Oh my gosh, Hello! I'm finally back, I'm writing again! I meant what I said in those authors notes. A New Year, A New Me baby! Or at least I'm gonna try harder, baby….

The stories that are going to be in 'The Marvelous Adventures of the Strong Man and the Squish' are just going to be a bunch of one-shots…maybe even a couple of multi-shots, of the same couple, which is Theodore Grey and a OC, together. I had to change a couple of things in the FSOG series just because I wanted the year to be 2017 while Teddy is 18. I feel like it makes him more relatable to me and I can write better.

I hope you guys like this, this is my first Fifty Shades of Grey Fanfiction, but if you're into Maximum Ride, I have a couple stories based on that series as well. I wrote them in high school so…that might be a little interesting.

Anyways, that's all I have to say right now, enjoy the story! :D

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I do not own Fifty Shades of Grey, however, Camila and other OC's are mine and they are legit.

Early December 2017

Standing looking in his full-length mirror, Theodore Grey ran his fingers through his copper colored hair. He smirked looking himself over. No wonder he had magazines calling his father. No wonder he was looking at an offer to be sponsored by Nike. It had to be the way his smile could light up any room, the way his jawline looked like it could slice through bread. His eyes could pierce any soul. His body was sculpted to perfection from playing sports, mainly football.

Theo thought he was one good looking son-of-a-bitch. He grinned fixing his stupid tie as his phone rang. Turning, he went to his nightstand and smiled at the name on the FaceTime call.

'My Squishy' aka his love, Camila. He picked up his phone and answered. On the other side was a light brown toned girl who was yawning because it was 9:45 a.m. Her normally curly hair was straightened and pulled into a bun that sat on her head. She grinned when she saw Teddy's face.

"Teddy! Good morning!" She said with her soft voice.

"Good morning Camila. How are you doing this morning?" He asked as he positioned his phone, so it was stand up, but he could put on his Apple Watch.

"Good, I ate some oatmeal this morning before getting ready. I think I'll make you some one day. It was apple cinnamon flavored." She said blushing. He grinned.

"Cool, I look forward to it. Are you ready for me to come get you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm always ready for you to come get me." She grinned and giggled softly. Teddy's eyes softened, and he smiled.

He and Camila met when he was 3, and she was 2. Her father was Teddy's mom's old friend, Jose. He took maturity pictures of Ana when she was pregnant with Phoebe. The two hit it off right away, always wanting to hang out. Then, when the Greys had invited Camila on a trip to Hawaii, Teddy knew he wanted her to be his. All she was doing was standing on the balcony and eating popcorn. He was completely and utterly in love with Camila.

Camila felt the same way. She always had a crush on Theodore. It was something about his confidence and his kindness she was attracted to. Even if they were only together for 11 months, she knew she was in love.

Camila smiled to herself. She was happy he made the first movie. She looked at the phone again and watched as Teddy made sure he had everything, patting his pockets to touch his wallet and keys. He then grabbed the phone and turned off the lights and made his way downstairs. He looked at the phone, making eye contact with Camila. Blue Grey to Brown, she blushed as he winked at her.

"Why?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"Cause you're adorable." He said and looked at Gail as he walked into the kitchen to grab water before he left.

"Good morning Ms. Gail." He said hugging her slightly. Gail smiled at the oldest son.

"Good morning Theo, heading off to church?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna pick of Camila of course." He said grabbing water.

"We'll be careful. Did you want some oatmeal before you go?" She asked, and he shook his head.

"I'm fine." He grinned and took a banana.

"Well ok… be careful." She said again, and he nodded before walking out the kitchen.

"I'll be at your house soon, let me let my parents know I'm leaving." Teddy looked at his phone and Camila nodded.

"Drive slow; I love you." She said softly. Teddy's eyes softened, and he smiled.

"I love you too." He kissed the phone then they hung up.

Yeah, Teddy was happy. Why else would he do mushy stuff like that? He'd do anything to keep a smile on Camila's face. Even if that meant listening to GOT7, her favorite K-pop group, all day.

