*squeaks* um i'm new to writing in this fandom

*peeps digital head out from kittenshift17's amazing fanfics* pls enjoy!



"Severus, let me explain before you do anything rash," Dumbledore says softly, trying to calm down the infuriated Slytherin in front of him. His voice is soothing but the warning behind it is unmistakable. "If I were you, I would not lose your temper so quickly over something so childish and petty. This is besides your character."

The gangly fifteen year old with the hooked nose seethes.

The Headmaster wants him, Severus Snape, a renown Dark Arts enthusiast, to offer his knowledge and help tutor...a Gryffindor?

The more Snape thinks about it, anger bubbles up inside of him like a volcano and he resists the urge to whip out of his wand and hex the Headmaster into oblivion. Dumbledore, so praised for his knowledge and wisdom, is finally off his rocker. Snape's face reddens and his fingers itch for his wand. Dumbledore raises an eyebrow, as if he is challenging the fifth year to further test his patience.

Severus balls his fists in the sleeves of his robe and glares at the Headmaster. "I never realized that you perceived my character as someone who would be bloody ecstatic to help a retarded, puffed-up Gryffindor, sir," he says coldly, attaching Dumbledore's title of respect almost mockingly. His charcoal eyes flash in defiance. "I think it is safe to say that this is your worst error in judgement. I'm sure you've heard of all the curses I have reserved for the lazy and insufferable Gryffindors...trust me, they are not pleasant." He lets out a dark laugh.

The Headmaster stares unchangingly at Severus, showing no expression that acknowledges Snape's threats. He presses his fingertips together and peers at Severus over his half-moon spectacles. "Mr. Snape, it is not wise to threaten the safety of my students in front of my face. I'm sure you know how...protective of my students I can be."

Severus growls, seeing through Dumbledore's double-edged words. When Snape had figured out Lupin's dark secret of lycanthropy, Dumbledore had offered him the incentive of expulsion to protect Lupin, one of his oh soprecious and prized students.

"Yes, Mr. Snape," Dumbledore says sharply, knowing that Snape had understood him clearly. "I am not afraid to expel you from Hogwarts, if it threatens the safety of my students. I understand that you believe you are above tutoring our new transfer, who has unfortunately been sorted into Gryffindor. Your rather pitiful experiences with other Gryffindor, such as James Potter-" Snape snarls and lunges at the Headmaster, bracing himself on Dumbledore's desk so he glowers straight into those blue eyes, "-do not define all other Gryffindor. Take Lily Evans, perhaps. Lovely girl, is she not?"

The Headmaster watches Severus's charcoal orbs soften for a split second. "So Severus, do not allow yourself to be swept away in this inter-house rivalry..." Dumbledore's blue eyes fade into a far-awake look, as if he knows more than Severus can possibly imagine. Which, as infuriating as it is, is true. "You will only find yourself suffering more as time passes."

"I am not suffering," Severus snaps defensively, "and it's the damn Gryffindors who are-"

"Mr. Snape, I am not here with you to discuss who carries the blame for the ever-existing hatred between Slytherin and Gryffindor," Dumbledore says firmly, "But rather so, since you seem to understand the consequences of questioning my orders, let us get down to business. The transfer student's name is Hermione Granger, and the fact that she is a transfer student speaks for itself on why she needs extra aid. She is a Muggleborn but is quite well-adjusted with ma-"

"Professor," Severus demands, irritation dripping from his eyes, "pair the damn Mudblood up with Lily Evans. You know how bright Evans is; I just don't understand why I have to be the one who-"

"Do not use that language in front of me, Mr. Snape," Dumbledore says sharply, eyes flashing dangerously, "Your prejudice towards all Muggleborns besides Lily Evans shows your absolute disregard for Ms. Evans. If Ms. Evans hadn't extended a kind hand towards you, you would be using that filthy language to her just the same. Do not use Ms. Evans kindness as an excuse to treat any other Muggleborns besides Ms. Evans any differently."

Snape opens his mouth to say something bitingly rude, but Dumbledore raises his finger and quells the fifth year.

