As soon as I hit the ground, the air knocked out of me, I scrambled for the boy with me, half thrashing as I fished heeling the wound Tamara had given me before the portal. "Henry!" He nearly jumped on me, gripping me tightly. "I've got you."

"Mission accomplished," Tamara said, glancing up and around. As she met her gaze, her face turned pale and then glanced at my side. It was stained in my blood. I dropped the bullet at my side as Henry gripped me tightly. Greg pulled himself to his feet, nodding.

"Are you sure about that? Because my mom's coming for me," Henry looked up. "Both of them."

"Look around, kid," Greg said. "You see any towers? We're a long way from Storybrooke." Henry and I both stood up.

"That doesn't matter! My family has been to the Enchanted Forest and they can get here again!" Henry exclaimed. I took a sharp breath, only staring cooly at them, my magic wanting to turn them into trees.

And then set them on fire.

"Well, were not in the Enchanted Forest," Tamara said. My eyes darted around in confusion. If this wasn't the Enchanted Forest where else could it be? There were plenty of stories my father would tell me of his adventures. Where could this be?

I didn't think Greg and Tamara thought I would make it through. I jumped in last minute and grabbed Henry's hand.

Greg reached out to grab Henry's arm. I grabbed Greg's wrist first and then used my magic to set his sleeve on fire. He jumped back, trying to put the fire out. Tamara rushed over as it climbed up his sleeve. I grabbed Henry's wrist and bolted through the trees with them screaming after us.

"Kaleen! Slow down!" Henry puffed. "Do you even know where you're going?" I paused, turning to him only for a moment.

"No," I replied. "But it's away from them."

"We don't even know where we are," Henry protested. "They do. We can come up with a plan to escape, but we can't do it if we don't know where we are." I stared at him. For a kid only ten years old, he was smart.

"Henry," I puffed. "If anything happened to you—"

"You act just like Killian around me," he smiled. "A little protective and distant at the same time." I sighed.

"Got you both."

We swung around, but just as we did, Tamara grabbed my arm, tightly, nails digging into my flesh. "You filthy magic user. Home office will know what to do with you." Home office?

I knew they hadn't meant for me to come along, but I followed Henry and they tried to kidnapped him and leave me. They actually shot me in the side, but I managed to heal myself before we jumped into the portal, gripping tightly onto Henry's wrist.

Greg grabbed Henry's arm.

"Hand over them both." A voice came behind us. We turned slowly.

"Who are you?" Greg asked. The boy chuckled.

"I'm home office," he replied. Tamar smirked.

"Home Office is run by a bunch of teenagers?" She asked. The boy smirked.

"I guess you could say that," he replied. Henry suddenly gripped my arm. I turned my head to him, confused.

"We're in Neverland," he said. My heart stopped beating. Fear gripped every layer of my body.

No. No. No. No. Anywhere but here. Anywhere but here. What will Pan do when he find out who I am? Or who Henry is?

"How will we get home?" Tamara asked. The boy laughed again.

"You won't be going home," he replied. Tamara gripped my arm tighter.

"Then you won't get them," she hissed. The boy laughed.

"Of course we will."

Suddenly, a warning shot through me. I knew I had to get down. I grabbed Henry and with every force I had, threw myself and him down on the ground, covering him, protecting him.

An arrow was fired inches from where I used to stand. I saw Greg's shadow ripped from his body as he lay a corpse. I caught my breath, staring at the bodies in disbelief and fear that wrenched up my spine.

"Kaleen," Henry pushed me off just as the boy stood over us, staring at us like a falcon, me especially.

"You seem familiar," he mumbled. I stared up at him, my arm over Henry. What would I do if I lost him?

"I don't know who you are," I responded. But my true father does. I knew I reminded the boy of Hook and I most likely Pan was going to recognize me too. The Blue Fairy and my father warned me about this place.

The boys yanked us to our feet. I still held Henry's wrist tightly, knowing if we got separated, we might never see the other again.

We were forced to a camp area with huts that looked like they were on the brink of collapse. Henry looked up at me, half in curiosity and half in panic.

"You brought a girl?" A boy's voice said to our right. He stepped into the clearing and eyed me. My eyes darted over his features; chestnut blonde hair with green eyes, dressed in a ragged green shirt and dark green pants. He rested one of his hands on his belt buckle, which held his glistening dagger.

My eyes met his, strong. A smile crept up his lips. "You know who I am, don't you, love?" Magic washed over me in such a rush, I felt as if my arm would burst. In fact, magic flooded my body as he stepped forward, as if I was suddenly creating a shield inside myself, but I wasn't thinking about it at all. He stepped forward.

"You're Peter Pan," Henry said.

"Would you look at that," Pan replied. As he reached out to touch Henry, I grabbed his arm. Pan's eyes shot into mine, just as I heard steam. He yelped, yanking his wrist back.

Burns were where my hand used to be. I had just burned him.

I didn't know how it happened.

"You lay one finger on him and I'll kill you," I hissed. Pan recoiled, grinning.

"Your magic is strong," he said. "Wonderful protection spell you have, love." I gripped Henry's wrist harder. What would happen if I let go?

"Kaleen," Henry whispered. "You're hurting me." I loosened my grip. Pan's watchful eyes met Henry's.

"I've been waiting for you," he said. He looked at me. "But not you."

"You just try to kill me," I snapped. Pan laughed.

"I'm not going to kill you—yet," he stared at me up and down. I glared at him. After a few moments, we were seated on a log around the fire. I let go of Henry's hand, but still kept a watchful eye. Henry looked up into my eyes.

"He hates your father," Henry started the obvious. I nodded.

"I know," I breathed. Pan eyed me the whole time, half in hatred, half in admiration. Henry leaned his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. I stroked Henry's head until he fell asleep. The fire burned brightly as I leaned Henry's head back so I could pick him up. I set him gently down at the base of a tree.

He woke up as I laid down next to him. He snuggled up against me, falling back asleep. I sent one more glare at Pan before I fell asleep too.


Even though the Blue Fairy was small, she was an excellent teacher. I first stared out with simple basics, like how to make light appear in my hands. I was excited to understand magic and its functions.

I was pretty sure my mother died when I was four. I have vague memories of a woman with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. I must have gotten my hair and eyes from my father, who I didn't know.

By ten, I could heal myself and create simple love potions with the help of the Blue Fairy. I wasn't allowed to express my magic outside her home.

At twelve, she allowed me to go and grant simple wishes for her. I would have to disguise myself as her to make it appropriate. Who would want a twelve-years-old girl to grant wishes?

But there was one time at fifteen when I had wondered off on my own and was rallied up with a bunch of villagers as Regina demanded to know where Snow White was. I called to the Blue Fairy, but couldn't expose my magic to Regina, not now when she would kill me for having what I was born with.

"Where is she!" Regina demanded. I tried to stay far from the front, my hood over my head, hidden from view.

"We don't know," someone said. I bit my lip. That was the wrong thing to say to the Evil Queen, always. You had to have some clue.

"You will help me," she hissed. "If I find any of your have helped Snow White you will suffer greatly. This is what it looks like." Suddenly, guards came into the crowd. Men and women n separated, but I seemed to have been caught in the middle. They grabbed me and threw me at the feet of the Evil Queen.

I whimpered, not daring to look up. I needed to get out of here. I needed to. I shuddered as she took a step forward to me. I swallowed, pressing my fingers down into the ground.

I called it to shake. It shook violently and threw her off guard. Then, everyone yelled, running around, coving me long enough to get up and go, running into the woods.

And then I teleported away with no one watching me.
