Hi everyone, welcome to my new fanfic and happy new year!

This is a Human AU but the characters are based on the 2012 series.

I do not own TMNT abut this AU is my idea.

WARNING- IMPLIES SUICIDE AT THE END and I will give another warning just before that section.

What I never told you


A small boy looked through half closed eyes. Orange flames creep closer and closer to his exposed face. His chest rattled with every breath he tried to take. Deep coughs escaped out of weak lungs as his precious oxygen was devoured by the growing flames. He could only hear the annoying ringing in his ears. His small body rolled on to his side, heat seeping through his dark blue pyjamas as the right side of his face exploded in pain again.

A pair of blurry boots moved into his limited view. Hands lifted his light form off the tatami floor, a blue blanket securely held in a loose fist. The boys stomach met a broad shoulder, sight obscured by black material and his limbs tiredly dangled from his body.

The cool night air felt like being dumped in an ice bath against his boiling skin. His exhausted body was too weak to stop the uninvited shivers from taking over his small form. Several pairs of hands took a hold of his limp body and gently laid him on a padded bed. A strap was slipped over his throbbing head, a chilled mist filling his burning lungs. A strong hand lightly rubbed his sweaty forehead, faint trembles travelled through those fingers. Familiar heroic eyes stared down at him but the gleam they had acquired made them look foreign and strange.

Brisk air stung his chest after his pyjamas top was ripped open. The young boy tensed up when a freezing piece of metal was pressed against his struggling chest. It moved across his skin, stopping in certain area before disappearing. Something small but tight was attached to his index finger, lightly pinching his singed skin.

A breeze blew as he stated to be wheeled away. More blurry figures crowded around the scared child. Their out of focus heads hid the tranquil night sky he so dearly wished he could see. Darkness was quickly replaced by blinding white light. The child could feel his eyelids struggling to stay open and they slowly slipping closed. A delicate kiss was placed on his sweaty forehead while someone squeezed his hand. He knew those lips and that hand. With a brief squeeze to the hand of the man who had raised him for his 6 years of life, the child finally allowed his eyes to close and slipped into the darkness.

The humiliation rolled off him like raindrops. Echoes of a voice mocking what he loved most of all, mocking how he sounded, mocking his whole life. His light brown bags dripped with the juice that had been dumped on his head as a joke among friends. Except it wasn't funny for him.

Shivers ran through his thin body from the ice-cold liquid that seeped through his purple shirt and from crying so much. Tears dripped off his reddened face and onto the dusty floor.

The little boy had found a small space tucked away at the back of his elementary school where nobody went. It was compact, dark and isolated, everything the 7-year-old likes when he is composing himself. The darkness keeps him hidden from the ones who wish him harm while the limited space and unknown location keeps anyone from disturbing him in this time of weakness. Other than the boys muffled sobs, the only other sound was the distant dripping from a faulty pipe that ran overhead.

The sound of a bell caught the boy's ears. End of the day. Due to the incident happening during the lunch break, the child had been far too humiliated to go back to class. He knew his teacher wouldn't care. Same with his classmates. They never asked him about his absence or disappearance, only to get lost when he is there. Their exact words were, "Get lost nerd, we don't want a selfish smarty-pants like you anywhere near us!"

Now he doesn't even try to join anyone's friend groups.

But somehow, they still find away to harass him.

Breathing out through shaking lip and wiping way the last of his tears, the skinny child crawled out of his hiding spot. Not a single glance (which his was glad for) as he mixed in with the crowd of children as they rushed out to find their parents to excitedly tell them about the wonderful day they had.

The young boy could not see his anywhere.

Even after the crowd had disintegrated, his parents were still not there.

A lone boy sat waiting in a dark house, the lights long gone. Once a full fridge with luxurious berries and glamorous meats, now a fridge full of mould, filth and dead flies. Small footprints or hand prints disrupting the thin coatings of dust that rested on the rotting wooden floorboards and along the tatty furniture.

The 8-year-old boy sat leaning against the green, moth-eaten couch. His emerald green eyes mentally burning holes through the locked front door, not breaking his glare for a second, even when a spider ran across his bare foot. Small dust particles from the air landed on his still form but he didn't care. In fact, he believed that it finished of his look of ripped jeans, ragged red t-shirt and worn-out trainers that he had removed due to them hurting his feet.

Today marked the 1-month anniversary of the boys extended freedom. The front and back doors were completely locked shut as well as all the windows. At least he could now leave his bedroom without getting punished.

1 month since he last saw them.

1 month since they went to 'visit a friend'.

1 month since they abandoned him.

1 month is too long for it to be a coincidence, surly if they had died then a police officer would have come to collect him, right? Maybe this was better, he didn't have to stay in one room, he could be as loud as he liked, no one could tell him what he could do or couldn't do. However, without any food left he would surly perish in a few days.

A large bang echoed through the silence. The front door vibrated like something had just ran into it. A second bang, and a third. The wood held strong against its opponent on the other side.


The door gave way.


"Mummy, mum!" A boy with wavy blonde hair shouted as he ran around his home, "Mum!"

The boy's mother hadn't shown up to greet him when he returned home from school. That was an hour ago. He originally thought that she was just busy, but she still hadn't shown up or been heard from. The short 9-year-old checked every room in the house, all of them had the same result: empty.

"Mummy?" Fear was clearly showing. His mother had never vanished for this long before and that scared him, "Mum?"

The child wiped at his watery eyes, he wasn't going to cry, he was going to be brave, after all she could be perfectly fine. Taking a deep breath, he started his trek up the flight of stairs that lead to the roof.

The door to the roof was left slightly ajar which caused a breeze to whip the boy's blond hair. The evening sun broke through fluffy white clouds. Baby blue eyes spotted the silhouette of a woman standing near the edge of the rooftop. Something was grasped in her hand, but the bright sun made it impossible to figure out what it was.

"Mummy!" The child ran forward to hug his mother but stopped dead before he reached her. Tears streaks that ran out of red puffy eyes shimmered in the sunlight.

Her voice was raspy and barely audible when she spoke, "I love you baby, always remember that..."

"Mum? MUMMY!"