"I do not have to explain my choices on why you must tutor Ms. Granger. You are far too arrogant and caught up in darkness to understand, even if I did explain. Ms. Granger is waiting for you in the library right now. I suggest you two figure out what needs to be established," Dumbledore orders, voice ringing with a tone of finality, "I suggest you go to the library now and keep Ms. Granger from waiting any longer. You need her."

Snape shakes his head in disgust as he storms out the door; the old man was losing his mind...the dumb Mudblood needed Severus, not the other way around. Why would Snape ever need, a Mudblood, even worse, a Gryffindor?

Hermione waits impatiently in the library, left alone but with all of her thoughts. She can't wrap her head around the fact that she is twenty years back in the past, but the library lacks about a third of the books it will have and Madam Pince's youth is undeniable.

She watches the students, unable to suppress her curiosity. She has yet to run into the Marauders or Lily Evans (who all seem like fairytale characters), but she thinks she can see faint traces of the Hogwarts students she used to go to school with in the students around her. There's a ring of familiarity from a girl with a face full of freckles and the boy with the scruffy hair.

Dumbledore's words echo ominously in her head, as if warning her to stay on track.

She lets out a nervous sigh, unable to suppress the worries she has for the mission. She closes her eyes, remembering the warm office when she had been summoned for the crucial mission assigned to her...

"Ms. Granger," Dumbledore had said, after their brief greeting, "I fear that Voldemort is becoming stronger and stronger everyday. I understand that Harry is the only hope to saving the Wizarding World, and I have tried my best to train him, but I believe if things go...wrong, we need someone else who we can rely on."

Hermione cocked her head. "Sir? You can't be implying...me?"

Dumbledore adjusted his spectacles to peer into her eyes. "Ms. Granger, you understand that Mr. Pettigrew's cowardice led to the death of Lily and James Potter. But this is all viewed on the spectrum of events; one thing leads to another." He watched her eyes cloud in confusion before offering her another clue. "It is not Peter Pettigrew who ultimately killed the Potters...so who can it be?"

Hermione blinked, unable to decipher what the Headmaster was trying to get at. She hated the uncertainty that also came with knowledge; there was logic and there was the ability to comprehensively understand things from a rather wide point of view, which Hermione lacked.

"Sir, I'm not following. If Peter Pettigrew had not betrayed the Potters, the matter at hand would not have been anything like what it is...Unless you are implying what led up to the events, that would only leave..." Hermione hesitates and lowers her eyes. "Professor Snape at hand for revealing the prophecy regarding Harry to Voldemort."

"Precisely, Ms. Granger," Dumbledore replied, his eyes twinkling. "This situation at hand is as simple as the domino effect. One thing leads to another; Snape revealed the prophecy and the Potters were sent into hiding. I'm certain Mr. Potter has revealed the details in full to you already. However, as we continue to watch this tragic tale as we watch dominos, all of this would have been prevented if..."

If Pettigrew wasn't a bloody coward, Hermione wanted to say, but she knew it was not the answer Dumbledore is looking for. She hated the guesswork that Dumbledore put into everything; if she had read a book about the twisted situation they were in from a trustable source, she would have been able to spout answers in full. Books left no room for guesswork; they were composed of facts, period.

"Sir, given the circumstances, Pettigrew was the last push that caused the Potter's deaths. If Snape never revealed the prophecy to Lord Voldemort, perhaps that would have prevented the chaos that is going on now, but I believe it would be far more logical to impose that if Pettigrew had not been such a coward, this would not have happened."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps, Ms. Granger. But I will have to correct you in your way of thinking. We Gryffindors find it easier to pin the blame onto who seems to be the enemy of the situation, in this case, Peter Pettigrew. Ours mind are far too narrow to see the situation in its wholeness, therefore causing us to focus our whole attention onto an insignificant yet crucial part of the story. And Ms. Granger, given that you are highly logical, I am sad to say this effects you most than others."

Hermione pinks and stares at her toes.

