Here's "Helplessly Satisfied," a musical two-shot based on two songs from "Hamilton." Now, mind you I never saw the musical, but I've seen a lot of Miraculous Ladybug animatics for these songs, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Now, the roles are reversed here. Instead of Marinette playing Elizabeth, she'll be in the role of Alexander Hamilton here. Just trust me with this, okay?

Eighteenth century France…

A male youth of eighteen, with hair of gold, eyes of Peridot green, and sun-kissed skin was wearing clothing fitting of nobility in a scheme of black and green. He was wearing a small ring on his right hand. Adrien Agreste, the second son of fashion master Gabriel Agreste.

He was sitting at his desk, a lovesick grin on his face. His heart was pounding into his ears, and his mind was elsewhere.

"Adrien, I've never seen you so happy," Adrien's best friend, Nino said. Nino Lahiffe was a man of Moroccan heritage, with dark skin, hazel eyes, short, brown hair, glasses, and was wearing similar clothing, only in blue. "Ever since that party so long ago, you've been like this. All because of a girl."

"I can't help it, Nino. And as much as I hate to admit it, I have Félix to thank." Adrien said.

"Of all the people to help you make the first move, it had to be him," Nino said, shaking his head. "…I'm sure you and I both remember how this all started."

"Indeed." Adrien said, a blush gracing his face. He could not wait to see his beloved again.

He thought back to when he first met his fiancé. It was a month back or so, and Adrien could not forget that night, nor did he want to.

He stood up and started snapping his fingers rhythmically.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey."

"Ooh! I do, I do, I do, I do~! Hey! Ooh! I do, I do, I do, I do~!" Adrien sang, as he was acting like a stereotypical smitten teenager.

He had a picture frame with a sketch of the girl of his heart. She was a lady with fair skin, the perfect smile was on her plump, pretty pink lips. Her dark hair with blue sheen was in two pigtails, and her eyes were the perfect shade of sky blue. Her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She was wearing a beautiful, simple dress. It was red with black spots, with a sweetheart neckline, Juliet sleeves, black cuffs, and was wearing red and black jewelry. While he knew it was a handmade dress, Adrien felt that it was a dress worthy of the French upper class.

"Girl, you got me helpless!" Adrien sang, as he gave the sketch a kiss and tried his best not to swoon. Nino was shaking his head in mild amusement. He had never seen his bestie so in love before.

"Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit! I'm helpless!" Adrien sang, as he remembered how he felt when looking into Marinette's eyes for the first time.

He had seen a happy future in her sapphire orbs, and his heart was throbbing at the memory.

"Down for the count, and I'm drowning in em'!" Adrien sang, hugging the picture to his chest, hearts fluttering out of his head.

Just staring into Marinette's eyes whenever they were spending time together was enough to make him melt.

Adrien began to recount his love story in a flashback to about a month ago. A party was being held in the lobby of the Grand Paris Hotel.

It was another one of those gatherings that was intended for everyone to cut loose, socialize with the upper class, and potentially find a mate. Adrien himself was tagging along just because of the expectations of the upper class. Other than that, he had no real reason to be there.

He was with two of his friends, Nino being one of them. Their other companion was Nathanaël Kurtzberg, an aspiring painter and artist. He was a ginger whose hair covered one side of his face, which obscured one of his turquoise blue eyes.

They were quite a unique trio. Nino was the most outgoing, while Nathanaël was extremely introverted. Adrien was the middle-man, in a sense. He was a little more vibrant than Nathanaël, but more reserved than Nino.

They were sitting at a table, each having a beverage of their choice. They were talking about this and that, not really caring about the important stuff.

"I have always been the type magnetize the spotlight."

Several girls were eying him with near predatory smiles and seductive eyes, but he did not pay them any mind. He did want to get married one day, but he hoped it would be to a girl of his choosing. It would not have been that hard for him if he could, but the problem was that his family name carried a lot of weight. Not a lot of girls wanted the second son of the family when they were aiming for the top dog.

