Here it is! Part 3 of my "Forever Wicked" FanFiction series. It's an episodic story, meaning each chapter is like an episode of a TV series. So, expect this to be like your every day Disney high school sitcom, except it's written down in words for a story book. As much as I loved writing about our favorite characters engaging in a good vs. evil war, they are still teenagers after all. It's time to show it. Enjoy.

Oh, and if you're seeing [Mal, Carlos] in the character list, you're not dreaming. It's exactly what it says. If you're not interested, then I advice you not to read. Your choice.

Other ships for this story include Huma (HarryxUma), Jonnie (JayxLonnie), Devie (DougxEvie), and possibly Bevie (BenxEvie).

Leave a review after reading, please. Feedback is always appreciated.

I'd like to thank the following users for reviewing the final chapter of "Long Live Evil": DragonEmperor999, Mustang52, TheLifeStruggleIsREAL, top story, rose1041, Slytherin, Guest, 61394, CarvieCamfia, xez2003, Quartz Rider

WARNING: Rated T for themes

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Descendants.

It is the end of another busy day for Queen Mal of the Isle of the Lost. Every night since her banishment three months ago, she feels a mixture of pride and gloom. She feels pride because she's making progress in making the Isle of the Lost habitable for its citizens. She feels gloom because she is far away from her friends and family. Every night, all she can do is write in her diary about the same feelings she has every single day. Not even helping her people was cheering her up. She would give anything just for one more minute with Evie and Jay and Carlos and... Ben.

However, Mal was feeling different tonight. Aside from pride from another successful day of serving her people, she was feeling excitement and disquiet. She had just received a message from King Ben of Auradon that she has been allowed to return to Auradon Prep for Senior Year to complete her education, on the condition that she would refrain from using magic and remain the campus for the entirety of the school year. She was excited because she can see her friends again, but she was worried that they didn't want to see her. This might as well be a punishment by the Gods. What could be worse than lifetime imprisonment away from her friends? The answer is an entire school year of her friends refusing to even speak to her.

As she wrote down her joy and anxiety in her diary, she thinks about how she was going to reconcile with her best friends. They would be, no doubt, unhappy to see her. She couldn't blame them after what she put them through during the war against CJ Hook and her crew of villain kids. Betrayal. Trauma. Pain. Even if she couldn't regain their friendship, the least she can do is regain their respect. Respect is, after all, one of the things that brought them together. Before Auradon, they weren't ready to embrace the concept of friendship. They became a team because they respected each other.

And then there was Ben. Why would he invite her back after all the harm she has caused to his people? She was both proud and disappointed at him for his decision to keep her far, far away from his people. She was proud of him for stepping up for his people. She was disappointed because he threw away the beautiful love they shared. He chose to protect his people by banishing her. So, why welcome her back to Auradon? To complete her education? No, that could not be the reason. Was it because he missed her? If he was bold enough to ruin their love to be a good king, then that couldn't be the reason either, especially considering the point of her banishment is to keep her away from Auradon.

Mal stops thinking when her pencil catches on fire from her emotional contemplation. She immediately throws it across the room before it burns her diary. To think, her magic remains active inside the magical barrier, all because death has made her more powerful than before. She could've escaped any time she wanted, she didn't. Well... except that one time.

The sun rises and the light from it shines through the windows of Bargain Castle. Mal finds herself waking up on the wrong side of the bed, literally. The singed part of her bed suggests that she had another emotional breakdown before passing out. She rolls on her stomach and crawls out of bed, only to fall to the floor. Luckily, the pain was waking her up faster.

"I have got to stop thinking before bed," she groaned.

Mal gets up from the floor and was about to take a shower when a voice came through the ear trumpet connected to the one outside the castle.

"Your highne... heinousness, the limo has arrived to take you to Auradon Prep."

It was Yen Sid. He has been such a big help to Mal in her quest to transform the Isle of the Lost into a suitable home for the people living on it. She's leaving him in charge of her home while she is in Auradon Prep, but they would still communicate through scrolls about the progress on the Isle. That way, she can run the Isle even when she's on it.

Mal walks towards the ear trumpet and speaks through it.

"Tell the driver to wait. I got a headache," she said.

Mal then begins preparing herself. She puts on her favorite purple leather jacket and straightens her messy hair. She washes her face as she stares into the mirror.

"You can do this, Mal," she said to herself. "Just one more year. Don't screw this up."

Mal exits the castle to see her people crowded around the limo, much like last year when she and her friends were being picked up and taken to Auradon for the first time. Before she boards the luxurious vehicle, she takes a moment to look around the island that she calls home.

Kids were playing on clean streets with actual smiles on their faces.

A kid was buying an apple instead of stealing it.

Yen Sid was distributing clean clothes to the children.

Fresh food was being served at the Slop Shop.

People growing fruits and vegetables on the new community garden.

Mal once again feels proud of herself. Even if all these people on the Isle are still prisoners, at least they are not able to live without struggling. Aside from comfortable living, Mal intended all this to prepare them for Auradon. If they can learn to stop stealing, fighting, and lying on the Isle, then they will be ready to move to move out. The villains may have deserved to be imprisoned, but their offspring and their sidekicks' offspring deserve a better life.

