Crisis of Infinite Visions: A Wonder Woman Fanfiction Story

Episode 1:

Side Notes: If you haven't seen or read about my fanfictions The Power of Gods and Time After Time, please do before reading this fanfiction. It'll make more sense this way, because Time After Time is directly tied into this fanfiction season sequel to The Power of Gods.

For understanding this fanfiction's continuity, there are some more things to note.

There still isn't going to be anything New 52 comics related, because DC: Rebirth and Convergence after the year 2013 already wrapped up most anything New 52 away anyway(which is the year the fanfiction season story The Power of Gods is set in). So, no New 52 comics related animated movies, Rebirth, or Convergence will be in this fanfiction season sequel either.

There are moderate and big spoilers for the Crisis on Infinite Earths 12 issue comic book mini-series, and at the very least for several Wonder Woman movies, TV series, and/or video games(but it's not limited to them either).

It's not required. But, if you want to watch, read, or play about either of these things or more from DC Comics before you read this fanfiction...go right ahead.

In the Beginning of Everything... There was the Continuum Orb.

The possibilities of space-time from a single universe... The stars, every possible earth, and every Vision Hour to come... They were all monitored easily through this one orb.

But then Krona rebelled.

His spirit escaped in his new form as the potentially destructive Antimatter Universe...Billions of years later: When he was free from the Power Battery that was before ultimately his cell.

The multiverse was released into the cosmos that day: The day when the Continuum Orb shattered.

It wasn't supposed to be. Yet, from the light spectrum of chaos around the Purification of Sector 666... A multiverse of worlds vibrating and multiplying became to be: Billions of stars and planets out of the chaos in the Gaianetarium flames.

But, that was then.

Now in late 2013... Before the cosmos...

Worlds will live. Worlds will fall. And, the multiverse will never be the same.

On a random Earth...

A blinding bright white wall of light is coming for it.

It's already zapped through most of the solar system and the stars within. This parallel Earth is next.

And, while most everyone is indoors praying for a miracle... Not even the blackest of curtains can get them to look away from the burning antimatter light in their eyes.

They try to hide in storm shelters. They try eyedrops: Amazons and humans alike.

But, nothing works.

Nothing...but welcoming the deep sleep by closing their eyes and praying.

Millions cry. Millions try to laugh it off like a nightmare that'll just go away.

But... Floating in the bright white wall... There's a man in a cloak of very dark green.

From out from under the cloak... He has hints of medieval styled clothes of upper mostly pale green and black slit like lines down it.

His gauntlets are mostly black with rustic yellow, sparking with antimatter energy vibrating as a pained reminder of what's coming. His gold plated belt doesn't help much with reflecting away sparks either.

His hair has become very pale gray along with his fluctuating almost mortal body: Like a ghost that even the cosmos can't figure what age he is anymore.

His name is Pariah.

Teary eyed... Pariah rants out loud to himself, "don't you people understand there's no...hope...?! Or, they do. Even if I took away the glare of it...they would run. Sniffle! Attending as I have hundreds of worlds... Millions of years stolen without a single alternative not in cosmical loss... I understand all too well prayer is not enough. Sniffle! How much longer must we be forced to attend the destruction-rattle? How much longer...?!"

With his arms temporarily of a young man's... Pariah almost fires with his antimatter energy.

But, deep down... He knows he tried hundreds of times before: All ending in cosmic failure.

Tears fall from his face.

He raises both gauntlets over himself...trying to shield himself with antimatter energy to launch himself away.

Pariah rants out loud, "how much longer must I suffer for my sins...before I may be spared the witnessing of the destruction I have so blindly wrought? I'm disappearing again. Just let me go... Just let me...!"

And, as his antimatter shield fluctuates away... Pariah screams he vanishes before the antimatter wall closing in on him: Like hundreds of times before.

Synchronously, on a certain cruise ship...

Looking out to the sun... Diana sighs heavily, "the Tear Bubbles are gone. We're back to the good old days…yet it doesn't feel the same."