Knocking on his parent's door, he heard his mother tell him to come in. He opened the door slowly, not sure what he might walk into. Thankfully, Ana was dressed, and Christian was M.I.A. Last time he came in without knocking and was scarred for life.

Ana stood, wearing pajama pants and a tank top.

"Good morning baby." She said and walked to him. She hugged him happy. He hugged her back and chucked.

"Mom you're so short!" He teased her, and she pulled away and flicked his nose. He laughed leaning back.

"I may be short, but I can still bring you down." She said playfully. He grinned at her; then she leaned forward to fix his tie.

"Off to church Teddy?" She asked gently. Only Camila, his mother, and sister called him a Teddy. They were his favorite girls; Phoebe said that he was a giant teddy bear around them, while around others he was a bit more serious.

"Yes, ma'am. Then I'm gonna take Camila out for lunch at that new steak place." He said.

"Ok, we'll be careful. They said it might rain."

"When does it not rain?" He asked with a smirk, and she giggled.

"Still, be careful. I don't need anything happening to my baby boy." She hugged him again, the way only a mother could. He blushed slightly but enjoyed his mother's safe embrace.

"Ok." He said, and she kissed him on the cheek.

"Your father is in his study. I think there was a fire at GEH."

"Really?" Theo asked, his eyebrows rising. "Was it on purpose?"

"I hope not." She said as the duo walked to Christians study. Teddy knocked.

"What is it?" Christian bark. Teddy hated when he did that, cause then he got all sappy when he figures out it was just Ana, himself or even his siblings.

Teddy walked in with Ana behind. Christians Grey eyes looked up, and they softened immediately. Teddy sighed. 'I'll call you back' Teddy thought in his head as Christian suddenly said: "I'll call you back."

"Predictable. Now he's gonna come over here and hug mom, then squeeze my shoulder and apologize for being an ass." Teddy though, watching his dad lazily.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you guys." Christian walked over only to hug Ana as Teddy thought, but surprise, he hugged Teddy too.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm about to head off to church with Camila," Teddy said, and Christian nodded, looking at his twin that had blue-grey eyes.

"It's an 85% chance of rain so be careful. Williams will follow you, in fact, why not let him drive you?" Teddy sighed.

"Because I'm 18 years old and I'll be going to college next year. I should get used to driving."

"I'm 46, and I still get driven around."

"But you have more experienced driving...dad I'm gonna be late. I don't care if William follows but I want to drive. I never get to drive Camila around." Theodore said seriously. "I want to show her my car."

"She can see the car later, just bring her over- "

"Just go pick up Camila Teddy, be careful." Ana cut Christian off. Christian frowned but nodded.

"I swear you're gonna give yourself a heart attack with all this worry," Ana said as Teddy walked out after speaking to them.

"I just want him to be safe…" Christian said.

"I know, but he needs to be able to do as he pleases. We can't shelter him forever." Ana put her arms around Christians neck. He sighed and held her close.

"I love you, Mrs. Grey." He said gently making her blush like she did when she was 21.

"And I love you, Mr. Grey, let me show you how much." She purred, making Christian smile.


Walking up the doorway with a bouquet of orchids, Teddy knocks on Camilla's door. He smiled brightly as the young women opened the door.

"Hi." She said throwing her arms around him. He bent down a bit, so she didn't have to stretch her 5'7 body much. He was pushing 6'3, so he was pretty tall. He held her close, breathing him her sweet strawberry scent.

"Good morning Love." He said gently, pulling away, just a little, to lean down and capture her lips with his. Camila blushed brightly but leaned into him feeling the sparks that drew them together. She pulled away shyly when his tongue touched hers.

"Good morning Teddy." She said looking up at his mesmerizing eyes. She always has loved his eyes. They were different from her dull brown eyes. However, Teddy thought her eyes were gorgeous. They were big and bright. Her lashes feathered her cheeks, and if you looked close enough, you could see little gold specks in them.

"I brought you flowers." He said, smiling shyly, as he showed her the plants. She giggled and took them.

"Thank you; I'll put them in the house." She said, disappearing for a minute, then reappeared. She turned her back to him so that she could lock the door. She turned to him only to have his lips on hers again. She kissed him back happily.

