Summary: Miguel finds himself lost in San Fransokyo in search of his apartment. It's hard to ignore the temptation to ask the wandering spirits for directions, but he can't reveal his curse again. Luckily, one of the locals takes pity and directs him. Both are surprised to learn that Miguel is Hiro's new tenant. Miguel hopes they'll get along well enough, but when he asks about the photos of a young man, he learns that the man died years ago. But that can't be right, because when he checks the Land of the Dead in his dreams, Tadashi isn't there.


Ch.7 – Puzzling Pieces Part 6

While the Hamadas crafted armor in the garage, Miguel enlisted Honey Lemon in his quest to various stores. If he was right and could summon his family members, then he'd need to make an ofrenda. It was a half-thought plan but an plan all the same.

From a small table with a cloth to cempazuchitl flowers and pan dulces, he'd also need to buy colored parchment for the papel picado decorations. As for the photos, he had each Rivera in his wallet already. Now, what else would he need…?

"Candles. Incense." He muttered as he skimmed the store shelves. "Need to cleanse any negative energy from the makeshift ofrenda…"

High heels tapped as Honey Lemon neared. "I found several packets of fresh marigold petals. Think it might be enough?"

He glanced at the amount. "That'll definitely cover the altar. Maybe even lead through the garage door, but…"

"One more, just in case?"

He nodded and her heels tapped away. Dante could help summon them, too. Just take a nap and let the alebrije know to find him in the living world. Then, he could tie a note to the dog's side and send him back to the Land of the Dead to the family. Hopefully the note would cross with the dog, though…

Even if it didn't, Dante would at least catch their attention. Maybe even direct them to notice the summons. Hopefully. Never knew what would happen with that dog.

Honey Lemon returned and they gathered the rest of the materials they'd need from the local store. They left Local Latino Lifestyle and hustled back to the house and into the garage.

The other team members greeted them and ventured close to help. Miguel explained his idea to those who listened (for the Hamada brothers were lost in their work) and the team pitched in to help create the ofrenda.

Wasabi organized a corner of the garage to free space for the small table Honey Lemon had bought. Gogo hefted the furniture over and pushed it against the wall. meanwhile, Fred cut decorations in the colorful paper under Honey Lemon's guidance and Miguel decorated the altar with Wasabi's assistance. Gogo lit the incense and fanned the scent throughout the room. Honey Lemon found shoe boxes to act as tiers to the altar and decorated them while Fred finished the perforated paper. Then, he taped the paper to the wall high enough to avoid contact with the candles.

Miguel pulled the photos out of his wallet and placed them atop the stacked shoeboxes. To keep the photos upright, he leaned them against light offerings of pan dulce and bowls of fruit. He then lit the candles and, for the final touch, they scattered the marigold petals across the floor of the garage and led a path to the outside.

By the time they finished, nighttime had fallen and Miguel's stomach wouldn't stop grumbling. He called to the team and they followed him out of the garage and into the house. They climbed up to the second floor and Cass greeted them with a grin.

"Talk about timing! I was about to go down to tell you all dinner is almost ready."

Miguel brightened. "Gracias Senorit–ahh I mean Cass! Tía Cass!"

She laughed away the fumble and peered around him. The smile dropped into a worried frown. "Oh, will Tadashi and Hiro join us soon, or…?"

He blinked and turned around but the team only shrugged helplessly. Gogo commented. "Pulling them away from science is impossible."

Miguel scoffed and hustled past them. So what if the Hamada brothers were nerds? Even nerds had to eat! He entered the garage, fully intending to smack Hiro's shoulder and drag him away, when he stopped just long enough to notice the brothers.

Energetic. Animated movements despite looking at a holographic screen. Wide eyes and wide smiles. They looked at each other and babbled in incoherent techno language. One started a thought and the other finished it.

It'd been awhile since he had seen Hiro excited. To share his discoveries, his thoughts, his inventions with someone new. To see him open and share with unrivaled passion. To see…to see him so…so…


His weight slipped as he leaned against the door, just watching the two brothers. He didn't know how long he stood there. Didn't know when his focus shifted from both brothers to just the contagious grin on Hiro's face. Didn't even know when they noticed him. But he did know he did not stammer once he was caught.

"Miguel?" Tadashi prompted. "What did you need?"

Nearly choking on his own saliva as he gasped, he straightened. "Oh! Uh, dinner! I came to ask you about dinner."

Hiro shook his head. "Not hungry."

Irritation wiped away the embarrassment. "Nuh-uh. You've been working for hours. You need to eat."

"Nuh-uh." Hiro parroted. "We're so close to finishing this."

Miguel simmered as Hiro ignored him to type on the computer. Hiro pulled Tadashi back into their tech zone and Miguel scowled.

"Okay, Hiro, I mean it's not like you owe me or anything."

If he had to play dirty to get them to eat so they didn't pass out from exhaustion, then dammit, he would.

Hiro stopped typing. "What?"

Miguel examined his fingernails. "After all, it's not like you promised to listen to my new song."

Hiro sucked in air and Miguel felt dark satisfaction when he noticed the frightened expression on the paling face. He flicked a hand, turned away, and lifted his chin.

"Guess your word doesn't mean anything." He added a huff. "See you after dinner."

He counted to three as he walked away. Right on cue, sneakers scuffed cement and a chair squeaked as Hiro tumbled after him. The young man sidled to his side with wide eyes and Miguel beamed.

"Gotcha." He laughed as Hiro squawked, indignant. Miguel grabbed his wrist before he could retreat and called to Tadashi. "C'mon! Dinner won't wait!"

