~Well I don't if you guessed it or not, but Cobra was the winner of this little Lucy competition so without further ado, here is the CoLu ending with a nice healthy dose of smutty smut.

Happy New Year wonderful humans who took the time to vote, pm, and read my stories. You are amazing and I live for y'all so keep it up, lovelies!~

When Bright Eyes' little maid spirit intruded into his bedroom, the Poison Slayer almost shot the woman a very scathing comment about breaking and entering in on someone's home and waking them from their sleep, but she quickly disappeared before he could even rub his hand heavily down his face at the sudden intrusion. As he leaned up on his elbow to look at what the pinkette was so excited about, the smooth fabric of his deep green sheets falling away from his deeply tanned, well-defined body, to take in a black garment bag and a box with a note. His natural curiosity got them better of him as his bare feet crossed the cool stone floor of his little home tucked far away from Magnolia and unzipped the bag; the scaled burgundy material bringing a smirk to his face as he shook his head, voice quiet, "I'll be damned, Bright Eyes."

Abandoning the smooth fabric to pick up the note, beautiful sweeping script that belonged to the Celestial Mage herself scrawled across the clean white parchment 'I hope you like the costume! I can't wait to see you and your mask tonight at the party. -Bright Eyes P.S. I haven't forgotten about my promise.' Setting the note back down on the locked box on top of his dresser, he ran a hand through his hair before muttering out, "Neither have I...neither have I," turning to head back to the sweet, soft embrace of his bed to head back to sleep. There was absolutely no force on Earthland that could get him to go to the guild one moment before seven. He was not getting roped into any of the matchmakers schemes, especially since the demon's ways have multiplied in the body of the Maguilty Mage Lucy loved so much.


As he stood outside the back doors of the guild a quarter after seven, he was starting to feel the very intense need to turn back around and head the fuck home and away from the sea of people with their loud faces, their loud thoughts and their loud feelings all grinding away at the inside of his brain. That is until he heard the distinct sound of the Celestial Mage's soul and he was pushing through the door to sneak in through the back so he could avoid most of too happy mages of Fiore and take his usual spot at the end of the bar to fulfill his end of their bargain.

He was surprised to see she and the Demon had hired bartenders and waitstaff so no one missed out on the festivities of the evening, though the idiot bartender at the opposite side of the bar who was leaned over the wooden top to flirt shamelessly with Bright Eyes, he could do without.

As if she could sense his deadly and reluctant presence at the bar, her shining bright orbs met his and with a small gasp from the little woman, she all but deserted her post leaned over the bar top where she was making sure the staff all knew where everything was and letting them know that they could always find Mira or herself if there were any problems to weave through the people to stand in front of him, her hands clasped behind her back as she looked up at him from beneath her lashes.

The Poison Dragon was utterly and completely mesmerized by the way she glowed under her twinkling lights, the gold of her dress making her creamy skin look positively delectable as it hugged the curves of her body, but what really topped it off was the way her soul's song dipped with his, a perfect melody to compliment his harmony. When her hand came up to trace over his mask, her face open and genuine, he had to resist the urge feel her hand in his once again.

As her fingertips traced over the deep green spiked scales of his mask that covered most of his handsome face, the place where his scarred eye would have been visible instead had an intricate, slitted emerald made to look like a snakes eye, the scales turning deep burgundy as the spikes blended into his own maroon soft hair, his bright amethyst eye standing out as it sparkled with it's usual jewel-like brilliance against the dark scales framing it, a small toothless smile spread across her lips. With a little flick to the tuft of hair that never seemed to want to slick back with the rest of his hair, she whistled low before stepping back to take in the long, purplish-burgundy jacket that matched the scales of his mask, unbuttoned to reveal the deep emerald silk of his dress shirt, a healthy sliver of his deeply tanned and toned chest exposed from the top four buttons being undone before being tucked into a pair of slacks that matched the burgundy of his jacket.

"Well fuck, you should wear this again," her dress swishing as she followed him to his usual bar stool before adding under her breath, "Or all the time. Either way..." Earning a throaty chuckle from the Poison Slayer as he called the bartender over.

Leaning against the bar, restraining his dragons urge to purr as Lucy came up beside him, her body tight against his from the lack of room surrounding the wooden bar top, his voice husky as he bent down to reach her ear, "What'll you be drinking this evening, Bright Eyes?"