"I missed you." He said pulling back and grabbed her hand.

"I missed you too." He walked her to his Audi Q3 and opened the door for her. She grinned as she got in, he took in her sight.

Her body was fantastic. Her breast was a handful size and was perky. Her hips were full but had to be on her ass to be round and grippable. Her legs were long and looked like they could on forever. He wishes he could see her naked. However, she still wanted to wait. She was nervous on the topic of sex. She loved Teddy but what if they broke up? What if they didn't get married? She just perfected to stay a virgin. However, she has given Teddy a hand job. It was frightening but excited all the same time. Teddy wanted to give her one too, to make her climax, but she declined.

"After church, we could go to this new restaurant that opened," Teddy said climbing in his vehicle. Camila grinned.

"Ok, that will be fun." She nodded happily. He grinned and started driving towards Camila's church.

Camila looked out the window and sucked her teeth.

"I think it's gonna rain." She mumbled.

"Yeah, everyone has been saying that all day." Teddy chuckled.

"I hope it thunderstorms. If it's gonna rain, it might as well be the whole shebang. My hair is gonna curl back up." She said about her straighten hair.

"So? Your hair is beautiful." Blushing, Camila pulled the mirror down and looked at her hair. It was to her mid back, and she worked hair to get in straight and in a bun.

Teddy smirked, noticing her not commenting.

"You don't know how to get compliments. Normally people said, 'Thank you'" he teased.

"Shush." She mumbled and looked at him. He grinned.


Getting to church was something Teddy wasn't excited for. He stood in the church, clapping along to the song because it would make Camila happy. However, the eldest Grey son didn't care, nor did he believe. Theodore honestly thought it was just a bunch of fairy tales, although he could admit, the thought of 'God' was lovely. He would love to believe that he existed, however, he couldn't.

Camila, on the other hand, believed with all her heart. She loved God and everything that had to do with him. Although she would admit, some of the stories in the Bible seemed a little off. However, she believed there was a god. Whether everything in the Bible was falsified or not. There had to be someone watching over all of them.

"Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance, I just want to praise him, I just want to praise him~" Camila sang happily, making Teddy smile.

"What a great service," Camila said gathering her bible. Teddy nodded. Though he didn't believe, the pastor had great points about motivation and moving forward.

"I feel like being active." Teddy looked at her grinning. She grinned at her boyfriend and pecked his lips knowing he was trying. Teddy pulled back and put his hand on the small of Camila's back, leading her out when an older Hispanic man stopped him.

"You're Greys boy, aren't you?" He asked holding out his hand. Camila watched as Teddy shook his hand firmly.

She was used to having people stop them here and there. She didn't mind much, although, Teddy's fan club was a bit annoying. Girls around their age would always find a way to flirt with him. It was only natural that she got a bit jealous. However, she knew Teddy wasn't that type of man. That thought made her smile brightly.

"Yes sir, and you are?" He asked.

"What a great grip, my name is Greg. I've been wanting to get into contact with your father, mind giving him my card?" Greg offered Teddy. The young man took it out of respect but knew his father wouldn't take it.

"Sure." He smiled politely and pulled Camila closer to his side. She looks up at him and put her arm around his waist.

"Qué Hermosa rosa. Ellos Grey hombres parecen haber mujeres hermosas en sus brazos." Greg said taking Camila's hand and kissing it. She blushed and smiled politely.

"Gracias." She said.

"Hablas Español?"

"Sí, mi padre se aseguró de que su hija supiera cómo." She replied. Teddy listened not sure what was being said, but he knew Camila sounded beautiful and it made him want to kiss her.

Greg smiled and nodded.

"Well I don't want to hold you two, so I'll let you go. It was nice meeting you two." Greg waved, and the couple walked out.

Once outside, Teddy grabbed Camila's hand.

"Hungry?" He asked gently. He twirls her, and she giggled happily, then hugged him close.

"Yes." She said cutely. He smiled and pecked her lips. "Your lips are soft. Gimme another kiss." She said resting her chin on his chest. They stood by cars on the sidewalk, ignoring looks of others.