"But we are not here to point out your flaws, as I am riddled with too many just the same. I'm sure your lack of knowledge regarding the past, which in its entirety is not your fault, contributes to your struggle to fish out the answer." he says kindly, and Hermione shifts her gaze from her shoes to the Headmaster for a second. "But to answer the point I was trying to get at, the first domino to fall is in fact Severus Snape. Had he not meddled in the Dark Arts or joined Voldemort's forces, the situation at hand would have been very different."

Hermione nods slowly and the furrow in her brow still remains. "But sir...Professor Snape is already a Death Eater, and had meddled in the Dark Arts long before any of this happened. I don't understand why you are telling me this information. It is not like it can be prevented because..."

Her brown eyes follow the object that dangles in Dumbledore's hands and her eyes widen. "You don't...perhaps...?" The Time-Turner glinted in the light reflected from the windows.

"Yes Ms. Granger. Another reason why I insist Peter Pettigrew's betrayal is not the best time in place to travel back to. It leaves too much room for risk and accidents, " Dumbledore gravely said, before dropping the bomb on her. "I believe with your courage and your knowledge, you are most capable in going back in time and changing what is wrong. Stopping Severus from meddling with the Dark Arts is very important, and I understand this is a great burden, but this will be your mission..."

He paused, giving her time to register the information, but when he began speaking again, everything dissolved to a blur.

Hermione is pulled back into the present abruptly when a cold hand snatches her wrist. She lets out a squeak of surprise as she stumbles out of her chair, being forcefully dragged by a black-haired boy whose face she cannot make out. She stumbles to stay on her feet and tries to grab her wand at the same time, but the boy pulls her into a dark section of the library.

She wonders for a split second in the midst of the nerves; can it be him?

"Let me go now," she says shrilly, trying to release his iron grip. "Who the hell do you-" He slams a cold hand against her mouth and shoves her against the wall, her spine painfully colliding. She lets out a whimper of pain and is momentarily subdued from fighting. Stars spin in her vision; the toll time travel took on her body was unpleasant, but when coupled with manhandling, it made things far more worse.

Her wand, which is tucked in her waistband, jabs into her skin painfully. She tries to regain control over her brain, which has decided to go haywire. All she can see is dark spots and scattered stars, but as she continues to stare, a definite shape of a boy's face begins to clear...

She blinks again, and finds herself staring up into the face of Severus Snape.

She mouth opens in surprise.

Hermione can't register anything at the moment; not the cold hands that grip both her wrists, the hard chest pressed up against her's, or the dig of his hips against her's. All she can see if the face of her Professor, strangely boyish and...oddly charming.

She stammers in disbelief, face turning red. Snape's face is still the same, the only difference is the absence of any wrinkles. Where his hard pressed lines on his forehead and mouth were supposed to be only leaves a canvas of milky white skin.

She drinks in his features like water; he's scowling at her with a twisted mouth and furrowed brows, and his eyes still glint with the usual malice. His dark hair barely ghosts over his shoulders and she detects hints of timber and marine accord coming from him.

It's odd that she finds the scent attractive.

"I'm certain you know who I am," he hisses venemously, "So let's cut to the chase. If you think for a second, that I will be tutoring you, a stupid Gryffindor Mudblood, you better think again. No way am I wasting my time and breath on a retarded Gryffindor, and I suggest you tell Dumbledore nothing about this, because I am not afraid of you or the old fool." He glowers at her and whips his wand out with his free hand, pressing it against her throat.

Any notion of finding her fresh-faced and youthful professor attractive disappears as quickly as they began.

Her disbelief is slowly traded with rage, and fills every inch of her body. She's risked her life and gave up on her future to save Snape from becoming a Death Eater, and this is what she has to work with? He's still the git he used to be, only two times worse.

How dare he treat her like scum and how dare he speak to her this way?

All the pent up emotion inside of her bubbles and threatens to spill out; she has no definite chance of seeing Harry or Ron again, or ever returning to the life she used to have. She's stuck in this mission of saving a slimy git from murdering his childhood crush, and it seems damn near impossible.

