Hello! I would say I'm sorry for the late update, but I'm told I say the word 'sorry' too much. So, I Apologize. (Because they have they same meaning but different letters).

Chapter 11.

"Plagg, claws off." Chat Noir said, closing his eyes.

"Wait no!" Ladybug started.

Chat Noir's transformation finished, leaving Adrien standing in his place. He opened his eyes, to see that Ladybug had turned around, facing a wall instead of his face.

"M'lady-"Adrien started.

"Chat, what are you doing?" Ladybug asked, clearly angry.

"I want you to know who I am."

"We are on the verge of capturing Hawkmoth, and you want me to know who you are?!" Ladybug yelled. "And I'm guessing that since you did that right in front of Rena and Guardian they already know who you are?"

"Yes, but-"Chat got cut off once more.

"Are you serious?! This is just ridiculous! I have been a prisoner in Hawkmoth's stupid lair for like, the last week, fighting quite literally to get out, while you three have probably been singing 'twinkle twinkle little star' together while drinking tea, celebrating the fact that you all know each other's identity's! Well congratulations!" Ladybug finished angrily, pretty much yelling at them.

Shocked silence fell over the other heroes, as they registered what she had just said.

"You were at Hawkmoth's lair?" Adrien finally asked, breaking the silence.

Instead of answering, Ladybug fell over, sobbing. Adrien rushed to her.

"T-turn…B-back…to Chat." Ladybug said between sobs.

"Claws on."

Adrien, now Chat Noir, placed his hand on her shoulder, not sure if she was still angry or not. He wanted to be there for her, but he didn't want her to be angry. Ladybug's hand met his and she held it firmly in her own.

Seeing this as an open invitation, Chat Noir dropped to the ground, wrapping his arms around the crying hero. Ladybug turned until she was facing Chat. She buried her face into his chest, then hugged him.

They just stayed like that while Ladybug took her time to let it all out.

Chat was unsure of a lot of things, but he had never seen his Lady cry. And he hated it. he hated seeing her full of negative emotions. He wished he could take away all that angst building up in her. But he couldn't, the best he could do was sit there with her, comforting her through a hug.

To Ladybug, right now, hugging Chat Noir was like reading a happy ending to a sad story. In most happy endings, there's a kiss, but a hug was just as powerful. And yet, they were not at the ending.

"Chat, I know who Hawkmoth is." Ladybug said, pulling away from his loving grasp, her eyes staring off into space.

Chat wiped a tear from her face with his thumb.

"Can you tell me?" He asked quietly.

"Its-"She paused, biting her lip as her eyes teared up a bit more.

"You're okay," Chat said, pulling her back into a hug. "Take your time to tell me, I'll be ready when you're ready."

Ladybug rested her head on his shoulder, silent tears running down her face.

She felt anger towards Hawkmoth, or Gabriel Agreste for that matter. To think that a person would be that evil was a sad thing to think. Especially a man with a family, even if it was only Adrien, Ladybug still would think that Gabriel's motives would be to protect his son rather than putting Adrien's life at risk in Paris every other day.

"Hawkmoth is Gabriel Agreste." Ladybug said, sniffing.

Ladybug felt Chat stiffen. She looked at him and found a single tear dripping down his cheek.

"It cant be true." Chat said, stumbling backwards, away from Ladybug.

"I saw it with my own eyes kitty, he kidnapped people and caged them in a hidden basement underneath the Agreste house."

Chat backed away from Ladybug, his face showing all signs of terror.

"You're lying." He said, the silent tears becoming more frequent and visible.

Ladybug was confused, she expected a weird reaction, but this was more than she thought he would react. She looked at the silent heroes that stood watching her and Chat. They both looked shocked as well.

Guardian walked over to Chat Noir and laid a hand on his shoulder. Rena walked over to Ladybug and pulled her away from the boys.

"Let's give Chat a minute to process." Rena told Ladybug.

Ladybug was incredibly confused at this point, what did Rena mean by 'process'? She herself took the identity reveal of Hawkmoth hard, but that was because he was Adrien's father, and she loved Adrien more than anything. She couldn't even imagine what would happen if Adrien found out that the man that raised him was a villian that terrorized all of Paris.

"Do you have any plan at all yet?" Rena asked.

"Yeah," Ladybug said, coming out of a daze. "I need you though to help me."

"Of course." Rena said with a smile. "Also, I've been meaning to ask you…"

"Yes?" Ladybug asked, nothing but curious.

"Who's Martha, and why is her name on your forehead?"

(Back at Agreste Mansion.)

Everyone was starting to think that Ladybug wasn't coming back. They were also feeling abandoned since Marinette never came back. There were more rebellions in the group, mainly led by Martha, and mostly rebellions that would have let them out of the room-if succeeded. Thankfully, most of the people in the room clung to Ladybug's word that she would be back soon, and stopped the people trying to get out.

All of everyone was in a loud argument over what to do, when two thuds on the roof silenced them. They all exchanged glances, owndering who it could be. It had to be Ladybug and Chat Noir, Right? The people stared out the window, waiting for something to happen. The thudding continued, but it was softer, indicating footsteps. The footsteps stopped suddenly, and the roomful of Hawkmoth's recent prisoners held there breaths, as if though exhaling the air would be lethal.

Out of nowhere, the doors on one window flew open, and announced an arrival.

Everyone watched as two figures dropped from the roof, their boots stomping onto the wooden windowsill. They both had a mysterious air around them, but they only knew the face of one. Hawkmoth.

So. That's Chapter 11. Annnnnd... Yeah. I hope you liked it. and I also hope that you have a good morning, good afternoon, or good night, depending on when you read this. Bye!