I've been busy watching RWBY Volume 5, Overlord season 2, the Ancient Magus Bride, and studying for Finals. Sorry not sorry for the wait.

Just a note to clear some things up. Abaddon is aware that he is in love with Shalltear, but not sure about how she feels as he doesn't know her well enough yet. She is aware of some attraction and thinks he's pretty hot, but also still is torn and loves Ainz as well. This is a soul-bond story, meaning they are destined to be together, and eventually will gain bonuses or something from it when they actually date and stuff (I'm working on it). I refer to Abaddon as both his names, changing depending on the POV if necessary. Also Sebas is one of the few inhabitants of Nazarick with positive Karma and is kind to those who deserve it regardless of race.

I hope my writing is clear enough and you enjoyed this chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing besides ideas. I wish I owned something. Oh wait, I do: my dignity (not), anime stuff, a phone, and some money.

"Baka baka!"

[Spell/Ability Name]

'This is your conscience speaking. It's been a while.'

Abaddon yawned tiredly as he padded into the Staff area of Nazarick. He had stayed up later the night before practicing changing between his human and full demon forms. He could stay human for a few hours at most, but it felt weird and unnatural, due to his mind being one of a demon.

After an hour and a half he felt he was going to go insane if he stayed in his human form and changed back. His full demon form put stress on him, and he could hold it for twenty minutes at most, definitely less when injured or fighting. According to Intelligence, his abilities were stronger by 25% when in that form. The reason he couldn't hold his full demon form yet was that his muscles weren't used to the physical strain or something like that. His half form could be held indefinitely, and was the most comfortable. He also found there was someone new in his mind...

-Flashback Start-

Abaddon delved into his mind, landing upon the volcanic island that was his mind. On a visual level, it looked the same at first glance, but if one looked closer they would notice the lava was spreading, burning down a new tree every now and then.

"Intelligence! I need a report of my mind and everything that has changed." Intelligence ran up, his appearance having changed as well, now wearing a lab coat and some horn-rimmed glasses. "Well sir, as a status report, there have been some new mental creatures that have been created to defend, among those most are demons, with some being more intelligent and leading the others. Your mind has strengthened admirably, most likely due to the change into being a demon. Side effects of the change to your body may be anything from simply your physical appearance and spells, but it goes much beyond that I'm afraid. Signs of mental change have appeared, with your aggression rising as well as your Instincts."

Abaddon frowned. "How would that affect my actions?"

Intelligence sighed. "It already has. Your personality has adjusted already, but not by much. It's changing so subtly that it wouldn't be noticed if I wasn't cataloging it. For example my appearance has changed, and we are more of a company in the sense that we report to you as in a hierarchy. You will rise to challenges more and be overly protective, much like a pack animal. Your intelligence is not affected negatively, obviously I would be impaired if that was so, if anything, I have been improved. We can handle more tasks than normal and we are more cunning. The only factors that may worry you are your lack of compassion is increasing, or more specifically you won't mind about suffering of lesser people or maybe you will enjoy punishing people for their actions, such as torture." Intelligence waved around some sheets of paper and pushed up his glasses. "It's simply anything beyond what we have read or has been documented in our world."

"So we will simply have to wait and see." Abaddon sighed.

"Also... youwillbemuchmoresexuallyactive." Intelligence quickly said.

"Pardon?" Abaddon frowned. "Did I hear you say what I think you said?"

Intelligence nodded. "Yes, you will be more sexually oriented. Your pack mentality also includes finding a mate. You won't have any time limit or some event if you don't mate but you're already psychologically geared in that direction. We also have some flushed out love potions recorded. They were unnoticeable before, but now that they're gone we noticed them. We think they were directed towards-"

"Ginny Weasley, I assume?" Abaddon cut him off.

"Yes, unfortunately. You simply can't do anything about the potions unless we find ourselves back in the Wizarding world. Frankly, you are completely against returning there. This world is great, and you are supported by a large amount of powerful people already, even if you already have some enemies.

"Well, there is one more thing... There is a new aspect in the mind. We have tried to hold him back, but as he is a new part of you, we couldn't keep him sedated much longer. It wasn't worth keeping him controlled when you have become accustomed to relying on him more and more."

Abaddon turned sharply and stared. "Who?"

The gates to the fortress opened. A pair of imps walked forward with what appeared to be a version of Abaddon in his full demonic form. He wore a leather jacket and jeans, and contacts rather than glasses. He seemed to have a tough aura around him, and a blade by his side.

"So I have the human side of me and the demonic side of me, Intelligence and... is your name Rage?" Abaddon asked.

The demonic version shrugged. "Close enough, Boss. I'm Instinct, but I tend to be more in control of your rage and other emotions than this poser over here. He's a wimp."