"We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night." Adrien sang.

Adrien was just hanging out there, looking at his surroundings. The candles were burning brightly, and the heat was getting to him. There were other men and women there, all chatting it up, having fun, getting wasted, and whoever didwind up drunk started acting like a dunce. Adrien merely shook his head.

"Scoffing at my brother as he's out working the room." Adrien sang, rolling his eyes.

Adrien looked to the side and saw his older brother, Félix. He was older than Adrien by three years. He was also blonde, but it was paler. His eyes were grey-blue, and fairly cold, and had a lighter skin tone. Félix had a flute of champagne in hand, talking to a high-class woman nearby. Adrien glowered at his big brother.

They were never really best friends, but they were not worst enemieseither. Adrien could be cordial with his brother, but while Adrien had a big heart of gold, Félix was more concerned with living up to their father's expectations.

Being the eldest of two brothers, Félix was the one who had to carry on the Agreste name. Thus, he had more responsibilities to the family in comparison to Adrien.

The door opened, and in walked Marinette, with her parents. Her mother, Sabine, was a smaller woman from China, with grey eyes and black hair. Marinette's father, Tom, was a taller, more burly man with sideburns, green eyes, and a beard. They were bringing in a rolling table with many desserts and breads.

Marinette herself was laughing and smiling at one of her father's jokes. She then straightened herself up, not sure what to make of her surroundings.

At the sight of the girl in red, Adrien's heart leaped up into his throat, his face turned into a cherry, and his eyes bulged out. Cupid hit him hard.

"Then you walked in and my heart went BOOM!" Adrien sang, remembered how he wound up experiencing love at first sight.

Adrien immediately stood up from the table, his new goal in mind: getting a chance to talk to the pig-tailed beauty. He walked closer to the girl, and kept his eyes on her.

Marinette was on the dance floor, talking to her friend, who had red hair, glasses, and dark skin. He noticed Marinette's friend was stealing glances at Nino.

"Trying to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom. Everybody's dancing and the band's top volume." Adrien sang.

He saw everyone around him – save for himself and his friends – had paired up for a dance and they were all waltzing across the ballroom. Adrien was looking around, not sure what to do.

Adrien wanted to work up the balls to talk to the bakers' daughter, but he was a little on the timid side. Sure, he was popular with women, but he knew that most of the time, girls only approached him for two reasons: his looks and his money. Or rather, his father's money that would be passed on to Félix when the time came.

So, girls would approach him for the status without the responsibilities of being the wife of family head. Adrien felt like his last name was the only thing that people saw in him. Nathanaël and Nino were exceptions.

Everyone was eating the breads and desserts that the Dupain-Cheng family had brought in, while some of the others were on the dance floor.

"Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine!" Adrien sang, as he watched everyone dancing, eating, and drinking. He took a deep breath.

Adrien saw Félix was looking in Marinette's direction. As always, his facial expression was blank. It did not make him unemotional. Rather, he could be described as stoic.

Adrien immediately dashed over to Félix and pulled him aside. Adrien kept looking over to Marinette. His eyes were lovesick and his smile reflected it.

Marinette was still animatedly chatting with some of the other girls that were in attendance. When she flipped one of the tendrils of her hair and gave a beaming smile, Adrien's heart thudded again.

Félix was looking between Marinette and Adrien, the former of whom did not seem to notice that two noblemen brothers were interested in her.

"Come on, Marinette, I'm sure Gabriel Agreste would want take you under his wing if you just showed him your dress. You've got the talent!" Alya said, gesturing to the dress she was wearing.

"Oh, Alya!" Marinette said, talking to her best friend. "You flatter me too much. And I'm an unknown. Why would he take a complete novice like me seriously?"

"I'm not kidding! That dress looks like a professional made it." Alya said with a smile.