Teddy pressed his lips to hers again. This time, however, he cupped her cheek gently, moving his lips against hers. She kissed him back, with love. She even dared to lick his lips lightly. He grinned and bit her bottom lip.

"Let's get you fed." He said, and she nodded.


In the car, the two drove happily. Teddy had his aux cord hooked up to Camila's phone. She was blasting GOT7 Hard carry. She was dancing softly and singing along. Sometimes he felt like she loved them more than him. He chuckled. Then stopped as traffic got bad.

"Lunch rush hour…" Teddy mumbled. "Get comfortable babe; it's probably gonna be a while." He mumbled. She giggled.

"That means more GOT7 for us." She smiled, leaning back looking at her phone and Teddy gave her a side eye. She grinned goofily at him, and he laughed softly. The traffic started moving as the rain began. It pounded on the car slowly.

"Oh gosh," Camila said leaning forward, arching her back a bit to look out the front. Teddy couldn't help but look at how her ass curved into her back. He looked away quickly to look at her.

"Everyone jinxed it." He chuckled, and she giggled. Then leaned back in her chair relaxing, changing the song.

"And I, love you. And I, need you, Teddy I, love you, I do. And it's more than you'll- "Camila sang along with Kelly Rowland as there was a crash sound. The couple looked as on the lane going the opposite direction had an 18-wheeler hit a minivan, which hit a Jeep sending it flying in their path. Teddy's eyes widen.

"Lean back! Camila lean back!" He said, and he pulled his leaver to make his seat go back. Camila did so too, their seats going vertical as the Jeep smashed down in the nose of their car. Camila and Teddy both let out a yell as their vehicle went forward, flipping them on top of the other car. Theodore's arm came out to hold Camila back, although he felt a crushing pain in his left leg.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" He yelled making Camila look at him worried. Although everything was smokey and she could barely see. "Oooohhh ok." Teddy sang hiding his pain. "That hurts! I'm in pain." He said super cheery. Camila got teary eyed. His eyes were wide, and he looked very pale. He swallowed and looked at Camila.

"Cami are you ok? Are you in any pain?" He asked, still looking bewildered. His hair was handing off his head which made her realize.

"Teddy we're upside down." She said wiping tears, making Teddy blink. Her hand was bleeding, but he didn't tell her, how wanting her to freak out.

"Well, we should get right side up." He said looking away from his bleeding love, and around his surroundings.

"Theodore! Theodore!" He heard William call. He was suddenly happy to hear the voice of his bodyguard.

"William!" The couple called. Williams green eyes peered at Teddy with worry.

"Oh God Theodore." He said looking at the scared teen.

"Hey, bud," Theodore said nonchalantly but was ever grateful. "Get Camila first, I think my leg is stuck…" he said. William swallowed and nodded.

"Your leg is stuck? Teddy…" Camila said.

"I'm fine Cami. I promise. Just let him get you out first cause it will be easier." He said looking at her. All the man had to do was unbuckle her seat belt, and Camila fell right into Williams' arms.

"Shit." She said feeling dizzy. She leaned against William.

"Do you feel any sharp pains anywhere?" William asked her as she started crying softly.

"M-My side… go get Teddy please." She whimpered as William helped her limp to his car.

"Ok darling, just sit tight. Until the ambulance gets here." He said helping her in the car. She bites her lip not wanting to cry out.

William ran over to Teddy who was mumbling.

"Ted?" He asked. The teen looked at him, paler than he was a moment ago.

"Dad is gonna kill me. Like, have my head on a platter." He said and looked at William. He felt light-headed but didn't want to tell William.

"He's not; it's not your fault," William said opened the broken door, getting into the car.

"We could have died…" Teddy moaned. William scowled at the thought.

"But you didn't," William replied.

"Camila is scared," Theodore mumbled.

"Yes…but she told me to come get you," William said. "Ted, this might hurt."

"Go ahead; I'm already at the max-Fuck! Shitballs, oooohhhkkkaaaayyyy, ok William you kinda strong huh? Wow." Teddy said overly cheerful as he felt relieved in his leg. However, the pain he felt was a million ants, plus killer bees all at once going for it. As well as maybe a bomb going off. William helped Teddy out the car.

