A/N: Decided to write one of these Percy goes to Hogwarts during Harry's fifth year stories, but gay, and instead of Harry being protected by Percy it's the other way around. because I can. Shut up and read, or go away.

CHAPTER ONE: Percy's Life Sucks Butt.

Sally sighed as another day went by and Percy ended it by curling up on the couch, blocking everything out. It had been tough for her son, his life was one of the myths, a tragic legend that threw in loops in directions that were previously unknown to the human race. After he had returned home victorious, yet broken, from the war against Gaea, he tried to stay away from the life of a demigod, as best that he could. But, woah is life when your name is Percy Jackson, and the heartache never left his doorstep.

Annabeth didn't think that taking a break was the right thing to do. She thought that staying and helping fix things, would help fix them. They argued about it, day and night. That's all the young couple seemed to be, broken arguments that they couldn't get past. Both sides trying to hold ground, because if they lost, would they lose the rest of themselves too? Once the cutest couple, they were becoming toxic. Percy would become even more saddened by his actions, by Annabeth not listening to him, by him not listening to her. Annabeth was the same way. They were drowning in each other, so their friends held an intervention. And the two were now friends. Both were sad, but both understood. It was a sad-sweet ending, but one that needed to happen.

Percy had found a job at a small cafe. It wasn't too busy, and the owner was a sweet old woman who appreciated the help, since her last employee had quit, saying the pay was too little. Percy didn't care for money, just needing something to do. Sally was proud of him, she always has been, always will be. He did shy away from people more, less confident when it was just mortals. With his excess emotions- that he couldn't tell him mother, in fear she'd grow worried. And he couldn't tell his friends, because they were going through their own tragedies, and didn't want to dump his own onto them- he wrote them down. First as journal entries, but when those become too structured, too patterned, Annabeth had suggested poetry. She had even supplied him with a special pair of glasses that would cancel out his dyslexia. He wore them constantly, those black frames settled on the bridge of his nose.

Of course, more bad had to balance out good, and Percy was attacked one his way home from shopping. A crazy looked woman, with a thin face, and deathly white eyes, unkempt crazy black friz for hair. Her eyes were the worst, speaking of madness and harmful thoughts. Percy thought it was a monster at first, but soon discovered his assumption wrong when Riptide rippled through the woman. She took out a wooden stick and started to yell Latin-ish words at him, colored light zoomed his way. He activated his shield and deflected the destructive light-show away from him, but still a purple one hit him right in the chest, making him fall to the floor. Agony made him paralyzed, cut off his breathing. The woman whooped and hollered and then vanished into the air with a happy spin.

It didn't take long to figure out that the curse had turned him into a fifteen year old again. He wasn't sure if this was the woman's intent, but that didn't matter. He had gone to camp for the Hecate Cabin to check him out, see if he wouldn't die or anything. Maybe even get this thing reversed. On good news, he was ok, on bad news, it couldn't be reversed.

Fall approached, and in New York, that meant snow. Percy still had his job, the old woman apparently was the daughter of demeter, who would have guessed, and understood the ups and downs of being a demigod. Her name was Susan Swann. Sadly, not everyone was a demigod, and Percy was picked up by the truancy officer, so school was a thing again. He had to be enrolled in Goode as a sophomore again. Annabeth and Leo helped with the fake paperwork, and now his name was William Johnson, Paul's nephew, whose parents died in a motor vehicle accident. Sadly, William was picked one by the bullies in the school. Percy couldn't do anything, his powers and strength so screwed from what happened in Tartarus, he was afraid to even tap into them outside of camp. It wasn't like Percy was never bullied, on the contrary. Add that he was still ADHD, and wears glasses, and was a loner, well it didn't take too much to find things to pick about.

He had gone to Paul, but of course that only made things worse for him, so William was forever bullied. The latest thing that had happened was when the main group, lead by an asshole named Jordan Flych, knocked Percy unconscious and pushed him into the Hudson on weekend. Sure, you'd think that Percy would just heal from the water. That the incident didn't have any consequences because those bullies pushed Percy into his element. He may have not gotten wet, but having dropped to the bottom of the river, and then going to shore took time. And Percy was not immune to the cold. And so, Percy, savior of Olympus, got mild hypothermia. The thing about hypothermia that people don't understand, is that it isn't just really cold, and you go in and pile on blankets, drink hot cocoa, and sit by the heater. No. Hypothermia literally changes your core temperature, it switches your body 'heat' to body 'freeze', even mild hypothermia. It took time to get the dials in your body back to normal. Percy was cold all the time now.

Nico helped. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Percy thought that Nico was hanging out with him so much now, because Percy was now the youngest, a year younger than Nico's sixteen. Percy didn't mind though. The darker boy respected his new limites, and ones he did push only helped and didn't hurt Percy. Nico could practically sense when Percy was too cold, shaking his head as he shuffled a beanie-hat onto Percy's head, and wrapping his arms around the son of the sea. He even enrolled into Goode to help protect William.

