Sprinting as fast as I could, not caring who saw anymore, I burst through the front door. There were no mogs in sight, but I knew that they would be on their way shortly. This whole time, I have hoped Melody was one of us, and she was. How could I not see it? The accident when she was a kid was no accident, she had tapped into her power when she was in distress.

"What's wrong Nine?" Four asked, he and the others were all scattered throughout the room. They all froze when they saw me.

"We have to leave." I breathed, shaking my head. "Now."

"Why?" Ella asked.

"Because the mogs know we're here." I said quickly. I froze when I scanned the room. Thomas was sitting down beside Marina.

"Nine, this is Thomas." Four told me, following my gaze.

"I know who he is." I mumbled, breaking eye contact. Why is he here?

"No, you really don't." Thomas shook his head, rising to his feet as he spoke, his deep voice rasping. "I'm a mentor cepan."

"What?" I frowned, my heart pounding like a basketball being dribbled down the court on a breakaway.

"Number Ten, Melody, is my garde." He says quietly, his voice clouded in sadness. "On Lorien, I was called Sukan. I did make it to the airstrip that night, but not in time for Ten to participate in the charm that the Elder Loridas performed on the rest of you. Loridas instead teleported us to the museum where we boarded a second ship that left that night,"

"I was on that ship." Ella piped in.

"Yes, just a tiny bundle," Thomas nodded. "I'm glad you made it this far, Ella. The mogs never knew about the second ship, so they didn't know that three extra garde had survived. Although, I suspect they have suspicions now."

"Three?" Four frowned. "There is another?"

"Yes." He nodded. "I had two garde with me. One that I was assigned, and one who's mentor didn't survive the attack on our planet. I couldn't leave either child behind, so I brought them both. Andy and Melody." Melody's brother. "I raised them as my own, but I never told them about Lorien. I figured that if I hid them away, kept them in the dark about everything, then they would be safe. But they found us anyways. I told them to run as fast they could, but," he trailed off. "I never knew what happened to them. They just disappeared into the cornfield. I've been looking for them ever since. And then I got a call from you, Nine. Please, its important. We need to find Melody before they do."

"It's too late." I said quietly.

"What do you mean it's too late?" He scoffed.

"I was just at the park with Melody. A mog ship showed up. And someone else too. A boy. He looked like he was about the same age as us, if not than younger. He took her." I sighed.

"You let him take her?" Five retorted.

"There was nothing that I could do!" I hissed. "He had this weird legacy. He said, 'Pain' and then my body was in agony. The next thing I know, they're gone. The mogs didn't even try to get me. They were after her."

"Andy." Thomas sighed. "It had to be. I had suspected that the mogs had gotten to him and Melody, but I hoped that I was wrong."

"What kinda bullshit legacy is that though?" I retorted. "He barely had to lift a finger." I swear I see Five stifle a small laugh but I ignore him.

"Mind Control," Thomas says in awe. "A truly powerful legacy that takes years to master. Although by the sounds of it, it's been warped for disturbing purposes."

"He knew about me," I shook my head, shuddering at the thought of a stranger knowing personal details about me. "He knew what my legacies were."

"The mogs must have a folder on you, probably one on all of you." Thomas told us.

"Makes sense," Sam mumbled.

"Where are the rest of the cepans?" Thomas asks and a dark silence falls across the entire room. He looks at each of us and I see a wave of sadness flash over him.

"They're dead," I break the silence.

"I'm sorry to hear," he croaks, tears forming in his eyes. "Who were your cepans?"

"Crayton," Ella sniffles.

"Crayton was a great man," Thomas tells her. "We shared many memories on our journey to Earth."

"My cepan called himself Henri," says Four. "On Lorien, his name was Brendon,"

"I knew Brendon well; he helped me with my mentor studies," Thomas dipped his head.

"Adelina was my cepan," Marina mutters softly.

"Adel," Thomas smiled. "Very skilled in combat. I looked up to her."

"Katerina trained me," Six tells him.

"Reynolds was assigned to me," Eight added.

"I don't think I met either of them, but I had heard about a Katar and a Reynolds around the academy. Both very talented." Thomas nodded.