Miguel dragged Hiro through the front door and up the steps. Hiro rolled his eyes but kept pace and Tadashi followed after them. They arrived to find the group had settled around a large folding table.

Three empty seats waited for them.

Miguel shoved Hiro into one and grinned as Tadashi sat in another. Miguel took the middle seat and dived for the food. He was almost oblivious to the surprised expressions on the rest of the team, but noticed all the same.

He swallowed food. "What?"

Cass shifted her gaze from the brothers to him. "You did the impossible."

He chuckled and shrugged. "Hiro made a promise and I held him to it."


Miguel straightened. "Yes, I wrote a new song and he agreed to listen. Uh, actually…" he grabbed his wrist. "Would anyone else like to listen? I don't mind."

Cass and Honey Lemon perked and excitedly chimed together. "We'd love to!"

Laughter filled the table and happy chatter flowed among the group. When dinner ended and they cleaned after themselves, Miguel trotted up the steps and grabbed his guitar. He returned to the living room and snagged a chair and spun it so he faced them with the guitar pressed against his chest.

The group settled back into their seats. The folding table stayed in the center of the room and Hiro leaned atop his elbows and drank water while Tadashi sat next to him. Honey Lemon sat beside Cass while Wasabi and Gogo lounged on the couch. Fred stretched himself across a chair or two and Miguel straightened.

"Al-alright," he cleared his throat. "I've worked on this on and off, but wrote it all while I've been here. So…"

Strings vibrated beneath his fingers. The melody began slow and soft as he hummed and warmed his voice. He knocked his knuckles lightly against the guitar as an occasional beat and tapped his foot as a constant metronome. He inhaled.

"Qué extraño, what a different world!

Flew by plane and the land below changed."

From the music of los muertos

to the science of los vivos,

I doubted myself

and mis motivos."

Fingers moved faster as the rhythm quickened pace. Absently, he rocked his head as the words swept him away.

"Un momento, un momento!

You appeared with a smile.

¿Como es posible?

You made it worthwhile."

The strings hummed as he slowed. His breath hitched and strummed softer. His mind flashed with memories.

"Then my world crumbled in a flash

when a once-dead man

reappeared from ash.

Perdón mi amoooo–"

He fumbled the chord. Someone choked quietly. His cheeks burned as he drawled the vowel and covered the slip.

"–oor-igo, are you going away?

Perdón mi amigo, why won't you stay?

Un momento, un momento!

You appeared with a smile.

¿Como es posible?

You made it worthwhile."

He hummed and smiled. The melody strengthened as he raised his voice and unconsciously straightened his back.

"Fear controlled my every move

but I will not give in.

There's only one thing to prove

and with you we'll win.

Un momento, un momento!

Watch as we rise.

¿Como es posible?

We'll win by sunrise."

The melody sped to a stop. He slapped the guitar strings, stomped his foot, and strummed one last chord. With the song finished, he scanned the room with a hopeful gaze.

Applause erupted. Cass cheered. Fred whistled. Honey Lemon clapped furiously. Even Gogo cracked a smile as Wasabi nudged her lightly. Tadashi grinned and…Hiro? Hiro sat as rigid as a statue with a strained, almost angry expression.

Miguel winced and called. "Hiro…?"

Hiro snapped into action. "Those weren't the words."


Tadashi snorted. Hiro shot a scathing glare at his older brother and pushed. "The amorigo. What were you actually gonna say?"

Nerves tumbled out of him with a dismissive chuckle. "Amigo, of course! I just messed up a little, that's all."

The guy looked like a ticking time bomb. Miguel averted too-innocent wide eyes to the ceiling and decided a hasty retreat would be smart. But before he could stand, the group distracted him with compliments and questions. He answered as best he could but found his eyes would always drift to one twitching Hamada.

He swallowed as Hiro squeezed through the group and pushed once more. "No, seriously, what was the actual line?"

Gogo rolled her eyes. "What more do you want, a confession?"

Fred pumped fists into the air. "Yes!" He gasped. "Wait! Let me get my phone."

Hiro sulked and Miguel blushed. Soon enough the group wandered their way back to the garage to work. The Hamada brothers continued to code and design. Gogo and Wasabi reviewed the first draft ideas. Fred dozed on the red couch. Honey Lemon and he checked over the ofrenda one last time before the team had to return to their own homes.

Miguel bid the team farewell before returning to the altar and glancing at the photos. He smiled as old memories warmed him. Papá Héctor and his unconditional support. Mamá Imelda and her stern guidance. Ah, sí, Tío Felipe y Tío Oscar had such an odd but so cool twin-level understanding of each other.

Then there was Mamá Coco and her constant, soothing presence. And poor Papá Julio! Ha, he always managed to get run over by someone. Tía Rosita kept the group positive and Tía Victoria had rough edges but she knew how to keep everyone safe. Although he didn't have a picture of Pepita, he knew she'd find a way to join them.

He couldn't wait to see them again.

His gaze drifted from memories to the reality sitting nearby. Hiro and Tadashi were enraptured with their discoveries. Wow. He smiled. Despite the situation, he was glad. Glad to have reunited the brothers. Glad to possibly see his family again (and without dying to do it). Glad to be lucky enough to have both living and–


Brown eyes whipped to the ofrenda before snapping to the Hamadas.

¿Era posible? If he could summon his family from the dead, then…

…couldn't he summon the Hamada parents too?


Notes: Changed Colección of Oneshots to make Puzzling Pieces its own story.

I will delete the 1st chapter of Vague Summaries and Ideas soonish since they aren't part of Puzzling Pieces.

Creds to my Mexican Tumblr friend axureerheeid who knows about ofrendas and juggled ideas with me once again!

I wrote the song.

Thank you for reading!