"I'll be sure to keep you posted," Yen Sid promised.

"I am trusting you, Yen Sid. You and the new members of the Anti-Heroes club have to maintain order until I return," said Mal.

"We will not disappoint you," said Sophie, Yen Sid's intern.

"I hope not," Mal said with a stoic expression on her face.

Mal loads her belongings in the trunk and boards the limo. She waves to her subjects one more time before she closed the door. Everyone gets out of the way as the limo makes its way to Auradon. Aside from candy, the limo was filled with strawberries and strawberry-flavored treats.

"Ben, you are such a sweetheart," Mal commented.

King Ben himself stood in front of Auradon Prep with Fairy God Mother by his side, waiting for the limo to show up. During the wait, Fairy God Mother constantly glances at Ben, who was trying to keep a straight face and failing to do so. Obviously, Mal's return was stirring up a lot of emotions within him. He didn't know exactly how to feel right now. Happy? Sad? Worried?

"Ben, I'm not just the headmistress of the school. I'm also your friend. You can talk to me," said Fairy God Mother.

"It's only been three months, yet it feels like a lifetime," said Ben. "I promised my people I'd keep her away from Auradon, yet here we are."

"I tried my location spell. It still wasn't able to find who wrote that request to you to bring her back to school," said Fairy God Mother. "I've questioned all of the villain kids. They're clean."

"Then we just have to rely on time to solve this mystery for us," said Ben.

"Are you gonna tell her?" asked Fairy God Mother.

"Not yet," said Ben.

"Keeping secrets isn't a nice thing to do, Ben," said Fairy God Mother.

"It's necessary. I need Mal focused on completing her education and learning how to be good instead of hunting down the person responsible for me approving of her return here to Auradon," said Ben.

The limo finally arrives, making Ben feel more tense than a few minutes ago. He does his best to appear professional as the limo door opened. There she is. The purple-haired sorceress. The woman he loves. The woman he banished not too long ago. He didn't know if he could keep a straight face for long. Mal stood there, staring at him with a sullen look on her face.

Ben clears his throat as he extends his hand forward.

"Welcome back to Auradon Prep, Queen Mal," he greeted her, trying to sound sophisticated.

Mal raises her arm and shakes the king's hand while staring into his eyes.

"It's good to be back, King Ben," she said.

"May I say that I admire the work you're doing on the Isle of the Lost? You're really helping those poor people live better," said Ben.

"All to prepare them for your lovely kingdom," said Mal. "Some of them don't deserve to live there."

"I agree," said Ben.

"So, who shall be escorting me to my dorm?" Mal asked.

"There will be no escort. Councilor Evie has agreed to share her dorm with you," said Ben.

"Huh?" Mal reacted, surprised.

For the next half minute, no words were exchanged between the King of Auradon and the Queen of the Isle, just stares. Ben was failing to look professional, while Mal clicks her tongue for no reason. Fairy God Mother, feeling awkward being the middle of this, decides to break the silence.

"Um, Mal, I must remind you that if you wish to remain here in the school until the school year ends, you have to..."

"Refrain from using magic and stay in the campus at all times, no matter what," Mal interrupted, telling the headmistresses that she is fully aware of the terms of the agreement.

"Oh, well, I guess... I'll leave you two alone now," said Fairy God Mother.

Fairy God Mother walks back inside the school, leaving the two former lovers to drop the professionalism and go straight to a casual conversation.

"You're either bold or stupid, your majesty. Inviting me back after just one summer," Mal started. "It kinda makes the whole banishment thing redundant."

"Believe me, this was not entirely my idea," said Ben.

"I believe you," said Mal, reading Ben's eyes and voice to determine if he's telling the truth.

"But I am happy to see you," said Ben.

"And I you," Mal said honestly.

"I do hope you take advantage of this chance I've given you," said Ben.

"Oh, believe me. I will," Mal said with a smirk.

"Honestly, I am scared," said Ben, feeling uneasy about the look on Mal's face.

"Don't worry, Ben. I don't need magic to have fun," Mal said as she whispered into his ear. "Don't expect me to be play nice with you. You may have done the right thing for your people, but you crossed me. No one who crosses me walks away unscathed."

Ben didn't know if Mal was playing with him or not. Regardless, he was afraid. Her sinister chuckle and quick kiss on his cheek frightened him more. He turns around only to see that she's disappeared. Either she magically vanished just to spook him or she's hiding behind a bush to make him think she magically vanished.

Whichever one it is, he couldn't stop looking over his shoulder.

Mal stood frozen in front of the door to her dorm. Through that door is the person who is probably the angriest at her for her evil deeds in the past. It confused her why that person would want to share her dorm with her again. The best way to find out the answer is to ask that person. Mal puts her hand on the doorknob, twists it, and slowly opens the door.

Sitting in front of the mirror, as always, is her ex-best friend, Evie, the daughter of Evil Queen. She was just about to apply some eye liner when she heard the door open. She didn't turn around, though. She just stared into the mirror.

"How'd you know the door was open?" Evie asked.

"Because I know you didn't want to see my face when you open it," Mal answered.

"At least one of us knows the other very well," Evie replied.

Mal decides to stop playing gentle and act like herself, because she is already fed up with Evie refusing to look at her and talking to her like she's the enemy.

