I don't own the characters or kyurangers. Hope you enjoy!

Balance awoke to noises coming from the bed across the room. He got up to check on his friend, and noticed Naga was still asleep. Balance wondered if the silver ranger was having a nightmare, but as far as he knew, Naga hadn't had dreams before.

"Balance," Naga muttered as his body twitched.

Balance decided to wake his friend, so he knelt by Naga's bed and lightly shook his arm, "Naga? Naga, wake up."

Naga bolted up, fear in his eyes, "Balance?"

"Were you having a nightmare?" Balance wondered.

"Nightmare?" Naga questioned quietly.

"A bad dream. It's like a movie your brain makes up when you are asleep," Balance explained.

Naga nodded in understanding and gave a small sigh, "It wasn't real then."

"Naga, what did you see?" Balance asked.

"I... I was evil again, you were dead, and it was all my fault," Naga shivered.

Balance put his hand on Naga's, "We are both alive, and both safe, alright?"

Naga nodded before Balance pointed out, "Generally nightmares cause fear. Naga, I think you are starting to learn more emotions."

"I don't like fear," Naga admitted, "The nightmare felt so real. I couldn't control myself and I thought you died."

"Don't worry Naga, I don't go down that easily," Balance chuckled as he pulled Naga into a comforting hug.

"You better get back to sleep, we have a big day fighting Jark Matter tomorrow," Balance stood up to head to his bed.

"Balance?" Naga whispered, "don't go."

"Alright, move over then," Balance jumped into Naga's bed.

The duo had often shared a sleeping space during their thieving escapades, so it wasn't the first time sharing a bed, but it was the first time they shared it for comfort. Balance rubbed Naga's hair until he drifted off to sleep, "Goodnight Naga, sweet dreams," Balance whispered before he dozed off as well.