"Theodore!" He heard his mother's voice. He looked up and saw his mother running at full speed. He suddenly felt ashamed, happy, sad, confused, fearful and angry and most of all in pain. All this overwhelmed him, and he started crying.

"Mom." He whimpered as she got to his spot. He looked down and clenched his fists.

"My baby, oh my baby." She went to hug him but pulled away quickly as he yipped in pain. "Ok, ok, you're ok." Ana was heartbroken at the sight of her eldest son breaking down. He leaned on William, one of his legs was dripping blood while his arms looked scratched up and he had a lump forming on his head. He just looked a bloody mess. She gently grabbed his shoulders, cause they looked the least messed up and rubbed lightly.

"Breathe baby." She said trying to call him down. She smiled, although he towered her and was full of muscle, he was still her Teddy Bear.

All Theodore wanted to do was crawl into his mom's arms and let her tell him he'd be ok. That everything was going to be ok. That this was all a dream and that he and Camila were fine. He looked up with worry.

"M-Mom, is Camila ok?" He asked with a hiccup.

"Yes baby, Christian is with her." She said softly.

Christian was calming the girl down, much like what Ana was doing with Teddy.

"It's ok Cami." He said in a soothing voice. "I called Jose; he should be here soon." He said petting the girl. He used his jacket to cover her up. She looks up at him.

"Mr. Grey, I thought...I thought we were gonna die…" she whimpered, and Christian hugged the girl. She cried into his chest.

"But you're alive and well. It's gonna be ok Camila." He said softly.

What do you do when you hear your child has been in an accident. What do you do when you see the car your child was driving in, is flipped onto a different vehicle. Jose Rodriguez couldn't answer those questions because he was in shock.

"Fuck." He mumbled getting out his car, not caring about the rain. "Where is the police?" he wondered as he watched Grey release his Daughter from a fatherly type hug.

"Camila!" He yelled running to her. She looked.

"Papa!" She screamed and got up to hug him only to wince at the pain. She held on to her side and weakly smiled. "Hi, daddy." She said as he walked to her.

"Baby girl, mi corazón." He looked her, taking in her bleeding head, hands, and side.

"I'm gonna go check on Theodore," Christian mumbled. Jose nodded helping Camila sit.

"Teddy…" Camila whimpered.


Christian Grey was furious. He got one look at Teddy, and he wanted to kill someone.

"I'm sorry dad…" Theodore started wiping the tears from his face. Christian cocked his head.

"Why would you apologize Theodore? I'm not mad at you son." He said. Theodore blinked.

"Really?" He asked. Christian placed his hand on Teddy's shoulder and wanted to pull him into a hug.

"Really. I'm mad at the idiot who hit this Jeep." He said. Teddy looked across the highway at the damaged 18-wheeler. No doubt that company would be beaten dry. Christian, after pulling away from his oldest son, got on his phone and barked orders about the 'Great Grain Company.' Teddy smirked, pleased with his Dads actions. Normally he'd feel bad for the poor sap that got on his father's wrong side, but not this time. This time they hurt Camila.

"Mom, can you help me to Camila." He said. She nodded, and he put his arm around her. With the help of William as well, he limped to the car Camila was in. Jose moved back a bit, taken back at Theodore's appearance.

"Teddy." She whimpered and went to get up.

"No, stay seated. I'm fine." He lied and leaned against the door and sighed. He took deep breathes as he stood next to her. He looked at her worried face and decided to move into the opening of the car where she was. He positioned his body between her legs and raised his arm so that he could hold himself up with the roof of the vehicle.

"Are you ok?" He asked, "your hands are bleeding." He said.

"Don't worry about me Teddy, your beat up." She leans forward and cups his face.

"I'll live." He said softly leaning into her touch. Her bottom lips trembled.

"Teddy if you hadn't told me to lay back…if you didn't lay back."

"Shush baby, we don't need to worry about that ok?" He asked, wanting to hold her.

They look over as they hear the police and ambulance. There was even a fire truck. Teddy smiled.

