Hey guys!

First of all, I want to thank you all for your patience *heart*. You've been so great the last months and I am really greatful to have such a supporting community behind my back.
Second of all, I passed all my exams and that means
BIG NEWS about update frequenzes and uploads of new content!

But more about that, after the last chapter of this Y2AJ Story. Please enjoy :D, you all deserve it *heart*.

Shit! Chris cursed silently, quickly picking the unconscious younger man up into his arms, … he should have carried him to the bathroom in the first place …"
"Baby …?!", the concerned blonde whispered and pressed an apologizing kiss on AJ's hair when he didn't get a reaction, " … I'm sorry honey … I get you out of here …" He tightened the grip around his boyfriend, carrying him out of the slowly crowding corridor.


"Babe?" He heard Chris soft voice from a far, trying to follow it out of the darkness.
"Can you hear me honey … ?", Jericho whispered, feeling AJ's fingers slight moving in his hand.
"C-Chris …", the younger man groaned, when his eyes finally fluttered open and the brown haired man found himself on an examination table in the trainer's room. "W-What happened?", the confused younger man asked.
"Thank God, I got you back …", Chris kissed his forehead in relieve, gently squeezing his boyfriend's hand, "You gave me quite a shock out there …"
"Y-You brought me to the d-doctor …?", AJ moaned, instinctively wiping over the band-aid on his head, before he quickly checked his hands.
"Shshsh … everything's okay baby …", the Canadian calmed him, taking AJ's hands in his, "I washed it of earlier …" He lovingly lifted his boyfriend's fingers to his soft lips, covering them with gentle kisses.
"God, this is so embarrassing …", AJ groaned, turning away, "What will the others thinking about after this …? The phenomenal AJ, who fainted at the sight of his own blood … I'm the laughingstock of the company …"
"Baby. No, what are you talking about? Come on look at me." Chris softly placed two fingers beneath the younger man's chin, forcing his boyfriend to look back into his eyes, "I'm an arachnophobic and acrophobic … everybody's afraid of something … it's nothing to be ashamed of." He gently kissed AJ's reddened cheek.
"B-But the others …", the younger man disagreed, breaking their eye contact, " … T-They all saw me … Y-You had to freakin' carry me to the trainer's room, because a runnel of blood had left me out cold … I never can show my face out there again Chris … ever!" A shiver went through AJ's body, when the memory - of his bloody hand - appeared in front of his inner eye.
"Babe, stop … Please stop-", Chris tried to sooth his boyfriend - who sounded like he was about to start crying – but the Canadian was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Oh, s-sorry … A-Am I interrupting?", Shane stuttered – seeing how close the couple was to each other, when he step into the trainer's room – about to instantly leave it backwards again.
"N-No.", Chris quickly answered and turned towards their commissioner, keeping AJ's hand tightly in his, "Please come in Shane."
"How's he doing?", Shane asked - concern in his voice – when his look fell on the brown hair man, who had cover his face with his left hand, unable to look his boss in the eyes, "What did the doctor say?"
"He just woke up … got a pretty nasty concussion.", the Canadian informed their commish. He softly stroked over his boyfriend's hair, not missing AJ's more than confused look, the short man was throwing at him now.
Concussion … AJ thought perplexed. But before he could speak his question out loud, the Canadian once more began talking.
"Don't you remember babe?", Chris asked with pretended concern in his voice, breathing a gentle kiss on AJ's bruised head, "Ambrose attacked you at the end of Smackdown … I found you collapsed in front of the „Talking Smack" studio …"
"Y-Yeah …", his boyfriend murmured, slowly getting what Chris was doing there.
"Woaw careful baby.", the Canadian reacted quickly, realizing that his still pale boyfriend was trying to sit up, "Are you still feeling nauseous?" He steadied the younger man in his upright position - on the edge of the table – while he positioned a trash can in front of him.
"U-rghuh …", AJ groaned – going with Jericho's story – when he grabbed the bucket, leaning deeply over it.
"Shane, I'm sorry …", Chris apologized, " … but I'd really like to take AJ home now … he still doesn't feel very well …"
"O-Of course.", their commissioner quickly said with an sympathetic nod, "Make sure that he gets some rest … and if there should be anything you need. Especially regarding to the show on next Tuesday. Don't hesitate to contact me. You got my number."
"Thank you." Chris nodded, when Shane finally let them alone. But his attention was more on the slightly muffled heaving noises, coming from his boyfriend.

"He's gone.", the Canadian whispered and pressed a lovingly kiss on AJ's right temple, causing the younger man to lift his head out of the trash can.
"You're okay babe?" , he asked and when Chris hadn't knew better, he would have through his boyfriend really just had emptied his stomach content into the bucket.
"Yeah.", AJ answered with a slight smile, before pulling the Jerico into a lovingly kiss. "You are … incredible …", he gasped against Chris soft lips, "I … I don't know what I would do without you … How do I deserve a boyfriend like you …?"
"Shhh … didn't you hear what Shane just said?", Chris whispered deepening their passionate kiss, " … you should rest …"
"B-But how did you-?", AJ parted from him – to look in his boyfriend's eyes – much to the blonde's displease.
"Baby …", Chris interrupted him, gently stroking a strand of hair out of the younger man's face. " … you're my boyfriend … I always know what's going on in this beautiful head of yours …", he giggled, watching his boyfriend blush.

"Come on …", the Canadian whispered after a while, carefully taking AJ back into his arms, " … let's get you home … you look tried champ …"
"W-What you doing?", the younger man slightly gasped, finding himself – against Chris chest - a meter above the floor.
"What does it look like? …", his boyfriend answered with a contra question, already heading towards the exit, "I'm not taking any more risks … one collapsed phenomenal boyfriend is more than enough for today …" He pressed a soft kiss on AJ's hair, happy that his normally so stubborn boyfriend already had accept the involuntary carrying. And was now making himself comfortable against his chest.
"I love you Chris …", the tired younger man whispered, hearing the blonde's heart beating calm and regularly next to his ear.

The Big News:

As I already announced, I am done with school now!
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