A/N Okay, this was a very long time coming, but life happened. I will be continuing the story if you are still with me and if so, thank you. Now, on with the story.

Xoxo VenusNoire


Someone was screaming, I woke up only to realise after a couple of seconds, it was me. Seconds after that, another horryfying sound followed, my alarm went off. Perfect, I thought sarcastically, time to get up and get ready for work. I threw off my covers before I changed my mind and walked straight for the bathroom.

Another nightmare, not that I was surprised, those have become my new morning routine. What the silver lining was though, was that my alarm and nightmares were apparently synching up to make sure I wasn't late for work. I snorted at the ridiculous notion while brushing my teeth and the burning sensation of the toothpaste I managed to get in my nose brought me out of my contemplation. I quickly rinsed it off, deciding I had time for breakfast before I left for my shift today.

I made coffee and the smell alone managed to get me to start waking up, but it wasn't until I started cracking the first egg that everything that happened yesterday, well mainly last night, came back at me full force. I surely didn't imagine that?

John Wick.

So, Mr. Brooding had a name. What a bizzare night, I shook my head as I dropped the eggshells into the trash can. I should be wondering what in the hell was I thinking wandering off like that in the first place but it was apparent, given my actions and the state of mind I was in, I hadn't been thinking at all. And then, him. How does he keep showing up in the most random of places is beyond me. And what is worse, always ends up helping me in some way. Well, always seems a bit much since it has happened only twice, but still, given the time I've known him it is more than enough. He must think I am a complete idiot. I groaned putting my head in my hands.

Will I ever not be embarrassed after spending more then ten seconds in his proximity?

Before I could imagine a scenario where that actually could happen, a smell of something burning grabbed my attention. ''Eggs! Fuck!'' I yelled out lout and, giving up on the meal, I disposed of the now charcoal eggs and went to get ready for work. Needing to clear my head before the shift I decided walking to work would be a good idea.

As I was passing by the run down buildings my thoughts went back to last night. Again.

The injuries on his face struck me the most and if he looked like that I would hate to see how the other guy looked. He said he is a bodyguard, well, was. I couldn't picture it, him in a fight, he doesn't look like a violent or agressive type at all. I would know since Brandon always had a quck temper and a sort of restlessness to him and...no, do not go there. But him, John, I though putting together the name with the face, he has a calm demeanor, almost like a rock. Unmovable, unyielding.

But then again, wasn't that scarier?

A shiver ran down my spine and I knew it had nothing to do with the cool October air. He did look dangerous last night. For someone so straightforward and unambiguous with his words, he sure seemed to have a lot of layers to both his life and personality, I presume. Yet, despite all that, I felt safe with him, which considering the recent past came as a shock to me.

Or maybe I just finally lost all sense for self preservation. I mean I sat in a car with him and let him take me home. Home, for god's sake! He knows where I live now! But there was no sense of dread setting in yet, just curiosity. Who was this man? I desperately wanted to find out. But from what I've gathered so far about him that would probably never happen.

I was almost late for work, so I didn't have time for chatting with Tom and Anette besides a quick greeting. I was grateful for that since I really wasn't in the mood for putting on a social mask this morning. I put on my pink uniform and tied my hair in a ponytail as I walked out ready to take my first order. The morning dragged on and it didn't help me being so jumpy every time the bell chimed signaling a new customer, expecting it was him. It never was, and as I was minutes away from my shift ending I realised, he wasn't coming in today. Disappointed, I changed back into my regular clothes and went home.

Days passed in a blur from that moment forward and suddenly, it was Friday. I have fallen into a very comfortable routine at work, I even allowed myself to relax enough to form a sort of a friendship with Anette and Tom. Those two really made my work more enjoyable with their jokes and constant bickering. Brandon hasn't tried to contact me since that night and for that I feel very grateful. I believe that has contributed a lot to my relaxation as well.

For the frst time in a while I let myself feel hope.

Hope that he has forgotten about me. Hope that I will emotionally recover fully. And one little thing has also started to blossom in my chest occasionally.