The shudder that racked his body that he was not quick enough to suppress as her breath danced over the pointed shell of his ear with her easy reply, "I'm not drinking tonight. I lost rock, paper, scissors after they let me out of the closet."

His amethyst eye narrowed at her words, wrapping an arm around her waist to save her from a tipsy mage from Quatro Cerberus' clumsy spilling of his drink in the space she had just vacated, before looking down at her, her body pinned between his and the bar, "Why the fuck did they trap you in a closet?"

Smiling to the poor apologetic mage before looking up at the man beneath the serpent mask, her voice breathy from her rescue and their closeness, "You'd have to ask Mira and Mer. They just shoved me in there and didn't let me out until about ten minutes ago. You know how they are," with a shrug of her bare shoulder, she turned around to lean over the bar to whisper his usual to the female bartender, letting her know where it's kept and that it is poisonous so only she or Cobra could order it.

Whether she intended it or not, she had pressed the curves of her back into the tight fabric covering his pelvis and the fact that he had no idea whether she had meant to press her delicious curves into his pelvis only added to the fire in his veins that only she brought out within him. Ever since the dragon fiasco in Crocus she's been this bundle of sweet, soothing melodies and only if she was feeling something strongly, would he get this overwhelming wave of her emotion, but that's it. Or at least that's what he thought until she let him into her head for a brief flash the day after Christmas.

His thoughts were shaken as her hand pressed over his chest, her thumb tracing languid strokes over the bare skin of his pecs as she tilted her head, her voice questioning, "Did you hear me, Erik?"

"I can't hear anything except the vapid thoughts of the mages of Fiore and the ungodly ringing of bells. Hundreds of tiny bells," giving the giggling blonde a venomous glare before seething, "You did that on purpose. And you gave the loudest costume to the other Celestial Mage who never stops dancing at these ridiculous parties. Dick move, Bright Eyes."

She pinched his cheek patronizingly as she cooed to the tall dragon, "Awweh, my little acid spitter doesn't like Yuki's perfect belly dancer costume? That's too bad because those little fuckers took hours to sew on so you'll have to forgive my lack of sympathy."

Snapping his pointed teeth playfully at her hand, voice throaty, "I don't have to do jack shit except sit my ass down at this bar and try not to let my poison 'accidentally' leak out while I wait for your countdown to end and I can go the fuck home."

Unfazed by his venom of his words, she smiled up at him, bright and blinding before her voice turned back to it's usual cheery lilt, "You'll forgive me anyway and you know it." Turning to thank the bartender for the low tumbler of poisoned booze before reaching her arm back behind the bar to grab the bottle of Mira's belladonna bourbon and setting them both on the counter beside her before asking the dragon, "So you'll be right here until the countdown is over?"

With a small nod, he answered with a lazy drawl, "Scaring the other mages with my acidic glares and witty remarks," before taking a sip of his drink, the delicious smooth liquid burning his throat the whole way down.

Absently nodding at his words as she smiled at the low purrs rolling off his toned, tall frame before turning to leave.

But after one successful step away from the man, she felt his hand grip her wrist, his voice smooth but the faint notes of apprehension did not go unnoticed by the little blonde, "Where are you going, Bright Eyes?"

Giving the Slayer a knowing smirk and a cheeky wink, she twisted her hand to squeeze his before answering just as cheekily as her wink, "I think it's time I go pull my fellow Celestial Mage from the dance floor for a much needed break."

"You saint of a woman," his voice half a whisper through his teeth as relief flooded his face.

Her voice was bright and teasing as she rubbed circles over the back of his hand, "I can't have you committing mass murder before midnight, Pretty Boy"

"Always ruining my good fun. Now go control the little star girl before I melt those little bells right off her dress," turning back towards the bar to down the rest of his drink and pour himself another.

Before she could get too far away, her voice slithered into his ear, "I'll see you in a few hours, Erik," effectively making the usually surly mage smile wide and toothy, his canines gleaming under the soft lightning from above.

The moment Lucy made her way through the crowd where Yukino was twisting and jumping with Levy and Lisanna, she grabbed her fellow Celestial Mage, shooting a quick, "Sorry, I need to borrow her!" over her shoulder before making her way towards the tables set up on the outskirts of the guild. She could almost hear the sigh of relief from the Poison Dragon when the younger mage sat down in a breathless heap, still for the first time since the DJ started bumping music from the speakers all around the guild as she tiled her head, her bright blue mask adorned with gold flowers cocking to side from being jostled by her constant moving, "What did you need, Lucy?"