Etta somewhat uneasily figures, "join the club."

Then, from the sky, Lyla touches down on the deck.

She checks, "hello: I'm looking for…Wonder Woman."

When she touches down... It's clearer to tell now she has a dark red open faced medieval styled helmet on now.

She also now has a faintly glowing Green Lantern ring on her finger...oddly helping steady her landing with some green cosmic energy around her feet.

Diana assures her, "faint chuckle. It's okay, Lyla. They've both know for months."

Sounding awkward... Lyla realizes, "ohh. That's even better. Still, I'm sorry."

With a faint smile... Steve insists, "it's all right. It's been a hell of a year. What's important is we got out of it all right."

Etta and Diana very faintly smile.

Diana wonders uneasily, "so...why were you looking for me?"

Lyla concludes, "sorry.'d be clearer if I take you to the Monitor."

With a moderate groan... She doubles over a little.

Diana helps steady her.

Steve looks nervously unsure.

The United States forces have had more than enough battles with the gods and goddesses alongside Wonder Woman to last for a lifetime, and this just sounded like a new god was coming: Whether through Lyla or not.

With concern... Etta checks, "are you ok? Maybe we should call a doctor."

Clutching her head... Lyla insists, "yeah. I am okay. But...thank you. I'm running through so many regained memories... Moderate groan. It still hurts: Just trying to hold them. Too...much... Moderate groan. ...more to explain for me now."

Etta was already about to get up to find a doctor.

But, with Lyla's insistence... Etta just as quickly sits down again with a faint knowing smile.

Diana just says, "okay, Lyla. Let's go to the Monitor."

A shadowy portal opens up.

And soon...Diana and Lyla are walking through it.

Diana pauses a little, waving back to Etta and Steve.

Etta waves back. Steve faintly nods with a knowing smile, waving back a little.

Diana then steps through the shadowy portal.

It closes behind her.

A few mortal minutes later, on Earth-Three...

Gaianetarium flames are scorching through the metropolitan streets like burning hot lava.

And, the blindingly bright antimatter wall is coming from the Earth itself.

Crime Syndicate member Hal Jordan under the name of Power Ring, Crime Syndicate member Superwoman in her glowing mostly black spiritwear and matching spirit energy coursing tiara shielding her eyes, and Crime Syndicate member Superman under the name Ultraman have taken to the skies.

With Ultraman's wind breath blast, Power Ring's cosmic green energy crackling ring firing cosmic green nets, and Superwoman's spirit energy blade slashing back at the earth itself... They're very slowly pushing the Gaianetarium flames back.

Ultraman gloats, "see, Power Ring? We're doing it!"

Superwoman very faintly smirks.

But, then... Power Ring tells him, "nature's gone insane, Ultraman! I can't hold it. We're all going to be...!"

The antimatter wall breaks through...zapping all three of them in mortal minutes.

In a yellow lined mostly red and blue football player like battlesuit on a dark red rocket pack... There's a man by the name of Alexander Luthor flying overhead: Bald, wearing cosmic shielded sunglasses, and with a dark brown beard and mustache.

In total shock... He calls out, "the Crime Sydnicate?!"

Superwoman cries out defiantly, "Luthor! What do!"

She screams.

For, because of her closer proximity to the earth... She's the first to vanish before the antimatter wall closing in.

Sounding surprisingly calm... Ultraman concludes, "it's ironic we're trying to be heroes for once, Luthor. But...I'm fighting Heaven to the very...end...anyway!"

He flies right for the antimatter wall...a few mortal seconds before he suppresses himself from screaming from the antimatter wall closing in.

Power Ring calls out, "Ultraman...don't with...!"

He he too vanishes before the antimatter wall.

Alexander Luthor sharply turns back...barely outflying it as it is.

He realizes somberly, "gone: As if they never existed. Lord... Faint sniffle. Though we have battled time and time again... I never wanted them to be destroyed like that...or my world."

