hand in his, halting my movements and opened his eyes to look at me with a smile.

"What do you think this is about?" he asked quietly, as if not wanting to disrupt the peace. "The last time we shared a dream it had spoiled my surprise proposal."

"You were sulking for days," I said with a fond smile, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. He chuckled and laughed gently. "You were so dramatic that you would have put Sirius to shame."

"Hardly my fault that I acted like that," he muttered petulantly, "I'd planned for months. Months. All to have it ruined by a bloody dream."

"Well, I said yes anyway." Remus sat up, reaching out to hold my hand in his. "But maybe this dream is just to give us a chance to relax." Pressing a kiss to his cheek, I smiled gently. "Let's not read too much into this. We can just relax for a while."

"Sounds like a plan," he agreed with a smile, casting a curious glance around the clearing when the sound of rustling surrounded us.

He reached out to put an arm around me, spine stiffening as he scanned the clearing. The sound drew nearer until two small wolves ran out into the clearing. Remus narrowed his eyes, looking at the small wolves. Nudging him with my elbow, I frowned at him and smiled reassuringly at the approaching wolves.

"They're just pups," I hissed, smiling when the bigger of the two pups started to run towards me. "They're hardly going to harm me."

The bigger pup ran straight towards me, curling up into my lap and I held it to my chest with a smile. Remus continued to watch the pup with suspicious eyes until the smaller pup hesitantly came to his side. He reached out slowly, extending a hand towards the pup which ignored his hand to climb into his lap. Remus tried to keep his disapproval on his face, but he wavered when the pup nuzzled into his hand.

He eventually laughed, reaching out to pet the wolf pup in my lap. "You must attract wolves."

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked back to my husband who remained waiting for an answer to his question. "What do you think it means?"

"Who knows," I said quietly, shrugging as I looked down at my plate.

Remus frowned, thinking deeply as he looked back to his own plate. I watched my husband for a moment longer. I'd tell him – eventually. But first I just needed to see a healer to be sure. And then I could tell him.