Easily Faked

Disclaimer: I hereby relinquish any claim to the physical or verbal representation of characters appearing in this piece of literature.

Summary: Tony has a rather different reaction when he sees Zemo's video…

Tony Stark raised his head from the screen where the video had been playing to stare at Zemo.

"…Well, I'm definitely going to break your arms and legs now."

Everyone else blinked, bewildered by his reaction.

Zemo frowned at him "What? I just showed you-"

"You showed me a load of nonsense." Tony interrupted with a snort. "I mean, come on. You murder a bunch of innocent people, lure us out here to a place where you've had plenty of time to set things up, straight up tell us that you have a grudge against us and have been manipulating us to be at each other's throats so that the Avengers will fall apart…and what? You expect me to just believe some easily faked video and attack Captain America and his best friend? In case you haven't noticed, I'm a genius. One of the smartest men in the world. I don't accept evidence given to me by mass murdering lunatics." Tony scoffed, shaking his head in derision.

"And again, easily faked." Tony continued. "We live in a world with super soldiers, powered armour, spaceships and AI. It would be pathetically easy for someone to fake a video of Barnes killing my parents in HD, much less a video of as poor quality as yours. They wouldn't even need to use a computer to fake that video. Hire a few actors, dress them up and record them playing out that scene, easy."

"Hell, I wouldn't even believe Barnes if he told me that he had killed my parents. Tony continued "I read the Hydra files on how turned him into the Winter Solder. They used to wipe his mind several times a year, for seventy years, to keep him under control. With that much damage to his mind and memories, it would be easy for someone like you to play on his guilt and convince him he killed my parents, even if he hadn't actually done it."

"And finally," Tony concluded "like I said, I've been reading Hydra files too. You're the not the only person in the world whose been doing that. And unlike you, I had the world's most advanced AI to help me out. And I also took the information from those Hydra bases I attacked and destroyed with the other Avengers. And like anyone with a brain, the first thing I looked for was the info Hydra had on me, my family and friends. I've known Hydra killed my parents since the first week after all those files were dumped on the internet! And if Barnes had killed my parents. I would have known that before now."

Tony smiled at Zemo, who swallowed, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. It was not a nice smile. It promised pain and suffering to anyone who crossed it's path "So, yeah, I'm going to break your arms and legs for what you've done. And then, I'm going to hand you to over the King of Wakanda. You know, the guy whose father you murdered. I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun with you…"