A/N: Wow an update in the same month? Writer's block suck but here we are chapter 8. Sorry that this is kind of a filler chapter lol. WARNING: THIS STORY CONTAINS SPOLIERS TO THE SOUL EATER MANGA!

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater or Inuyasha!

Chapter 8: Recovery

Brown eyes slowly opened to a blurry vision. The girl tried her best to rub the blurriness out of her eyes, but she found herself stuck, unable to move an inch. She felt a weight on her body and pressure growing in her head. Soon enough the blurriness began to leave her vision, only to reveal dark red. The pressure seemed to be causing her a headache. A pain on her left shoulder began to grow more noticeable as she laid there, in nothingness. She managed to cast her sight on her chest to find it glowing a light pink, slowly growing bright, as if it were driving the redness around her away.

Another light began to shine in, this time not red nor pink. She did not recognize this light, but she felt relief as she felt the pain in her shoulder dissipate. This time the girl managed to close her eyes, able to rest now that the weight and pressure were off her.


"Kagome? Kagome are you alright?" A voice whispered. The young priestess could feel familiar claws gently holding her hand. Her eyes fluttered open, fully expecting to be caught in that redness like in her dreams, only she wasn't. The teenage girl was back in her fluffy pink room. Her chocolate brown eyes squinted in confusion as she looked around her own bedroom.

"Inuyasha? How did I get back here? Wasn't Maka fighting Kikyo?" She asked, her words slightly slurring as she sat up in bed. She looked confused at the half demon before her eyes widen like saucers. Memories began flooding into her brain. She quickly unbuttoned her pj shirt to check her supposedly injured shoulder.

"It's gone Inuyasha! But how? The arrow literally went through my shoulder but I feel just fine!" Kagome exclaimed, of course she avoided talking about the strange dream she had before waking up. It was probably nothing and so the young priestess decided to just slide it under the rug.

At the sight of Kagome unbuttoning her top, Inuyasha instantly turned red and cast his gaze elsewhere. "Hey cover up!" Before Inuyasha could continue Maka had burst into the room, towing Soul behind her. At the sight of Kagome half naked from the top Soul turned to face the other direction, holding his nose just in case he began to bleed. At this his meister threw daggers at him which sent a shiver up his spine. Deciding to ignore the death scythe, the pig haired girl turned her attention to Kagome.

"I'm glad you're recovered!" Maka smiled as she sat on the edge of Kagome's bed. Inuyasha sat in his usual cross legged positioned on the ground as he cleared his throat, pointing a clawed fingered towards Kagome. The teen jumped slightly as she covered herself up. She had been taken by surprise that she forgot she was in front of guest.

"How did you managed to heal my wounds? The arrow literally went right through me" Kagome lifted a hand and with a swift action swung it in the air to exaggerate her injury from last night.

"A witch friend of ours stopped by, she specializes in regeneration magic so healing is something she is good at" Maka explained. She stood up and extended her hand and slammed it gently on Kagome's head, obviously not hard enough to hurt her badly. Her famous Maka chop; bookless edition.

"Hey ow!" Kagome cried as she rubbed her head. "What the heck was that for anyways!" She looked at the girl with an annoyed expression, she never thought the sweet Maka would hit her. In the back Soul had an unimpressed expression. Luckily Kagome did not Maka as well as Soul knew her. He knew those what those Maka Chops did from first-hand experience.

Although Inuyasha was against Maka hitting Kagome, he understood. What Kagome did was completely reckless, it could have left her shoulder a mess if they hadn't come back to the present to have Maka's friend come and heal her. So, he stayed silent and gave Kagome a dirty look, he felt bad for doing so but thought it necessary for the teen.

"You...you idiot!" Maka exclaimed as she brought her hand back to the side. "You...shouldn't worry us like that! That was very reckless of you!" The girl sat back down on the bed with an angry expression on her face. At the very least Kikyo did not manage to hurt her with the other two arrows. The results would have been disastrous.

"My legs started moving on their own! I know those arrows were about to hit you, I just...I'm sorry! I just didn't want you to get hurt!" Kagome defended herself. She sighed and gave Maka and Soul and apologetic look. There was a long silent pause before it was broken by Miss Higurashi who carefully opened the door.

"Breakfast is ready! Please have some before going back, I set a place for everyone at the table" she notified everyone with a sweet smile, a mother's smile. Maka smiled kindly as she thought of her mother. It had been a while since she last saw her, at least the two frequently wrote to each other.

"Let's eat, we have lots to discuss when we get back" Soul said coolly as he ran his hand through his hair, his stomach was growing impatient as the smell of a traditional Japanese breakfast floated through the air. Everyone soon made it downstairs for breakfast, where they ate in silence.


Birds chirped cheerfully as they landed near a garden of herbs an elderly woman in priestess attire sat in. Next to her was a young woman with a fox demon child helping pick herbs.

"I just hope she will be alright, but what on earth is me sister thinking, she would never resort to such impure actions" the elder woman said in a gruff voice as she pulled on some plants, carefully studying them as she placed them in her basket.

Sango sighed worriedly as she set her full basket to the side. "I have no idea when they'll return, all we can do is wait for them and hope for the best, Kagome's injury looked bad" a wind had picked up and next to her Shippo perked up, nose in the air.

"They're back! Kagome's back!" He yelled as he scurried out of the garden, careful not to step on any of Kaede's herbs. Sango and Kaede also stood up and watched Shippo run into the forest. Seconds later a group of four people stepped out, head towards the garden.

