
The first thing that registered to Rey's eyes was how much red there was in this room. The second thought was that it was massive. The scale of the room was nearly ridiculous, she thought, as she was lead forward across the smooth, obsidian floor. Her mind was screaming to her that there was danger here, though that was plain enough to her eyes.

Set at the far end of the room was a massive throne. Seated in it was a being that she could not place the species of. As they drew closer, Rey was able to pick out the details of him. Garbed in a robe of glittering, golden cloth, his appearance of grandeur was offset by the distraction of his mutilated face. The thing's skull bore a deep gouge, accompanied by a gaping hole in his cheek, and a twisted jaw.

As they approached, the thing, the Supreme Leader, Rey assumed, remained silent. But the closer she got, the more obvious the smug grin he wore became. Finally, Kylo stopped. His grip halted Rey as well, and he released her to kneel, bowing his head in reverence. Rey kept her steely eyes on the Supreme Leader.

"At least we meet," he said, sitting up a little taller on his throne. "Do you know who I am, Child?"

Rey swallowed hard. She didn't want to answer him, yet there was a terrifying, yet familiar feeling on the fringes of her mind. Rey knew this feeling from the time Kylo had attempted to interrogate her. The Supreme Leader was asking her questions now, but if she refused to answer him, he would attempt to invade her mind and search the answers out for himself.

Despite the damage done to his physical body, the sensation of power radiating off of this being was impossible to miss. If he chose to delve into her head, she doubted she would be able to stop him.

"The Supreme Leader of the First Order," she said, forcing strength into her voice.

The Supreme Leader chuckled. "That is correct. Now, what is your name?"

His question puzzled her. Why had she been brought here? What plans did he have? She remembered her guard saying he suspected Rey would be asked to join their ranks.

"Rey." Hesitation still bounced around inside her head, but she leveled a defiant stare at the gold robed figure.

Snoke chuckled. "You may not be a Jedi, but you have the pride of one, and it will be your downfall just as it has been theirs."

Suddenly, his eyes darkened, and Rey felt an invisible hand clamp tightly around her, holding her tightly in place. It happened so suddenly -so seamlessly- she had no chance to try and escape it. Her feet left the floor as she was lifted into the air, pulled by an unseen tether. The looming continence of Snoke was even more unsettling up close.

Gritting her teeth, Rey struggled to keep her face from reflecting her growing concerns, even as she mounted a mental defense, trying to fight her way free of the grip of the Force. It was strength unlike any she had ever felt before. Behind her, she knew Kylo still knelt on the floor. He was trying to shut her out, perhaps knowing what would come next.

Snoke reached out with one hand and grasped her jaw firmly, staring at her with cold, calculating eyes. Pain made her vision flash white. Rey cried out. There had been no warning. No questions. It went on for what felt like an eternity. When the lance of pain ebbed, her vision came back, though there were spots dancing around in her peripherie.

"Luke Skywalker's ward," Snoke laughed incredulously. "A detail my apprentice neglected to mention." His eyes slid past her, no doubt landing on the kneeling form of Kylo. "It seems there were a great many things he neglected to mention." His focus returned to Rey. "Where is he?"

Rey's mouth set in a stubborn line, and her eyes screamed her denial to help him. All the while, she desperately tried to fight her way free, but it was in vain. She might as well have been trying to free herself from binding chains. Worse, even. At least she would have been able to see chains. With this, there was only Snoke, and his iron will and mastery of the Force against her. She, who had only known she could control it in any capacity for a few days.

Again, without warning, pain seemed to split her skull down the middle, digging even deeper than before. This time, Rey didn't simply cry out. She screamed. When the pain finally receded again, she felt herself falling to the floor. She was in agony. The pain had spread through her entire body, and she felt like she had been ripped apart as Snoke probed for information. Her throat was raw from screaming, and she struggled to find breath. Despite all of it, she flexed her muscles and found she was able to move her limbs again. Slowly, she became aware that Snoke was speaking, registering his words late.

"We have searched for so long, and now, thanks to your childish rebellion, we finally know the location of the Last Jedi." His grin stretched from ear to ear, malicious. "Foolish child. You have no idea what you've done."

Rey looked behind her. Kylo didn't seem to have moved through the entire interrogation. His eyes were firmly rooted to the floor; his body was rigid. She wanted to call out to him. She knew what she had seen before. He was remorseful. Unsure of the path he had chosen.

"You think he is going to help you?" Snoke asked.

Whether he guessed it from her looking at him, or if he was still plugged into her mind, Rey didn't know. She struggled to her feet, breathing hard, earning more laughter from the Supreme Leader.

"So defiant." His voice dripped with contempt.

The Force struck Rey in the chest, sending her flying back, dragging her across the floor. She rolled onto her stomach and looked up, finding herself face to face with Kylo. He had finally managed to close himself off to her. Rey couldn't sense his emotions anymore. His expression was cold, nostrils flaring with each harsh exhale.