"You don't get talk to me like that," said Mal. "You didn't have to ask me to room with you again, but you still did. Now, here I am, yet you're still treating me like a villain."

Evie gets up and finally looks at Mal in the eye.

"Isn't that exactly what you are?" Evie replied.

"Aren't you?" Mal retorted.

"At least I know where I stand," said Evie. "Do I have to remind you of why we're in this position?"

"Believe me, I'd do it all over again if I wanted to," Mal said gravely.

"Are you seriously saying that to me right now in the way?" Evie questioned her.

"I believe I am," Mal replied.

"How can you be so unapologetic about what you did?" Evie raised her voice, feeling nettled.

"Because you constantly refuse to give me the chance to make it up to you!" Mal yelled.

"I'd give you a chance if you hadn't tortured Carlos and left CJ to die!" Evie yelled.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?!" Mal asked loudly.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?!" Evie asked back.

The two former best friends glare at each other. Mal's glare was full of fire, the metaphorical kind, while Evie's glare was full of contempt. Mal's eyes soon started glowing green. Evie dared herself to look into her eyes and stay strong, but she was failing. Mal stopped using her evil stare and smirked while Evie tried to stay conscious.

Just when it appeared that the two were about to continue their stare-off, they both started giggling, for some reason. The giggling turned to laughing. Mal gently punches Evie on the shoulder as she tried to stop laughing.

"I missed you, E," said Mal.

"I guess I... missed you too, M," Evie said reluctantly.

"Look, Evie, I know I'm not your favorite person right now. You can play mean girl against me all you want, but I just want you to know that I have no intention of hurting you or Carlos or Jay," said Mal. "This isn't war. This is school. I have no reason to hurt or kill anyone."

"Unless they cross you," Evie commented.

"And the worst I can do is pull a harmless prank," said Mal. "C'mon, E. Just let it all out. I deserve it. All of it."

Evie raises her fist, trying to put on a tough look on her face, and then hits Mal on the shoulder, but softly. Mal was disappointed, and Evie kinda felt the same way about herself.

"You have become pathetic," Mal insulted her playfully.

"You have become condescending," Evie replied.

The two chuckled again.

"I forgot to ask. How's Dizzy?" Mal asked.

"She's fine, and so very excited to see you again," said Evie.

Mal smiled. She, too, was eager to see the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine again.

"I see you two ladies are getting along again."

The two girls turned their heads to see Jay by the doorway. He was just walking by when he saw the door was open and he heard yelling.

"Oh, trust me. Mal and I are far from there," said Evie.

"She still hates me," Mal said.

"Hate is a strong word," said Evie.

"Don't lie. It doesn't suit you anymore," Mal commented insultingly.

"Well, nice to know you still have the attitude," said Jay. "Good to see you, Mal... sort of."

"Same," Mal replied. "How's Lonnie?"

"Thanks to you, her wound healed and vanished. She's 120%," said Jay.

"Any hurtful words you want to share with me?" Mal asked.

"I'm still thinking about it," said Jay. "Just, please, stay away from trouble."

"Coming from you, I might just break that promise," Mal teased.

"Okay, we are definitely still far from okay," Jay replied with a fake smile.

"Where's Carlos?" Mal asked.

"I, uh, don't think you should see him," said Jay.

"Still the same mess since I was gone?" Mal guessed.

"He can't sleep. He barely eats. He wouldn't let anyone, not even me or Jay, touch him," said Evie.

Mal once again feels the guilt that she felt when she saw how broken Carlos was before she was banished. She really wanted to see him, but judging by how Evie described him right now, seeing him is obviously not the smartest move at the moment. She just begins unpacking her belongings. Evie and Jay exchange looks, silently expressing their joy, concern, and fear about Mal's return.

"Does she know?" Jay whispered.

"I haven't asked her," Evie whispered to him.

During the night, Mal couldn't sleep. She tried, but she couldn't. She rolled around in her bed, changing position every few minutes, but she still couldn't sleep. Why? It's not about the same dream she keeps having every night. Thanks to her journey of self-discovery, she has moved past the point of allowing that dream to keep her up all night. So, why can't she sleep?

Mal reaches into her duffel bag, which was just next to her bad, and takes out a flask full of strawberry cider. Maybe a buzzing head can make her sleep, but before she can take her first sip, she stopped. She saw a picture hung on the wall. It was a picture of Carlos. Evie must've put it up there to motivate her to help him whenever she feels that he's too deep in the dumps to be helped.

Mal knows now why she can't sleep. Carlos.

"Don't waste your time, Mal," she whispered to herself. "He doesn't want to see you. If he sees you, he'll just run away screaming. I can't believe I don't miss that."

Suddenly, an idea pops in her head. Her lips curved into a devious smirk.

"But he doesn't have to see you," she continued. "You can see him, but he doesn't have to see you. He's asleep right now. He won't know you're there. You're a genius, Mal. Why, thank you, Mal."

~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ WAYS TO BE WICKED ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

Mal sneaks out of her dorm, making sure she wake up Evie. Silently running across the halls, she makes to the boys' dorm. Picking the lock with a hairpin, she opens the door slowly and tip-toes inside as to not wake the boys. She slowly closes the door, only to accidentally make a squeaking sound. Jay moans, which startles Mal. Fortunately, Jay remained asleep. Mal sighed with relief.