Abaddon chuckled at Intelligence's outraged look. "Well, welcome to the mind. I suppose you two will be alternating control over the situation when necessary?"

"Only when you are angry or focused, otherwise we are really just suggesting actions. Like the angel and the devil on your shoulders." Instinct explained.

"Sweet. What's that?" Abaddon nodded at the sword on Instinct's hip.

Intelligence spoke up. "That's a prototype weapon that's been in progress with runes. I've noticed that everyone here is nearly 10 times more powerful, easily. We need a way to counter them. I already have begun working on the idea for runic inscriptions that will-

"He's makin' me a BUNCH of badass weapons and things that go boom!" Instinct cried out excitedly, cutting off the intellectual aspect.

"Well, that's an easier way to put it." Intelligence sniffed snidely as he pushed up his glasses.

Abaddon nodded. "Well, I'll leave it to you. Let me know if anything bad happens or something of note, I've got to get to bed before it gets too late.

-Flashback End-

For his first day, he would be helping the servants around Nazarick to get used to the layout, and so as to not get lost. Abaddon was happy with the decision, especially when he heard there was a kitchen. Ever since he stumbled upon the kitchens at Hogwarts during a pranking run, Abaddon had gone down there to cook every day, although most of the House Elves thought it was 'unnatural' for a Wizard to be doing such menial tasks. Although Hogwarts food was fantastic, it was Abaddon's personal opinion that it tasted better when he made it himself. So bringing his now shrunken trunk with him, he pushed open the doors to the kitchen.


Abaddon/Sous-Chef POV

Sous-chef stared at the Demon who walked in. According to the rumors, this had to be Abaddon, the newest resident of Nazarick. From his appearance, he didn't seem to be very strong, and something about him seemed off, but it was impolite to say anything, especially with his previous experience with Shalltear and her Napoleonic-Chest complex.

"Ah, hello? I was told there was food here?" Abaddon asked the mushroom-headed man. Sous-chef sighed to himself. It seemed the new arrival was an ill-mannered hooligan, with food at the front of his mind.

"Yes, this is the bar. Would you like anything?" Sous-chef said politely. Abaddon's emerald green eyes glinted cheerfully.

"Yes, I was wondering if I could use the kitchen to cook here?" he asked. If Sous-chef had an eyebrow, he would have raised both of them. This... demon wanted to waltz in and use the kitchen? That was new. Well, it wouldn't hurt to see how skilled the newcomer was.

"Are you experienced in cooking?" Sous-chef asked.

Abaddon grinned. After cooking for years to the Dursley's extremely high standards, and practicing in Hogwarts with the elves, he was quite skilled. "I can say with great confidence that I can cook to your standards." The demon reached into the collar of his robe, pulling out something on a chain. He placed it on the counter, and tapped it twice. The object grew into a decent sized trunk, but nowhere near large enough to have cooking utensils inside-

To Sous-chef's surprise, Abaddon reached into the trunk, his arm going in farther than it should be possible. He eyed the young Demon in a new light when he considered how expensive it must have been, even for someone in Nazarick, to get ahold of an expansion enchantment that powerful. Such magic was usually saved for expensive bags of holding, something only the Supreme Beings had use of as the Guardians rarely left Nazarick.

Out of yet another pocket within the trunk came sausages, eggs, and a mix for pancakes, all somehow still cool and preserved. And from a third pocket, a white apron which was tied around Abaddon's waist, just under his wings. To his ever growing surprise, Abaddon was quite adept at cooking, nearly on par with the level of the maids and Sous-chef himself. All the delicious smells and sounds of cooking attracted Eclair Ecleir Eicler, who sat down to watch for a short time and compliment Abaddon before continuing on his way.

The only mistake that happened was when Abaddon turned and his wings clipped a pan, which fell. His tail instinctively shot up and caught the burning hot pan without spilling anything. His scales easily preventing any burning at all, he placed the pan back upon the fire, and finished up the other pan. With a final satisfied clank, he turned off the stove and put the bacon onto the plate. After cooking for the Dursley's and with the House Elves (for essentially his entire life), Abaddon was very advanced at cooking. Some might even say near Master Chef level.

Once he was done, someone from the doorway began clapping. They looked up to see Sebas standing there with a small grin on his usually stoic face.


Abaddon/Sebas POV

"I see you found your way here quite easily." Sebas said with a smile as he entered the bar. It made him happy to see the guest making himself at home in Nazarick, and his skill in cooking was a major plus as well. It had worried Sebas that perhaps Abaddon wouldn't fit in too well, but that appeared to not be the case.