Looking out over the familiar crowd of happy, smiling faces, she turned to answer the little mage, "Hmm? Oh, right...I needed to borrow you."

Narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the blonde, "Lucy..."


Giving her a knowing smirk as she poked her finger into her chest, "This wouldn't have anything to do with your New Years kiss problem, would it?"

Shaking her head in genuine confusion, the blonde turned her body to face Sabertooth's very own matchmaker, "I have a New Years kiss problem? Since when?"

"Since you started this whole New Years Eve party schpeal! The only reason you got out of it last year was because Cana dared you to kiss Loke at midnight," her voice incredulous as if the blonde should have known that.

"Waitwaitwait, what the heck is my problem exactly?" holding her hands out as if her confusion was so great, she needed to physically work it out of her body through sweeping arm gestures and emphatic hand motions.

Sighing deeply, the younger mage's voice reminded Lucy of when adults lost patience trying to explain things to small children, which she didn't know how to feel about it being directed at her, "Lu, you have a guild hall full of men who are ready to do whatever it takes to get to your side before the new year starts because they genuinely are that desperate to kiss you."

"What?! That's ridiculous, Yukino. All the men under this roof don't see me as anything more than the Light of Fairy Tail and a fellow mage." Tacking on as she eyed the bar, "Well I hope not all of them..."

Completely missing the blonde's amber eyes flicking to the maroon haired dragon currently talking with Jellal, she threw her arms out in frustration before rubbing her cheek, her voice just as incredulous as before, "Are you serious? You must be mental if you think that the majority of the male population in this room isn't infatuated with you, especially in this outfit, sheesh," gesturing to her form-fitting gown with a look that mimicked her first sentence of blatant disbelief.

Running her hand over the deep blue gems of her dress fondly before ducking her head and motioning for the Celestial Mage to join her so Lucy could whisper in her ear low enough that even the keen senses of the Dragon Slayers couldn't hear her voice, "I already know who I'm going to be with the countdown ends, Yuki."

"YOU DO?!"

Clamping her hand over the younger mages mouth before hissing out as she looked around to see only a few questioning glances in there direction, "Shit woman, I am right next to you." Pulling her hand away tentatively as she slowly backed away, giving her a look of 'can I continue?" before the makeshift belly dancer gave her a quick, eager nod. With a sigh she put her hand up over her mouth to cup her words into Yukino's ear, "I'm going to just...make my way to the bar before the countdown starts."

Confusion wrinkled her friends face so tight, even with the mask over her eyes, Lucy knew she was going to have to clarify more as the light blue of her hair tilted to the side once again, "The...bar. Where no one will be at midnight...I don't get it, Lu-" her eyes had wandered from the pleading eyes of the older Celestial Mage to the bar in question to make very intense eye contact with the Poison Slayer as the bells of her skirt jingled with her abrupt movement to cross her legs and uncross them in a nervous habit, "Fuck."

"Yukino! I don't think I've ever heard you swear! What's the matter with-"

Not breaking the eye contact with Cobra as a devilish smirk curled her lips, "Holy fucking shit. That is incredibly unexpected and yet, still impressive. Even for you, Lu."

"I'm still not sure what's going on..." following her line of vision to the smirking older dragon hunched over the bar, his eye leaving Yukino's to focus straight ahead when Lucy noticed the impromptu staring contest, "Oh. Well, I guess that sort of cleared things up."

Returning to her normal, giddy, too bubbly ways, the younger mage leaned her chin on her palm as she turned to face Lucy, settling in as if she expected to be sitting on the bench for a while, "So, tell me how that happened."

Chuckling at her good friends antics, she mirrored her position as spent the majority of the night telling Yukino pretty much every interaction she and the Poison Dragon have had, simultaneously satisfying her friend's curiosity and keeping her from the dance floor as long as possible.

When she ran her hand over her keys, attached to a garter on her thighs, to find she and her fellow Celestial Mage had talked away hours between the two of them, she gave the shorter woman a hug before turning to make her way to the bar, pausing only when Yukino gave her an encouraging smack to her butt and a wink before disappearing into the crowd.