"They are here…" he said as he felt a bit weird. He felt as though he could finally relax knowing Camila was gonna get some medical treatment. Camila looked in horror as she grabbed Teddy's arms. She could tell he was trying to look at her, but his eyes were unfocused. They suddenly rolled back, and he went limp.

"Theodore!" She screamed. Jose caught him, but it didn't help Ana or Camila who were trying to wake their Teddy. The paramedics rushed out getting Teddy on a gurney. Christian got in with them as more ambulances came down for the rest.


It's been 5 hours since Camila heard anything from the Greys and that worried her. What was wrong with her Teddy? She sat in the hospital bed with a bandage around her rips. A cast on her wrist and a couple of bandages on her arm.

Her mom had come in with her grandmother 15 minutes of being in the hospital. They were all sitting on the couch.

"Papa...could you check on Teddy?" She asked.

"Baby, why don't you just get some rest ok? I'll check on him." Jose helped Camila lay down and tucked her in. She frowns but got comfortable.

"I'm sure he's fine baby." He said kissing her head then walked out with a grim look. The boy had to be put into an emergency coma because he lost so much blood. They were thinking about amputating his leg. He didn't want to make his daughter upset, so he just stuffed his hands in his pockets and made his way to the private waiting room where Ana was sitting. Christian was talking to the doctors out in the hall.

"Ana…?" Jose said gently looking at his first love. She looked up with big watery eyes.

"Jose," she wiped her eyes and gave a smile. "How's Cami?" She asked.

"Worried about your son." He chuckled, and she smiled softly.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to her," Ana said. Jose hesitated.

"Well, I just don't want her upset. Maybe later, once we know for sure." Jose replied, and Ana nodded completely understanding. Camila and Teddy reminded her of her and Christian. Although they were so young, their love for each other was intense and very much real. They'd go to the end of the earth for each other. Ana giggled softly.

"I'm glad," Ana said softly. Jose cocked his eyebrow. "I'm glad that our kids are in love. I guess your gene for Steele blood went to Cami." She teased making him laugh.

"Well, then I guess the Steele blood had a secret thing for Rodriguez blood." He countered with a goofy grin. She laughed and sighed softly. Thoughts are going back to her baby boy. Poor Teddy. Dumb ass truck driver. Stupid cars. Apparently, the min-van cut in front of the 18-wheeler, not giving him enough time to stop. That causes the crash that hurt her Teddy. A freak accident, Teddy was just there at the wrong time.

"Ana?" Christian walked in. He looked like he has slept in ages, his hair was wild, and his shirt was unbuttoned. He looked grim. Ana's eyes got watery as he looked away unsure how to tell her that their son was going to lose a leg.

His left tibia was shattered, but also, he lost so much blood in that leg alone, and there was a blood clot that kept forming. They were going to cut just below his knee.

"You don't have to say it," Ana said softly and got up to hug Christian. He hugged her tightly and swallowed.

"Our baby boy." He mumbled. Ana sniffles.

"He's a trooper. He'll pull through." Ana pulls back a bit to look up at Christian.

"You can let our family know, and I'll go tell Cami." Christian nodded at his wife watching her leave with Jose.


Released from the hospital a day later, Camila didn't want to leave. She was given a wheelchair to roll around in until her side stitches came out.

"Mom, I just want to see him. I need to see him." Camila said to her mother who was trying to lead her out of the hospital.

"Dear, Theodore needs time to coop." She said softly. Ana came to her this morning crying. Theodore threw a fit when he realized he only had one leg. He was furious; the nursed had to put him back to sleep because of the rage. She didn't want her daughter to be on the receiving end of his anger.

"Mom!" Camila grabbed the wheels of the chair. "Take me to him, please. Then after I see he's ok, we can go home. Please.", Camila looked back, tears in her eyes.

Faith stared at her daughter and sighed

"Fine…" She said softly and turned to go to Teddy's room.

There awaited the young man who felt as though his life was crumbling. Now awake, he glared at his missing limb. He hoped his father sued whoever needed to be sued for every penny they owned.

"Teddy, you need to eat dear," Grace said gently. She walked to her grandson holding a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Teddy didn't respond. She sighed and kissed his forehead, just as a knock came to the door.