"Oh, hello. Are you Sebas Tian?" Abaddon said cheerfully. Sebas nodded. "Wonderful! I would shake your hand, but let me clean up first." Abaddon put the pans and used plates into the sink as he chewed on a piece of bacon. Casting a quick wandless scourgify, he had them cleabed in seconds. He frowned when the simple household spell used more magic than he thought it would.

(Intelligence let him know that his half demon form could not properly use his wizarding magic, and only the simplest wandless spells would work. Intelligence also let Abaddon know that it was busy drawing up a way to properly use Wizarding Magic as a demon.)

Using a small hovering charm, he moved them back into his trunk, closed it, and shrunk it down. He slipped the necklace that the shrunk trunk was on over his neck and tapped it to activate security and anti theft charms.

He walked up to Sebas, who was clearly surprised by the unusual magic.

"Hi! My name is Abaddon. It's nice to meet you!" He held out his hand to the butler. Sebas nodded and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Abaddon. If you would follow me, I will be guiding you through Nazarick so you will know your way around." Sebas turned and began walking out of the bar.

Abaddon turned around and waved at Sous-chef. "Is it fine if I come by every now and then to cook?" He called.

Sous-chef seemed to smile a little. "Of course."


Abaddon/Sebas POV

"Hey Sebas?" Abaddon asked.

"Yes Abaddon?" he replied calmly.

"Why do you seem to be a lot nicer than most of the others in Nazarick?"

Sebas went silent, considering how to answer such a question. After a few moments he responded.

"All of us were created by the Supreme Beings with a purpose, a higher meaning."

Abaddon frowned in confusion. "What are these supreme beings? Gods or something?"

Sebas shook his head. "No, they were far greater than that. They had the power to slay Gods, and used the remains from their battles to create even stronger weapons. The 41 Supreme beings came from another world, creating us and Nazarick to fulfill their wishes. Unfortunately, they all left this world, and our Lord Ainz is the only one who has remained. Thus, we strive to keep him safe in any way we can. As they were the strongest, we have been made in their image. Therefore anyone who is not made from the Supreme Beings is weaker than us."

Abaddon sighed. "I suppose this gives them a superiority complex, just because they think they are better?" he said, recalling the Purebloods' point of view from home.

"No. It is not a matter of thinking they are better, like many of the foolish leaders of the lands, but it is a fact. Even against an invading force of 15 hundred attackers from across the lands, they were unable to take Nazarick. They were even stopped before they reached the Throne Room." He stared off into the distance as he recalled the fight.

"Wow..." Abaddon said aloud. 'That's more than half of Wizarding Britain, and there are less than 10 floor Guardians. But that also means I could eventually become as strong as them now that I am a demon.'

"To answer your original question, my creator Touch Me, created me with a great sense of justice, so I feel it is right for everyone to be given a chance, if they so deserve it. However... some of my peers feel that all beings should be treated just as well as they are powerful. To them, all humans, not just the poor and disabled are weak, simply because they come nowhere near their level. Although you are not human, you still were not made by the Supreme Beings."

Abaddon tilted his head. "But you're human, right?" he said curiously.

"No, just because something looks like something does not mean it is. I am a Dragonoid, and one of the strongest beings within Nazarick."

Abaddon grinned. "Cool! I'm a Draconic Demon, so I guess we're both somewhat dragon! that's pretty cool."

Sebas smiled at the enthusiasm that seemed to pour from the Demon. 'How does this boy seem to always find something positive? It reminds me of Lord Touch Me-sama in a strange way.'

General POV Change

"Ah, we have arrived at the staircase." Sebas noted. "We are currently on the 9th floor, the Royal Suite, where the living spaces for guild members or visitors are located. Various amenities, such as large communal baths, a bar, lounge, general store, boutique, nail art shop etc, exist on the 9th Floor as well. This staircase leads down to the 8th floor, the Wilderness Floor." They began moving up to the 8th floor. "Victim is one of the inhabitants here, but they do not like to be interrupted often, and you will not be working under them in the near future. We will be merely passing through. As you do not have the permission, nor the proper ability to teleport around Nazarick, we will be walking all thr way through Nazarick, and once we arrive at the end we will take the Gate spell back."

The end of the staircase opened to a large desert field, and what seemed to be an artificial sky, which was in reality a disguised ceiling. They trekked quickly across the sandy plains without reaching anyone. They reached the other side rather shortly, about ten minutes later. Abaddon was amazed at how big each floor was. They were each practically the size of the Hogwarts Grounds. The staircase was made of a different material, matching the sandy ground of the 9th floor, and gradually changing to match the 8th.