Deciding to leave the door slightly open, she walks towards the bed of who he came here to see. Carlos De Vil. However, unlike Jay, he wasn't sleeping peacefully. He moaned constantly and moved around, obviously plagued by nightmares. Mal tip-toes at high speed towards him and started stroking his hair in a calm and gentle manner.

"Shhhhhh," she soothed him.

Carlos slowly stops moving and moaning and became quiet, finally sleeping peacefully. Mal continues petting him as she smiled.

"Look at you. All grown up, yet still a little boy," she whispered. "Okay, maybe that's my fault, but I'm gonna make it right, I promise. Okay, so promises are meant to be broken, but that doesn't mean you can't stop trying to keep them."

Mal keeps on petting him like a dog, just slowly. Just thinking about the way she was petting him reminded her of how she treated him in the past. She once referred to him as the loyal dog of the gang. He would do whatever he was told to do, no questions, and he would come running to her and Evie and Jay just by simply calling him. Living in Auradon helped him grow out of that phase and he became more independent.

Thanks to her, however, he has once again become the little boy she knew from the Isle. The one who was afraid of dogs, his mother, and most of the villain kids, especially her.

"I broke you, and I'm sorry about that. I truly, truly am," she apologized with guilt all over her face. "But I can put you back together. I know I can. That's another promise I'm willing to keep."


Close your eyes, give me your hand, darlin'
Do you feel my heart beatin'
Do you understand
Do you feel the same
Am I only dreamin'
Is this burnin' an eternal flame

I believe it's meant to be, darlin'
I watch you when you're sleepin'
You belong with me
Do you feel the same
Am I only dreamin'
Or is this burnin' an eternal flame

Say my name
Sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely
And then come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feelin'


Mal gives Carlos a goodnight kiss on the temple.

"Goodnight, Snowball," she whispered.

Just as she was about to leave the room, a voice stopped her. She's been made.

"What are you doing here?"

It was Dude, having been woken up by her scent and singing.

"I'm pretty sure sneaking in here is wrong, probably illegal," said the dog. "Is there some secret party I don't know about? Am I not invited? Are we having bacon at this party?"

Mal sighs, annoyed by Dude's non-stop talking.

"I know I'm not supposed to use my magic, but I can make an exception just this once," she said to herself.

With a wave of her hand, she casts a sleeping spell on Dude. After putting him back on his bed, she taps his head with her glowing finger, wiping his memory of seeing her in the room. That way, no one will ever know, not even Carlos.

The next morning, it was Monday, which means it was Mal's first day of the school year. First, she had to grab her books, which were stored in her locker by Evie. On her way to the lockers outside, she attracts the attention of every single student in the school. Despite being informed of her return, they were still shocked to see her. All of them stood back in fear, not wanting to get in her way. Mal was both delighted and bothered by the fear. While she will always enjoy being feared, she didn't feel like being feared at a time like this.

After getting her books, she makes her way to her first class. On her way, however, she couldn't stop thinking about Carlos and how she hurt him. With her mind preoccupied, she failed to notice a couple of girls ahead. She bumps into one of them by accident, causing her to drop her books. The girl she bumped into was a someone she knew. It was Jane.

"Oh, Mal!" She exclaimed nervously. "I'm... I'm so, so sorry I bumped into you. Please don't hurt me. Please don't kill me..."

"Jane!" Mal silenced her. "Just shut up. Shut up and walk away, now."

Jane didn't move. She was still looking at her with fear.

"Now!" Mal shouted.

Jane immediately runs away, terrified, leaving Mal with an upset Audrey, who happens to be the girl Jane was talking before she bumped in to the sorceress.

"You have a lot of nerve coming back here," said Audrey.

"Ben's idea, not mine," Mal said.

"He's still too trusting with you," said Audrey. "Sometimes, I don't get him. He banishes you and then, all of a sudden, decides to bring you back."

"Yeah, well, you don't know the whole story," said Mal.

"I think I do," said Audrey. "My friends were in mortal danger three months ago, thanks to you, simple as that. Don't think saving them gets you on my good side."

"And where were you the whole time?" Mal questioned her. "Ever since that spa trip, you've been like a ghost to all of us. You didn't even stick around when Evie was going to announce my engagement to Ben."

"Well, I, for one, am glad there's no wedding," said Audrey.

"Why? Is it because it gives you an opportunity to win him back? To be his girl again? To be queen?" Mal accused her. "Do you even care about him at all?"

"I care about my friends, Mal. I'm not this self-absorbed princess you think I am," said Audrey.

"Meh," Mal disagreed.

Chad Charming, having been listening to the verbal scuffle, intervenes.

"Hey, don't talk to Audrey like that," he said to Mal.

"Aww, that's cute. Prince Charming Jr. comes to his princess' rescue," Mal teased him. "I'm still surprised you two broke up. You're both egotistical, overbearing, spoiled children who deserve each other."

Everyone, including Audrey and Chad, gasped, horrified by Mal's tone and choice of words. Mal had no regrets about what she said, as shown by her smirk.

