This is just an idea I couldn't get out of my head so I thought I would write it down. Naruto is 14 at the start.



Xxxxxx let the show begin xxxxxx

Life is full of tough decisions and situations, it's part of what makes life interesting. What do you do when life puts you in a situation where you have to fight a man you once called brother to the death? This is how we find one Uzumaki Naruto.

In a dual to the death with Sasuke Uchiha.

By the state of the area of they are in it is obvious they have been at it awhile, the once awe-inspiring valley of the end is in ruins, the statues of the brother's forefathers are no more.

Naruto cloaked in the red chakra of his tenant stands panting on top of the rubble that was once Hashirama Senju glaring at the deformed shape of Sasuke. The valley wasn't the only thing in ruins both boys clothing was in tatters showing further signs of their colliding ideologies.

"Naruto…." Sasuke said in a soft growl, his anger proof that he was ready to end their fight, even if he only had the chakra for one more shoot.

"Sasuke…." The whiskered jinchurikki was feeling the same way too, he will make sure to save Sasuke from going to Orochimaru.

Not another word was said as they knew that words would not finish this long and tough battle. They would finish it with the strongest technique each had at their disposal, passed down to them by great shinobis. Naruto would use the rasengan, taught to him by his sensei Jiraya. Sasuke would use the chidori, the famed assassination technique of the copycat shinobi Hatake Kakashi, a fellow wielder of the Sharingan. Kakashi's Sharingan was still a mystery to the raven-haired youth since he wasn't a member of the Uchiha clan.

"Chidori". The level two curse seal Sasuke formed a black coloured variation of the chidori with his right hand.

The one tail Kyuubi Naruto extended his right hand and created a spinning sphere of chakra, only this time instead of being its original blue colour, it was purple. The colour change was obviously due to the fact that Naruto was using the demon fox's red chakra, making the purple a mixture of his blue chakra and the foxes red.


Once their attacks were formed, they gave each other one last look before moving to deliver the powerful blow that would end the fight. Sasuke took flight using his long, dragon wings while Naruto jumped high, his goal to defeat the chidori and his best friend. Failure was not an option for either of them. The mighty collision was just seconds away as the shinobis closed in on each other, each of them confident that their technique would defeat the others.




Xxxxxxxxxxxx sometime later xxxxxxx

Naruto awakens with a groan, he immediately begins to feel the effects of his surroundings.

"Brrr… wh-where? Is this snow?"

Naruto picks himself up with another groan and takes in his surroundings, he is completely surrounded by snow and ice.

"Wh-at?" Naruto stutters 'where am i? I was fighting Sasuke and then…?' he thinks as he tries to figure out what the hell is going on

"well I guess I have to pick a direction to try" he mutters to himself with one last look around to see if he can see anything, with a final shrug he starts walking away from the sun.

He walks for hours, the cold starting to cause even his Uzumaki enhanced body to blue and a couple of his exposed toes have gone purple

"so tired… im just going take a minute" he breaths out as his eyes slowly shut as the darkness claims him

Xxxxxxxxxxxx several hours later xxxxxxx

When Naruto returns to the land of the living he finds himself in another unknown location. This time he is in what appears to be an ice cave, as he looks around and notices a door at one side of the cave.

"not a natural cave then"

He staggers over to the door and pulls on it, it won't budge. He takes a moment to take stock of himself he is still in his tattered orange jumpsuit, but his limbs have started to return to there usual colour so that's something at least. there is also a collar around his neck with a strange purple gem set in the center of it, with Tsunade's necklace missing. He turns back to the door and tries to pry it open again this time channeling chakra to his arms to increase his strength. As soon as he starts to channel his chakra he feels a burning sensation that quickly mounts till he is on the floor screaming in pain.

"Shut up!" comes a gruff voice from the other side of the door.

The door opens to revel a large burly man wearing what appear to be thick furs and white face paint. he delivers a swift kick to his side.

"get up its time for you to see Kwin Nia"

Xxxxxxxxxxx 3 year later xxxxxx

Naruto steps to the left as he dodges a wild a strike from one of the desperate prisoners in the pit. The Pit being Kwin Nias key source of entertainment for the population of Azgeda and one of her favourite ways to dispose of those she wishes to punish.

In the three years since Naruto woke up in his cell he has been through hell. After his audience with the bitch of a queen he spent his first month being beaten, starved, even left to the elements to cause harm. After a time, he was brought again to Nia's throne room and told to kill a little girl, obviously Naruto refused, not that it mattered when he refused one of the guards ran a blade through her stomach.

The tortures escalated then, wild animals where taken to into his sell where they were set lose on Naruto, add this to the cold, his hunger and his multiple broken bones, the animal almost killed him, he managed to break its neck just but he passed out, when he awoke he was back in the torture rooms, this pattern continued for months with him being periodically taken in front of Nia and told to kill a child, and he continually said no, until one day he couldn't take it any more and he killed the child, he doesn't even remember what the child looked like, he has killed so many since then.

After he broke his cell was changed to one of stone, and he received regular amounts of food, clothes, but that was the only benefit, he was now made to train and fight in Nia's pits whether it was against animal, other prisoners or even some of Nias warriors from her army. He fought, he bled, and he learnt at first, he only knew how to use knives but in time he came proficient at using many different form of weapons. Still he couldn't access his chakra, but he had at least learnt why, the collar around his neck was the cause and Nia was the one with the key.

In all this time Naruto had final given up, he didn't know where his home was, as far as he knew they all thought he was dead anyway, so as far as he was concerned he was stuck there with no where to go back to.