"This is the 8th floor, the Lava floor. Demiurge is in charge of this floor, and it is guarded by his minions." In the distance there were many small figures, swimming in the lave or flying. Many carried different objects, but were too small to make out. The air was hot, and had Abaddon still been the weak human he had been before, he would probably die rapidly from the heat. (Intelligence noted that he was referring to his past self as weak, but Abaddon ignored him.) If he was being honest, the heat was like room temperature to him. Minor demons passed by, eyeing Abaddon curiously but overall ignoring him.

As they passed through, a group of demons approached them. "Ah, the Evil Lords. But that means..." Sebas began. The demons approached, and Sebas shifted back nervously. "These are Demiurge's second-in-command, the Evil Lords. They are his bodyguards, and each can summon an army of demons once a day."

Abaddon whistled. "Damn. I wonder if I could become that strong?"

Sebas tilted his head. "I believe you could, with training, but you do not seem like the type to be a summoner."

Abaddon shrugged, turning his attention to the demons. Each Evil Lord was unique, and Abaddon felt them give off a wave of power, near the level of the Guardians, yet felt less controlled, more primal. The demons parted as they got near, revealing Demiurge in the center of the formation. The demon guardian strode out from the group, smiling at the at the duo.

"Ah, Sebas, it is quite unusual to see you here. Are you showing around the new... arrival?" Demiurge seemed to constantly have a smile on his face, but it was clearly more than a little forced as he referred to Abaddon.

Sebas nodded, an unidentifiable emotion flitting in his stoic gaze. "Yes, it is as Lord Ainz wills it. Abaddon is assigned to me today, as you know. He will be with you eventually."

Demiurge sneered. "Of course, it would be a shame if something were to happen to him, hmm?"

Abaddon growled at the blatant threat. "You think you're so strong that you could threaten someone just because you dislike them, huh?"

Demiurge, raised an eyebrow. "Please, you aren't near my level. I don't know what kind of demon you are, but you aren't that ruthless at all. It's like you're human. You should drop those emotions before they get you killed. Any demon who isn't ruthless must be a freak."

Abaddon stilled at the final word as it echoed within him. (Intelligence moved forward to placate Abaddon, but Instinct shoved him aside and cracked his knuckles. "What did he just call us?" Instinct growled shakily.) He could hear the Dursley's voices in the background as if they stood behind him.

'You freak, you don't deserve the effort. You're a waste of space. You deserve this for being such a freak.' Abaddon felt pure hate begin building up, and he began slowly drifting towards his demonic form. Scales began shifting and spreading as well as his eyes slitting and the red ring within them growing.

Abaddon snarled. "Don't you call me that. You are a disgusting person. I am sorry I share the same race as you if it makes us this cold-hearted."

Demiurge's hands twitched, and the Evil Lords growled, the lead two reaching for their weapons. "I am made how the Supreme Beings wished me to be, cunning and determined. I care not for those of weaker strength and less value. How dare you insinuate that I was not made as well as they wished me to be."

Abaddon grinned, his scales growing upwards more, and flames appearing around him. "I bet I could be a match for you. It might even be fun." he said, his voice deepening and growling.

Sebas moved forward. "Please, it would not be right to fight, especially with the power difference-"

"Please, if the whelp wishes to have combat, that's fine. Ainz-sama or any decent magic caster could ensure he doesn't die in combat." Demiurge sneered.

(Instinct growled from within the mind, stalking angrily back and forth by the volcano. "This guy dares challenge us? Let's kick his ass!"

Intelligence frowned, and put in his own input. "I think we should wait until we get stronger. He is one of the strongest beings here. He would probably destroy us in one blow." After shuffling some papers and scribbling some notes Intelligence grinned. "But I have a few tricks we can use for a fight if we do go through with this. We will need preparation though.")

"I'd be happy to show you just how powerful I am." Abaddon said, grinding his fangs together, tail flicking from side to side.

Demiurge bowed. "As I am gracious, and I want a decent fight before I crush you, I will allow you a two week preparatory period after you have worked under each of the Floor Guardians, so as to not interfere with Ainz-sama's instructions." Demiurge's cold facade was still in place, but his emotions showed in his tail, which was practically shaking like a rattlesnake's.

"I'm looking forward to it." With that, Abaddon turned on Demiurge, effectively ending the conversation and not letting Demiurge continue. Sebas sighed, clearly recognizing he was unable to change either side's minds, and followed Abaddon towards the exit. Demiurge smiled at their backs and strode silently away with his guards in the other direction to return to whatever he was doing.

As they approached the opening to the next floor, they were both silent. Sebas broke the quiet and murmured "That was unwise. My Lord will most likely not be happy with this."

Abaddon exhaled heavily. "What could I do? He was insulting me and called be a freak." he snarled the word. "I couldn't just back down, that would show weakness and insult my pride and reputation."

'I guess this is going to happen more often now that I'm a demon.' he thought glumly.