"Come in." Grace put the tray down and walked to the door. She wondered if it was Christian and Ana. They had gone home, after much persuasion from Grace, to check on Phoebe and Cameron.

"Hi, Mrs. Grace," Camila said. Teddy, although still glaring looked at the door. He couldn't see because of the damn curtain he told his father to put up that separated the bathroom from him. "I came to see Teddy, is he awake?" She asked with her sweet voice. Teddy sighed and closed his eyes. He felt like half of a man now. Why would she want to stay with him? Maybe she came to break up with him.

"Yes! Maybe you can cheer him up, try to make him eat his food." Grace grinned and looked at Faith.

"Why don't we leave them to talk," Grace said, although Faith wanted to intervene, she decided to let her baby roll in. Teddy quickly covered the area where his leg was supposed to be, then covered his face the blanket. He knew he looked like trash. He was already missing a leg; he didn't need more brownie points to dissipate.

Rolling all the way into the room, Camila did not expect Teddy to be covered with a blanket. He was sitting up, and she could see his shoulders moving, indicating he was breathing. However, it was still eerie to her.

"Teddy?" She asked and rolled to his side.

"Hi…" He spoke softly. He looked down at his hands.

"...whatcha doin'?" She asked.

"Nothin'..." He said back looking up slightly.

"Oh." She said and rolled closer to him and placed her hand on his gently. Teddy swallowed and sighed.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"You don't need to be sorry Teddy." She replied looking at him. "I just thank God we're alive." Suddenly, Teddy felt nothing but anger. God? She thanks, God? He clenched his fist.

"Camila, please don't say that in front of me ever again." He spat. Camila frowned and cocked her head.

"What?" She asked as Teddy threw the covers off him.

"This is 'Gods' fault." He hissed, glaring at the girl he loved. She pulled her hand away from him frowning. "If we wouldn't have gone to praise your stupid God I wouldn't be in this mess!" He yelled. Camila could feel the tears coming. Teddy out of all people knew people yelling at her made her nervous.

"Well, God has a plan for everything-" She started but was cut off by Teddy yelling.

"Bullshit! That's fucking bullshit, Camila! God isn't real! Why would a Good God fuck me up? Look at me Camila; my fucking leg is gone! Where is the plan in that huh? Where cause I surely don't see anything!" He moved his covers showing the empty space. Camila set her jaw.

"Maybe he'd fuck you up because you're an asshole! Maybe he needed to bring you down and make you humble like the rest of us!" She yelled back, tears rolling down her face. Teddy frowned but looked away when he saw the tears. He hated when she cried.

"Camila I'm so-"

"No, you're not." She said and glared at him. "I don't like you." She stated. Teddy looked up at her shocked. "You're not my Teddy." Her bottom lip trembled as she glared at him, then turned to roll out of the room.

"Camilia! Camila!" He called and then looked down frowning thinking of what he'd done.


"Teddy, you need to eat," Ana said seriously. It's been a whole day since her baby boy had eaten anything substantial. Thank God for the IV, or he'd be starving.

"I'm not hungry." He said. "Have you talked to Camila?" He asked.

"Of course." She said, glaring at him. Camila told her everything, and she was not happy with the teen.


"And what? She doesn't want to talk to you."


"Don't 'mom' me young man. What you said to her was out of line. I thought I raised you better than that." She scolded him. He sighed and crossed his arms.

"Will you tell her to call me."

"No," Ana stated making Teddy stare at her in shock.

"Why would you not tell my girlfriend to call me?"

"Because obviously, you're too immature to have a girlfriend." She stated and walked out the room. Teddy groaned in frustration. He just wanted to tell Camila how sorry he was and that he loved her so much. He looked down at his leg and sighed heavily.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed as the door opened. To his surprise, in came rolling Camila. He sat perplexed as she moved to the bed, turned, and parked her chair. Not speaking to him, she pulled out her iPad, which he'd bought her for her birthday, and started watching Inuyasha. He blinked and stared at the beauty in front of him.

Her hair had curled back up, and she was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt with black sweats and Nikes. She wore no makeup or jewelry.

