Hi. I'm a brand-new author, with a brand-new sound (I hope I make you proud!). Miraculous is my favorite show. And this will probably be a reveal. So, if you don't want a reveal, I would not recommend reading this story. If you love reveals like me, then please, sit back and enjoy the read. (see what I did there?)

Chapter 1.

"Perfect!" Chat Noir exclaimed quietly, as he and Ladybug finished patrol.

"What?" Ladybug asked, putting her hands on her hips.

She already knew the answer, but she just went with it.

"Nothing." He quickly replied.

Ladybug just rolled her eyes and yoyoed away. Chat sat there though.

I need to know who she is!

He thought. Chat slowly made his way home, through the snowy February streets. Chat knew that almost everyone in his class had been akumatized, except for Marinette, but she's too nice to get akumatized. That left the rest of the school, not to mention Paris. A while ago, he had started piecing random clues that unlocked the code. There was thankfully a clue today, and the clues came sparingly. So far, He knew that:

Ladybugs fifteen.

She wears pink a lot.

She has a couple 'famous' friends.

She can cook.

She has a two-year crush.

She's amazing.

Chat knew the last one from day one, but it was just as important. As Chat rounded his house, he detransformed.

"Camembert?" Plagg moaned.

Adrien reached into his jacket and pulled out the gruesome goo.


Plagg stuffed his acorn head into the cheese. Adrien shook his head and buzzed the doorbell. A little security camera appeared.

"Where have you been?" Nathalie asked.

"Can you let me in first?" Adrien shivered.

There was a couple metal clanks and the gate opened. Adrien walked up to the door. Nathalie stood there at the front door, her arms crossed and a scowl playing her face.

"Sorry, Nino wanted to learn a couple fencing poses. He thought it would be good to know if a akuma ever attacked him."

Nathalie sighed and stood back so he could come in.

"Thanks!" Adrien said, running upstairs.

He plopped his stuff in his bed and ran to his rock climbing wall. He never liked all the 'gifts' in his room, but they where helpful now. His arms had gotten more muscular from battling akumas, so the wall was just like walking up steps. When the mansion was built, workers got slightly sloppy and Adrien learned he could crawl behind the wall. It was hard to explain, but you couldn't see it unless you where at the top of the wall. The space was just enough room for three people to lie down in a line. Adrien switched on battery powered lights. A long time ago, He had taped several pictures up of Ladybug on the wall farthest from the entrance. All the clues had been written in sharpie underneath the pictures.

"So, I'm assuming slipups were slipped up today?" Plagg said through a mouthful of cheese.

"You assumed right."

Adrien grabbed a sharpie and wrote the newest fact.

Ladybug is an only child.

Something they have in common. Ladybug had accidently let it slip, when he had simply asked if she had any siblings.

"I wish." She had said so quietly, Chat had to read her lips to know what she had said. Thankfully, he learned from endless modeling shoots to pay attention to what the photographer was angerly muttering. He used the mutters to improve his poses.

"I wish I had more help figuring out who she is." Adrien said.

"What am I? Moldy pizza?"

"Sorry Plagg, but I mean someone who can be in the open, and not hiding all the time."

"Why not enlist help?" Plagg asked.

"Who?" Adrien asked sarcastically.

"Someone who is as obsessed with Ladybug as you are."

"Soo, all of France?"

"I think you out rule them all. You literally have a hidden room dedicated to her."

"Good point." Adrien groaned. "Then who?"

"Let me think… how about Alya?"

"Are you crazy? If we did succeed in finding her identity, Alya would just tell the whole world."

"Have you ever heard of being sworn to secrecy?"

"Look, Alya is one of my best friends, but I feel like I should be able to trust her more…. So, what if I gave her a test?"

"What do you mean?" Plagg asked, moving closer to Adrien.

"I think I have an idea."


A bell rang, signaling that class was over. Marinette picked up her book.

"Want to go grab some ice cream?" Alya asked.

"Sure. The shop across the street?" Marinette suggested.

"Yeah, I've heard that they're pretty good." Alya agreed.

"Hey, can I tag along?" Nino asked from below them.

"Sure, what about you, Adrien?"

"sounds like fun."

The four soon found themselves in a booth at Al's gelato.

"Can I ask you a quick question?" Adrien asked Alya, leaving Nino and Marinette to go inside.


"Well, it's not a question but still. I know who Chat Noir is, and he asked for your help."

"What?! Who?" Alya jumped up and down like a kid at an amusement park.

"I will tell you on one condition, but you can't tell anyone."

"If Chat Noir and Ladybug wanted me to shut down my blog for trust issues, I'd do it!" Alya swore.

That was the response Adrien was looking for.

"Okay, Chat Noir is m- "

"Hey! Are you dudes coming?" Nino asked, swinging the door open just enough to peek his head through.

"Yeah, I was just asking Adrien to come help me work on my blog." Alya told Nino.

As they walked inside, Adrien whispered to Alya, "I'll tell Chat to go to your house later."