"Do you have a way of actually being able to beat Demiurge?" Sebas said in disbelief.

Abaddon suddenly had a wicked grin. "I may have some ideas that could be useful. Do you have any suggestions?"

Sebas nodded. "I would suggest training with Cocytus in your free time, and also in the Arena with Aura and Mare. Demiurge would usually be of help in this situation with strategy, but seeing as you're fighting him, that isn't an option. Also..." Sebas looked uncomfortable. "I may be able to acquire some experience potions to increase your level or some items to increase how fast you grow."

Abaddon smiled at the old butler. "I'd appreciate it if you assisted in any way you could."

Sebas nodded, and they realized they arrived at the next staircase. The obsidian walls shifted to an earthen rocky soil as they ascended to the 6th floor.

"This floor is Jungle, and about 200 meters across. It was created by the Supreme Being known as Blue-Planet, who made a representation of the sky above, so we do not have to leave to see the beautiful sky. Abaddon looked up to see what appeared to be a real sunrise, but now that he looked closer he could make out the telltale signs of an illusion. A gentle breeze blew peacefully across his face, and he grinned at the peaceful scene.

Creatures scuttled by, birds and beasts alike, and the plants seemed to grow closer together the deeper they trekked through the jungle. A snapping plant similar to a Venus Flytrap snapped at Abaddon, and he quickly caught it and burned it easily. The rest of the carnivorous plants seemed to leave him alone after that.

As they entered the arena, which was in the center of the floor, Abaddon gaped at the size. The arena was large enough to hold a few Quidditch pitches, plus some extra room. He flinched as he recalled the Quidditch pitch as he had last seen it, covered in hedges. His memory continued unbidden to the portkey, then to Cedric's death. He shook off the emotion from that day, and focused on what Sebas was explaining.

"-where we can practice large spells without destroying anything of importance. And if Nazarick were to be invaded, and the invading force were strong enough to reach this far, the invaders would be forced to fight through the swarms of beasts Aura has under her control. The audience consists of golems made to simulate a crowd, and there is a VIP box for the members of Ainz Ooal Gown to watch at their leisure."

("It's a bit like gladiator matches in ancient Roman times." Intelligence explained to Abaddon. Instinct chattered about how cool it would be to watch a fight like that, or take part in one. "It'd be a great chance to show how strong we are." Abaddon found himself agreeing with Instinct, rather than being disgusted by the idea of fighting to the death for the pleasure of others.)

Aura was nowhere to be seen, but Mare was outside the arena using magic to grow plants.

"O-Oh, hello..." Mare said shyly to Abaddon and Sebas. The dark elf boy bowed as the pair approached him. "Is there something y-you need?"

Sebas shook his head. "I am simply giving Abaddon here a tour of Nazarick."

"Oh, t-that's fine." Mare murmured. Abaddon snapped his fingers as he remembered something.

"Ah, Mare!" Abaddon said excitedly. "I have something for you to do."

Mare jumped at the mention of his name. "Y-yes sir..."

Abaddon waved at the honorific and frowned. "Just call me Abaddon. I was wondering if you could see if some plants I have would grow here properly? They're from a... far away place and I want to see if they will grow in this soil. Your magic may effect them negatively, so I would test growing them with and without magic first." As he spoke Abaddon was pulling out his trunk, expanding it, and going through piles of bags searching for something. He pulled out a green bag with a sound of triumph.

"This is my bag of holding where I store all my important seed pods. There are only a few of each within, but that should be fine if you're careful."

Mare nodded excitedly and bowed when the bag was handed over. "I will do my best si- I m-mean Abaddon!"

Abaddon chuckled at the dark elf. "Don't worry about it, I trust you with that."

Sebas gestured for them to move on, and they left the arena and moved towards the next floor.

The walls went from earthen brown to a crystal blue, and translucent. The temperature plummeted and Abaddon winced as he began shivering. Abaddon raised his body temperature to stave off the discomfort the cold brought. 'I guess cold is my weakness... that sucks.'

They entered an open plain, the ground covered with snow as far as the eye could see, the other end of the floor blending with the walls, making it hard to judge how far across the area is. "This is the 5th floor, the Glacier zone. It used to have slowing and cold damage effects for invaders but the cost of running the effect was too much to keep it on when unnecessary. Cocytus lives here as well as Neuronist Painkill and Nigredo. I would highly recommend not interacting with either of them at the current time, as they are quite dangerous and don't like visitors." Sebas pointed to a frozen cottage house when he spoke of the two other beings. "Cocytus lives in the Snowball Earth, which is the large dome over there." A huge dome towered in the distance, made of interlocking hexagons, like an overturned vespiary or a golf ball embedded in the earth.

