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The Mayor of Storybrooke was typing a mile a minute at her desk. It was the first Friday of the month meaning that her ex wife and Sheriff of Storybrooke had their son for the weekend as per their custody agreement. Regina couldn't wait to kick back with her new girlfriend Ruby without the watchful and unapproving eye of her son Henry. It wasn't that he didn't like Ruby, in fact the two had been rather close most of his life, until it came to her starting a relationship with his mother. Henry was a firm believer that his mother only has one true love and it wasn't Ruby, or any other woman. The only person Henry wanted to see his mother with was his other mom, Emma, just like most children of broken homes he longed for the day when they would sit him down and tell him that they're back together, or that it was all one big sick induced dream, that the divorce never happened at all, but deep down even the truest of all the believers didn't see that happening anytime soon.

The end of Emma and Regina's marriage came as a surprise to the town of Storybrooke, but for Emma and Regina it was the right move. For a long time Emma was the love of Regina's life, but after a while things began to change and the two eventually grew apart long before they split up. In all honesty they were only staying together for Henry's sake, until they both agreed that enough was enough and that they deserved better. Mary Margaret cried when Emma broke the news that she would be moving back into her old room in the small loft. The citizens of Storybrooke half expected a war to break out between the two women when word broke out that the Sheriff had moved out of the mansion and it came to a surprise to every onlooker when they saw the two women actually being civil towards one another. There was never any real hatred between the town woman, but that didn't mean that the two women never faced any conflict since the split. Their main source of conflict being Henry. Regina believed that Henry should stay in his own house and not with his blonde mother, Emma of course disagreed to the highest degree, but after months of fighting and walkouts they came to a liveable agreement, that both them and Henry were somewhat happy with. Monday-Wednesday Henry stayed with Emma in the loft, Regina then had Henry the rest of the week, apart from the first Friday of every month, when Henry would spend part of the weekend with Emma. The agreement worked, for the most part at least, Regina always kept up her side of the agreement and followed it to a tee. Emma on the other hand, often arrived late for pick up and often didn't keep up with when it was her weekend with Henry. This is what annoyed Regina the most about the blonde as of late, she knew that Emma was a great mother, she had witnessed it first hand.

Regina was almost finished when her phone started to flash from its place behind the computer screen. Without looking at the contact name, she answered placing the phone on loudspeaker.

"Hello?" She questioned absentmindedly, while reading over her report.

"Hey, have a caught you at a bad time?" Regina voice at the sound of the blondes voice, it was often that she and Emma spoke over the phone. Truthfully it had actually been a while since the two women had spoken at all, aside from the short texts and emails that were exchanged because of work and Henry.

"I'm just finishing off a few things...what can I do for you Sheriff?" Regina asked, trying to keep things as professional as possible.

"I've lost the babysitter's number again, could you call her and tell her that I'm gonna be a little late." Emma explained, anger started to bubble up in Regina, quickly she grabbed the phone and pushed down hard on the speakerphone button, the last thing she needed was her nosey assistant hearing more than she should.

"Seriously Emma! This is the fourth month in a row! When are you going to start taking raising our son seriously?!" Regina scolded the blonde Sheriff.

"That's not fair Regina! I'm doing my best balancing Henry and work, especially since the barrier to the real world was taken down! Do you know how many bars I've had to drag Leroy out of?" Emma snapped back.

"You're not the only person with a job Emma! Or a life for that matter, you're father has told me all about the trouble you and that pirate have been getting into!" Regina hissed, annoyed at the blonde.

"Look I'm not having this fight right now. Just call the babysitter for me okay!" Before waiting for a reply the blonde hung up the phone angrily. Regina slammed the phone down hard on her desk, the blonde always knew how to wind her up till she was ready to explode. Leaning back in her chair she slowly began to massage her temple, to stifle off the migraine that was slowly approaching.

After her argument with Emma, Regina called the babysitter hoping she could stay on for a few hours until the blonde could relieve her. Thankfully she agreed, leaving Regina to carry on with her work.

By the time Regina reached the mansion it was well past 7 in the evening. The house was in silence when she entered, thankful that Emma had already been and gone, Regina stepped out of her heels and made her way into the kitchen to find Ruby standing in front of the stove.

"Hey baby…" Regina whispered as she wrapped her arms around the tall brunette.

"Hey, dinner should be ready soon. Henry wanted pasta." Ruby turned her head to kiss Regina on the lips quickly, before turning back to Granny's special pasta sauce.

"Henry? Hasn't Emma picked him up yet?" Regina asked shocked that the blonde still hasn't shown up.

