Summary: Mornings

Magnus had come to love mornings. Once not very long ago he had loathed them, making sure to spend the wee hours of many days at his club so he had an excuse to sleep them away and not deal with mornings.

Now, now Magnus had Alexander, his Nephilim, who made coffee in the mornings before he had to head to the Institute, his Shadowhunter who made him breakfast and brought it to him in their bed on mornings where he had weaseled a few free hours from his co-head Lydia Branwell and kissed him awake.

His Alexander who was not with him this morning.

Magnus frowned as he sat up in the bed he shared with Alexander, a glance at Alexander's side of the bed showed that Alexander had not slept in their bed the night before and Magnus was concerned as he dressed quickly, normally Magnus could hear Alexander in the kitchen from their room, he heard nothing at the moment, he wondered if Alexander had even returned home last night but a quick check of his phone showed no messages about staying at the Institute.

Magnus exited their room and walked to the living room, stopping short at the figure that lay sleeping on their couch, his face turned to the back of the couch, the silver and gold throw tugged across his body and over his shoulder.

Magnus sighed and wondered how late Alexander had arrived home to have chosen the couch instead of climbing into their bed as he usually did.

Magnus walked over and brushed Alexander's hair out of his face, smiling down at him.

A bit of movement near Alexander's chest made Magnus look down and he stared into wide golden eyes.

"Hello?" Magnus said quietly.

The little green skinned child stared at him and wiggled their fingers.

"Are you hungry, little sprout?" Magnus asked.

The child seemed to hesitate, glancing up at Alexander's sleeping face.

"Ah, let's let Alexander sleep a bit longer, he wont mind if I feed you if you are hungry." Magnus assured the child, holding out his hands to help them out of the little cocoon of safety Alexander had wrapped them in.

The child let him help them out and settle them on the floor before they walked to the kitchen.

"Now, my sproutling, are you a girl or a boy?" Magnus asked.

"Girl." The child said, starting to climb onto one of the bar stools.

"Wait just a moment, flower." Magnus winced at how that sounded, "You're not in trouble," He was quick to assure the trembling child, "Would you like a new outfit?"

The child looked down at her torn pants and oversized shirt and nodded, biting her lip.

"Alright, then, Dress or pants?" Magnus asked.

"Dress." The girl said.

"Okay, spin, like a princess." Magnus told her, "And close your eyes, flower."

She closed her eyes and spun in a circle as Magnus wrapped his magic around her to make her a princess type dress the fell just below her knees.

"Alright, sprout, you can stop spinning and open your eyes."

The little girl opened her eyes and stared down at the long-sleeved red-violet dress she was now wearing.

"Next time you can choose the color, hmm?" Magnus offered the silent girl as he lifted her on to the stool she'd been climbing.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"You are welcome, sproutling." Magnus smiled at her, "Now, what shall we have for breakfast?"

"Pancakes?" The girl asked.

"I suppose I can summon some, my resident pancake maker is sleeping." Magnus told her conspiratorially.

She giggled.

"Do you have a name, sprout?" Magnus asked as he conjured their food.

The girl stared at him and then shook her head, "Monsters don't get names."

Magnus took a deep breath to calm himself, "You are not a monster, little flower."

"She said I was."

Magnus sighed, he knew it had probably been her mother to say such a thing and if Alexander had only recently liberated her from her then it would take a while for her to believe that she wasn't a monster.

"Well, flower, I'm rather sorry to tell you that I'm a monster too." Magnus dropped his glamour to allow her to see his cat eyes.

"You're like me?" She asked reaching out to trace his face.


"But you're nice, like Mister Alec."

"Well, Mister Alec loves me." Magnus whispered to her, "And I'm sure he likes you too, he did bring you home with him."

"I do love you." Alexander's voice startled him and he almost fell over as he hastened to stand.

"Do you mind if I speak wth Mister Alec while you eat your breakfast?" Magnus asked, "And then we can find you a name."


"Of course." Magnus said.

Alexander let Magnus drag him back into the living room.

Magnus stared at Alexander with a raised eyebrow.

"I found her all alone, her mother was killed by Demons and I couldn't leave her there, Magnus." Alexander blurted, "I know we haven't talked about kids yet, but I... I wanted her, it was like I knew she was mine."

"Alexander." Magnus' eyes softened, "I know how you feel, but there are things we have to think about, can we actually manage a child?"

"I spent hours last night with Lydia, Izzy, and Jace to figure out a new schedual for me, if I'm needed for a mission Jace will watch her or Izzy, Clary and even Simon volunteered if the others were unavaliable." Alexander admitted.

"You really thought about this." Magnus realized.

"I was going to bring it up eventually." Alexander shrugged, "When I got the courage to."

"Well, I guess it's good you found us a flower." Magnus smiled, "What names do you think we should offer her?"

"Really?" Alexander asked excitedly.

"Yes, I'm sure Izzy and Clary have already bought her a dozen outfits and planned her bedroom." Magnus smiled at Alexander and gave him a gentle kiss.

"I love you, Magnus Bane."

"And I love you too, Alexander."