In the coming antimatter wall... Pariah cries out to him, "I mourn for this world and hundreds of others! Sniffle! I never sought to destroy any world: There's nothing I can do but cry!"

Alexander Luthor concludes, "thank you. But...that means it's over. Faint sniffle. And, if I'm to perish...let it be by the side of my wife."

He flies into his bright tan observatory for a home.

The silhouette of his crying baby vanishes soon after before the antimatter wall.

And, in mortal seconds... As the bright blinding light of the antimatter wall is closing in... The silhouettes of him and his wife blend together for the last time.

Meanwhile, on Earth-1197...

A blinding bright white antimatter wall is coming for it.

It's already zapped through most of the solar system and the stars within. This parallel Earth is next.

Statues commemorating Jor-El, Superman, Lex Luthor, and Lois Lane are swept away before the antimatter wall.

But, before they do... On all the plagues are the briefly seen words, "the bringers of justice against Krypton's tyranny".

Skyscrappers carved out of stone are many among the suburban houses below.

Lex Luthor's police force with mostly green and black striped battlesuits are projecting cosmic energy shields...only for them to in mortal seconds fluctuate and vanish along with the screaming men and women flying with them.

In this world, Krypton wasn't destroyed: Kryptonian forces were led by a uneasy alliance with Brainiac against several planets including Earth to ensure their own planet's survival and restock for their dangerously low food and water. This was all in exchange for letting Brainiac collect the knowledge of Kryptonians unopposed.

That is...until Lex Luthor mass produced his battlesuit to take them down for good: With help from the rebellious Kryptonians Jor-El and his son Kal-El buying Earth and several other planets enough time.

Lois Lane was the reporter who first saw the Kryptonian forces coming, and also the same reporter who convinced the countries of this Earth that Jor-El and Kal-El can help. But, Jor-El and Superman were lost in the battle.

In a mostly dark stone carved office with a brown desk... There's a private extra bedroom to the side: Shielded with dark grey cosmic radiation shielding bulkheads.

In his dark grey lined mostly purple and green battlesuit... A teary eyed Lex Luthor hugs a teary eyed Lois Lane. She hugs him back.

She wears a darkish blue sleeveless dress.

Earth-1197 Lex Luthor tells her, "there's little time now, my love. Faint sniffle. I'm sorry for being so powerless to..."

Earth-1197 Lois pulls away. But, she puts a comforting hand on his.

With a very faint smirk... Earth-1197 Lois insists, "'s all right. I'm not sorry: Because if I'm going to go away into blinding light, I'm going to go with you."

Earth-1197 Lex Luthor very faintly smiles back.

They pull closer to each other...when suddenly Earth-1197 Lois pauses.

She questions, "but what about Alexander? He's only a baby, and he hasn't even walked yet or seen what love is."

As she does... She's turning back to a dark reddish brown haired one year old boy in a light blue bundle of blankets in a mostly light red crib.

As the antimatter wall begins to shine in... Earth-1197 Lex Luthor pulls out a black remote.

He reveals, "I already have a plan in advance to protect him. Despite not getting to achieve our dream of bridging the vibrational gap between worlds towards worlds-wide peace... I have made sure he will survive."

And, with the press of a button on the remote... The baby crib's bars have metal full of crackling advanced circuitry folding out.

In mortal seconds...they come together to form a dark gray and blue lined mostly light red space capsule: Quickly vibrating at a different cosmic frequency.

It vanishes...mortal seconds before the antimatter wave can close in on it.

And, in those mortal seconds... As the bright blinding light of the antimatter wall is closing in... The silhouettes of Earth-1197 Lex Luthor and his wife blend together for the last time.

Synchronously, further out in space...

For the remodeled Guardians of the Universe's headquarters... The gold mostly IT-O Interrogator Imperial probe styled exterior is coursing with liquid like light and dark yellow shapeshifting tubes.

A super long viewscreen runs across the jet black circular wall...showing hundreds of dotted lines for vanished worlds and hundreds of world grids across the smaller TV like screens within.