Weaving through the crowd of people who were entranced by the massive lacrima tv with the royal New Years show streaming live from Crocus, dodging glasses of champagne and careless elbows before she found herself bent over on the outskirts of the crowd, breathing heavily from the closeness of the bodies around her. When she felt a hand on the small of her back, she straightened too fast and her vision swam for a minute, making her swoon just a bit.

"Fuck, Bright Eyes, are you sure you didn't drink anything tonight?," concern laced his words as he kept her from falling over.

Blinking the spots of her vision away in rapid motions so she could look up at the darkened skin of his face, her hand tracing over the soft skin of his lips as she answered, airy and light, "Pretty sure."

His deep, throaty chuckle filled her chest as he shook his head, "I appreciate your swift handling of the bell situation by the way. You've saved every single person in this room. They owe you a debt they'll never be able to repay." It was not going unnoticed that she had yet to move out of his arms or that her bright, golden eyes kept darting over the lip her thumb was ghosting over. Before he could think better of it, his voice dipped low, "What are you doing over in my dark corner, Bright Eyes? They are about to drop the ball."

With a too-easy smile, she answered matter-of-factly, "That's exactly why I'm over in your dark corner, Pretty Boy."

His grin turned devious as it twisted up across his sharp angular face, he could hear the crowd around them counting down, "I should have known after the young Celestial Mage's little outburst at the beginning of the night."

Scoffing as her hand snaked around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair, her smirk only deepened as she breathed, "Probably should have known long before that, Erik."

The moment the guild erupted in cheers, his lips met hers in a easy kiss that quickly turned desperate. Her soft lips moved with his as his tongue ran along the seam of them, plunging into her mouth the moment she granted him access like a man starved. Their tongues tangled in a fierce dance, the bitter-sweet taste of his spiked drink coating her lips, pulling a low moan from her chest as he made sure to lick the remnants of the toxins from them before pulling back and running his own thumb over her swollen, puffy bottom lip.

He couldn't help but laugh as her voice came out breathless and somehow, still full of the cheer she breathed out with every exhale, "Happy New Year, Pretty Boy."

Rolling his eyes as he leaned in for another kiss, his voice half a scoff through his grin, "Yeah, whatever, Bright Eyes."

Completely lost in the Poison Slayer, she hadn't noticed him backing them into the back hall that lead out the door to the training grounds at the back of the guild until her bar shoulders were pressed into the cold wall, earning a shocked intake from her lips, breaking the contact between them as she breathed out, her back arcing away from the frigid wood, "Cold...cold wall."

His deep laughter had his breath dancing over her lips, only making the goosebumps to spread down the backs of arms before he backed away and pulled his jacket from body to drape it around her body. Shoving his hands into his pockets before taking a few steps back towards the door and with a quick nod of his head to let the blonde know he wanted her to follow him, he pushed the back doors open and waited for her to put her arms in the sleeves of his scaled jacket as she walked through the door.

His voice was lazy as he lead her back around to the front of the guild, "You'll need to get a change of clothes."

Tilting her head towards the Poison Slayer, her voice reflected the confusion that pulled at the features of her face, "What do I need a change of clothes for?"

Meeting her gaze easily, he asked simply, "Do you plan on wearing that dress tomorrow morning for breakfast?"


Turning his head to stare forward, he reiterated as he started walking towards Strawberry Street, "Then you'll need a change of clothes."

Quickly catching up to his long strides, the little blonde's voice still held the same innocent curiosity, "But Virgo could get me a change of clothes now if I wanted to...I don't see why you are leading us to my apartment..."

Giving her a devious smirk as took her chin in his hand, "Fuck, Bright Eyes, your innocence almost makes me feel like a bad person," before running the pad of his thumb over her still-swollen bottom lip, making her breathless with anticipation.

When his hand abruptly left her face, she whimpered lightly as he turned to head across the bridge of the canal, making it halfway there before calling back to her, "Better catch up before something worse than me snatches you up, Bright Eyes."

Realizing just how far away the maroon-haired man had gotten from her, she lifted her skirt to prevent herself from tripping as she jogged to fall in step beside him, her voice still confused as she breathed out, "Do I want to know why you are leading me into the woods in the middle of the night?"

Rolling his amethyst eye dramatically, he turned his head to look down at her, voice incredulous, "Where do you think I live, Bright Eyes?"

