CHAPTER FIVE: Explanations and Unanswered Questions

"It's just trapezing." Nico scoffed. "People without magic do it all the time. Although it is really difficu-"

"I wasn't talking about your rope-dancing." Lupin interrupted the darker boy. "I was talking about the water effects. It takes a skilled wizard to pull a levitation spell, while also shaping the liquid and keeping it in place with little to no concentration."

"Uh-" Harry watched as Percy more or less hid behind Nico. He twitched and fidgeted. It took only a moment to notice that he was mouthing something under his breath, which was starting to get erratic.

"In America, our schools are more specific to the type of magic you lean more towards. Of course we learn all the spells, but each student gets taught to be an expert in their own category or element. Percy and I both deal with elemental magic. Shadows, and Water. So even though we are only fifth years, we are very skilled in these sets of spells, being able to do them wordlessly and without much help with wands." Nico said, his voice confident and Harry really wanted to believe him.

"Water is one of those elements that not a lot of people specialise in." Percy said, his voice having a little tremor in his voice. It wasn't fear though, it was power, just enough to force its way into existence. Harry glanced around and could tell that his friends felt it too. If Percy really was with Voldemort, there was no way that they'd have a chance at winning this ever present war. "People who use it are feared, but it's not something you can just choose. Like that wand guy said about the, uh, wands. The magic chooses the wizard."

"Why would anyone fear water?" Ron asked, almost laughing.

"Because the human body is made up of 65% water. The air around you is made up of water vapor. The world is mostly water. Water literally is everything." Percy waved his hand and a mini hurricane spun in his palm. Harry was astonished as his hair whipped towards the mini power-house.

Lupin and Sirius shared a looked before turning back to Nico and Percy. Percy shrunk back, his twister dying out completely.

"But why the trapezing?" Sirius asked, and the pressure in the room suddenly lifted, like the sun cutting through the clouds after a rain. Harry wondered if this was also Percy's doing.

"It looked fun?" Percy shrugged. "It was another way of expression that helped alleviate stress and anxiety?"

"Alright, just get back to cleaning. Or Molly will catch you guys slacking off." Sirius said, leaving with Lupin. Harry watched Nico and Percy slump with relief, as if they had just faced off with a mountain troll and fought for their lives.

Percy couldn't believe those two believed Nico. He couldn't believe that he let his powers slip up like that. Well, he could, its been happening all the time now. The ocean was never meant to be contained, and never was his powers. If it weren't for Nico's fast thinking, Percy would have probably slipped that the Greek and Roman world was real. That would have been one heck of a problem.

He had to be more careful. But it was so good to have a backstory on their powers, so they didn't need to hide away as much. Though, now everyone thought that they were actually wizards, and Dumbledore and Mcgonagall were giving them side-long glances. They were the only two that new that Percy didn't have any wizarding ability, that he had never gone to a school. What if they now thought that Percy and Nico truly worked for Percy's grandfather? Shit, they just made things far more complicated.

"Breath, Perce." Nico was there, holding his hand to Percy's chest, steading him. "In for four." Percy knew the breathing exercise. He went through it so many times. But Percy couldn't help forgetting how it was done every time he fell into the painful darkness that was a panic attack. "hold for seven, and out for eight." On and on this went. They were in a secluded part of the Black household, it was bedroom, but this was looked as if it went untouched. When did they get in here.

"Whe-re are we?" Percy croaked after awhile. Nico glanced around and shrugged.

"Just an old bedroom. I sort of pushed you in when you started to have a panic attack in the middle of the hallway. I didn't think you'd want anymore revealing secrets to be had." Nico shrugged.

"Thanks." Percy murmured. "My question is, though. Why didn't the mist cover it up? Do wizards not get affected by it?"

"That wouldn't make any sense. Even demigods can get affected by the mist." Nico shrugged, twisting his ring around his finger as he thought. "Whatever the cause though, we have to be extra careful. This isn't just about not hurting anyone, this is about making sure we aren't exposed."

"When do we go to this HogWarts?" Percy rubbed his face, not ready for the challenges he's about to face.

"In six days."

A/N: I know this isn't a lot, and it's boring, and there was a long wait… I'll probably post a few more chapters today.. But I have life, and right now I'm sick, and I don't know, life just happens and shizz… Thanks for all the support (except for that one douche in the comments) I appreciate your comments and reviews.