Marinette did a spin, showing off her dress's skirt. Right then and there, Adrien blushed with an eager smile on his face.

"She made that dress?" Félix said, quirking an eyebrow. "Wow, she's got skills."

"It looks great…" Adrien said, smiling.

However, he remembered what he wanted to speak to his brother about and whispered something in his ear.

"Grab my brother and whisper, "Yo, this girl's mine!"" Adrien sang, subtly pointing at Marinette.

Félix grew a devious smile on his face. He had a plan, and he scratched his chin. Félix then broke away from his brother, and began walking towards Marinette.

"My brother makes his way across the room to you." Adrien sang, while watching his brother make a beeline for the raven-haired belle.

As he reached Marinette, he gently tapped her shoulder. Marinette turned to him, and gave him a curtsy.

"I couldn't help but notice your dress. You say you made it yourself?" Félix inquired.

"Why, yes." Marinette said.

She gave him a polite smile, but there was no other real sign of interest on her part. Adrien was still wondering what Félix was up to. The hair on the back of his neck was standing on end, and he was getting goosebumps.

"And I get nervous, thinking, "What's he gonna do?"" Adrien sang, watching Félix talking to Marinette.

The younger Agreste began biting his nails, nervous about what his brother was plotting. Would he flirt with Marinette? Ask for courtship? Adrien did not know. If Félix had eyes for Marinette, too, he hid it pretty well. Félix had nothing if not a good poker face.

Like any pair of brothers, Adrien and Félix had a sibling rivalry going on, and even though they got along well enough to avoid any conflict within the mansion, once they were off their "home turf," all bets were off.

And any fights they had when in public neverescalated beyond biting remarks at one another. On the other hand, any drama that went down between them was able to go unnoticed.

Félix did have a habit of stealing attention away from Adrien, both unintentionally and on purpose. Adrien knew that since his brother had the assets necessary to be in high demand amongst girls, Félix would not have any problem stealing away Marinette if he had the chance and the desire.

The last thing Adrien wanted was to put up with Félix flirting with Marinette. It would be too hurtful.

Adrien saw that Félix had locked arms with Marinette, much to the girl's surprise. She gave him an inquisitive look, with a quirked eyebrow. She looked confused, but Adrien failed to notice it.

Adrien face-palmed himself in defeat, thinking his brother stole his chance with his crush. Great, now Félix had his girl on his arm, and Adrien was unable to do anything about it.

"He grabs you by the arm, I'm thinking, "I'm through."" Adrien sang.

Adrien was pissed that his sibling made a move Marinette. He held up a fist and it was trembling in both anger and frustration, not to mention heartache.

Nino and Nathanaël had seen everything, and they came over to Adrien. Nino put his hand on Adrien's shoulder.

"Sorry, man." Nino said, with sympathy in his voice.

Nathanaël did not say a word, but he also felt the same empathy for Adrien.

However, Félix had an idea of what his brother's brain was cooking up. He had quite the well-hidden smirk on his face. He was about to give his little brother a bit of a shock. He inclined his head in Adrien's direction. Marinette followed his line of sight and then she made eye contact with the younger blonde. She blinked a few times, and gave Adrien a smile, and then he returned it, with a goofy tone to his lips.

Adrien was surprised once he realized that Félix had no intention of winning Marinette's heart himself.

"Then you look back at me and suddenly, I'm helpless!" Adrien sang, as hearts began fluttering around his head and he kept his eyes on Marinette's.

"Oh, look at her eyes! (Look into her eyes and the sky's the limit!) Oh! Yeah, I'm helpless!" Adrien sang, as he saw himself drowning in the ocean that was Marinette's blue eyes.

He was about to fall over from the affection he felt for the girl, but he managed to keep himself upright. Nino and Nathanaël were just wondering what the hell had gotten into their friend. Actually, they had an idea, but they were just a little confused at seeing Adrien acting the way he was. Adrien had hearts in his eyes, his shoulders were slacked and a blush was all over his cheeks.

