Echo was looking at the one being in the universe, besides a sith and the kaminoans, he really did not want to see at the moment. "Well look who's here. I didn't believe it when they said that a member of domino squad had been promoted to corporal but her you are."

Ehco clenched his fist and said "So you remember me." Bric smirked as he said "Well your loser squad was one of my more memorable teaching moments." Rex stiffened did this guy not have any self-preservation instincts.

And he wasn't talking about himself. After what happens on Coruscant Rex had been noticing Echo was a little more, how should he say, volatile. Bric snickered as he said "You know out of all of your squad mate I expected you be one of the first out. Not being able to adapt and all. But to be the last. Oh that's rich."

Rex was about ready to hit this guy as well. "And now you're practically part droid, looks like being stuck with the enemy does give you some benefits." Echo was about to slug this guy when "Pleas Bric really have you no morals."

Another familiar sergeant came up saying "I do apologize for him Echo he has never been well mannered." "I remember Sargent Arcona." Bric seemed to frown at that and was going to say something when Arcona said "Bric we have some cadets to work with no time for chatting."

Bric seemed upset about that but just said "Right got to make some real soldier's." With that he left, almost bumping into Ehco but Rex shoved him off and glared, the two stood like that for a bit but then they walked away.

Rex then aid "How did you ever deal with that guy." "I'm starting to wonder that myself Captain." And with that they headed off once more.

The walked for a while more, fallowing AZI-3 to the far corner of the city and said "I do not know how to access this lock. This is the most privet room in the whole of the city but no one besides specific kaminoans are allowed in there."

Rex glared as he said "Then that's where we got to go." Echo nodded as he plugged himself in and got the door open, but as he did he was also able to disable any alarms and kept the kaminoans from seeing this of course. Echo may not be happy with what Tambor did to him but it sure came in handy for infiltrating kamino.

As the three came into the privet room the two clones were shocked at what they were seeing. They were hoping to find computers or files but instead they found a tank was stored and in that room was a very familiar clone to the both of them.

"Fives!" Echo called as he saw his brother floating in liquid as a mask kept him breathing and somehow asleep as well. At seeing this Echo felt anger swell through him, he was once a prisoner like this, no one deserve to go through what he had. Especially not Fives!

He went to hack into computer keeping the clone captive as Rex said "Echo be careful we don't know if taking him out will hurt him." "We can't just leave him like this Rex. How long has he been like this?"

Rex sighed as he said "I don't know. I can't believe they actually did this. How is he alive? I saw him shot, he died in my arms." Echo glared as he concentrated more deeply "Let's find out."

As Echo searched he was shocked at the information he found "I can't believe this. Rex Fives was never dead. The death was staged somehow, they made it look like he died but really he was put into a type of coma that slowed his heart rate to the point it seemed to stop."

"Fives thought he might have been poisoned, that might be what had happened but, can you figure out why they kept him alive." Echo looked in and said "They wanted to study him to see if they could use him as some sort of weapon. I think they've bean experimenting on him Rex."

Rex felt rage fill him but said "Then we have to get him out. We'll figure out about the chips later right now we have a rescue mission to accomplish." Echo nodded as he got to work and AZI-3 said "I shall start prepping to make sure he is still properly functioning."

Rex nodded at that as Echo got to work on freeing his brother without hurting him. As this was going on Rex suddenly spotted something, some sort of datapad.

He went up to it and turned it on, when he did his eyes widened and he thought 'Looks like we can actually start on our plans to stop the kaminoans faster than I thought.' With that he stuffed the datapad away and waited for Echo to finish up.

Before they left though they went had to make a pretty convincing story for why their secret weapon went missing. Let's just say a bit of data work and replacing their images on the vedio with bounty hunters would keep them the kaminons busy for a while.

Fives felt groggy where was he, didn't he die. "Ugh what's going on?" Suddenly he heard a familiar voice say as he felt his arm being supported "Your safe." Fives eyes shot open as he said "Echo!" He looked over at his thought to be dead brother and almost fell at what he saw.

"Echo, what happened to you I thought you were dead, am I…." Suddenly he heard "No but the kaminoans did a pretty good job of making the rest of us think you were." Fives looked up as he saw another familiar face and smiled saying "Rex, so I'm not. Which means that."

He turned to Echo and hugged him tightly and said "I've missed you so much. What happened how are you alive? How am I alive?" Echo chuckled lightly as he said "It's a long story and boy did I miss you too Fives."

Rex let the lost batchmates hug and cry and let everything out. Once he felt they had done so he said "Sorry to stop you but we have to catch you up on some stuff Fives and also we think we know how to finally stop the kaminoans plans for the chips."

Fives looked up as he said "You believe me." Rex replied with "You were never a lair Fives you're the worst at it." The two brothers chuckled at that as suddenly someone said "I am joyed to see you two reunited."

They both looked up shocked to see another familiar face. "General Ti?" They both said confused as she smiled and nodded. As she walked up she said "I have made many mistakes before. It is time I start making them right and one of them is working to free the clones from the kaminoans."

They all smiled at that and gave their best saults. So stories were told and plans where made. It wasn't going to be an easy mission but it was one they knew would be worth doing.