"Hey, no fighting here," said Lonnie, literally placing herself in the middle of the fight.

"Typical," Mal muttered.

"First of all, hi, Mal," Lonnie greeted the sorceress with a smile. "Second of all, Audrey, Chad, we're better than this."

"She shouldn't be here," said Chad, pointing at Mal.

"Only the king can decide that," said Lonnie.

"Only I can decide what?"

Ben shows up, having been attracted by the noise caused by the fighting.

"I'm glad you're here, Ben," said Lonnie. "Can you please tell these guys to stop fighting?"

"I take it this fight is about Mal," Ben guessed.

"She shouldn't be here, Bennyboo," said Audrey.

"Oh, you're still calling him Bennyboo, huh?" Mal questioned. "Are you two getting back together or something?"

"Mal, please, don't make this worse," Lonnie pleaded.

Mal shakes her head in response. "I almost forgot. How are you doing, Lonnie?"

"I'm doing fine, thank you," said Lonnie politely.

"No hard feelings?" Mal asked.

"Well..." Lonnie paused, unsure about speaking of the honest answer.

"No surprise there," said Mal. "Can I go now? I have a class to get to."

"Audrey, Chad, please, just leave her alone," Ben pleaded.

"Dude, are you so much in love with her just to welcome her back like this?" Chad questioned. "What happened to the whole she's-banished-for-life thing? She's evil. She deserves to be locked up on the Isle of the..."

Mal suddenly grabs Chad by the collar and pins him to the wall, shocking everyone. Nobody dared say a word or make a move as Mal used her evil stare on Chad, only to cease the glowing upon remembering that she was not allowed to use her magic.

"Chad, please, pay very close attention," said Mal darkly. "Yes, I shouldn't be here. Yes, I am evil. Yes, I deserve to be locked up. But here I am. I'm here to stay until the end of the school year. If you have problems with that, you take it with Ben. But if you ever cross me in any way, no matter how big or small, I don't need magic to make you suffer. I will." She turns to Audrey and says, "The same goes for you too, Pinky."

Audrey grimaced, feeling offended by the insult.

Mal lets go of Chad. She picks up her books and walks away with a proud expression on her face. It always felt good to let off some steam.

Mal arrives at the classroom for Remedial Goodness 101.

One year ago, it was just her, Evie, Jay, and Carlos attending the class. Months later, Freddie came to Auradon and attended the class with them. For this school year, the newest villains kids were joining them, both from Uma's crew and the Anti-Heroes Club.

Uma, daughter of Ursula. Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook. Gil, son of Gaston. Ginny Gothel, daughter of Mother Gothel. Claudine Frollo, daughter of Judge Claude Frollo. Diego De Vil, cousin of Carlos De Vil. Yzla, daughter of Yzma. Hadie, son of Hades. Big Murph, son of one of Captain Hook's pirates.

The rest of the members of the Anti-Heroes Club remained on the Isle because either Mal ordered them to or they chose to stay behind and help with the progress, as well as recruit more villain kids to the fold.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up. Queen Mal," Uma said disrespectfully.

"You lost that fight fair and square, Shrimpy. Get over it," said Mal.

"Um, Mal," Yzla called. "I just want you to know. I feel no antipathy towards you about Zevon and, well, selling us out to Harriet. Water under the bridge and all that."

"Really?" Mal raised an eyebrow.

"I know. It's surprising," said Freddie, who had the same reaction as Mal about Yzla's feelings about her brother's fate.

Mal sits down next to Evie and starts sketching in her sketchbook while everyone waits for Fairy God Mother. Harry was tempted to use his hook against her to make her pay for his sister's demise, but Gil reminds him that they're in school. As she sketches, she takes a glance at Carlos, who still appeared jumpy and muttering something under his breath. Jay wanted to pat his back as an act of comfort, but he knew that Carlos jumps if someone so much as touches him.

"Uh, Mal?" Evie called.

"What?" Mal asked.

Evie gestures to what she was sketching while she was staring at Carlos. She was sketching Carlos feeling gloomy. Ashamed of herself, Mal rips the page off her book, crumples it, and throws it away. The crumpled piece of paper was caught out of the air by Harry. He unfolds it and laughs at what he finds.

"Oh, this is precious," said Harry, grinning. "You feel guilty for the little mutt's edginess when you're the one responsible for it? Hah!"

"Harry, please, not now," Jay pleaded, concerned for his scared seatmate. "I know you're sad about your sister, but don't bring Carlos into this."

"Yeah, leave my cousin alone," said Diego defensively.

"There's no teacher here yet," said Ginny. "So, why not?"

"We're in Auradon, Ginny," said Yzla. "Have some respect for the rules."

"Oh, that's rich coming from you," Ginny laughed.

"C'mon, guys. Let's not fight in here," Big Murph begged.

"Is Big Murph actually trying to stop a fight?" Gil asked, confused. "Isn't he usually one for starting fights?"

"You know where he comes from, Gil. He's part of the Anti-Heroes Club," said Claudine.

"I thought that meant you hate heroes," said Gil.

Everyone groans at Gil's stupidity.

"You guys make me feel like I'm in the Underworld," Hadie muttered.

"How 'bout you all shut up and let's just get this over with?" Uma asked, exasperated.