"Sandor was my cepan," I told him.

"Sandor?" This seems to be the only name that he is intrigued by. "Sandor was your cepan?"

"Yes," I nodded, clenching my fists.

"Sandor wasn't a mentor cepan," he trails off, clearly in deep thought, or trapped in a memory.

"Sandor was one of the best mentor cepans that there were," I growled, stepping up to him. "How dare you question that,"

"I didn't mean any disrespect, Nine. I knew Sandor." Thomas throws his hands up in surrender. "I met him while I was studying at the academy. Although if my memory serves me right, he was a tech cepan."

"He was always good with technology," I muttered. Was Sandor really not a mentor? But he did so well with me. Why did the Elder's assign him to me if he wasn't a mentor cepan? DID they assign him to me? Or someone else? How did I end up with Sandor?

"Must have been one heck of a cepan if the Elder's assigned him to you anyways. He was quite the rebellious one back home," He grinned.

"Sandor?" I laughed. "Rebellious? On Lorien?"

"I could tell you a few stories," Thomas winked, turning to Five, who hadn't spoken a word. "And you?"

"My cepan's name was Rey," he says quickly, avoiding Thomas's gaze. Instead of offering condolences like he did with the rest of us, his face darkens instantly, just like when we had first mentioned that the cepans were all gone, tears swelled in his eyes.

"Rey," Thomas sniffled. "I haven't heard that name in years." Squeezing his eyes shut, a few tears roll down his cheek before he coughs, rubbing his eyes with his sleeve and continues. "You must be Number Five,"

"You knew my cepan?" Five raises his eyebrow. He barely spoke about his cepan, but I could see a look on his face that I hadn't seen before.

"Rey was my father," Thomas nodded. "I had just moved in with him before the invasion, and when he had to visit you to deliver your arm band and speak to your grandmother, I went with him. We've met before, on Lorien."

"You knew my grandmother?" Five looks like he's seen a ghost, his face pale and hands were shaking.

"I did. She was a telepath so you couldn't get away with anything," he nodded. "I'm extremely happy that you have made it this far, Nikio." He embraces him tightly and I notice Five flinch, but gradually accept it. Nikio must have been Five's name on Lorien, before all this. I always knew that I must have had a name before I was just a soldier with a number, but I wish I had asked Sandor what it was.

"Sukan," Five mumbles, his eyes clouded as if he were in deep thought, trying to rip into a memory that was buried deep within his mind.

"When I lost my garde, I didn't know what to do." Thomas tells us. "So I tried to find my father, to find you, Five."

"You tried to find me?" Five's face still holds that strange expression that I had never seen before on him, until Thomas started speaking about Lorien, particularly Five's family and cepan.

"I did." he nodded. "All I found was an island,"

"You found it?" Five's eyes widened. "I didn't think anyone ever would,"

"Obviously I was too late," he sighed. "But I found some scribbles that I knew were in Rey's hand writing, so I knew I was on the right trail. It went cold after that though, until I heard about the cornfield with the mark burned into it. Loric symbol for Five."

"Yeah," Five rubs his neck, his face red. "I was tired of hiding and wanted to find the others."

"Well if you don't mind," Thomas says quietly. "I'd love to have a chat with you later, just us. I want to know how my father died, and," he smiled briefly. "How he lived, here on earth, I mean."

"Okay," Five nods.

"I'd love to sit here and continue having this conversation," Six pipes in, "But the mogs were just in this small town. Even if they didn't go after Nine, they know where we are." Six insisted. "That means we have to leave."

"Six is right," Marina nods. "We have to leave, now."

"What about Melody?" I scoffed. "We can't leave her with them. Who knows what kind of lies that bastard is going to tell her?"

"We'll get her back." Four insists, Thomas nods determinedly. "But Six is right, we can't stay here anymore."

"Alright then." I sighed. "We're going back to my place then. The mogs don't know where that is." Melody, I'm sorry about all this. We'll find you, I promise.

Thanks for reading :) If you liked this and would like to know what will happen next, read my story, "The Lost Legacy," Please leave a review on your thoughts about this, or any ideas you may have. I love getting feedback :)