A/N: Hello friends, I'm not dead, just spending all of my money on flights and making dumb youth choices (Nepal next!). I had an idea, or maybe it's a fantasy, and I love it on our OTP. I hope it's an alright read, so let me know what you think cause I'm a bit out of practice. It's open ended of course because I'd like to continue it, depending on how it's received.

The Exchange

The idea came to him during an afternoon meeting which included Elizabeth. Of course, he knew it was the last thing he should be thinking of during exchanges of such importance. He was only human, though.

Even in a room full of others - men, women, old and young, perfumes and food items - he could smell her, and the very knowledge of her scent, so intimate and known only to him was enough to steer his imagination. She arrived late to the meeting in question. The door flying open as she strode in without a moment of hesitation. Click click click - the sound of stilettos on polished marble floors.

Not a soul dared to question her, and most of the men in the room stood. She commanded those around her, and even those who outranked her with mere presence. The sound of power. It wasn't just power, it was a peculiar mix of fear and respect. He grinned when her piercing eyes caught his for a moment, pride and equally arousal bubbling in his chest as he instinctively sat taller in her air.

There was no question. Not only did she have control, but a part of her revelled in it. He revelled in it. It made his prospect all the more thrilling. Tonight was one of the nights they dedicated to one another, a method to maintain intimacy and make sure they stayed connected both emotionally and physically. It was structured, but surprisingly that never seemed to diminish the mood for either of them.

Well, things were about to get a lot more structured, he thought to himself. Running a fingertip over his rough stubble, he considered the razor in his other hand. His eye was caught by the leather belt hanging from the doorknob in his reflection, and a he decided against the razor, tossing it back onto the vanity.

Her voice floated from the bedroom as he left the bathroom. "Henry, have you seen my blue robe, I — oh."

He cocked a brow in question when she stopped.

"You didn't shave?"

"I decided against it." he said, running his hand over the coarse hair again.

"Oh. Okay." She turned back to rummaging through their shared top drawer. "So have you seen it?"

Moving to stand close behind her, he drew his gaze up and over her long, lean legs, reaching the hem of the silk slip that ended just too high for pyjamas. He took a deep breath, inhaling the heat from her body. "Elizabeth."

"I could've sworn it was in this drawer yesterday."

"Elizabeth," he repeated, standing close enough that she could feel his presence now behind her. He placed a large, hot hand around her hip, and she turned to look at him.

"Henry —" She started, then reading the look on his face stopped again. "Oh…"

Feeling her warm, minty breath wash over his face, he steeled himself. "I want to do something different."

She grinned, and turned to face him, placing her hands on his bare chest, fingernails scratching against the fine dusting of hair. "You do?"

"Yes. Sit down please," He replied.

Looking mildly puzzled, she followed his instructions and climbed onto their large bed, shoving pillows and arranging herself against the headboard.

His heart thumped in anticipation, mind racing over ways to begin his pitch, but he couldn't let it show. "Elizabeth, you have control in almost all aspects of your life," he began, barely having time to scan the words before they left his lips. His voice was slow and guarded with a distinct drop in pitch. "You have others at your beck and call. You leave many hanging from your every word, and you have no difficulty bending others to your will. You bend me to your will." He fiddled with the band of his silver watch, not breaking eye contact.

Cocking her brow again, she squinted back at him and he knew he'd better get to the point soon, as it was beginning to sound like something that required therapy. "But from now, I will get what I want. I will bend you to my will."

Meeting those piercing eyes again, he saw the animated glint in her gaze. She bit her bottom lip, and it gave him the presence to continue. "There will be rules, and consequences if they are broken." He didn't miss the way she subtly squeezed her crossed legs, the faint shadow of understanding colouring her face. "Do you understand?"

She nodded quietly, but he needed to set the bar. "Do you understand me, Elizabeth?" He repeated, firmer this time with a little volume.

"Yes," She whispered.

"Good." He stepped forward to the edge of the bed. "I will explain the conditions." He glanced back at her, letting the softness of his eyes slip for a moment, giving her silent reassurance. "On your knees, please."

Swallowing thickly, he felt lightheaded as the scene played out before him. No turning back now. She crawled onto her hands and knees, the position causing the already provocative slip to rise around her buttocks, exposing the thin strip of lace between her legs. It seemed that she'd had plans as well.

He climbed onto the bed behind her, placing his hands over her hips and pushing the sheer fabric up slightly. "You will do as I ask without question. I will touch you at my will, and you will not touch me without permission." He spoke softly, dragging his fingertips over the plump roundness, watching the goosebumps erupt on the exposed skin. He heard her shaky intake of breath and grinned to himself. "You will not touch yourself without permission. Do you understand?

Her voice cut through the silence as a quiet hiss. "Yes." He shivered at the sound.

"If you do not follow instructions, or break the rules, there will be consequences. You may also be rewarded for good behaviour." His pulse thrummed in his fingertips, mind racing with unfamiliarity, unsure of where this was coming from. He swallowed, considering the rationality of his next words. "You may choose a safe word." He wasn't even sure they needed one. "But in this bedroom, I am in charge."

Raising his palm, he brought it down against her rear in a gentle smack. Elizabeth gasped in surprise, releasing an audible moan. Christ. The familiar tightening in his boxers was distracting to say the least. Repeating the action, he smacked her bottom harder this time, delighting in the richness of her groan of pleasure. Not sure he could follow through with what he wanted to do next, he took a deep breath, rubbing the area where his palm had made contact.

"Lie down," he ground out. When she complied, he reached for the covers and pulled them up. Reaching over her, he switched off the lamp, and kissed her on the cheek before returning back to his side of the bed. "Night, babe. Love you." He could practically hear the shock and frustration cutting through the silent air as she stared back at him in amazement. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes and prayed for his raging erection to dissipate. This'd better pay off.


TBC (I hope lel)