"Camila…?" He asked. She glared at him from the corner of her eye, and he felt a chill run up his spine.

"Eat your food and shut up." She said.

"Yes, ma'am." He said quickly and started eating slowly. How could she be so scary? Did she not want kisses as he did? Did she not like him anymore? The thoughts kept pouring in as she watched her show.


The next day, Teddy was allowed to go home. Phoebe stared at her brother with tears in her eyes as Cameron thought Teddy looked cool.

"You can be a transformer now!" Cameron grinned, sitting in the guest bedroom downstairs with Teddy. Teddy didn't want to go to his room yet, only because he refused to have his dad, William or even Taylor carry him up the stairs. He'd get up there when he was ready.

"Cam...could you go get me some water bud?" He asked ruffling Cameron brown hair. Cameron nodded, grinning, and ran off.

"Hi, Camila!" Cameron yelled as he went around the girl in the wheelchair. She waved at Cameron. Teddy stared in shock as she rolled in and sat by the bed again. She was getting her iPad out when Teddy spoke.

"Cami, please, talk to me," Teddy said softly and reached to pull her chair back, closer to his reach. She blushed, but still glared his him as she grabbed her hands.

"Camila, I'm sorry. I should not have said those things about God. I know you believe in him and I shouldn't have undermined you. It's just, kinda hard for me to stay positive when I' going through all this." He said holding her hands. She swallowed and looked at him. "I go to church with you every Sunday; I know what God is supposed to mean, but to me...I just, I don't know...it seems a bit farfetched. However, I promise never to disrespect you anymore. What I did was wrong. I just don't want to lose you, baby." He said and looked down.

"Why would you think you'd lose me?" She asked softly. He looked away, his eyes getting glossy. He pulled away from Camila and pulled the covered over his head again. Camila smiled softly at him. She then put her hand on top of his as she did in the hospital. His bottom lip quivered.

"Camila, I don't have my leg anymore. How am I supposed to do all the fun things I wanted to do with you? How am I supposed to play with our future kids? How am I gonna play football? Everything, all my dreams are ruined." He cried softly. He shoulders shook a bit.

"Teddy," Camila frowned and then moved her hand away so that she could hoist herself up. She winced as she got in bed with Teddy. He looked in her direction as she got under the covered with him. She smiled at him and cupped his face.

"Baby, you don't have to worry about that. I love you, Theodore. With or without legs. What I love is your heart and your mind. Our kids will love you for you. They'll probably think you're more fun cause you have to hop around everywhere now." She teased him playfully. He blushed. "And football...we'll cross that road when we get there, and I'll be there every step of the way cause. You're not gonna lose me." She smiled and grinned at him. He smiled shyly and leaned towards her to kiss her. "However, that does not mean you're not still in the doghouse." She said seriously leaning away from him. Teddy felt as though he'd been slapped.

"W-What?" He asked as she glared at him.

"Don't you ever in your life talk to me the way you did at the hospital do you got that? I'll rip your pelotas off before you can say 'sorry.'" She said seriously, making a motion of her ripping his balls off. Teddy felt a chill, once again, as he stared into her eyes. She meant business.

"Yes, ma'am." He said. She then grinned and kissed his cheek.

"Good, now let's watch Inuyasha!" She giggled and moved the covered off her head to change the channel of the TV.

So, what are your thoughts? I'm not a medic, nor do I know any medical things. Teddy probably didn't need to have an amputated leg, but I feel like this is going to give him more character. The next chapter we're going to take a look into their past, so you guys can get to know them more, before moving on to 'what now'.

I have a YouTube channel, Misticalbabe123, you guys should totally go check it out! I even have a reaction video to the Fifty Shades Freed trailer. (also subscribe….cause…you love me….)

I also have an Instagram, adri_is_me; as well as a Twitter AdriJ254, if you guys want to talk to me, you can totally do it on these sites, or even PM me on here. Either way, if you're down to chat, I'm down too :D

Also, don't be scared to review, my ears are here for you. If you have any plots or situations you would like to see Teddy and Camila in, let me know.

I hope you guys have a good day, a good night, or a good whatever, and I'll talk to you next time! Byeee!