"I know (I'm down for the count and I'm drowning in em'! I'm helpless)! I'm so into you! I am so into you! (Look into her eyes and the sky's the limit! I'm helpless!)" Adrien sang, while falling backwards.

"Whoa! Hey, I gotcha!" Nino shouted, as he caught Adrien from behind. He noticed the absolutely ridiculous look on his best friend's face.

Adrien had hearts popping over his head again and held a hand to his cheek.

"I know I'm down for the count and drowning in em'!" Adrien sang. Nathanaël and Nino merely looked at each other in confusion.

Adrien then noticed his brother and Marinette were coming his way. He immediately stood up straight, cleared his throat, and straightened his tie.

He wanted to make a good first impression on Marinette. Adrien was sure that she had caught him swooning and mooning from a distance, and he did not want her to think he was weird for acting that way.

"Where are you taking me?" Marinette asked, a little apprehensive about Félix's intention.

"I'm about to change your life." Félix said, a smile still gracing his lips.

She was no stranger to being hit on by men. One such man was Théo Barbot, a local sculptor who understood the artistry that went into work such as sculpture, sketching, cooking, and even fashion design. Marinette admitted that Théo was talented in his artwork, but she was once again uninterested in his advances. When she declined his affection for her, he was actually very understanding about it.

But now here was Félix, the eldest son of the Agreste family, the firstborn of Gabriel Agreste, her fashion idol. She was curious as to what Félix had in mind. Was he taking her to meet his father? Or was he trying to get them alone together for some other reason?

"Okay, then… Lead the way." Marinette said anxiously, and then Félix brought her over to his brother.

Nino pulled Nathanaël away by the shoulder, giving the hint that they should probably give the two brothers and the girl some space, especially since it was clear that Adrien had a thing for her.

"I'm Adrien Agreste. It's an honor to meet you." Adrien said, giving a bow with a hand to his chest.

"Agreste?" Marinette asked, curious. Being an aspiring fashion designer, the name "Agreste" was a big one to hear. She wondered if there was any relation to Félix.

"My brother." Félix said, standing in between the two.

"Thank you for your parents' service." Adrien said, trying his best to keep his face straight. He was failing miserably because his face was redder than Marinette's dress.

"If it takes my parents' baking for us to meet, it will be so worth it." Marinette said, shyly blushing while giving Adrien a curtsy. Adrien took her hand into his and gave it a kiss, as per custom.

"I'll leave you to it." Félix sang, as he left the two alone.

Adrien and Marinette grew shy with each other. However, Adrien held out his hand, which was the nonverbal way to ask a lady for a dance. Marinette smiled and placed her hand in his.

Adrien grew a silly grin on his face and then he led her onto the dancefloor, before starting to waltz with each other.

Adrien was delighted that his brother passed up a chance to one-up him. While he was hoping to inquire about Félix's reasons, he was too caught up in his moment with Marinette.

A week later, Adrien was in his bedroom in the Agreste estate. In his room, candles bathed the interior in its light. He was at his desk, writing on some parchment with a quill pen. Adrien had a smitten gaze on his face as he kept scribbling on the paper.

He and Marinette had started keeping in touch with each other. Every night, they would write letters to each other. Adrien would basically offload all of his affection for the girl into his letters, and the ones he received from Marinette were just as endearing.

"One week later, I'm writing a letter nightly." Adrien sang.

He took up the last letter that Marinette had written him and gave it a kiss. Marinette's letters would contain details about her designs and her hopes and dreams for the future. In Adrien's opinion, the best thing about the letters he got from Marinette were that she never mentioned Félix or Gabriel. The fact that she was focused on Adrien himself and him alone made him fall even harder for the girl. All he wanted was to give her kisses and tell her how much he adored her in person.

"Now my life gets better every letter that you write me." Adrien sang.

Félix was also in the room, sitting on the bed. He had his arms crossed and a smirk was on his face.