Lifts in goldish yellow go sideways, up, and down: Patrolled by mostly yellow and bluish black bodiless bodysuits on energy legs.

On the center near flat dark yellow stadium platform... Some of the bodiless bodysuits pull out a foldable black couch for Lyla to lie down.

She faintly smiles with a moderate groan and some relief as she does.

With her eyes closed... Lyla tells the bodiless bodysuits, "thank you."

Diana has fairly quickly turned into Wonder Woman after she got here: Finding her Spiritwear, golden lasso, and other things for battle already brought up.

Wonder Woman groans uncomfortably, "what by the gods is burning this brightly?"

She's shutting her eyes against the near blinding glare of the shiny yellow all around her.

Amidst the glare of the shiny yellow... A shadow appears off to the side.

The shadow says, "here: Let me dim the lights for these cosmic tubes so you both may see better once more."

With the pull of a gold lever... The glare fades off.

Wonder Woman opens her eyes with mixed relief.

She adds, "thank you. I don't know you. But, I hope Lyla's okay."

The figure very faintly smiles.

The figure introduces himself, "my apologies, Diana. Let me properly introduce myself: I am The Monitor. A highly advanced spirit energy construct originally created by Gaia and Uranus to monitor the cosmos."

The Monitor has black sideburns and a matching beard, black side hairs on the sides of his head matching his sideburns, and a wire rake like haircut with matching hair on his otherwise mostly bald head. He wears a dark purple cape over a animated liquid like mostly bluish black bodysuit, shiny yellow gauntlets and boots, a glowing bright white X battle wear plate over his upper body, shiny yellow board shaped shoulder pads, and a glowing mostly bright white battle wear gown with a dark yellow spinning turbine like circle in the center.

Sounding impressed and nervous all at once... Wonder Woman says, "I'd say you are. I've never seen a spirit energy construct like you. But...have you been watching the Amazons while we're bathing too?"

The Monitor insists, "no: Nothing that invasive. Uneasy sigh. I shudder at the mere thought."

Sounding a little better... Wonder Woman adds, "thanks for your assurance."

The Monitor says, "you're welcome."

Turning to Lyla... He reminds, "when you get up, we all have a lot of cosmic work to do ahead."

With eyes still closed... Lyla divulges, "I remember again most of...moderate past life as Harbringer. You raised me when anyone else thought I was lost in the waters. I'll do as you ask as I have for many years. But... Moderate groan. Moderate sigh. Please don't push me Monitor."

Some flashes fly by...of Lyla as a baby in a sailing colony ship of stone and blue astral energy sails falling into the waters of a mostly ocean covered planet.

Space pirate ships of spikes and metal were firing at it.

Several Green Lanterns protecting it had tried to fight back against some Red Lanterns with wide cone astral beams of green. But, the space pirates's cosmic energy enhanced laser fast fire from their cannons was just coursing of overwhelming hate.

The Green Lanterns went down into the waters.

Lyla was coughing, struggling to breathe.

But, just as quickly... The Monitor opened up a orangish red portal...pulling her out just in time.


The Monitor concludes, "it's all right. I've foreseen when the time will come."

Lyla sighs with mixed relief.

Awkwardly... Wonder Woman goes, "okay. That's awkward."

The Monitor tries to assure, "that was not what I meant to do. Furthermore, Gaia and Uranus spoke highly in recommendation of you to come."

With a faint smile... Wonder Woman adds, "I know they do. Thanks."

The Monitor adds, "you're welcome."

Wonder Woman sits on the couch to relax some more, just beside Lyla's raised up feet.

The Monitor still stands, facing them.

Wonder Woman then asks casually, "you were here to oversee Uranus's cosmic trap for Chaos?"

The Monitor recollects, "I was originally created to monitor it. Extending the skies past the original Earth was hard work. But, when it failed and Uranus was trapped in the Galactic Center..."

Wonder Woman realizes solemnly, " blamed yourself."