Dumbledore put his faith into her, thinking Hermione was the one for the mission, but she has no clue what she's doing.

She's utterly helpless and lost.

Hermione trembles in rage and she shoves him - or well, tries to shove him - and only ends up stumbling him a few paces back. She pulls out her wand and jabs it at Snape, eyes glinting with rage. "You're still the slimy git you used to be and you might as well be damned if you push me out of your life. Don't you dare speak to me that way, you bloody murderer, because I'm trying to save your life. I'm guessing you believe you have the right to treat me this way because of your reputation of being called a Death Eater and your obsession with Dark Arts, but trust me, I am the last person you want to treat this way. And I don't need to tattle on Dumbledore to protect me because I am perfectly capable on dealing with slimy bastards like you."

His eyes mirror his disbelief and his face reddens in rage. It's like he's momentarily forgotten about his wand, which Hermione is sure, he can use to hex her into oblivion. He is far too livid and set aback to do so.

Hermione should be afraid at the growing insanity in Snape's black orbs, but her temper fuels her courage. It doesn't dawn on Hermione that her temper may have revealed too much information; she's too busy staring daggers right back into Snape's black eyes.

Snape lunges at her without warning, and it sends sprawled on the ground as he straddles her her. She gasps in pain; the air was knocked out of her as her back hit the floor. She lets out a breathy cry of pain at the sudden weight on her stomach. He slams her wand out of her hand. His eyes flash with danger and he pins her struggling arms to the ground.

"Tell me how you know so much about me, now! Is it one of Dumbledore's tricks, or did Potter set you up to this? Make a fool out of the Slytherin so you perhaps can have a snog session with Black? Tell me!"

Hermione lets out a dark laugh that ripples of derision, despite the piercing pain in her side. She grabs the tip of the wand. "You're pathetic. I dare you to hex me, you insufferable git. Let's see what Dumbledore does with your pathetic head after you do."

A yell of rage disturbs the tense moment of silence and pent-up emotion.

"What is going on here?" a loud shout echoes and Hermione stares at the towering figure of Madam Pince. She's still as terrifying and insane, Hermione notes, even twenty years before. She quickly dismisses the thought as she approaches the two like a rapid bear.

"Never in my life have I seen such vile behavior, in the library of all sorts! Raising your voices and hiding behind a bookshelf like it's an empty classroom! Both of you, out now!" Her face is puce with rage and her wand trembles in her hand. Snape shoots one last glower at Hermione before stalking off, leaving Hermione to get up and scramble for her wand.

"A disgrace! So disrespectful!" Madam Pince howls, sending books flying at Snape and Hermione's heads. Hermione quickens her pace to a run and follows Snape, whose cloak is billowing out behind him. She can hear him muttering darkly and she stalks him out of the library.

"Don't think this is over, you insufferable git," Hermione says coolly, hot on the Slytherin's trail. "Stop right there."

He turns on his heel suddenly and glowers at her. "You are an idiot. You're a puffed up Gryffindor who would do anything to please a group of brainless, childish boys. I'll hex you without second thought, Mudblood. Do you think I'm that-"

"Listen, Snivellus," Hermione growls, using Snape's nickname that she learned from Harry, "My name is Granger, first of all. I don't appreciate being called Mudblood or being treated like I'm a pile of hippogriff shit. I don't get what your deal is, and trust me, I'm not eager to find out. As much as I despise the fact that Dumbledore has assigned me a tutor with the likes of you, don't think this is the last you'll be seeing-"

She falters, stopping in mid-anger, head suddenly spinning. A wave of nausea drowns her and she stumbles against the wall. Dark spots play around in her vision and the edges of her vision go fuzzy. Dumbledore had advised her to go easy on herself for the next few days because of the side affects of time travel, but she didn't think losing her temper would spark such a great toll on her body. She should have been more careful, especially after being slammed against a wall and knocked to the ground.

Everything floods back to her in an instant.

Something dark engulfs her and she passes out into the unassuming arms of Severus Snape.