Ever since Marinette came into the picture, Félix had been more open with his feelings. It was a conundrum for Adrien. Sure, Félix would always give Adrien and Marinette alone time, but Adrien could have sworn he had seen his brother nearby whenever Marinette was at the estate.

And Adrien was appalled at the gall that Félix had when it came to insisting on Marinette's presence in the house. It was as if hewas courting Marinette instead of Adrien, and it annoyed the younger Agreste brother.

And Adrien could not help but be paranoid, because to him, it seemed like Félix may have been just a little fond of Marinette himself. Adrien tried to brush this sensation off, too, hoping Félix was yanking on his chain. It would be one thing if Félix was only teasing, and that was what Adrien was betting on. His big brother just being a jokester… Which was completely abnormal for Félix.

"Scoffing at my brother cause he wants you to come over." Adrien sang, as he tried to tune out his brother's voice.

"I'm just saying, if you cared, you'd at least let me kiss her." Félix said.

"NO!" Adrien shouted, then he stuck out his tongue in annoyance.

Adrien was angry that his older brother had insinuated that he would let him make a move on his beloved. It was a thorn in Adrien's side that he wanted out and fast. The moment he and Marinette were married – at least, Adrien hoped that day would come – his brother would back off.

Especially since Félix had more important things to worry about. He was the successor to the Agreste family assets, so why would he waste time trying to tickle Adrien's nerves over his love life? Adrien paid it no heed, instead turning back to focus on his latest letter to Marinette.

He knew Félix would move on once Adrien and Marinette were declared Mr. and Mrs. Agreste, because hitting on another man's wife was scandalous. And with the reputation of the Agreste family riding on Félix, Adrien was betting that his sibling would hurry and move on once he and Marinette shared their wedding kiss.

Two weeks further down the road, Adrien was in the living room of the Dupain-Cheng household, sharing tea and croissants with Tom Dupain.

Adrien and Marinette had been in the middle of their courtship for two weeks. The two of them were getting along as well as any couple in the world, if not better.

Tom and Sabine were surprised that their daughter had started seeing one of the Agreste sons, but they were relieved that Adrien was a gentleman that treated Marinette as if she were royalty.

In fact, the Dupain-Cheng household was well-off, but they were not the type to worry about "social-climbing" or what-not. If anything, they just wanted their daughter to be happy, even if it meant that she wound up marrying someone underneath her in terms of status.

So, Tom and Sabine were floored when Adrien came over to ask Tom if he would allow him and Marinette to be wed.

Marinette was sitting in a chair in the living room, sitting between her parents and her suitor, who were sitting on opposite couches. Marinette herself was unable to say anything. She knew that she should also have some input in the matter, but she had made it clear to her parents that she loved Adrien for him, so that detail was settled.

Tom and Sabine treated Adrien as if he were a normal man, which Adrien greatly adored. They did not care that his father was a famous fashion designer, much less Marinette's favorite one.

No mistake, Adrien was fond of Marinette's parents. They gave him more love and attention than his own father, which was a breath of fresh air for Adrien.

That still did not make him feel any better about this big step. He wanted Marinette to marry him, but as was proper form, Adrien had to ask Tom for her hand.

"Two weeks later, in your living room stressin'. Your father's stone-faced while I'm asking for his blessin'." Adrien sang, as he outright asked Tom for permission to marry Marinette.

Adrien stuffed his face with the croissant, not sure what to do. He was in a panic, wondering what would happen if he kept going this way.

Adrien wanted Marinette to become his wife, but he was freaking out that Tom would shoot him down and shove him away.

Complicating matters was that Tom's face was about as blank and cold as Félix, and Adrien found it reallyunnerving. And Tom also had his arms crossed, too. Sabine was looking at her husband in concern, also wondering what to do.

As Adrien once again took a sip of tea, he was unsure of what else to say. He had made his case, and waiting for the verdict was killing him inside. He was about to say more, but then stopped.

