Age: 16 (Mike) and 15 (El)

Michael Wheeler forgot how to breathe. This is it, this is how I die, he thought. His hands started shaking, nerves or fear? He did not know. Why would he be afraid? It's not like chief Hopper could murder him and get away with it. Right? Right?!. He was more concerned about what the chief police would think about this than what his own parents.

He almost forgot about the girl in front of him. She looked at him quizzically, her big brown eyes penetrating into his soul as he could only panic in silence like a fucking loser.

Her fifteen year old face was gentle, relaxed and serene. Did she not fucking understand the gravity of the situation?! Of course she didn't. She had been isolated from the real world for the first twelve years of her life, she didn't know shit about the implications of having a baby at this age. She thought it was the coolest thing ever.

She tried holding his hand, but he retreated it and laid it on the edge of the bathroom sink, he may be fainting so he might as well be already holding onto something solid. El's bony shoulders weren't exactly made to support a six foot tall young man. Yes, he was a young man now. He had had sex with his girlfriend, forgotten to use a condom ONCE and now he had knocked her up. Fuck. He was a dead young man.

How was he gonna tell Hop. He had just gotten home from his honeymoon with Joyce, he really was about to give him the migraine of a lifetime. El was Hop's little girl. A sweet beacon of light in his life, a comfort, his adopted daughter. And now this shit head had ruined her. And her innocence.

-'Will you calm down already' El said peacefully. Her boyfriend looked whiter than a ghost, his freckles standing out even more. -'Is it really that bad? I thought babies were good and-', -'Yes, El! But only when people are married and stable and-', -'Are we not stable Mike?', -'EL! You are FIFTEEN years old! I am sixteen! Our parents are not rich or-', -'Yours are...', -'No! They're not! We're middle class', -'Sure Michael' she rolled her eyes and put the two white sticks on the sink, -'Your adoptive parents JUST came home from their honeymoon El, how do you think they'll react when I tell them I got their girl pregna-', -'You don't have to tell them', Mike sighed in frustration, -'Then what's your plan? How are we gonna hide this? You're gonna grow, get fat, and then what happens when you have the baby huh? Do you think this is some kind of game? You're so chill about this!', El stared at him. Her eyes weren't glistening in tears. She was strong. -'I'm gonna tell dad' she said, with confidence, -'He's gonna cut my dick off', El chucked at her boyfriend, -'I won't let him do that', -'Figure of speech. El'.

Jane Hopper sighed deeply as Mike explained all the implications of becoming young parents. Responsability, money, sleepless nights and a lot of rumours going around town.

-'My mom's gonna murder me' Mike looked down at his hands. El took one of them and kissed it, -'We'll be fine, I promise'.