"Liam, go hid behind your boyfriend, you fag." Jordan growled one day, clutching his bloody nose. At camp, everyone was Percy's friend. Everyone appreciated his jokes and quirks. At school, Liam was the outcast, he was the joke. Percy could handle any monster you through at him, because he knew they were evil. At school, the mortals, he knew they were only misguided kids trying to get out their own frustrations on other people, he couldn't hurt them more. Nico however, didn't care about other people. He and Percy had gone through so much more than anyone here. They had transverse hell and came back, literally. Yet they didn't take their angry and injustice out on other people, so why could mortals do it to them?

It was that statement though, that had Percy thinking. And a month later, he asked Nico out. Nico had had a long time crush on Percy. Though looking back on it, it was more like heroes worship than anything else. He had tried a relationship with Will, and when it was good and sunshiney, it didn't feel right to the darker boy. Will was great, but he was such a mother hen. It didn't feel like he was respecting Nico's wishes in hopes of keep him safe. They were still friends, and Nico felt this arrangement was much better for them. With that relationship a buffer from his hero worship, he got to see Percy in a whole new light, and liked him even more than he had, not only his heroism, but his human sides too. They've been happily together for months.

Today, Percy curled up on the couch, his emotions taking a strong hold of him, darkening his thoughts to self loathing and hatred. Sally sighed, stroking her son's hair as she sat down on the arm of the couch next to his head. Usually Nico would be here to cheer her son up, but the son of Hades was on quest for his father. He should be back soon, though. Paul came through the door a few hours later, having had a teacher's meeting to get ready for the start of the new school year. He took the spot at Percy's feet and placed a calming hand on his son's calf. They stayed like this for awhile, but Paul had to grade papers, and Sally had to start dinner.

"Do you think he'll get better?" Paul asked his wife.

"Someday. He's strong, but he's still just a kid, even when he was older, he's young. And this 'deaging', it had some effects he isn't telling us about, but I can guess. I can guess that even though he has the memories of him being seventeen, it's not the same. It's like since he's younger, he's smaller, he can't move past it like he could. But it's just a theory." Sally took in a deep breath. She had to be strong for her baby boy, like he was strong for her. Paul nodded solemnly. He might be new two this demigod stuff, but he wasn't stupid, and the love he felt for this struggling family was real. He got up and hugged his wife, only for their second child to start crying. Paul was about to go see what was happening, only to see Percy going in their wake.

"At first I didn't think he would like Stephanie. Like he would think we were replacing him." Paul spoke his thoughts to Sally, only for his wife to chuckle.

"Then you have a lot to learn about Percy." The crying stopped, but replaced by a knock on the door. Sally sighed, breaking away from her husband's hold and went to the door. It wouldn't be a monster, they couldn't get past the protection around their whole apartment building. Actually it protected them from anyone who meant ill harm to the Jackson-Blofis. It could be a demigod looking for help, but they usually just walked in. Percy didn't have friends at school, and usually went to the other person's house if it was forced for a school project. "Hello?" Sally asked, opening the door, only to slam it back shut. This got both Paul's and Percy's attention.

"Who was it?" Percy said in a growl, his eye flashing the protective power, Stephanie still in his arms. Sally gave her husband and son an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, it just took me by surprise." She said before opening the door again, a hard look forming onto her face. Now, Percy had a look that could scare the toughest of people into submission. Some suspect that he had gotten it while going through Tartarus, a souvenir from hell. Those who know better, know that it came from his mother, and it is a pale comparison.

"Hello again, Ms. Jackson." An old man's voice said cheerfully. "May we come in?" And truthfully, Percy thought his mother would decline, but a moment later she stepped aside, and ancient man in robes, and an aged woman stepped in.

"Is this about what I think it is?" Sally said vaguely. "Because if it is, I'm not letting you put my son into your battlefield. I do not give my blessing for this."

"No, Sally, this isn't about bring him into our war, this is about keeping him out of it." The older man said. This confused Percy. Paul sighed, knowing only a little of what was being referenced to, so he walked over to Percy and took his daughter.

"Go to your mother." Paul said softly, nudging Percy into motion.

"Mom, who are these people?" Percy asked suspiciously, fiddling with Riptide, twirling it through his fingers. Even though these people were obviously people, Percy wouldn't hesitate to stain his ink red for a while if it meant protecting his family.

"Percy, oh Percy, I never wanted you to find out about this." Sally sighed. "This is Albus Dumbledore, and she is Minerva Mcgonagall. They are professors of the boarding school that I went to in Europe when I was a teenager."

"The one you dropped out of when your uncle got sick?" Percy asked, eyeing the company.

"Yes, but... well, That's not the real reason I left. My mother, she took us to America to get away from the darkness that was creeping up in London." Sally explained. "She could only get me away, before my father killed her." Percy went rigid.