"Ben?" she asked, voice shaking.

His dark eyes flickered to hers, but she didn't see anything in them.

"Rise, Kylo Ren." Snoke's voice echoed through the open room.

Keeping his eyes locked on Rey's, he did as his master commanded, rising to his full, towering height. Rey started to push herself up, but was slammed back to the floor. Her chin struck the ground and she bit her tongue, tasting blood.

"Kill her."

The order was such a simple one. Unembellished. Unexplained. Just those two words.

Kylo's gaze rose, leaving her, gazing at Snoke instead.

"She will be your final test. The opportunity to kill your mother was taken from you. The scavenger will be your replacement."

Kylo remained frozen in place.

Snoke continued, his voice growing a little more taut. "I've felt your growing connection to her; you're attachment. Your only loyalty can be to the dark side."

Kylo continued to say nothing, but his hand fell to his saber, belted on his hip.

"No," Snoke said. "Use the saber of Ben Solo. Strike her down with it. Prove to me once and for all that he is truly dead."

Obediently, Kylo's hand moved to his old saber, unbelting it and holding it in his hand. His brown orbs were locked onto it, and the muscles in his cheek twitched. Rey could still taste blood in her mouth. She couldn't look away from him, watching for any sign of his intent.

The blade activated, casting a blue glow over her; the hum of it filled her ears. She couldn't talk anymore. There was nothing left to say. Whatever choice was going to be made, she had said all she could to sway him. But, if he was going to kill her, he would have to look her in the eyes as he did it. Rey stared up at him, her jaw set stubbornly. Kylo's eyes met hers. He rolled his wrist, spinning the lightsaber about experimentally. Sharply, he pulled it up, both hands wrapping around the hilt, holding it high, ready to bring it down. Rey didn't flinch. Kylo did.

Ben did.

He exhaled sharply, as though something had struck him in the gut; a sharp gasp, accentuated by the slightest shaking of his head. Strands of black hair fell in front of his eyes as he looked at her. Rey couldn't help but wonder what it was that he was seeing. Was it her, anymore? Or did he see someone else kneeling on the floor in front of him? Did he see anything at all? Or was it all lost to his ongoing internal battle. Despite her earlier assertions that he would have to make his own choice, she was tempted to reach out to him, or to say his name again. His proper name.

"You hesitate," Snoke said. His voice was level and displeased.

Kylo didn't move, save to say a single word.


Rey couldn't see Snoke, but she could imagine the ugly twist of a scowl shaping his mangled features.

"No?" he asked.

"No," Kylo repeated, and his eyes lifted off of Rey, settling once more on his master. "I won't do this."

Rey heard the sharp intake of breath from Snoke, though she wasn't sure if it was a gasp or a hiss.

"Think carefully about your next words," he warned. "They will decide your fate."

Kylo hadn't deactivated the saber, holding it tightly in his fist, so close Rey could hear the crinkle of his leather gloves.

"She is of more use to us alive. I won't kill her."

He had told Rey something similar about his plans for his mother. He had been unwilling to kill her, instead planning on taking her captive in an attempt to save her life. Just as he was doing now for Rey.

"Pathetic fool," Snoke growled.

Kylo's body went rigid. Rey felt the fluctuation in the Force as Snoke manipulated it again, grasping his former apprentice, restraining him where he stood.

"If you had any idea what you've just given up…" Snoke trailed off, but it was impossible to miss the venom in his tone. "You're just like the weakling, Anakin Skywalker, and your pathetic uncle. Though you won't live nearly as long as either."

Kylo remained silent, and Rey wondered if he would have been able to speak even if he had wished to. She kept her eyes trained on him, watching his face. His teeth were bared, jaw clenched, body trembling.

He's fighting, she realized.

Snoke was trying to force him to the ground and Kylo was trying to resist. It felt like the battle went on for an eternity, but finally, with a sound of pain, Kylo went to one knee. The saber was wrenched from his grip, sailing through the air to Snoke's outstretched hand. The towering figure had risen from his chair and was slowly coming closer. She could feel the overpowering malevolence growing near. Even as she thought this, the Force turned her, so she knelt on the ground next to Kylo, and they both faced the approaching figure.

Stopping in front of the pair, Snoke glared down. "There was so much power in you. So much potential. Squandered on sentimentality and compassion." He shook his head. At this point he was clearly trying to decide who would be best to dispose of first. His eyes settled on her, and he raised the saber up high. Rey locked her eyes on it, still unable to move the rest of her body, waiting for the end.

Before the weapon could be brought down on them, a shudder ran through the entirety of the room. Alarms began to blare, and the sound of a distant explosion rumbled around them. Snoke stopped, looking around as though he could see what was amiss. Along the wall, the guards in red straightened, having been knocked off balance by the shaking of the ship.


