Hey everyone! I actually had this chapter written for a while and thought I posted it so I apologize for that. My brain has been scattered for a while since I was helping my best friend plan her wedding. But the wedding was yesterday and I am officially free of my Maid of Honor duties! Enjoy the chapter!

Several days have gone by and Percy was beginning to doubt the council meeting would ever happen. He left his room, still in pajamas, and stopped when he heard growling. He didn't recognize the growl or who it came from. He quickly made his way down the stairs only to see the TV on with Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, and Bruce all watching it.

"Uh, what are you guys doing?"

Natasha who seemed completely uninterested in what was playing looked at him, "the Twilight movies are on. Tony is holding the remote hostage."

"What's Twilight?"

Tony gasped, "you haven't seen it? It was like the one movie series everyone was obsessed with and now we all rewatch it to make fun of it. It's about vampires and werewolves. We shall start from the beginning! Besides I'm doing research."

The resounding groans of complaint were left ignored as Tony grabbed Percy's arm and sat him in front of the tv. "I'd love to know what you think of the wolves. Like how accurate is the movie? I've been reading and now I must watch all the movies or television series for any information I can gain."

For two days they watched the Twilight movies and Percy was officially annoyed at the fact that Bella chose Edward and not Jacob. He would laugh every time the wolves showed up and pointed out the odd things they did.

"I don't understand why people were into this! It's completely inaccurate!"

Natasha laughed, "of course it's not. Your world technically doesn't exist. I just can't believe we wasted two days of our lives."

"Is the whole pack thing true though? Can you hear each other's thoughts?" Tony asked.

Percy laughed, "yes but it's not like we hear them all the time. You have to open the channel and I could even talk to you in my wolf form if you knew how to open the channel for me to communicate with you. Annabeth and I can communicate no matter how far we are through the mating bond. I can feel what she's feeling if she projects it." Percy never would have thought he'd reveal so much about his kind to ordinary humans. He was beginning to like them and see them as equals. Percy stretched and began playing with Riptide. Tony who was completely mesmerized by the pen. He just had to touch it again and feel the cold metal on his fingers.

"What is that sword made of?"

"Celestial Bronze. It kills monsters and doesn't hurt mortals." Percy uncapped Riptide, "want to volunteer?"

Tony excitedly jumped up and flinched when Percy swung and the sword was like a phantom as Percy sliced and not a hair was cut on Tony.

"Woah, that is so cool! How does it work?"

"I actually don't know. It was given to me by one of my dearest friends."

Natasha smiled, "we would love to meet her and all of the others."

Something changed in Percy. Grief flowed through him like a tidal wave, "she's hunting in the stars now. Zoe died for what feels like a lifetime ago." Percy explained what happened to her how he tried to take her pain away only to not be able to because she was too far gone. "I know she didn't suffer and died a hero's death but I could have done more." Percy smiled and huffed a laugh, "she gave me the last name Jackson because I cried for almost a week about not having a last name as everyone else in the camp when I was just a pup."

"Jesus, you've been through so much."

The elevator dinged and Peter Parker came walking in with a large smile on his face. "Hey, guys what- hey what is wolfman doing here?"

Percy raises a brow, "wolfman?"

Steve who always seemed to be the dad of the group stepped in-between the two boys, "we are on the same team now."

"Oh okay well I'm Peter Parker." Peter held out his hand.

Percy stared at it before clasping his hand. "Please tell me those weird web things didn't come out of you."

Peter laughed, "no I designed them. It's my web-shooters." Percy knew Annabeth would go crazy over all the technology and brilliant minds these humans possessed.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Peter. I'm Percy."

Percy studied Peter who was tiny compared to him yet was able to hold his own in a fight. "So what are you? You look and smell like a human but have a slight hint of something else."

Peter leaned away from Percy as he leaned closer, "guys what is he doing? I was bitten by a spider that was radioactive and it changed my DNA if that's what you mean." Peter stumbled over his words, "you aren't going to eat me are you?"

Percy smiled his canine made Peter pale a bit, "Nah I won't eat you, Peter... yet." Percy couldn't help but laugh at Peter who visibly was disturbed. "Relax I was joking."

"Oh right. Good one."

Percy patted Peter's shoulder, "I know I scare you."

A loud siren went off in the building making Percy clamp his hands over his ears. The ringing made his eardrums feel like they were going to burst.

"Friday? What is it?" Tony waved and the siren stopped.

"There was an explosion in Brooklyn. The cause is unknown."

"Alright let's suit up, Bruce are you in or out?"

"We don't know if this is a green situation so I'll wait."

Tony pointed at Peter, "don't you have your decathlon practice?"

"But I can help!"

"No buts go to your practice it's important we got this under control." Peter slowly made his way to the elevator defeated as the others scrambled to get their gear.

Percy went to go change but Steve grabbed his arm, "are you sure you want to come?"

Percy smiled his canines at a fine point, "I'm always ready for a fight. Besides it maybe demigod related and I could be of use." Percy quickly changed and was excited to try out his new armor.

The Natasha smirked as she watched Percy flip his sword disguised as a pen in his hand. Percy was excited to finally leave the tower and his armor allowed him to move fluently without restraints of heavy armor slowing him down. As they came to a stop by a building that was burning hot with flames licking out the window. Tony in his suit flew through to ensure no one was left behind as the firemen did their job. Tony landed in front of them, "it was set on purpose and there was a Hydra symbol on one of the parts."

"Like the monster?" Percy asked. He didn't smell any monsters around except the smoke made it difficult to smell anything else.