"I'm dying inside as we wine and dine, and I'm trying not to cry, 'cause there's nothing that the mind can't do."

Tom stood up and then walked over to Marinette. His hands were behind his back and he was giving his daughter a severe look.

"Papa?" Marinette asked, quirking an eyebrow. She was nervous that her parents were going to object to her getting married to Adrien.

If they were opposed, Marinette was unsure as to why. They treated Adrien like their own son, so Marinette was positive they had no reason to tell him "no." On the other hand, becoming a member of the Agreste family was a big deal. When word got out, there was sure to be a lot of gossip and hearsay going around.

But no one in the room was more scared than Adrien. He was trembling in fright, scared that Tom would put an end to his romance with Marinette right then and there.

"Your father makes his way across the room to you. I panic for a second, thinking, "We're through.""

However, Tom merely stood Marinette up, took his hand into hers, and then walked over to Adrien. Tom gave them a smile, and then he took Adrien's hand.

Tom opened Adrien's palm and then placed Marinette's hand into Adrien's. Tom then closed their hands, so they were holding onto each other.

Tom immediately beamed at Adrien, and patted his shoulder, before saying, "Be good to her, Adrien. I know you will."

Marinette and Adrien immediately looked back at each other with delighted looked on their face. Adrien gave Marinette his biggest, happiest grin, and then she returned it. The two began to laugh with joy.

"He puts your hand in mine, then tells me, "Be true." And you look back at me, smiling and I'm…"

Once Adrien and Marinette made eye contact again, they gave each other a hug, and Adrien started kissing her cheek over and over again.

The parents disappeared from the room to give Adrien and Marinette time to themselves.

Adrien soon looked into Marinette's pretty blue eyes, and he melted with joy. It was those very same eyes that he fell in love with that night they first met.

"(Hey!) Helpless! (Look into her eyes and the sky's the limit!) I'm helpless, hoo! (Down for the count and I'm drowning in em'! I'm helpless)!"

Adrien brought Marinette back to the Agreste estate so he could break the news to his father and Félix.

Gabriel was delighted that his youngest had found a girl with such promise in the fashion industry. Like Félix, he was also impressed with the fact that the dresses Marinette would wear were handmade by her.

Since Adrien had gotten engaged first, he had no problem rubbing it in his brother's face. When Marinette was not looking, Adrien found Félix and started to tease.

Félix just let his brother do what he wanted. He just cracked a faint smile when Adrien's smitten behavior made him look ridiculous. Félix found it endearing, in all transparency.

"Yes, Félix! That girl is mine! (Look into her eyes and the sky's the limit! I'm helpless)" Adrien sang.

He caught his brother in a headlock and started giving him a noogie.

However, he immediately stopped when he heard footsteps. Worried it was their father, Adrien let go of Félix, and then just started bouncing on the balls of his feet, overjoyed that he and Marinette were now betrothed. He was so happy that he failed to see that his brother's body language was back to what was normal for him. But there also something a little sad, too.

It was in fact, Marinette who approached them. Félix immediately made himself scarce so the two lovers could have some privacy.

Adrien was once again drowning in Marinette's eyes, and he did not want to be "rescued" in a sense.

"(I'm helpless!) Helpless! Down for the count and I'm drowning in em'!"

Marinette had come out of Gabriel's study. She looked a little nervous, but managed to take a deep breath. She looked to Adrien, a bit perturbed.

"Marinette, my sweet, what's going on?" Adrien asked, as he held her hand.

"Adrien… I know that you love me and all, and I love you, too, but… I don't have anything to offer you." Marinette sadly said.

"What do you mean?" Adrien asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Marinette's family did have assets, just not the ones that Marinette felt men would want from their future wife. Her parents' bakery was very successful, but they were still considered middle-class. In terms of money, Marinette was in the running, just not at the top of the list.