Naruto was snapped out of his recollection of the past three years by the attempted surprise attack of another prisoner from behind. He sighed as he swung his sword at the approaching form of the third prisoner easily slitting the man's throat causing him to crumple to the ground in shock.

He takes a weary glance at the two remaining and sighs he flicks his wrist at the one on the left sending a small blade flying and imbedding in his eye. He goes down. In the time It took for the knife to reach its target Naruto was already upon the last prisoner standing and with a graceful ease he parried the panicked attack of the prisoner and proceeded to impale him, he leaves the blade in hi, he picked it up earlier of another doomed soul anyway.

With a tired sigh he glances up at the stands around the pits and makes his way back to his cell to get there he has to walk through the ice cells, and see the prisoners that haven't 'earned' a nicer room.

Its in one of these cells he sees someone knew a girl of about 17 or 18, and there is something about her that cause him to stop, its not the fact she is laying there naked or the clears signs that she had been violated repeatedly, or the many other signs of Nia's cruelty. Despite this its none of these things that catches his attention, he had seen it all before anyway. What caught his attention was her flaming red hair.

He cautiously approaches the door to her cell.

"prisoner" his voice croaks, scratchy from hardly being used in the past three years for anything other then screams. The red head doesn't respond.

"Prisoner" he repeats a little louder and this time he gets a response. The girl slowly rises her head and looks at him with soulful green eyes ringed red from crying

"Help… me" she croaks

Naruto just blankly stares at her, something in her eyes bringing a memory he thought, buried to the surface. "whats your name? he responds


Xxxxxxxxxxxx 6 Weeks later xxxxxx

Costia had stirred something Naruto had thought he had buried deep within himself. He stopped to talk to Costia every chance he got. She gave him something he no longer had, a reason to escape. He wanted to get her home back to the women she spoke off with deep longing.

he started to make plans to bust himself out and taking Costia with him, to get her back to her love. And it all started with getting the collar off.

Naruto originally planned to wait till the night of the new moon as more of the guards would be lax but Costia wouldn't last that long he had to get out and he had to do it tonight. Using a small blade he broke the lock on his cell and snuck out in to the corridor and made his way towards Costia's cell.

He cursed when he looked in she had been in the torture chamber again this time she came back missing her left hand, he couldn't break her free, not until he got the collar off. He moved quickly into the arena and took a run up to clamber up one of the walls and into the stands. From here he would make his way into the queen's castle.

It took half an hour for him to find his way to Nias chambers thankfully they were empty, he found the key on one the tables near her bed. Once he had the key he quickly took the collar off and felt his chakra now free surge through his system.

"its good to be back" he muttered with a small smile. "best be quick"

He made it back to the cells with little issue, costia was still lying on the floor unconscious.

"its time to get you home" he whispered to her quietly he lifted her up gently and made his way back to the pit.

"And where do you think you're going" a cold voice from above sounded out, causing Naruto to freeze. Above in all her ice cold glory was Nia and her guards. "well?"

"I am taking her home" Naruto growled while glaring at her "you can't stop me, not anymore"

He doesn't give her a chance to respond, sending chakra to his feet he quickly sprinted up the wall of pit shocking the on lookers, he dashed out of the arena and into the the quite city streets making a beeline for the exit with his chakra enhanced speed quickly leaving any pursuers behind.

"Hold on Cos-chan I'm taking you home"

Xxxxxxxxxxxx a week later xxxxxx

Naruto slowly trudges forward carrying Costia on his back, she has only woken a couple of times in the past week and even then, only briefly just long enough to help guide Naruto. Naruto was worried she wouldn't make it. As he made it to the topo off the hill he saw a tower off in the distant.

"Giant tower, just like you said there would be" he quietly whispered to the slumbering girl on his bike.

It took him another hour to make it towards the entrance of the city, he was stopped by guards before he even made it close. Upon seeing him carrying costia they were quickly hurried into the city heading straight to the healers hut.

"see Cos told you I would get you home, you just have to hold on and you will see your love again" he muttered.

It had bearly been 5 minutes when a Brunette with eyes the same shade of green as the forest Naruto had just trudged through.

"COSTIA!" the woman yelled as she strided to the side of the woman, she paused to take in the state of the woman on the cot, "what did they do to you?" she muttered in a broken voice.

"you don't want to know" Naruto responded quietly.

The womens head shot up to look at the man that she had previously ignored, her eyes were instantly drawn to the Azgeda marks on his clothes.

"Azgeda" she growls "Guards, take him to the cells" Naruto didn't fight the guards and was about to leave when a noise was heard from the cot.

"L-L-Le" Costia weekly muttered.

"shh Costia save your strength" the brunette whispered having moved to her side.

"Wh-wheres Naru…"

"I am here" came Narutos voice from the exit of the tent, the guards tried to remove him but hearing costia call for him caused the brunette waved the guards off. Leaving Naruto to approach the red-head.

"who did is to you my love?"

"it was Nia" answered Naruto seeing Costia struggling to speak, the brunette just nodded in response.

"Le-Lexa, I l-lo-love you…"

Xxxxxxxxxxxx 2 years later xxxxxx

"I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, the scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It's so beautiful. In this moment, I'm not stranded in space. It's been ninety-seven years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors. Twelve nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs. There is now only the Ark, one station forged from the many. We're told the Earth needs another hundred years to become survivable again. Four more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream. This is reality."

"Prisoner three-one-nine, face the wall."

"reality Sucks."