Snoke's question was answered by a second, much louder explosion. This one shook the throne room hard. Cracks appeared across the floor, and the ceiling. In the space of a breath, a massive chunk of metal came crashing down, jagged edges landing far too close for comfort to Rey and Kylo.

Snoke's hold on them weakened as he stumbled back, and Rey reached out, pulling her saber back to herself in the moment of confusion. Snoke's face twisted with anger, and he growled. A third explosion opened a hole in the floor. Snoke was powerful with the Force, but his body was old and broken. The continued quaking of the ground under his feet had him off balance.

A hand wrapped around Rey's upper arm, hauling her to her feet. Glancing up, she saw that Kylo had already risen, and his saber glowed, red and alight in his grip. He looked down at her, searching her face. Rey nodded sharply at him, before they both turned their attention back to the crumbling throne room.

Two of the red guards flanked Snoke, leading him through the wreckage in the room. The others were quickly closing in on the pair of them. Rey spun, feeling Kylo do the same, putting his back to hers.

"Stay close," he said, his voice startlingly calm.

Rey didn't risk a glance back at him. There wasn't time. The first guard reached her, bringing down a pair of short, curved swords. Swinging her saber up to deflect it, Rey was surprised when the weapon caught it, resisting it rather than being sundered in two. She felt, rather than saw, when Kylo moved to meet his own enemies.

He was a flare of swirling energy in the Force, darkness woven thick through light. It was a part of him, and it was achingly hungry for this fight. Like a living entity, the darkness jumped with excitement at the clash of weapons, surging with each powerful, assured movement of Kylo's body.

Rey's focus faltered, falling out of the Force's guiding motions for less than a heartbeat, and Kylo was there, deflecting a blow she had been too busy to notice. As he did, she saw the unguarded spot at his side. A red guard moved in to exploit it. Rey ducked under Kylo's extended arm, intercepting the blow. She twisted the long, bladed staff away, swinging her saber around enough to feel it connect with the shaft of her opponent's weapon. The deadly blade clattered to the floor and Rey kicked it sharply, sending it skittering away.

Kylo was still behind her, but she felt the space between them growing. They were being driven apart. The guard whose weapon she had struck wasn't fast enough getting away. Another blue arc cut through the air, leaving a glowing, red-orange line across his chest. He dropped to the floor.

Something was moving up behind her. Not Kylo. The Force guided her, whispering for her to twist and duck aside. The air stirred as she did, the incoming weapon whisked over her. Something connected with her side, driving the air from her and sending her crashing to the floor. The ground shook beneath her, then opened.

The guard that had kicked her was ready to strike her with his weapon, when he was swallowed up by the metal maw of the dying ship. Rey shrieked, scrabbling for the edge. She dropped her saber, watching it roll away, lodging between two chunks of debris. The floor was smooth, giving her little to catch herself on, though the edge was jagged enough to snatch at her clothes, pulling at her, and jabbing at her belly.

A guard approached the edge, slashing at her hands. Rey's heart pounded, the blood rushing in her ears. She shrieked again, almost falling as she frantically tried to avoid the blow. She still had her arms braced against the edge of the chasm. Calling out to the Force, Rey reached out, knocking the guard's legs out from under him. Then, before he could recover, she pulled, watching him slide over the edge and vanish into the darkness below.

Panting, Rey hauled her upper body up over the edge. Kylo was facing off with his final opponent. There was blood on his face, and she could see his eyes flashing. His teeth were bared in a snarl. The darkness she had sensed in him had only grown over the course of the battle, dwarfing what light had been there before, making Rey's blood run cold.

The final guard swung, knocking Kylo's saber out of his hands, as Rey's had been knocked from hers. Rather than scramble to retrieve it, Kylo followed the momentum of the guard. He brought up a fist, striking the guard on the arm, sending him stumbling off balance. Using that unbalance, Kylo kicked him, letting him crash ungracefully to the ground. The Force moved. The guard's glaive leapt from his grasp, sailing into Kylo's outstretched hand. In one fluid motion, Kylo brought it down hard on the guard's back with a cry of rage. The armor cracked and gave way. The guard was silent.

With one final heave, Rey pulled herself all the way out of the crevice, taking a few precious seconds to breathe heavily. A footfall nearby had her eyes flying open. Her hand reached out, her dropped saber springing eagerly back into her grip, though she was still laying on the ground.

Kylo stood over her, looking down with unreadable eyes, breathing hard. Rey rolled, pushing herself up so she was on one knee. Her lightsaber was deactivated, but she held it cautiously, ready to bring it to life if the fight hadn't died with the final guard.

Kylo blinked. Then, he belted his saber with one hand, reaching down to her with the other. "We need to go." His voice held the same calm as it had before the fight, the exertion betrayed only by the heaving of his chest, and the fire in his eyes.

Nodding in understanding, Rey reached up, clasping his hand in hers.