A/N: Thanks to Sheeijan for her ideas I incorporated into this chapter!


Edward laughed, but then turned his head, as if he was listening to something I couldn't hear.

"We have visitors," he informed me.

Instantly, I tensed and stood in front of Edward, my eyes searching the dark forest, ready to defend both of us if we were being attacked. My instinct to protect him was so natural. The intensity of it shocked me.

Edward put his hands on my shoulders, massaging them, and then leaned his head down to whisper in my ear.

"It's the family. They've finally arrived."

I relaxed, but only slightly. Edward offered me his hand, and we continued walking back to the cabin. We did not run. Our time alone together these last several weeks had been precious. Not once did Edward call his family, although I suddenly realized that with his gift of reading minds, perhaps they had been communicating with him. But, I had stepped on every inch of the island and never detected a scent that wasn't animals or Edward and I.

"Why are they coming now?" I asked. I wanted to ask, why didn't they come sooner?

Edward squeezed my hand. "They miss you. They miss me. When Jacob brought you to us….well, I freaked out. Alice helped me get you to the island, but it wouldn't have been safe for them to approach me. I was feeling very, very protective of you."

If it was an ounce of what I just felt when Edward told me there were visitors, then I understood perfectly. "Do you still feel that protective?" I asked.

He smiled. "Yes. I'll always feel that way. But, I have more control now that I know you're safe."

We took our time walking back to the cabin, and when we arrived I was surprised to see it lit up with lights. Edward and I had been living rather primitively these past several weeks, my entire focus had been on quenching my thirst and almost nothing else.

I glanced at Edward. "Generator," he explained, without me having to ask. "The family is planning on moving here to be with us for the immediate future. And you know Emmett cannot live without his video games."

My eyes widened. "Emmett is here? I thought he was in Africa?"

"He and Rosalie returned the moment they heard of your accident." He paused. "And he has been very impatient waiting for me to calm down and allow the family near you."

I was touched. "Really?"


I felt sort of nervous to see the family again, especially Alice who I had mistreated so badly. I wrapped my arms around Edward and he put his arm around my shoulders, possessively. As we neared the house, I smelled six new scents in the air, all unique, and heard chatter and laughter. It sounded as if they were moving furniture.

"We're home," Edward announced as we walked on to the porch. I glanced around and it seemed as though there had already been repairs to the outside of the cabin. There was a new porch swing and several new Adironack chairs facing the ocean. I looked out at the sea and saw very large boat was tied to the dock.

We walked through the front door and the entire family was lined up, waiting to greet us. Alice rushed forward, her face lit up with delight.

"Bella!" she exclaimed, giving me an awkward hug, since I was clinging to Edward, and then kissed me on the cheek. "You look beautiful….but….your clothes."

I laughed. Alice was always so honest and obsessed with clothes. I wasn't going to let her make me her personal Barbie doll, but I did find it endearing that she cared so much. It was true, neither Edward or I had changed clothes since we'd been on the island. What I was wearing was covered in blood, mud, and torn. I knew I must have looked pretty bad.

"I'm a newborn," I shrugged. "We don't care too much about clothes…only blood."

Edward chuckled and I felt more calm. I released my grip on Edward and hugged Alice again.

"I'm so happy to see you, Alice. I'm sorry for being such a jerk."

She smiled, but then looked sad. "I'm sorry for not realizing what Tanya had done. I should have paid closer attention."

Carlisle and Esme stepped forward to hug me. "Welcome to the family, Bella."

I smiled shyly. "Thank you," I replied.

"Has Edward been taking good care of you?" Esme asked, glancing at her son.

Emmett started booming with laughter. Edward glared at him.

"Yes, he's been very patient," I replied. I glanced at Jasper, who was standing next to Alice. "Hi, Jasper," I greeted.

I expected him to wave, as he had always kept his distance from me, but to my surprise, he walked over to give me a hug. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of being loved, and sensed Jasper's relief that I was okay. He smiled, and stepped back as Emmett and Rosalie came forward.

Rosalie stood behind Emmett and gave a small smile. She had never, ever smiled at me, so I was impressed at what I determined to be warmth coming from Rosalie. Emmett gave me a bear hug then spun me around. Edward watched with a smile.