"Good to know." Abaddon shivered slightly, the cold having become present enough to weaken him physically. He managed to cast a warming charm on himself, but it was quite weak and only staved off some cold. His flames were also weakening, so he created a Fireball in one hand to warm himself. "Can we hurry up in this room?" Abaddon chattered as his breath was showing up in the air. Sebas noticed the issues he was having with the cold and nodded.

They progressed more rapidly after that, and entered the next floor. The air was warmer, but was still chilly. The source became clear when they caught sight of an underground lake. The room itself was very small relative to the others, and it would take less than a minute to cross it. An enormous pile of stone, probably around 20 tons of weight, took up a quarter of the room.

"This is the Underground lake. Gargantua resides here, but as it is a golem, it has no personality or will, and simply waits here until needed for combat.

Abaddon sighed in relief when the temperature began noticeably rising. "This is better. We must be nearing the end then, since you said there were 10 floors plus a Treasury somewhere."

Sebas nodded a confirmation. "There are three floors left, but they are under the control of Shalltear Bloodfallen, and are all the same zone type. The area is the catacombs, and this is where our large armies of lesser undead are summoned from. Kyouhukou lives here in the Black Capsule, but almost never leaves his abode."

They approached a derelict bridge, and Abaddon was nervous about crossing it due to the state of disrepair it was in. "Is this safe?" he asked.

"It is not possible to fall if you are an inhabitant of Nazarick, but any invaders will have a high chance of being disrupted and lose their balance."

Despite the reassurance, Abaddon spread his wings and used them for extra balance as he crossed the chasm.

The path went by an abandoned citadel, and they pushed by a dense group of meandering skeletons. There were so many side passages that it was amazing that Sebas wasn't getting lost.

They were approaching an open room when a voice spoke up. "I thought I heard someone passing through!" A voice said from behind them.

(Shalltear POV Added)

Abaddon turned and blushed when he saw Shalltear standing in the hall with two maids by her sides. The maids had red eyes, with black sclera, and very pale skin.

"Ah, Lady Shalltear, it is nice to see you as well. How are you doing?" Sebas inquired kindly.

Shalltear tilted her head. "Well, I suppose. I'm more interested in the young demon I've heard so much about. Is it true there is some kind of competition between him and Demiurge?" Abaddon blushed when he heard se was interested in him. (Instinct wolf whistled. "So that's who I've heard about! She's quite a looker, Boss!" Abaddon glared at Instinct and moved his attention back to Shalltear)

Sebas shook his head in exasperation. "If you must know, why not ask him?"

Shalltear suddenly was aware of the demon form behind Sebas, and was surprised that he had avoided her notice, as well as her Vampire Brides' perception.

Abaddon stepped forward, bowing. "It is wonderful to officially meet you, Miss Shalltear." He focused on putting forward all of the Pureblood training he had read about and seen from Malfoy, minus the snobbishness of course.

She blinked in surprise, and pursed her lips. The intoxicating feel of his magic swirled in the air, and she felt much more comfortable. This time she was prepared for it though, and pushed past the feelings it created. "My how nice to finally meet the one everyone's been talking about. So is it true that you challenged Demiurge?" she asked.

Abaddon nodded sheepishly. "Well, Demiurge was insulting and threatening me, and insulted me more than is seen as acceptable in modern society, so I challenged him."

Shalltear tilted her head at the phrase 'modern society', but ignored it. She stared at Abaddon, mentally arguing with herself on how to respond. In the end she chose a neutral response. "Well, no matter the outcome, it will be good entertainment. Your power difference is quite large, and my honest opinion is that someone as weak as you cannot beat Demiurge." Shalltear advised. Then she felt bad that she may have insulted the young demon. "Good luck." she blurted out, and turned away before her heart could betray her any more.

'What the hell was that Shalltear?' she scolded herself. 'Don't be nice! He is weaker, and therefore not of consequence. Yous still love Lord Ainz. Ignore him, despite his beautiful eyes... and smile... and-' she pinched herself before that thought trail continued. 'It's like this feeling of him grows stronger the more I fight it. I must research this. Perhaps Albedo could assist me?' She sighed and turned her attention back to her duties as a Floor Guardian.

(Returning to Abaddon/Sebas POV)

She sashayed away down the hall. Abaddon gaped after her. "That was rude."

"I'm surprised, she's usually much less polite when meeting a new inhabitant of Nazarick, especially someone as weak as you. No offense meant, but she simply sees you as weak." Sebas observed calmly.

"You mean she's rude to everyone because they're weaker?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"Well, this just gives me a reason to beat Demiurge even more!" Abaddon cried.

"What do you mean?" Sebas inquired.