"It's a terrorist group, we have a long-standing feud going on."

Percy closed his eyes and took in a deep breath trying to smell anything that would give him a hint but all he could smell was the smoke. He slowly made his way inside to help find more clues. His eyes burned and stomach curled at the smell of burnt flesh. Fear they were all so terrified before they died.

"Everything okay Percy?" Natasha asked.

"They were so scared. Why would someone do this?"

"I don't know but we can catch the people doing this and put an end to it." Percy paused when he saw the claw marks on the wall. They were deep and definitely not caused by the blast. Percy traced his finger along it and leaned down and pulled a knife from his leg strap.

"Here take this. These marks were caused by claws, not by the blast. If it's monsters this knife will work on them." Natasha took it and slowly followed Percy. The room was Smokey but otherwise intact. Percy internally rolled his eyes when he spotted Tammi the Empousai.

"Don't you have anything better to do than mess with mortals?"

She leaned against the charred table, "but how would I get your attention? You sent Kelli to Tartarus and now I'm here to deliver a message." She stalked towards him and he growled pushing Natasha back, "what happened to the blond, Annabeth? Did you trade her for a mortal, gods you really do have bad tastes."

Percy grabbed her neck, "enough games. Tell me why you needed my attention."

"Right the message now I can't seem to recall exactly what it was word for word but he's coming with an army. An army of mortal killers turned into wolves. He knows about how you've sent your precious sister and her mate to search for wolves and shifters alike to start an uprising and overthrow Lycaon. He's going to kill you or maybe worse." Percy held riptide to her neck as she leaned in to whisper in his ear, "he's going to rip the wolf spirit from your body and leave you to rot in Tartarus where you are missed dearly. What was his name? Bob was it, he still wants you to tell the stars hello."

Percy's heart raced, his mind flashing back to the pit and the pain that came with carrying Annabeth on his back as glass embedded in his paws. Tammi smiled, "what's the matter handsome is a part of you still stuck in the pit? After all, you are just as much as a monster as I am."

Percy grunted as she pressed him against the wall. Her nails scrapping his cheek causing him to bleed. He snarled pushed Riptide into her skin, "go back to Tartarus."

"I'll see you soon in-" Percy didn't wait as he turned her into monster dust that blew away in a wind he couldn't feel. His breaths were ragged as he pushed back against the raw panic.


"I'm okay. It's fine, we need to go."

"What did she mean about the army?"

"My dad Lycaon is turning random mortals into werewolves to make an army of unpredictable wolves to wreak havoc against me and well mortals. He hates mortals with a burning passion and believes you should all be wiped from existence. And well, he hates me for leaving the pack and staying with the demigods." His skin seemed to ripple as he suppressed the desire to run. Their clothes were covered in ash as they left the building. Percy knew he'd have to go to camp to prepare the campers for another war that he knew they weren't ready to fight. They were all still shaken by the Giant war. He sat in silence at the dinner table as they discussed their findings. The monsters and Lycaon's pack joined forces and now adding the mortal Hydra group. Three forces together that have been causing so many deaths for decades that on their own were a pain in the ass.

"Hey kid you alright?"

Percy shook his head and looked at Tony, "I'm fine."

"Well, your fork isn't."

Percy looked down at his hand and the iron fork Tony had brought him was bent in half. "Oh, sorry." He dropped the fork on the table, "I am going to have to go back to camp sometime soon. I need to warn the campers that another war is coming. Gods, we aren't ready for another war."

"No one ever is," Steve said.

Percy nodded and looked out the window. The bustling city below them had no idea what was coming for them.

"That Empousai, Tammi, she said that there were shifters so are there others?" Natasha was trying to shift the tone by asking an interesting question but it didn't help. Tammi was right, there was a part of him still in that pit. Afraid and left with no hope of escaping.

"There are several types of shifters from different myths. The Romans and Greeks aren't the only gods that exist that like to experiment. Werecats exist and several others I haven't met them or seen them. A lot of the tribes or packs tend to be well hidden which is why I sent Nyla my sister to search for other werewolves. There is one that I know of, the werejaguar. They are fearsome warriors who protect the Amazon forest and the animals who dwell there."

Bruce and Tony seemed to brighten at the knowledge. "I can't believe there is so much more to discover," Bruce said.

Percy smiled but it seemed more like a grimace, "there is so much you don't know."

"Mr. Stark, Agent Fury left a message stating that the council is meeting tomorrow morning. Mr. Jackson is expected to be present and the professor is coming to help evaluate Mr. Jackson."

"Thanks, Friday. Great, the mutants are now interested. I refuse to allow them to take you, you are part of the team now."

"Mutants?" Percy was confused was there another godly world he wasn't part of?

"Evolved human species. He's actually a cool guy and can read minds. The research he's done is absolutely brilliant." Percy didn't like the idea of someone poking in his head but then again he'd do anything to be allowed out of the tower to go see Annabeth. That night when Percy fell asleep he was plagued by the nightmares of the pit and Tammi's words ringing over and over again. His wolf ripped away from him as he screamed in pain, abandoned in the pit with no hope. He'd die before he let that happen except now, he had Annabeth. Their bond tying them together for eternity and if he were to go the pain she will feel made him swear to himself that he'd fight like hell. He was going to fight like never before to stay with her and protect her. He missed her even though through the bond they could communicate. It wasn't the same as holding her and breathing in her scent. When Percy finally allowed himself to sleep the last thing he thought was about whoever this professor was. Why on earth would a professor know the avengers?