Her words echoed in his ears. As soon as she said bad news, he jumped to conclusions. Was she dead? Was she dieing right now? Did she lose her memory?

"Do you want the good news, or the bad news first?" she asked.

Adrien sighed. "Good news. I really need some right about now."

The nurse nodded. "We are pretty sure she will survive..."

He let out a sigh if relief. "Thank goodness."

"The bad news is that she is in extreme pain." The words were barely out of her mouth before Adrien heard an ear piercing scream of pain coming from the room Marinette was in.

"Please...do whatever you have to do! I don't want her to suffer like this!" He winces as Marinette screams again.

"Adrien!" she screamed. Adrien jumped up, and ran into the room. Marinette's face was full of pain, and she was thrashing around. She screamed again.

"Marinette!" He ran to her, and hugged her close. "Shhhhh... it's okay... I'm here. I'm here."

She relaxed slightly, but continued to thrash and scream in pain. "Adrien! It hurts!"

Tears fell from his eyes. "I know...I know..." He turned to the doctor. "Isn't there anything you can do?"

"I can try giving her pain killers. Or we could just knock her out so she can sleep through it..." He hesitates. "Though, she might not wake up if we do that. She's too frail..."

"Give her pain killers!" Adrien said anxiously. Marinette screamed again. "Hurry!"

The doctor rushed out of the room, yelling something to the nurses. Adrien turned back to Marinette, and let a sob escape his lips. She still looked beautiful of course, but she looked so weak, so frail. It hurt to see her like this. Her once pink face was pale, and there were dark circles under her eyes. Her shoulders sagged, and she didn't hold her head up with the pride she usually had. But her eyes were the scariest part. They were full of pain, and they looked lifeless and hollow.

"Kitty..." she rasped. Adrien winced at her pain filled voice. "I...I'm scared..."

Those were the very words he never wanted his Lady to say. He wanted her to feel safe and at ease. He didn't want her to ever be afraid. He held her close to him. "It's okay... it's okay. I'm here. You don't have to be afraid."

"But...I don't think I'm ever going to get better..." She let out another scream of pain. Adrien hugged her tighter.

"You are going to get better. I promise."

The doctor ran back in, and put another IV in Marinette's arm. A liquid poured into her. "The pain killers," the doctor explained.

A couple minutes later, Marinette was relaxed. She looked at Adrien's anxious face, and laughed. "You are really over protective. I'm fine, Adrien!"

Adrien smiled. "Do you know why I'm over protective?" Marinette shook her head. "Because I'm a cat, and cats are very protective of what belongs to them."

She smiled. "Well, I don't have an excuse for being protective of you, except that I'm madly in love..."

Adrien's eyes lit up at her smile. The light was back in her eyes, and they had the blue fire in them. "I love you so much..." he whispered.

A doctor walked into the room. "I have some good news!"

"Really? What is it?" Adrien asked.

"Marinette is starting to recover!"

Adrien smiled. The doctor left the room, and announced the news to all of the other doctors who had been on her case. "Marinette, you're getting better! I told you that you would!"

She smiled, and suddenly looked embarrassed. "So...are we... I mean, we don't have to be...but are we...?"

Adrien gives her a confused look. "Are we what?"

She takes a deep breath. "Are we...together...?"

Adrien laughs. "Why wouldn't we be? I can't wait to announce the fact that you're my girlfriend!"

She blushes. Adrien felt relieved to see her face full of color again. "What about Chloe...?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Don't worry about her. If she tries to get revenge on you, I will put her back in her place."

"Ahhh... the two heroes of Paris..." Adrien jumped away from Marinette, and spun around. Standing in the doorway, was none other then Hawkmoth.

"W-what...?" Marinette asked.

Hawkmoth smiled evilly. "I'm just here to destroy you two. You especially, Marinette. I'm not going to fail this time. The only way you can avoid death, is giving me your miraculouses."

Adrien growled threateningly. "Never."

Hawkmoth sighed. "Well, I guess I'm just going to have to kill you..."