"But you said -"

"Yes, I know what I said. But when I went to America to live with my uncle, I was leaving that part of my life behind. We had to make fake papers, just like we had to do for William Johnson." Sally sighed. "My father was raising up, killing many, creating a group, like the Nazis and the KKK. His group of people weren't normal, though." Sally knew her son could handle the information. It wouldn't be a surprise for him, not one bit. She kept stalling, because she was scared, she had kept this information to her chest for so long. If she spoke it outloud, it might ruin her happy life, a life she only just got.

"Mr. Jackson." Dumbledore picked up the conversation. "What your mother is trying to say, is that in the shadows of your world, there are people who have the ability of magic. And her father and her mother were apart of this race of people, as am I and Professor Mcgonagall." They expected at least a hint of shock at this knowledge. To be totally honest, this was Dumbledore's favorite part, seeing the wonder and disbelievement on people's faces as their whole world was shifted. Usually it was with twelve year olds who were going to go to Hogwarts. Perseus only gave then a passing glance, like he didn't even hear them.

"My father, Percy, tried to get rid of all those who defied him, all those who were not pureblood wizards. He has had a large grip on the wizarding world for a long time. It hurt to leave my friends and family to deal with him, but I could do nothing. Although both of my parents were magical, I am not. Fourteen years ago, having risen to power with a large group of followers, he learned of a prophecy that told of his undoing." Sally took up the story.

"And he tried to stop the prophecy." Percy guessed, having had many prophecies himself, he knew that it didn't work like that.

"In a terrible way. He started killing away all the possibilities away, even if they were children." Percy sucked in his breath. "He was killed when he thought a mothers love didn't have power. But as you know, evil doesn't stay gone for long. The last I heard of was that he was back, gaining strength and followers once more."

"Wow, two-for-two on evil granddads." Percy chuckled. "What about your dad, Paul?" Percy looked at his step dad.

"As far as I know, the worst thing he's done was ground me for a week for sneaking out to meet up with a girlfriend when I was about your age." Paul shrugged.

"What a heinous crime, sorry guys, I have an evil step-granddad to take care of first." Percy chuckled, but the Professors didn't laugh.

"Perseus, this is serious. You may not be a wizard, but for some reason power flows through you more powerful than anyone has ever seen. If Voldemort -"

"Woah, this guys name is Voldemort? That's tasteful." Percy snorted. Mcgonagall glared at the boy for interrupting her.

"If Voldemort found a way to tap into even a bit of your power, it could cause massive casualties, including your own. We noticed that your apartment building was already protected, but not this whole city. And it appears that one of his followers has already gotten to you, since you are supposed to be turned eighteen this summer, are you not?" The older woman pressed. "We need to protect you, for your safety and the safety of our kind. We don't ask you to join our fight, you are merely a boy, with no training. That would be reckless."

"So it's like witness protection program?" Percy questioned.

"If you want to see it like that. The teachers that you will have will be informed that you are not actually a wizard. But to everyone else, you must try to act as a wizard coming from America for further studies." Dumbledore explained.

"I'll have to leave my family to go to Europe to be protected by my crazy wizard grand-dad." Percy took a deep breath. He looked at his mother. It was clear these people had no idea of the Greek and Roman world that hid in their shadows, in their heritage. Heck Lady Hecate was the goddess to bless the first humans into becoming Wizards and witches. If he tried to explain that he could protect himself no problem, that would make them suspicious. It might cause another war against wizards and demigods, best not. So the only option was to let them protect him. Percy knew his mom knew that, and as long as he kept in contact she would be fine, she was strong. Percy was not, he couldn't be alone anymore, he didn't want to be, he refused to be, but if he did. If he did there was a possibility of being used to kill all those innocent witches and wizards. "I'll do it." Dumbledore smiled, about to stand up to leave. "Only if I get to bring my boyfriend with me."

"What now?" Nico said in the corner, only just coming back from his quest. He looked around the room, seeing Professor Dumbledore and Mcgonagall in his boyfriend's apartment. "What the fuck did I miss?"

"Mr. Di Angelo? You are supposed to be at Sirius's." Mcgonagall was slacked jawed, looking at the young man. He had appeared a month ago at Grimmauld Place with information about Voldemort, and how to defeat him. He has been great help, but most of the Order doesn't trust him.

"What, you know each other?" Percy's eyes lit up. "So this mains I can bring you along!"

"No, Mr. Di Angelo is not a wizard. Keeping one muggle under wraps is difficult enough, but two?" Mcgonagall shook her head, not willing to think of the impossibilities.

"Then I won't do it." Percy said, his eyes turning cold as he walked next to Nico, grabbing his hand. "All or none, your choice."

"Alright, but you will have to leave with us immediately." Dumbledore agreed, shushing his colleague as she tried to protest. Percy nodded, turning to his mother and giving her the hug of a lifetime.

"I'll message you everyday, I promise." Percy murmured, trying but failing at keeping the tears away.

"I know you will. Be good." She hugged her son, and then gathered Nico into her embraced. "Take care of him."

"I will." Nico promised.

"Time to go, children." Dumbledore said.