"Little sister, you're finally one of us. Even if that bitch Victoria changed you, I'm glad it finally happened."

"Emmett, your language!" Esme chided.

"Sorry, Mom," he apologized, but not very convincingly.

"When are we going to arm wrestle? You're supposed to be stronger than me and I want proof!"

I laughed as Emmett set me down and Edward wrapped his arms around me. "Um, maybe later," I replied.

Emmett looked a bit disappointed that I didn't want to compete right then and there, but he was gracious. "It's cool. We have plenty of time."

The family greeted Edward, hugging him, although he wouldn't let go of me, and then told us what they had been doing during the last several weeks. Jasper immediately went to Denali to tell Kate and Irnia about Tanya's death. Emmett and Rosalie returned from Africa and joined him in Denali. Alice, Carlisle and Esme soon arrived as well, to try to console the sisters since they feared they would seek revenge upon the Quilietes. Indeed, that was their first response, but after days of conversation and diplomacy, and realizing the Cullens wouldn't join the fight, the sisters realized they couldn't fight entire pack with just the two of them. They've been around a long time and knew it would be a losing battle. And they are no stranger to loss, after all, with having to see their own mother burned by the Volturi. Carman and Eleazar, the other members of their coven, would alert the family if the sisters changed their minds.

Since the treaty with the Quiletes was fragile, the family didn't return to Forks. Instead, they moved to a small coastal town, that by boat, was near the island, and waited for Alice to give the signal that it was okay to make contact.

I was a bit embarrassed that the entire family put their life on hold for me, but it made me feel loved, too. There was no conversation about Tanya's lies and betrayal of the family, although when her name was mentioned when talking about the Denali sisters, Jasper and Emmett both became visibly upset. Edward did not react, but I suspected he was being calm for my benefit.

As the family began to move their things into the cabin, Edward gave me space as each member sought me out to speak with me individually.

Carlisle was the first, sitting with me on the porch swing and asking about how my change took place. He was fascinated with the details, and apologized for not being there to protect me. Carlisle that was so thoroughly fatherly and he made me feel as though he loved me unconditionally, just as Edward did.

With Esme, I took a walk down to the beach, and she asked shyly about how Edward and I were doing. She wanted girl talk and I found myself opening up to her, confessing my insecurities and frustrations about Edward's insistence on wanting to marry me. Esme knew her son well, and shed insight on his character and values. It helped me understand his perspective, even if I disagreed.

My time with Jasper was short, but he revealed that he and Alice were with Edward in Jacksonville and remained close when I was in the hospital. I was touched by his devotion to me. Seeing his scars, war wounds, he explained, made me realize Jasper had experienced a lot in his existence. I knew he didn't give away his allegiance or affection carelessly and I respected him for it.

Alice insisted on taking me to a waterfall on the island and making me bathe. I knew Edward followed us, but he didn't make an appearance. However, I hoped he was watching closely, and that my naked body would somehow entice him to forget his silly notions of marriage.

I felt the need to apologize further to Alice and we discussed that morning I left Forks and then when I returned. She told me how much she missed me and how glad she was that we would be sisters forever. Then, excitedly presented several outfits for me to choose from, and I indulged her, choosing the one she liked best.

Rosalie was the only one to not approach me. As Emmett and I were arm wrestling, he felt the need to apologize for his wife. "Don't take it personally," he encouraged. "When Alice and Jasper joined the family, it took a decade before she warmed up to them. She's just cautious."

Competing with Emmett was more fun than I imagined, and he helped me realize the usefulness of my new speed, strength, hearing, and ability to make quick decisions.

After several hours of playing, and winning every time, much to Emmett's frustration, we returned to the cabin. It was transformed. There was furniture, a wall of books, a gigantic television, and a piano, which Edward was sitting behind and playing. I was amazed at how much had been accomplished in such little time.

The burning in my throat told me it was time to hunt, but I joined Edward at the piano, sitting beside him. Rosalie and Emmett were cuddling on a sofa, Jasper was standing behind Alice, looking down at a sketch she was drawing, and Esme and Carlisle sat by the fireplace, whispering to one another. They were all here for me.

I sighed in amazement. My heart was once broken, but now it was so full.

This was my new family. I wasn't alone.

I was loved.


A/N: Thank you for reading and reviewing! It's been such a fun experience.