"Nope, the babysitter was still here when I got in. He was pretty bummed when he saw that it was me coming through the door and not Emma...what's her excuse this time?" Ruby mumbled the last part, as she pushed away from Regina to retrieve the pasta out of the cupboard.

"She's stuck at work again, I'll call her and see where she is." Regina was pissed, angrily she selected the blondes number, as the final ring faded Regina was left with the blondes voicemail.

"Emma it's Regina! Don't bother showing up tonight, you've already wasted the majority of your night with Henry! I hope whatever it is you are doing was worth it!" Regina hung up angrily.

"That was a bit harsh babe, her life hasn't exactly been simple since the barrier was taken down. She'll show up, she loves Henry too much." Ruby defended the blonde.

"If she loved him as much as she says, she'd be here! On time, not out chasing down a drunk!" Regina snapped at her girlfriend. "I'm sorry, Emma just gets me so wound up...forgive me?" Regina pouted, while opening her arms for Ruby to enter them. The two stayed in each other's arms until they heard Henry make his way downstairs.

"Hey mom...Ruby." Henry rolled his eyes at the brunette.

"Watch it young man, I'm not in the mood for your teenage attitude today." Regina moaned at the young man.

"When is ma getting here?" Henry huffed as he hopped onto his usual seat at the breakfast bar.

"Your mother had to work late tonight Henry, so it looks like you'll be spending the night with us." Ruby smiled at the pre teen before transferring the pasted into the sauce.

"Great…" Henry muttered sarcastically under his breath.

"I know you were looking forward to spending the night with Emma, but this is just something that can't be helped Henry." Regina ran her hands through her hair, preparing herself for one of Henry's tantrums.

"Whatever, call me when dinners ready.. Henry mumbled before dragging himself out of the kitchen and up to his room, with a large bang Henry cocooned himself in his room for the rest of the night, not even emerging for dinner.

By the time midnight crept around, Emma still hadn't called or texted Regina, who had spent most of date night messaging Emma, which of course ticked Ruby off completely. So by the time bedtime game round Ruby was in no mood to spend the night with Regina like she had planned and prepared to go home.

"Where are you going honey?" Regina was shocked to see the sight before her when she re-entered the living room to see Ruby putting her coat on.

"I'm just gonna stay at my place tonight." Ruby shrugged as she moved to lift her bag.

"Is everything okay? I know Henry is in a strop but he should be fine in the morning." Regina finally put her phone away and walked over to the brunette.

"It's not because of Henry, it's because this is the first time tonight that you've actually put that phone of yours away! Tonight was meant to be about us, but you've spent all night texting Emma freaking Swan!" Ruby shouted, throwing her bag down in temper.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I really am. It's just, Emma annoyed me so much today, and she's upset Henry again!" Regina pleaded with the younger woman.

"Emma is always going to annoy you! She's your ex that's her job, but you can't keep letting her get in-between us!" Ruby shouted, as much as she liked Emma, she was beginning to get tired of always being stuck between the two women.

"I know and I'm sorry, I promise that from now on I won't let her get to me or get in-between us…" Suddenly Regina was interrupted by the flashing lights and blaring ringtone. "Excuse me for a moment…"

"Is that Mrs Swan-Mills?" A strange voice asked on the other end of the phone.

"Formerly, it's just Mills now. Can I ask who is calling at this ungodly hour?" Regina asked, annoyed that her discussion with Ruby was being interrupted.

"I'm sorry Ms Mills, but a Mrs Swan-Mills has just been rushed into our ER and she has you listed as her emergency contact." Regina almost dropped her phone in shock, Emma had been rushed into hospital after she had spent the entire night sending her the most awful of text messages.

"Oh my god, is she okay? What happened? Where is she?" Regina panicked, as her whole body began to shake. Worriedly Ruby moved over to comfort her girlfriend.

"She was in a horrible car accident just outside of Boston. She's at Boston General...things aren't looking good, you should inform her family and get here as soon as possible." The lady on the other side of the phone explained.

"Oh god...yes, I'll contact her parents now." Feeling numb Regina hung up the phone, she couldn't believe what she had just been told.

"Baby, what happened?"

"I-I have to go, can you watch Henry? I need to get to Boston and call Emma's parents. Don't tell him anything, he doesn't need to know yet, not until I know what is going on. I need to go…" Regina walked away from the brunette absentmindedly. As if autopilot had been turned on inside of her, Regina walked to the door, grabbed her keys, phone and heels and left without another one.