"Why? You so eager get out of here so you can plot your evil plan right away?" Mal mocked.

"Don't start with me," Uma warned.

"Don't start with me," Mal warned her in return.

"ENOUGH!" Carlos shouted.

Every single villain kid silenced themselves, shocked that Carlos would release an outburst like that, especially considering his current state of mind.

"Just... enough, please," Carlos said, voice cracking.

"He's right. That's enough," Evie said, standing up. "We're all villain kids. It may be our nature to fight amongst ourselves, but that was back on the Isle. We're here in Auradon now. It's time to change that. I know many of you prefer to ignore change, but for the sake of everyone inside and outside this room, we're all gonna have to at least try to play nice with each other whether we like it or not. I personally don't want to play nice with some of you here, but I will if I have to. I suggest you do the same."

"Nice speech," Jay responded.

"Thanks, Jay," said Evie.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," said Mal.

"Well, honestly, I was kinda nervous back there," Evie whispered. "I'm not one for speeches."

"Neither am I, but it's healthy to speak your mind. You'll feel better afterwards," said Mal.

"Well, I do feel better," said Evie.

Fairy God Mother finally arrives and the class behaves themselves, more or less. As the lessons begin, Mal continues to glance at Carlos. She was still surprised by his sudden rage. If she didn't know any better, it's probably got something to do with the magic she senses within him. She knows better than anyone how magic can affect your emotions, and vise versa.

"Okay, before we get started, I'd like to get something off my chest," said Fairy God Mother. "Mal, I just want you to know that I harbor no ill feelings towards you about you destroying my wand. Good news is that Zeus, Merlin, and Genie can help me craft a new one."

"Good to know," Mal replied.

After the first period, Evie went to her locker to pick up her chemistry textbook. As soon as her eyes made contact with the picture of her and Mal, she froze. To be honest with herself, she didn't know how to feel about her being back. Deep inside, she's happy to have her best friend back. She missed her, which she even admitted, if not wholly. Although, she's still holding a grudge against her for everything she did to her and her friends during the war three months ago.

"I don't know whether to hate you or hug hug," she thought out loud. "I miss you, but I'm still disappointed at you."

"Then maybe you two should talk."

Evie turns around to see her boyfriend, Doug. He was coming to see her only to hear her expressing her thoughts out loud.

"We did talk," said Evie. "I still can't find it in myself to forgive her. How could I?"

"She saved us. That's one thing," said Doug.

"Doug, you have no idea how a grudge feels like. It's not that simple to break," said Evie. "I still care about her, but I can only play nice as much as I can right now."

"Instead of playing nice, you should be sincerely nice," said Doug. "Friends are hard to come by. Take it from a nerd like myself."

Evie smiles and holds Doug's hands.

"Thank you," she said before kissing him on the cheek.

"Well, I'll see in you at the science lab," said Doug.

Doug walks away. Evie smiles and waves at him. Her smile drops when her hand did, wondering about Mal again. She closes her locker and follows Doug to the lab, only to stop when she saw Jay and Carlos nearby. They looked like they were fighting. She decided to approach them.

~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ WAYS TO BE WICKED ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

"Dude! Are you serious?" Jay exclaimed.

"I talked to the nurse. I can't play Tourney. And you know what, I'm okay with that," said Carlos.

"Well, I'm not," said Jay.

"Guys!" Evie called. "What's going on?"

"The nurse said Carlos can't play Tourney, and he's not even gonna do anything about it," said Jay.

"Carlos, why can't you play Tourney?" Evie asked. "You look fine to me."

"My problem is not physical. It's mental," said Carlos, pointing at his own brain. "I don't even have to explain myself. You guys already know what's wrong with me."

"Regardless, I'm not playing the next game without you," said Jay. "I need you. The team needs you."

"You guys can make it through without me," said Carlos.

"We wouldn't have won the championship last year if it wasn't for you," said Jay.

"Jay, I'm serious. Drop it. If the nurse says I'm not fit to play, then I won't, said Carlos.

"Darn it, Carlos! Why can't you just get over it?" Jay asked.

"You think it's that easy?" Carlos questioned. "Do you have any idea how it feels to be tortured and alone and afraid at the same time? Do you? No, you don't. Believe me, Jay, I am trying to get past it. I really am. But I just don't know how."

"Just come to practice and maybe we can sort it out," Jay pleaded. "C'mon, man. You're not just my teammate or my friend. You're my brother. Brothers stick together."

Carlos, running out of ways to say no, walks away from Evie and Jay. Jay was about to chase him, but Evie holds him back.

"I think it's best for you to not aggravate him. You saw what happened to him back in class," said Evie.

"Why does he have to be complicated like Mal?" Jay wondered.

Jay walks away, looking for someone else to cheer him up. He found that someone in Lonnie, who was in the amphitheater practicing her fencing. He was really happy to see her okay. It scared him that she was remaining as the captain of the R.O.A.R. team, but he reminded himself that she's not some damsel in distress. She's the daughter of Mulan. She knew what she was getting herself into when she auditioned for the team.

"Hey, Jay," she greeted him. "What's wrong? You look sad."

"Carlos won't fight against nurse's orders no matter what I say," said Jay. "I guess I just needed a friend right now."

