As we climb into bed, I smile at Donna.

"See," I tell her, "I knew your family wasn't that bad. That was really fun." She rolls her eyes at me.

"So are you wearing the fish sweater to work on Wednesday? "

" Heck, no. I'll put it on in the morning and wear it until we get to the airport though. Do you think Sean knows it's an ugly sweater?"

"I'm pretty sure he does. But that's part of what makes it funny. We'll never know for sure. And my parents definitely don't know."

"Your family is odd."

"That's what I'm saying."

"The kids liked their presents."

"Yes. They did. Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?"

" Because I wouldn't have been able to do that without you. I wouldn't have been able to afford it and I wouldn't have been brave enough to try it. They would have all been stuck with socks and underwear."

"Donnnna, please tell me you didn't get them socks and underwear last year."

She giggles. She got me again.

"So naughty." I tickle her ribs. I roll over on my side and smooth her hair off her face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired but I'm okay. I took some more drugs about an hour ago."

"So Coffee of the Month sounds promising."
"Yeah, but I was hoping for Wine."

"Well, maybe that wouldn't end up working anyway." I smile and trace her face with my fingertip. It sort of scares the crap out of me but I really do hope that she has to give up alcohol sometime in the next year.

"That's probably what my Mother is hoping."
"I don't care what our Mothers want. What about you?"

"Yeah. I think I'd like that." It seems like she's getting kind of drowsy. I run my finger across her eyebrows and she closes her eyes for a long minute.

Just when I think she's asleep, she opens them up again and says sleepily-



"Thanks for coming here with me."

"Any time."

"Let's go home."