"She wanted entertainment? Well she'll get it when I smack Demiurge into the ground!" he whooped. "I can show how strong I am! Plus, if I win, then she'll see me as an equal! Sebas, I need some assistance in preparing."

Sebas looked the young teen up and down, then nodded at what he saw. "You truly believe you can beat him?"

Abaddon nodded frantically.

"Well, it would be amusing to see Demiurge lose. I give you my full support. Is there anything you need? I can get your resources you need, within reason."

Abaddon turned to Sebas thoughtfully. "What's the strongest material you have, and can you get it for me?"

Sebas nodded. 'This is going to be interesting.'


Abaddon POV

Abaddon pored over his notes, erasing sections of the writing with a tap, and using a dicta quill from his trunk to correct the errors. He was talking with Intelligence while eating another meal Sous-chef made for him. Instinct was in his mindscape putting in ideas for new weapons and mostly fantasizing about fighting Demiurge. Upon making a to-do list, there were two very large issues he had to fix before he could consider heading back to the wizarding world (If he even wanted to), as well as fighting Demiurge.

Firstly, upon becoming a Demon, Abaddon found he could no longer use a wand properly, and if he were to try, it would be much less effective than his new magic.

Using his knowledge in runes, Abaddon had also sketched a blueprint of a runic tattoo that could help solve the issue with his magic. The idea was to have an artificial magical core made with runes, and the tattoo would convert spare New World magic (That's what he called the magic that the Guardians used) into Wizarding World magic for him to power Wizarding spells with.

Secondly, he was fully aware of a major level difference between the inhabitants of Nazarick and him, so he was making armor. More specifically a set of wristband/gauntlets which would drain his magic/mana slightly over time, not enough to be a danger at all, but just to power the runes constantly.

The runes, which would have to be a millimeter wide each, would encompass the gauntlet/wristbands completely and assist him in combat greatly. It would put a shield to protect against magic over his body (the shield could be broken, and would repair over time as it charged with his magic), it would also make it so every single individual scale on his body would have an invisible unbreakable rune on it. Forever. (Intelligence thought it may be a bit much, but it was worth it if it would help him win the fight.)

A final runic marking would make the previous runes impossible to edit or destroy without his permission, and also invisible so his opponents wouldn't know about it. Of course, he could still be injured if the attack was strong enough, it just wouldn't make contact at first because of the shield, then it would hit but not brake his scales/skin, and then he would actually be able to take damage once the runes ran out of magic/mana. The impact could cause internal damage perhaps from a shockwave, but no bleeding or open wounds. Intelligence also ran by a few ideas they had sketched out and were planning on working on more like an Exp draining sword or a supernova bomb/spell using arithmancy. He edited the notes for a while longer. It was much later that he actually relaxed and nearly fell asleep at the table. He sat up to keep himself awake for a little longer, and glanced at the room.

"I guess this is my home now. It's quite nice..." he murmured. Then he chuckled and pulled out a sheet of parchment. "I guess since I have a new identity. I should write a will of my last life or something and send it to Dumbledore when I get the chance. He'd get a kick out of that. It'd be something like... 'I Harry James Potter hereby give all my possessions of this world to Abaddon Noire, as well as the title of heir and all properties and rights that accompany the status.'" He smirked as he wrote it down and signed it with a flourish of his old name. He moved to put away his parchment stack and winced as a splinter from the table caught in his finger. "Owwww... Goddamn it." he muttered.

He moved to pull the piece of wood out and did so easily, but not before a drop of blood fell and hit the "Will". The blood soaked in and the paper glowed slightly. Abaddon was too busy putting away the rest of his parchment to notice.

He fell onto the large bed and was asleep in moments.

Gringott's Reaction to The Will (A Sorta-Omake)

Griphook stared at the listing of the accounts in Gringotts and blinked owlishly at the Potter Crest upon a notice that had arrived. 'I'm not qualified to handle this.' he thought. He handed it to the shift worker for the day.

The shift worker of the day didn't even bother reading halfway through the note before sighing. 'I'm not qualified to handle this.' he thought. He gave the note to his supervisor, the head of the front desk.

The head of the front desk stared at the message that was send with the listings. 'I'm not qualified to handle this.' he thought. He sent it through the mail chutes to the secretary of the head of the bank.

Ragnok's secretary paled as he saw the update from the head of the front desk. 'I'm not qualified to handle this.' he thought. He patched it through to Ragnok, the owner of this Gringotts branch, with a Chieftain level clearance.

Ragnok eyed the document with hesitation when he saw the bright purple stamp signifying the priority level of the message. He shakily opened the note and read it. He coughed, the shock clearly impacting him. 'This isn't good.' he thought, peeling back the Potter Crest of the document. He glanced at the title.

