He looked at the castle that stood proudly some distance away, with barely any more traces of having suffered through a cruel war. It was still as beautiful as it had been when he was a student there. It was still home. It reminded him of them, of everyone who had been through the war, but most of all, of her. She, who had been right in the center of it all, even when she didn't need to be, and had come out, stronger.

He looked at the pavilion he was standing on, beautifully decorated in white, like the rest of the grounds which now had chairs laid out. Minerva had told him it was no trouble, but he was no fool; knew how much work must have gone into it. He was surprised, really, perhaps because he did no expect people to do something so wonderful for him. He was even more surprised at the number of people who had come to the occasion. He hadn't known he had so many friends. Spending so much time broken and alone could do that, he supposed.

He knew he owed everything to her. He even owed her his life. She had saved him, quite literally, after the War. She had then proceeded to do everything in her power to make sure everyone knew the truth about him. He still wondered if there was a way to repay her, though she insisted she did not need repayment.

He looked up once the familiar tune began to play. She was slowly walking towards him from the other end of the aisle. Her white dress trailed behind her, even as she smiled joyfully at him. He struggled to maintain his stoic face, and failed in his attempts. The guests stood up as she approached him, but he could hardly take his eyes off of her.

Everything else passed by in a blur, with the only thing he remembered being the chocolate brown eyes that were looking into his own. The same eyes that he had woken up to when he thought he should have been dead. The eyes that had given him hope so many times over the past few years that he had lost count. The eyes that had looked at him with love.

As he bent down to kiss her, she smiled back at him. He knew he would never see any sight as beautiful as her smile. He wouldn't have it any other way.

For the Dinosaur Secret Santa! (Kentrosaurus)

To whoever is my giftee, I'm so sory this is late, but have a lovely year! I hope ypu like this!