Drive for a better life and better future. I allowed myself to dream a little, just like I had that unfortunate, or fortunate I am not quite certain yet, day on my way to the grocery store. Baking was always a passion of mine and maybe, just maybe, one day I could do something with it.

But for now, I have decided to let myself breathe. Just enjoy this present moment of having some semblance of a normal life back.

One thing that has been lurking in the back of my mind, well in the front actually, until I pushed it back, was John. Ever since that night he hasn't come into the diner at all. I couldn't help but wonder, considering the state he was in when I last saw him, if something has happened to him.

I was probably overreacting and maybe the man simply had other obligations, but I kinda missed him. Not that I would ever say it out loud, but still.

It made no sense at all, we barely knew each other, and still there I was everyday, working my shift and feeling my belly drop every time that goddamn bell chimed.

Those days turned into two weeks. Two weeks without a sign from him and the constant feeling that he will walk through the door at any moment during my shift has turned into an occasional thought as I have almost entirely given up on the idea.

Until it happened.

''And I was yellin' at them because they apparently decided it was a good idea for him to cut her bangs! She was screamin' and cryin' that she's gon' forever be ugly and he didn't even have the decency to look ashamed of what he had done to his sister. Then I told her she'd be wearing hats for a while when we go out and it became even worse...'' Anette was complaining and going on and on about the fiasco with the kids, but I couldn't hear anything anymore.

In fact I think in that moment, for me, time had stopped and I was suddenly trying to remind myself to breathe.

He was there. Walking through the diner to his usual seat like it was only yesterday he had been there and the routine never paused. I couldn't move, I was just staring at how perfectly put together he looked even in that casual attire. The cuts on his face barely visible now, fading, just like my certainty that that night actually happened.

A snapping of fingers grounded me in reality as Anette was waving her hands in front of my face. ''Eart to Millie! Where you at, girl? Your fave customer is waiting for you.'' She was smirking.

Like it happened every day. And I wondered was I the only one who noticed the long absence? Since no one else thought it weird or even commented on it. But then again why should they?

On one hand I didn't like the fact that only I seemed to be aware of and be affected with his presence apparently, because I didn't want to consider the implications which I have categorised under ''sheer curiosity'', but on the other I did like it because that meant that only I got a mere glimpse of something about him that existed beyond the diner walls and –just-a-customer- label.

I grabbed my pen and notepad and made my way over to him.

''Hi.'' I said. ''Hi.'' He returned, looking up at me. And we just stood there like that, no one saying anything just looking at each other. My god his eyes were captivating, but I couldn't read anything in them. Then the look in his eyes turned from whatever it was to amused, and as always, the rest of his face remained unchanged. I was suddenly self conscious. Did I have left over whipped cream on my face from my breakfast pancakes this morning?

Just as i was about to raise my hand to check whether that was the case he says ''Aren't you going to ask me for my order?'' his lips curving into a hint of a smile. Fuck. ''Yes, sorry.'' I quickly recovered ''What would you like to order, Mr. Wick?'' I said and he flinched sligtly, his eyes no longer amused, like me using his name was an offense to his ancestors or something. ''Coffee, black.'' He said with the tone that indicated that no other questions would be welcomed.

I simply nodded and went to fetch it for him, giving him the time to process whatever obviously needeed processing in his head. As I returned with his coffee I couldn't stop myself ''You know you helped me again, right?'' I held his gaze. He just sighed. ''And I know, I know, you are going to say it is no big deal, or that I do not owe you anything but I wanted to say thank you, and I really want to repay you somehow, you..'' I rambled on. ''Don't.'' He interrupted ''I meant what I said.''

He broke eye contact turning his gaze to the table. ''I know you did, but it's me. I don't like the feeling of owing any kind of debt to anyone...'' his eyes snapped back to mine like he understood what I said but for him the meaning was heavier and his gaze suddenly darkend even more and I felt myself being pulled in even deeper.

He slowly nodded his head, and I smiled beaming at him. ''Fantastic! And I know just the thing! Be here tomorrow!'' I said enthusiastically walking away from the table leaving him to drink his coffee in what seemed like bewilderment, but since it was him it was a wild guess.

The rest of my day was significantly better than the past two weeks and tomorrow, Mr. Wick was in for a treat.