Facing down... The Monitor goes on, "moderate sigh. I did. I blame myself for all the random cosmic expanding that came from his struggles to break free. Gaia thought I could still do a good job monitoring the multiverse: At least until Uranus's return. I felt it was not my place any longer. Still... Gaia insisted on it. Millions of mortal years went on...and then I realized I truly was born for the role. Faint laugh. Uranus has returned, and I'm still here: Fighting Chaos and other evil cosmic forces most all other beings that aren't gods and goddesses can't truly comprehend."

He then turns to the super long viewscreen, with a outstretched gauntlet hand.

In near blinding flashes through the quickly vanishing Earth-Three and Earth-1199... There's a mass of shadowy portals opening...around the shadows of two teams of super powered beings with faintly glowing Green Lantern rings.

Somberly... The Monitor concludes, "moderate sigh. I regret I have no Green Lantern rings to spare for you. With the incident that never should have been on Sector 666...I have come to realization that the Guardians of the Universe are very stuck up: Took the whole collection with them when they left to try to overtake other universes for themselves, even though I was like a "all mighty" father to them. You'd think they'd least leave my collection here with me and make their own astral rings."

He clenches his fist uneasily at the last part.

Kind of nervously... Wonder Woman reflects, "heavy sigh. That's the hard thing about being a parent. There is no easy way to: Even when your mother or father mean well."

The Monitor turns back to her: Hand not clenched.

With a faint nod... The Monitor figures, "a truthful observation. When the Green Lantern Corps seemed to be at a end... I offered Lyla a place by my side to help me monitor and protect the multiverse. She agreed with all of her spirit energy. Neither of us regretted it...until she wanted a life of her own: With more friends and a place to really rest. She didn't want to remember the pain of those years of loneliness. So, despite my reluctance..."

Fairly stunned... Wonder Woman realizes, "you took away her memories of the past and placed her with my Amazon sisters. least she chose well in both her lives. I'd be hurt if she didn't."

Uncomfortably... The Monitor concludes, "yes. At least she has. But, with the threat of the antimatter wall...I felt it was better to bring you and Lyla here. Without a spirit energy energization act from Harbringer or portals from Nightshade, you could face complications. But, that's not the only reason I felt it was better to bring Harbringer back. I've missed her for many god months."

Wonder Woman very faintly smiles, "deep inside her spirit, I'm sure she missed you too."

Sounding a little better... The Monitor says politely, "thank you."

Wonder Woman adds, "you're welcome. So...what kind of complications are we talking?"

The Monitor explains, "they're powerful enough to keep your shadow and body temporarily separate for crossing to another universe. If we don't, the vibrational constant will merge you and your counterpart into one body. You'd be a second voice. Some mortals would see it as a dual kind of reincarnation. But, stay for a few mortal hours...and it would be impossible to separate the voices without both of you destroyed between worlds. The only alternative I observed is Lantern rings. But, with most of The Chosen superheroes and supervillains I summoned together for trying to stop the antimatter wall...we don't have more rings to spare. Nightshade is busy trying to bring them all back here. But, to be truthful...the fight against Chaos is going badly. I fear not all of them will make it."

Sighing into her hands... A teary eyed Wonder Woman says lowly, "by the gods. Can't Chaos just stop destroying already?!"

The Monitor concludes, "I fear this is just the beginning of the crisis, and I'm usually right about these things. If there was a easy solution, I would've."

After a bit... Wonder Woman solemnly nods.

Her teariness starts to dry up.

Wonder Woman questions, "why am I here? Don't misinterpret me, The Monitor: I want to help. But, I'm just one Amazon. How are you sure I'll be powerful enough...when you have a whole team or two out there nearly gone or worse?"

The Monitor pinpoints, "not exactly. But, knew how to defeat Chaos more than once. It's because of Chaos's recent defeat Gaia and Uranus recommended you. I hadn't meant just you though. Given the circumstances...I mean to find more of your counterparts: A league of Wonder Women. Then, Chaos might not know what hit it."

And, with a faint smirk... Wonder Woman comments, "sounds like a good battle strategy. Who do you have in mind?"