"Kagome are you alright?" Sango asked as she approached the girl. She noticed that her arm was in a sling. She then checked her temperature using her hand, she was glad to find the fever she had last night was gone as well.

"I'm fine Sango, I just need to keep my arm in this sling for three days and I'll be good as new" Kagome explained, she giggled at how worried her friend was, she considered Sango a sister and would probably do the same if their roles were reversed. At this the demon slayer sighed in relief.

Everyone headed to the hut where Miroku was, he was in the middle of meditation. He opened his eyes and smiled as he saw the group that arrived to interrupt his meditation session. "I am glad you're back safe Kagome, how are you feeling? I trust you were able to receive the medical attention you needed back home?"

Kagome nodded as she sat down in front of the fire pit. "Yes, though I won't be able to use my left arm for three days, but thanks to Maka's witch friend I'll make a full recovery" she smiled as she glances over at Maka. She grunted softly and faced the other way. She was playing the silent game. At this Kagome sigh softly and turned back to smile at her monk friend.

"Moving on...why were Lady Kikyo and Maka fighting?" Sango asked as she sat beside the monk. At this Inuyasha stiffened. He began to recall what she said the past night.

"I think she's planning to defeat Naraku with her new...''power'', but why would she do that?" Inuyasha muttered. His ears flattened against his head as he stared at the empty fire pit. He couldn't bare see Kikyo. The madness slowly crawling into her gaze ever so slightly. It wasn't obvious at first, but he was certain something was there. Something bad.

"I know you briefly went over Naraku, but what exactly did he do?" Soul asked as he stuck his hands in his jacket pockets. He figured Naraku had to do something malicious enough to be a common enemy of both parties.

"He's an evil half demon who's after the shikon jewel, a jewel that grants immense power to its holder, he will stop at nothing to get his filthy hands on it. He was also the man who cast an evil curse on my hand" Miroku lifted up his beaded hand. He clenched it tightly, a fiery look in his eyes beginning to spark. Maka tilted her head in curiosity. She had felt his soul swell with determination.

"He's the man who killed my entire village and has my brother enslaved" a sorrowful expression twisted onto Sango's features. Maka's emerald eyes shimmered slightly as she read her soul. Sadness filled her, as did bitterness and regret. Yet her soul was sprinkled with a bit of hope.

"Naraku deceived me and Kikyo" was all Inuyasha was willing to say. He trusted Soul and Maka, but not quite enough to tell the pair more personal details of himself and his former lover. His soul was filled with regret and a touch of sadness. The half demon looked up and gazed over at his friends sitting around him. Although he didn't express it, Maka could feel his soul fill with warmth.

Kagome looked down, "It was kind of my fault that the jewel is broken" she intertwined her fingers in a shameful manner. Similar to a child who was caught doing something bad by their mother and was being scolded by her. Maka felt a bit guilty getting a peek at the girl's soul after giving her the silent treatment, but she just couldn't help herself. The priestess was filled regret. Kagome paused as to think for herself, her soul began to fill with the same warmth as Inuyasha. At this Maka smiled softly to herself and decided to end her silly silent treatment as she placed a comforting hand on the teen's shoulder. Kagome perked up as she cast a glance at Maka. The two girls smiled at each other.

Soul rolled his eyes as he laughed to himself. Although Maka would never admit it, she sometimes acted quite childish. A serious tone then came out of Maka's mouth as the sudden realization came to her mind.

"It won't be long until madness takes over Kikyo and she becomes a blood thirsty kishin egg, we have to move fast and... kill her" Maka cautiously looked over at Inuyasha who only threw daggers at the young meister. He hastily stood up and stared the girl down, despair growing in his eyes.

"There has to be another way! Kikyo is not evil! She won't become blood thirsty!" His fists began to form balls, small veins popping into view from how hard he clenched his fists. Maka calmly stood up facing the half demon, her slender arms crossed over her chest, causing her spartoi top to wrinkle slightly.

"Inuyasha, it is our job to protect people from kishin eggs. Kikyo is becoming a threat, the fact that we're in the past makes this whole thing a ticking time bomb, it will affect the present if we don't stop her" the pig tailed girl said in a stern manner.

All Inuyasha could do was make a face. He knew better than anyone what had to be done. It wasn't his most favorite plan, he just needed some time to think, maybe there was a chance the he could talk to Kikyo. His ears flattened once more as he recalled Kikyo ignoring his pleas and questions.

"Keh! Do I'll do this on my own if I have to!" He grumbled as he exited the hut. Soul and Maka looked at him as he left, puzzled expressions on their faces. What had him so hung up on Kikyo, the half demon didn't seem the type to hesitate. Maka looked back to ask her new friends what was up with the half demon.

"It is not our place to tell you Maka" Sango gave an apologetic look. Kirara gracefully leapt onto her lap and settled down for a nice lap, purring slightly as the demon slayer ran her fingers through her soft yellow fur.

"I'm going to talk to him!" Maka said as she walked stiffly out the hut, she grew nervous at the thought. But how would she talk to him, out of everyone from the group, Inuyasha seemed the most difficult. Although Soul was as curious as Maka, he decided to stay back and let his partner handle everything, she'll update him later. The Death Scythe sighed as he leaned against the wall, smiling as he answered questions Shippo had asked as he sat down next to him.

A/N: End of chapter! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to leave a review!

Shout outs:

SleepinBeautyK: Don't worry! They're all better now! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Talawolfgirl: SOMA is one of my favorite ships! Not much of a Kagome X Inuyasha fan though, I enjoyed it but it's not on my top ten list ha-ha. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Guest: Updated! Thanks for reading! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!