Her smile wide and toothy as she quipped back, her voice bright, "Under a rock? In a deep, dark, dank cave? Maybe a nice basket with a little lid to keep you inside until a man with a flute lures you out?"

"It's a pungi and I don't particularly like cramped spaces, especially wet ones," letting out a little shudder as the path beneath their feet gave way to a narrow dirt path, their conversation fading into easy, comfortable silence. Lucy was focused on trying not to break her ankle on a loose stone since she wasn't aware she would need to go on a hike in the platform golden heels currently strapped to her feet.

After a solid thirty minutes of her careful steps and close calls, she all but huffed out to the completely uncaring man two steps ahead of her, "Are we walking all the way to Bosco?"

With a roll of his eye, he paused briefly to extend his hand out to her to help her up the last bit of trail towards his home, his voice low as he spoke, "We are almost there, woman. Maybe you should wear shoes you can walk in next time."

Taking his hand in hers as she lifted the heavy material of her skirt at the trails sudden incline, her voice exasperated as she mumbled under her breath, "I can walk in these shoes, that doesn't mean I want to go for a fucking hike in them." Earning a husky chuckle from the Poison Slayer at her side.

Shooting him a glare, her voice turned haughty as she kept her eyes on the ground, "I get why you live so far away from Magnolia but why on Earthland do you live up the side of a mountain?"

A scoff fell from his lips at her childish complaint, his deep voice talking a teasing quality as his hand tightened around hers to keep her from tripping over a branch she obviously missed in her huffy state, "There are less living creatures the higher you go and I like to sleep in relative peace and quiet."

"That's weird. I thought you spent all your free time plotting the cruel and usual deaths of the people around you, falling asleep to the sweet sounds of crying children whose candy you've stolen," breathless by the time they hit the crest of the hill that had turned rocky in the last ten minutes of walking.

Peeling her eyes from the ground to look up, she saw the small stone cottage, its west wall completely made of thick panes of glass, before smirking up at the handsome maroon-haired dragon, her voice sly, "So, you do live under a rock."

"I don't have to let you in," letting go of her hand to walk up to the little front porch before opening the door, her golden wrapped framed all but shoved him out of the way of his own door.

Calling over her shoulder as she stepping into the open layout of his home, "Where's your bedroom? I have to see for my own eyes that you sleep in a real bed."

Pulling his mask from his face and setting it down on the counter of his kitchen, his voice was deep and low as she continued flitting about his home, commenting on everything and anything, "Don't worry, Bright Eyes, you'll get to know my bed intimately very soon," as he toed his shoes from his feet and stalled her constant motion by snaking his arm around her waist and taking her chin in his hand to tilt her masked face up towards his own, his lips a hairsbreadth from hers as her words fell away into silence, completely entranced by the hypnotizing purple of his eye, his voice husky, "Are you sure you want to see my bedroom, Bright Eyes? There's no telling when I'll let you leave once you're in my clutches."

The nod of her head made her lips brush over his as her voice, breathy and heady, answered without hesitation, "Promises, promises, Pretty Boy," before her hands made their way to the front of the emerald silk of his shirt and pulling it free from his waist, making quick work of the remaining three buttons and pushing the material from his shoulders.

Backing away from her just before she moved to close the gap between them, her hands sending wave after wave of heat to his member as they roved over every ridge and valley of his incredibly toned body, her lips pushed in a pout at the distance he put between them before he flipped her body around to undo the gold lacing of her dress.

When she felt him loosen it enough that should slip right out of the smooth satin, she stepped away from the sexy Slayer and took a few steps away from his reach, turning around to give him a playful look, her gold eyes shining with desire as her silky voice fell from her lips, "Do you remember the sneak peak into my head that I gave you at the guild?"

The corner of his lip quirked at the thought, his voice dangerously low, "How could I forget, Bright Eyes?"

Dropping the material of her dress to reveal the deepest wine colored set of completely see-through lace lingerie he had ever seen, the golden curls of above her core completely bare beneath the garter belt of her matching thigh high stockings, the trim matching perfectly with the lace covering only half of her breasts, her rosy nipples puckered beneath the thin material as she stepped out of her dress, the gold heels making the curves of her hips even more pronounced as she stalked backwards towards the only part of his home that she hadn't scoped out, the swell of her ample, creamy, chest shining under the moonlight as her arms lifted to untie the mask from her face, tossing it on the heap of her dress before pulling the pins from her golden hair. He was completely entranced in the way her lithe body flexed and moved as her silky curls cascaded around her, falling to flirt with the curves of her hips as she moved further and further away from him, her face a delicious mix of minxy mischief and salacious need before she turned around to call over her shoulder, her golden eyes shining from beneath her think lashes, framed in perfect golden wings, her voice sultry, "Does this clarify things for you, Erik?"