The Will of Harry James Potter, bestowing all of his worldly possessions to Abaddon Noire. (Proven by Blood)

"Shit." Ragnok uttered, and promptly passed out.

Next chapter:
Day 2: Albedo asks a lot of questions, some of which are a too inquisitive...

Omake: Intelligence's Notes (Day 1-3)
(All dates are referring to after the transformation into a Demon, and these are mental days, slightly shorter than normal days my around 8 hours due to the mental speed being faster than the real world's time. This journal will be continued every few days.)

Day 0: Impact. As of our return to full consciousness, the mind was falling apart. White void was consuming large chunks of the mindscape and leaving us with very little land. We were practically consumed, until Ainz Ooal Gown arrived and assisted. We go by Abaddon now.

Day 1: The island has changed drastically. Major notes are:
-The Volcano exploded, causing a devastating earthquake in the mind. Damages have been tallied to possible damaged memories, as well as a changed psychi. Investigation sill in progress.
-The resulting magma has flowed over the toxic waste that was flowing from that hole in the rocks, and has sealed it up. Any attempt to remove the cooled magma has failed. It is confirmed the hole cannot be opened again from either side.
-A fortress has appeared around where the cave that stored the memories was. The cave is still there, but now a towering fortress of obsidian and dark marble is covering it. A few minor demons as well as trolls and goblins have arrived and are living in a lair within the dungeon. This is a sign of the mind becoming much stronger to be able to support such a large diversity of entities at this rate.

Day 2: The goblins have begun organizing and categorizing the memories we have, and repaired a large amount of damaged ones from the mind implosion two days ago. The imps and demon spawn have begun patrolling and collecting food in the natural forest around the fortress. One minor demon, the ones in charge of the other mental creatures, has built a station to monitor... something. I can only assume it has to do with our new Demon side. It worries me that we don't fully know everything about the new aspects of our mind. Speaking of which, a new personality has formed. He appears to be primal instinct, and is constantly exploring the fortress and proclaiming everything as his own. It appears to function with pack mentality, much like a wolf or dog. This should make the mind much more aggressive and likely to defend itself. I cannot see anything good happening from interacting with Demiurge, as he is also a demon whose territory we have been encroaching on.

Day 3: Instinct has been sedated, as I have been trying to prevent Abaddon from lashing out, but he is becoming more aware ind influential as Abaddon become accustomed to his demon form.
-It appears Instinct should have been given a leash, or some other device to measure his control. It seems he convinced Abaddon to challenge the authority of the Demon, Demiurge, who is the alpha here. I have also worked on new runic ideas that have been proven to work within the mindscape, but it will have to be tested in the field by Instinct and Abaddon himself later on to ensure we can hold our own against Demiurge.
-It also seems we are less caring about cruelty, and the emotional impact of the Tri-Wizard Tournament's finale has lessened, but is still a slight trigger for Abaddon. NOTE: The Dursley's have left a large mental crater in his memories, and Abaddon appears to be extremely antagonistic when said trigger word is used. The word will be left out of all future notes for posterity's sake and to be safe if Abaddon reads this. His response to it being mentioned is unknown, and any intruder into the mind could use it against us.
-For this reason these reports I am writing will be stored in a safe within the center of the volcano and can only be accessed by me or Abaddon. Instinct also wants to, quote, "Write some crap down". I have let him know he can make his own journal easily enough. He then decided to go and doodle beating up Demiurge on some spare paper I had and whine a bit. I hope his maturity will grow sooner than later.

It seems Abaddon still has his old talent for pissing off authority, and that a spoken will with accidental blood was enough to affect his will in Gringotts. I laughed when I imagined the Goblins trying to locate an Abaddon Noire in that world. Well now he has slightly over two weeks to prepare for his fight with Demiurge! You could say he is growing to be too OP, but so is EVERYONE in Overlord. So I need suggestions to assist in his growth so he can hold his own in a fight, maybe even win. (Just some hints, the wizarding spells can still affect the Floor Guardians, just slightly weaker, so a full-body bind would work, but last much less time. Potions too, but poisons are negated by their natural ability. All ideas will be considered.

A second note, if your read this far into the AN. If anyone wants to beta the story, just message me and let me know. It would be useful to have someone double check my Overlord facts and the characters' personalities. Also, I need assistance with the romance part of the story, as I have literally no experience flirting.

I want to write a story called "Darkest Dreamland" but I don't know what it should be about. Ideas? It can be a crossover or something, I just want an interesting prompt that comes to mind. I'll write it if I feel it would be worth my time.

(Sous-chef is like the Grillby of Nazarick. Aura could be sans, Mare could be Papyrus, or the other way around, and Ainz like Asgore. Hmm, that's an idea for a story.)