The only land that her family had was their house and the bakery, which was small. Her family was modest, and they were happy with it.

Tom never went to war, so he never experienced what horrors would have gone down. Sabine and Tom had agreed that it was probably for the best, anyway, since they felt that Marinette was too good and kind to have to worry over wartimes.

Their bakery was also well-known in Paris, but that was about it in terms of fame. The Dupain-Cheng family did not care about getting famous or trying to get their daughter married off, since they only wanted her to be happy.

"Adrien, I don't have much money to my name. No acre of land, troop to command, dollop of fame." Marinette sang.

Adrien voiced his confusion on how that was relevant, which was good news for Marinette. She smiled, feeling so much better.

Her parents taught her right from wrong, and how to act in certain situations, especially when dealing with the elite. People who knew her well enough, such as Alya, were aware of Marinette's kindness, her manners, her beauty, and how respectful she was to other people, no matter how crude, rude, or mean they were.

Marinette was also used to getting hurt, either by tripping when she was not being careful, or by pricking herself with her sewing needles. She understood the latter was a typical occupational hazard, but Marinette would always feel silly whenever she would trip and fall. Luckily for her, she never tripped up around Gabriel Agreste.

In Marinette's bedroom, she had sketchbooks filled with designs and her closet was filled with clothes and dresses that she had made in the past. Anything that she outgrew, she would donate, and she would always try to find time to make smaller pieces of clothing for children that needed it. She always felt that if she was going to be a seamstress, she would at least put her skills to use to try to help others.

"All I have's my honor, a tolerance for pain. A couple of fancy dresses and design on the brain."

Marinette was always lively and sweet, but she would become a little more nervous whenever she was around the other members of the Agreste family. She would always remain cordial and polite, have a big smile on her face, but her vigor was a little more subdued.

Gabriel was thoroughly pleased that Adrien had fallen for Marinette. At first, he thought she was nobility because her dress was so fancy. However, when Adrien informed his father that Marinette had made the dress herself and she was only middle class, Gabriel felt that her family background was irrelevant.

He had started teaching her more about the fashion world, training her to become a seamstress for the company. Marinette was a fast learner, and she had shown Gabriel time and time again that she not only a good fit for the company, but a good fit for Adrien, too. Needless to say, Gabriel agreed.

However, Félix would still try to make moves on Marinette. Whenever Adrien was not around, Félix would try to get time alone with Marinette. However, she not only saw what he was up to, but she managed to duck him while remaining polite.

"Insane, your family brings out a different side of me. Mr. Agreste mentors me, and Félix had tried to take a bite of me." Marinette sang, shrugging about the part regarding her future brother-in-law.

Adrien took Marinette's hands into his own and started kissing her own. Marinette could see that there was a possessive fire to Adrien, and having his lips on her skin made her feel very loved.

Adrien gave Marinette a hug, kissed her forehead, and then they started to walk through the gardens and talk.

He was relieved that Marinette wanted him for him, not just the status of the Agreste name. It was the only thing he could ever wish for in life.

Adrien knew that he would want Marinette to move in to the Agreste estate and live with him, since they were going to be wed. Being surrounded by the world of fashion design was something Marinette had no problems with.

"No stress. My love for you is never in doubt. I'm sure once we're married, we will figure it out." Marinette sang, reassuring Adrien of her feelings for him.

Marinette told Adrien stories about her childhood and how happy she was with her parents. It made Adrien a little jealous that Marinette's parents were so loving and supportive of her. Gabriel was always aloof, and Félix was not much better.

Whenever Adrien was with the Dupain-Chengs, the contrast was uncanny, but a very welcome pleasure to him.

Tom was always there for his daughter whenever he had the chance, and her mother would insist on him eating a little more. Adrien was a little lanky, but apparently Sabine thought his figure was on the unhealthy side of thin.