With only a few steps, he was pressing into the curves of her body, his hands running over the smooth skin of her back, making quick work of the hooks of her bra to let the light material fall to the floor, his palms immediately replacing the burgundy as his lips met the juncture of her neck and shoulder, sucking the skin as her sweet, throaty moans fell from her lips.

Pulling back so he could turn her around to face him, he let out a warning growl as she instead looped her hand into the waistband of his pants to pull him after her into his bedroom. The moment the back of her legs hit his bed, her lips were on the tanned skin stretched over his taut abs, her hands making impressively quick work of the zipper holding his pants up before she was pulled upright by the Poison Slayer, his lips meeting hers in a hungry display of his arousal as her arms snaked over his shoulders to grip the back of his neck, his hands gripping the flesh at her hips.

Suddenly, she had landed in a sea of silky soft deed forest green that smelled heavenly, rubbing her thighs together to ease the ache of her core as he smirked down at her body, a ferocious desire flashing in his slitted amethyst eye as he eased the scaled material of his pants from his hips, the rock-hard length of him finally free making the gorgeous woman splayed out over his bed, the golden silk of her hair a stark contrast to the deep color of his sheets.

In a slow, torturous motion, he moved to hover over the creamy curves of her body, the music of her soul was pulling him deeper and deeper into her when, out of the blue, he could see everything in her twisty, bright mind, the constant stream of thought focused solely on him and the slow build of their friendship to get them here, the deep seeded need she had for him, the way she desperately wanted to feel him move inside her. With the sudden barrage of her mind, he had to lean his forehead on her collarbone to get the shallow inhale and exhale of his breath to even out at the way she seemed to completely take his breath from him with the complex beauty of the way her soul calls to him on a basic, instinctual level, the feel of her dainty hands over his scalp, running through the length of his hair as her voice, dipping with genuine concern, soothed the sudden burst of her that had just taken him off guard, "I'm sorry, Erik. I should have warned you. I just...got distracted and I could feel the block shudder so I figured it would be easier to just let you in."

His breath was light across the skin of her chest as he whispered out, "Please, there's nothing to be sorry about. I just did not expect to hear you so...completely. You should keep the block down from now on though."

Chuckling under her breath as she leaned up on her elbows to take the heavy gold from her neck off, her voice airy, "And give you an advantage you don't need? Absolutely not, but I will let you more often," turning her body to put her mothers necklace on his side table before laying back down beneath him, her hands gliding down the scars crossed over the expanse of his back to grip his ass, raising her hips to grind her drenched core over the length of his cock, relishing in the hitch of his breath at her rough actions as her head fell backwards to expose the skin of her neck as his growl reverberated through her body. In a snap of his hips, he had filled her to the core, his hand gripping the stocking covered muscles of her thigh hard enough that she was sure he would leave bruises behind as he ripped through the thin material with his sharpened talons, his Dragon Force taking over as he pumped into her tight walls with an unforgiving, unrelenting pace that had her coil tightening too quickly for her nerves and her body to keep up as she clutched and clawed at skin of his back. When her nails grazed across the deep red scales of his shoulders, he let out a snarl that quickly turned to throaty growls before his arm wrapped around her back to lift her higher, her back arching in such a way that the smooth globes of her chest pushed up towards her collarbone that made him want her rosy peaks in his mouth. Without breaking pace, he lifted her high enough he could pull her nipple between his lips, his elongated fangs scraping over the sensitive flesh making her buck against him, meeting his thrusts with her own before her orgasm peaked and she was screaming his name, her nails clawing down the backs of his scaled arms, sending him into his own orgasmic frenzy, his hot seed pumping into her awaiting core as she gripped tightly, her walls fluttering and tensing to milk him of everything he had to offer her.