"Or someone more than a friend?" Lonnie teased.

Jay chuckled, amused and embarrassed. "Kind of, I guess."

"Well, pick up a sword and step in. A good spar always cheers you up," said Lonnie.

Jay steps into the circle with a sword in hand and spars with Lonnie. The two still remained friends even after a whole summer of dating. The reason is that Lonnie wants to test Jay's commitment, to see if he can be patient with her. Now that they were in Senior Year, Lonnie was close to rewarding Jay's patience with her love.

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Elsewhere, Uma was about to meet with Harry, Gil, and Ginny in someplace private, only to be pursued by the second to last person she wants to be seeing right now. With Mal being the first, the second one would be the one everyone on the Isle referred to as "someone who looks like Uma's sister." Her name is Freddie.

"Uma! Hey! We're not done," she shouted.

"I am," Uma said.

"You owe me. You know that," said Freddie.

"No, I don't," said Uma.

"I thought deals were your thing," said Freddie.

"Only when I feel like making one," said Uma, turning around to shout at Freddie's face.

"We're still roommates, remember? That means we still look after each other's backs, whether we like it or not," said Freddie.

"Well, I don't like it," said Uma angrily.

"You are unbelie..."

Freddie paused when she saw something peculiar on Uma's locker. It was a red rose.

"Looks like someone has a secret admirer," said Freddie, picking up the rose.

"Nah, I get one of those every day," said Uma.

"Then this bad boy's got it bad for you," said Freddie. "Is it this Harold guy you met this summer?"

Uma snatches the rose from Freddie's hand and rips off all of its petals, expecting the daughter of Dr. Facilier to get the message that she doesn't want to gossip about boys.

"I was counting and I think the last petal means, He loves you," Freddie teased.

"You better have a voodoo doll of yourself, because then I can use it to cut your voice box," Uma snarled.

Freddie continues smiling at Uma teasingly. Uma resists the urge to hit her in the face before walking away. Freddie just stood and wondered who could be sending roses to Uma daily.

The answer just happened to be around the corner behind her. Harry Hook sighed with despair. He heard from some students that sending flowers would get a woman's attention. Unfortunately, Uma's destroyed every single rose he's given to her secretly.

"What am I doing wrong?" Harry asked himself.

At lunch time, Carlos was outside sitting under a tree all by himself, doing research on his laptop. Dude was napping next to him. Mal, meanwhile, was staring at him from the distance and making sure he couldn't see her. She wanted so much to talk to him for real, but her conscience keeps telling her to leave him alone. Why am I letting my conscience boss me around, she asked herself.


Mal turns her head around to see Ben walking up to her.

"I just came to check on you," said Ben.

"Check on me or check me out?" Mal teased.

Ben raised an eyebrow, disturbed.

"I'm fine," Mal sighed. "Sure, everyone except Lonnie is treating me like a plague, but I don't care. I knew this was coming."

"Have you tried reconciling with anyone?" asked Ben.

"It's a failing progress," said Mal.

"Evie seems like she's warming up to you again," said Ben, having seen them laughing together earlier.

"It's half-fake. True, she wants to be my friend again, but she doesn't want to betray her good heart," said Mal. "I should blame you for making her so soft."

"I hope you don't," Ben replied.

"Ben, you're doing it again," said Mal.

"Doing what?" asked Ben.

"Coming up with an excuse just to see me," Mal answered. "You did it before when I first came here, and now you're doing it again."

Ben hangs his head, embarrassed about even bothering to talk to her.

"Ben, I know that it's my fault that our relationship was doomed, but you're the one who chose to banish me," said Mal. "I know you still love me. I feel the same about you. But we're over. I'm trying to move forward. Do you understand me?"

"Very clear," Ben replied. "So, you seeing anyone?"

"No," said Mal. "But you can say I have my eyes on a special someone."

"Well, um, good luck, I guess," said Ben before walking away.

Mal sighs, sort of annoyed that Ben came to see her for the sake of simply seeing her. Still, she couldn't deny that a part of her adored it. When she found out that Ben loved her for real, she realized that his constant attempts to talk to her, such as suggesting art class and simply asking her if she needed anything, were his attempts at flirting with her without being too obvious. She adored that about him, but while she still does, she's trying to distance herself from him, even though she doesn't want to.

Mal decides to turn her attention back to Carlos, only to see a tree with no one sitting under it.

After school hours, Mal has decided that she was done listening to her conscience. She was gonna talk to Carlos whether the imaginary angel standing on her shoulder likes it or not. She stomps her way towards his dorm, only for Jay to tell her that Carlos was not in. He told her that Carlos needed alone time away from everyone, including Dude.

Mal finds Carlos sitting on the lawn outside, doing nothing but stare at the stars above. She slowly walks closer towards him while staring at the stars, wondering what he could be fixating on. Concentrating carefully, she sees a group of stars forming the shape of a dog. Cute, she thought.

"The stars are beautiful, aren't they?" She asked casually.

"What do you want?" Carlos asked.

"I'm done staying away," said Mal.

"Weren't you done doing that last night?" Carlos questioned her.

Mal becomes shocked. Last night, she sneaked into his room to see him in secret. Apparently, he knew, somehow.

