In an alternate reality, some things stay the same, but some things change.

Max and Chloe still became childhood friends. Their close friendship rivaled that of most sisters. Then, unexpectedly, William Price was involved in a brutal car accident. Not long after his accident, Max was forced to move with her family to Seattle for her father's job. Sadly, the two friends lost contact.

Chloe dealt with abandonment issues. Which took part in developing her rebellious, outspoken personality. Her mother, after some time, moved on. In some ways, she moved on beyond her daughter. She even met someone new. A former soldier in David Madsen.

Now with a misunderstanding, mustachioed adult figure in her life, Chloe felt trapped. Her grades went down the toilet, and so did her attitude. This combination gets her booted from prestigious Blackwell Acadamy. But on her way out, someone unexpected came into her life. A charismatic, straight A student named Rachel Amber.

Some things say the same, however. Rachel learns that there are secrets within her own family. Both teenagers learn lessons of truth and trust as Rachel learns that her mother is not truly her mother. Through Chloe, mother and daughter meet for the first time in a tearful moment. From then on, they form a untearable bond.

As with life, when we are at our happiest, that's when tragedy strikes. Sera unexpectedly relapses and dies after an accidental overdose.

Still, among the tragedy, there is hope for the future. Rachel's performance in the Tempest earns opportunities in the young girl's life. She starts a young career in modeling and stage acting, but still finds time for Chloe.

She mourns, but she's grateful to have such a great friend, and girlfriend by her side.

They have their problems, as all couples do. They even broke up for a short time, with Rachel having a short fling with Frank. Eventually they reconciled. After Rachel turned 18, the two had started living together. Chloe had started becoming a tattoo artist while Rachel makes her money through modeling. Rachel decides to enroll for a specialized program in Blackwell. This program allows graduating seniors to enroll for one more year in pursuit of the arts. A better art program, of course, is introduced. Spearheading the new art campaign, is the innovative, world famous photographer, Markus Jefferson.

Like most timelines, Markus is a charismatic and creative gentlemen with a knack for teaching and keeping in touch with the younger generation. He is mostly known for his excercise in "dark photography". He describes "dark photography" like this:

"Dark Photography is the anti-thesis of photography. When most people think of photography, they think of beauty. Whether it be landscapes, architectures, or people, the general population pictures (pun intended) photography by a standard of beauty.

My photography challenges this sentiment. What I do is, I try to capture the 'ugliest' parts of human life. Desperation, fragility, hopelessness and other human emotions that we try to ignore. I see a beauty in these emotions. I understand why some may worry that a majority of my models are female, but I find women are much more expressionable with their emotions. That being said, one of my favorite subjects was Dylan Brooks. Take what you believe."

Getting his start in as an editor of an art magazine, Markus became more widely known in his photographic work in blockbusters They Sleep, Swingset Stabbers, and Mark the Grave. This success helped push Markus to be named Peoples' 2011 Sexiest Man Alive. All this attention felt overbearing to the 37 year old photographer. He decided to lead a more private life. He reached out to Blackwell Acadamy, an institution he attended as a teenager, to be brought to their new photography program.

Unlike other timelines, Markus is entirely devoted to his work while keeping healthy and safe relationships with his students.. He arrives precisely at 6:30 a.m. and does not leave until 7-8 p.m. He is well known for keeping all his work at the school. In fact, the school renovated to suit his new Dark Room. He is also well known for a friendly, yet strictly professional approach.

He still does photography from time to time. He still shoots his "dark photography". However, he records all his sessions and sends them to the Board of Directors and Principal Wells to ensure that not only is the new rennovations and technology being put to good use, that every model brought to these shoots are enjoying a safe and stable working environment.

Recently, Markus has brought on an apprentice named Nathanial Prescott. Markus has gone on record in saying that, despite his mental health issues, that Nathan has a "gift" for "dark photography". He and Nathan safetly work with models to produce more "dark photography". Mixed with regular photography too.

In speaking of Nathan, his personality is mostly similar across most timelines. Although, there is a major difference. When he was a freshman, Nathan unintentionally hurt his close friend, Samantha. From then on, he promised to get help. His relationship as a protege to Markus Jefferson has been nothing short of positive for the young man.

It took them a while, but they finally managed to get Rachel to be a model. It became a success.

After the school year, Rachel and Chloe want to move away. Preferably to New York, or even LA, but the two realize that after Rachel is done at Blackwell, there is nothing left for them in Arcadia Bay. Especially if Max was never coming back. She would be 18 by now…

Like all timelines, Max becomes inspired by Markus Jefferson. She enrolls in the Arcadia Bay Artist Outreach Program spearheaded by Markus. He actually hand picked Max to be a part of the program. She was given a full ride to participate, which, the shy hipster gratefully took.

Like most timelines, still, she avoided reuniting with Chloe. Mostly, this was due to guilt. But without a shooting to force her to reuinite and reconcile with Chloe, how did it happen?

On her first day, she met her two best Blackwell friends, Kate and Warren.

Kate is still the cute, church going girl. She's kind and sensitive with a good heart. In this timeline, there is no video to lead the girl down a depressing spell.

Strangely enough, the most consistent of all the timelines is Warren Graham. He is still a kind-hearted and good natured young man. While still socially awkward and still a nerd, he and Max foster a very close friendship very fast. Warren becomes aware of his feelings sooner rather than later, while Max remains mostly oblivious. Although, she finds herself trusting Warren with all her heart. She becomes protective of him and slowly becomes aware of her own growing feelings.

But certain developments stop her from coming into touch with those feelings. Rachel and Chloe had taken a late vacation over the summer and Rachel had gotten permission to start school a month late. One of her classes was Mr. Jefferson's class, for obvious reasons. During roll call, she heard the new student's name, Max Caulfield.

Rachel had not realized who it was right away, but the newbie seemed familiar. She introduced herself. After Max described she moved from Seattle, the puzzle pieces connected.

The next day, Chloe had found her former best friend and interrogated her. It took awhile, but eventually they reconcile. The three become fast friends, even if Max sometimes feels like a third-wheel.

Between homework, photography and friends, life had been pretty busy for the photography student. Too busy, in fact, to concentrate on any developing feelings.

Warren isn't as busy as her. Yeah, he's a straight A student, but most of his time is spent on video games, movies, and his chem set. Sometimes, he hangs out with Brooke, or Alyssa. More often then not, it's Brooke that gets his attention. Unlike other timelines, he was too shy to admit his developing feelings for Max.

Recently Max introduced him and Kate to her other friends, Chloe and Rachel. They both thought they were pretty punk rock and they enjoyed hanging out with them at their apartment. But Warren envied Chloe and Rachel's ease with each other. Kate asked them how they got together, and Warren wished he had the courage to speak up like Chloe did in the junkyard. Strangely enough, during their story, Max refused to look at him.

As if time ran like the Flash on steroids, Christmas was vastly approaching. Kate had aleady given Max and Warren their gifts before going back home to her parents, while Max's parents planned on coming down from Seattle to spend Christmas at Joyce and David's. Chloe and Rachel as well of course.

Warren planned to go back home as well. His family lived three towns over, and he managed to convince his folks to let him stay at Blackwell til the morning of Christmas Day. He would stay at home until they returned in January.

The reason for staying? He wanted to give his gift to Max personally. They were planning on her coming to his dorm room so they could exchange and maybe watch some movies. It had been some time, especially since they had to study for finals, that they had hung out alone. Both of them were looking forward to this occasion, for more than one reason.

So on Christmas Eve, this is where our story begins...