Falling back in a breathless heap on his silky sheets, she made little grabby motions with her hands so he would lay his bar, heaving chest on hers, the burgundy scales lined in white framing his perfectly sculpted chest all the way down to his tapered waist before growing patchy over the pronounced bones of his hips and thighs. The moment he did, her hands were back in his hair, her voice breathy as it danced through the tufts of maroon hair, "Do you do that a lot?"

Knowing she meant his Dragon Force taking over, he answered easily as the talons of his serpent-like arms tickled the curve of her creamy globe, "That has never happened before."

Humming an easy response at his motions, she asked, "How long will it last?"

Chuckling darkly at the very sexual thoughts dancing around her head, he leaned up on his elbow, her legs still wrapped around him even though his length had softened, his voice back to its smooth as silk tone, "I didn't realize you had such a dirty mind, Bright Eyes. Is that why you really keep me from your brain, little kinky woman?"

Shutting him from her thoughts, she smirked down at him, "Among other things," before rocking her hips into his, her nails trailing little absent circled down the softer white scales at the edges of his chest down his hips before pressing them into his pelvis, his cock already growing hard inside her dripping core from her easy rolling hips.

"You planning on keeping this up the whole night?," rolling her over on his back to let her straddle his hips as she rode his cock, almost fully hardened as her creamy mounds bounced with every downward thrust, her hands braced on his chest for support.

An easy, lazy smile spread her pouty lips as she breathed out her answer, too airy to be as teasing as she wanted, "Can you keep up, acid spitter?"

"Can you?," with a devious toothy grin, he pulled her to his chest as he thrusted into the tense heat of her pussy, her moans music to his ears before her tongue was laving over the juncture of his neck where the scales of his Dragon Force were sporadic. As her mouth found the sensitive white of his scales, his breathy growls turned to rumbling purrs as she sucked on his flesh before pulling back to whisper to him, her lips dancing over the pointed shell of his ear, "You are so fucking sexy, Erik," before pulling it into her mouth, her tongue teasing over the shell.

"Fucking, hell, Lucy..." his breathing grew shallow as easily matched his thrusts with a roll of her hips, she was rubbing her clit over the muscles of his pelvis, her wall fluttering with every pass pulling heavenly moans from the man beneath her, the way his lips split as he did made her lower abdomen churn with a twisting, churning fire, the slow build of her second orgasm taking over her nervous system in such a languid, lazy way, that it had long wanton moans falling from her lips from the pleasure of it.

As much as he liked the way she looked riding him, the way her face twisted with every roll of her hips, he needed more, he wanted to watch her come undone beneath him as he slowly pulled every twitch from her body, every last drop of cum she had for him, because of him. So with a careful flip, her golden hair tangled in the talons of his hand as his other hand kept her pressed into his throbbing cock, he deepened his strokes, the tip of his length rubbing over the spongy soft spot inside her core with every slow pull and easy thrust until her lips parted, her golden eyes shining with unshed tears as he quickened his pace only enough to pull his name from her pouty lips as her bright eyes squeezed shut in the throes of her slow-burning ecstasy, perfectly content to ride out her orgasm before she started getting control of her convulsing muscles to pull him into a ravenous kiss. She was desperate to taste him on her tongue as hers demanded entrance to his mouth, when he granted it to her, she had run the pink muscle over the sharp points of his fangs, sending another wave of arousal to her core, tensing around him before she was sucking his tongue, relishing in the throaty growl that rumbled from his chest. Pulling back to let out a contented sigh, pressing kisses over his tanned face, over the scarred skin over his eye that she thought was sinfully sexy, before letting her head fall backwards on his mattress, her voice satiated and heavy with sleep, "How do you think we can stay under your rock before someone finds us?"

Breathing a sigh at her words, he pulled himself from her depths to lay beside her, the scales of his Dragon Force slowly receding as soon as he did, without a second thought he answered, "As long as we want. I will literally murder any person who steps foot into this house before I get my fill of you."

Sighing out, breathy and light as she turned to lay her head on his chest, her arm wrapping around his midsection as her leg hitched over his pelvis, "Good...good..." before pressing kisses into the tanned skin of his shoulder and nestling into his side. His arm wrapping around her, pulling her tighter against him before pressing his lips to the crown of her head, his voice barely audible as he breathed out, "Happy New Year, Bright Eyes."

Her little rumbling hum was his response before she fell into a deep sleep, the block on her mind coming down as did, leaving him to fall asleep to the symphony of her soul.