"Is this burning an eternal flame?" Carlos sang.

Mal giggles uncontrollably, embarrassed that he heard her sing that song.

"It's stuck in my head. I can't stop singing it," said Carlos.

"Like during class?" Mal asked, realizing what he was muttering during Remedial Goodness 101.

Carlos finally looks at her. She was happy that he was not too afraid to make eye contact.

"Why did you come that night?" Carlos asked.

Mal bit her lower lip, unsure of how to answer that question.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked.

"Uh... no," Carlos lied, knowing she'll just do it anyway.

And so, Mal did. She sits down on the grass and very close to him.

"Carlos, I know what I've done to you is unforgivable," she started. "You were a brave, caring soul who finally learned to face his demons and tackle any scary challenge, only for me to turn you back into that scared little momma's boy you once were. And for that, I am so, so sorry."

"I know," said Carlos.

"But I want to fix that," said Mal. "Carlos, believe it or not, I care about you, I really do. It hurts me to think about what I've done to you. Like you said, I took everything away from you. Well, I wanna help you take back what you lost. Now, before you refuse my help, I want to tell you that I'm not seeking your permission. We're friends, Carlos. Family, even. We've been through a lot together. I'm not stopping that now."

Carlos cracked a smile as a response to Mal quoting the very words he used to motivate her to open up about her private issues about living in Auradon.

"I know you're afraid of me, but I want to show you that you don't have to be," Mal continued. "I don't know exactly how I'm going to help, but I'm going to do whatever it takes. I'll do anything for you."

Carlos looks away, which tells her that he's not sure about the promises she's making to him. Even if it was ill-advised, based on the current circumstances, she holds his hand. He flinched, but he didn't run.

"Do you remember when you saved my life once?" She asked him. "We were back on the Isle of the Lost. We met the Anti-Heroes Club. Maddy and Ginny pushed me off a bridge and into a crocodile-infested lake. I was so sure I was gonna die. I couldn't swim and I didn't have any magic to combat the little reptiles. I was just about to surrender to my fate, until you grabbed my hand. You pulled me out of that water and saved me. I never even thanked you for that, mostly because I hated being the damsel in distress. But now, I'm ready to say what I should've said to you that night. Thank you."

Carlos looks at Mal again. She was smiling at him. He was surprised to hear this from her. He hadn't expected her to thank him directly for what he did that night because saving her was enough for him. However, the way she said these words to him triggered a warm feeling inside him. It felt calming. It felt... something else.

"I have yet to repay my debt to you, but now I'm ready," Mal said. "No matter what, I'm going to help you. I will repair the damage I have done to you. There is nothing in this world that will stop me from fulfilling that promise to you."

To Carlos' surprise, Mal kisses him on the cheek. He felt very uncomfortable right now, but found himself melting with each passing second of the kiss. As soon as her lips parted from his cheek, the gears in his mind were turning too fast, threatening to break his brain. Mal usually kisses him just to tease him, but this kiss was different. He could feel it.

Mal decided to leave Carlos alone so he can think about her promise in peace. He watches her walk away as he attempts to process his current emotions.

Sooner that evening, every student in Auradon Prep was asleep, except for one. Mal stays up to write in her diary about her first day back in Auradon Prep.

"Dear Diary,

My first back went exactly as I expected. Everyone still hates me, but I try not to let that bother me. Repairing broken bridges will take time, and I have been exercising patience during this summer. Evie may still despise me, but she really wants to be friends again. Jay doesn't seem to be over the whole Lonnie-being-in-danger thing, but he'll get over it. Ben... oh, Ben. He's still hopelessly in love with me, and he thinks he can repair our love. He thought wrong. I know I would love nothing more than to be with him again, but I can't. It's complicated, but I can't just go back to him, not after everything that's happened. As for Carlos, well, I've taken the first step. I talked to him. Really talked to him. He's still scared of me, and believe it or not, I don't like it. I want him to be unafraid of me again. I want him to be my friend again, and maybe something more. Damn it! Why did I write that? Oh, well. No one's gonna read you as long as your lock is magical, so never mind.

However, there is something I can't stop thinking about. Ben is hiding something from me, I know it. If I didn't know it any better, I think he was coerced into bringing me back here to Auradon. But who would do something like that? Who would dare bring me back here, and why? That's a mystery yet to be solved, but I will solve it. Knowing Ben, he probably thinks me knowing about this will make me focus more on this mysterious person than studying. Doesn't he know me well? I'll multitask.

I'm back, and I'm ready to cause some trouble and... stuff. Beware the dragon.

- Mal."

This was supposed to be a few thousand words shorter, but I had a checklist to complete for the first chapter. Introduce all the characters. Inject a bit of romance. Show everyone's reaction to Mal's return. Make sure the focus remains on Mal.

FUN FACT: The "community garden on the Isle" idea was inspired by Dove Cameron playing as Mal on the "Shark Tank." Have you seen it?

If Mal and Carlos' interactions have told you something, it means that I'm going where I'm going with them. Again, if you're not into Marlos (MalxCarlos), then you may turn away. I'm not encouraging you to stop reading this. It's just a little warning. If you want to keep reading, it's your choice.

'Til next time

"Eternal Flame" by The Bangles