Her parents were loving and fair, always disciplining her whenever she did wrong, and helping feed her passion for fashion design in any way that they could. Over time, Marinette not only became a talented dressmaker, but a woman that any man would want to have as their wife. She herself never thought this about herself, but her humility was another attractive quality her parents were proud of.

Marinette knew that when the day came that they would not be around anymore, she would always remember them, for they had such a big influence on her and they were so helpful to her.

"I've always had my family since I was a child. My father's there, my mother's nice, I turned out just fine. And I'll never forget my parents' faces for real."

Marinette turned back to Adrien, who had locked arms with her, and they continued to walk their walk in the flowers.

"And long as I'm alive, Adrien, swear to god you'll never feel so… " Marinette sang.

"(Helpless!) (I do I do I do I do!) Adrien…" Marinette and Adrien sang together, as they began to have a small waltz in the middle of the roses. "(Helpless!) (I do I do I do I do!) I've never felt so…"

"(Helpless!) (Hey, yeah, yeah!) (Down for the count and I'm drownin' in em'!) (I'm down for the count and I'm)…"

"My life is gon' be fine 'cause Adrien's in it!" Marinette sang, as she and Adrien did an underarm turn and then Adrien dipped her down.

The light from the moon was acting like a spotlight for the two of them, and it was reflected in Marinette's eyes. Adrien's heart thudded again and his cheeks turned as red as the roses around them.

"I look into your eyes and the sky's the limit!" Adrien sang, as he hugged Marinette.

"(I'm) (Helpless) (Down for the count and I'm drowning in em'!)"

The wedding ceremony was taking place at church. The deacon was holding the bible in hand, ready to perform the ceremony for Adrien and Marinette. Adrien was at the altar. He was wearing a handmade suit, completely black but with green trim on the cuffs of the sleeves and wearing a red rose boutonnière.

The groomsmen were standing next to Adrien from the left, in the order of Félix, Nino, and Nathanaël. Ironically, Adrien had asked Félixto be the best man. However, this was due to a family tradition and obligation. The youngest sibling would have the eldest as the best man or maid of honor at their wedding, no questions asked. Adrien wanted Nino to play the best man, but he was bound by family obligations. Nino understood that there were some traditions in the Agreste family that Adrien could not avoid.

Marinette had her best friend, Alya Césaire, play the maid of honor. Since Alya was the girl that Nino had come to fancy, having the two of them in the wedding party was a perfect match. She also had two of their other friends, a girl with large periwinkle eyes and short blonde hair, named Rose Lavillant. Then, there was a girl with long black hair with a purple streak in it, and it covered one of her copper eyes, and her name was Juleka Couffaine.

Once the doors opened, Marinette came in, on her father's arm. Adrien blushed at her wedding dress. Knowing her, she sewed every stitch and must have been toiling over it for months. And with Marinette's talent, she did not disappoint anyone in the room.

Tom gave Marinette away to Adrien. Adrien gave him a firm nod, and then he stood by side with Marinette in front of the priest.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…" The priest began.

Once the ceremony was finished, Adrien lifted Marinette's veil off of her face, and then he held her by the small of her back. His blush was as intense as ever, and then he dove in for a kiss. Marinette received it with passion and they were in a full-blown make-out session.

"In Paris, you can be a new girl. In Paris, you can be a new girl. In Paris, you can be a new girl…"

The wedding party went to the reception, which was held at the Grand Paris hotel – where Adrien and Marinette had first met.

The newlyweds were in the center of the dancefloor, waltzing away. Adrien was the happiest he had ever been, now that he was married to the girl of his dreams.

"Helpless…" Adrien sang, before he and Marinette shared another kiss.

Adrien dipped her down and gently stroked her head as they kept kissing her over and over again. Everyone in the room was roaring with cheers and applause.

Here's the first chapter with Adrien and Marinette's romance in it. Now, I normally wouldn't dabble in using Félix, but I thought, why not? The next chapter will be "Satisfied," the whole Adrienette relationship from Félix's perspective!