I felt the fairies. I could feel them gather and that I needed to be there. I clenched my hands together and turned to Henry. "I have to go," I said. Henry stared at me, unsure.

"Why?" He asked. I swallowed.

"The fairies," I mumbled while everyone's eyes were on me. "They're gathering. I need to be there." I glanced at my father. "Pan can't touch me. I'll be fine." I glanced at Henry one last time. "You'll be fine for a few minutes, right?"

He nodded and as I raised my hands, I was there, standing over Blue as the other fairies looked at me in shock. I must have frightened them.

"Oh, Kaleen," Red said, wrapping her arm around me and squeezing me tightly. I sniffed, holding back tears as I stared at the only one mother figure I truly remembered. I choked as they streamed down my face. Red kissed my forehead comfortingly.

"Is there anything you want to say?" She whispered. I nodded, placing my hands on the edge of the coffin, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry, Blue," I whispered. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more. I'm sorry I wasn't the strongest with magic or the smartest. I'm sorry I couldn't help you." I swallowed again, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Thank you for everything you've done for me." I choked on every word I said, not caring who was staring at me. "You gave me a home, a place to belong. I owe everything to you, Blue." I gasped as the fairy next to me, wrapped her arm around me tightly, squeezing my hand.

"Come here," she soothed. I turned to her, eyes watery as I leaned on her shoulder. Every time I blinked, tears ran down my face.

Around the coffin, they took turns speaking about her accomplishments. I swallowed, listening to every single one. Thirty minutes passed and then, we mourned in silence.

Until the door opened again. I closed my eyes, sensing my father's presence as well as Neil, David and Tinkerbell.

"Sorry to interrupt," Tink said. I turned to her, along with the other fairies. She glanced down at Blue before she continued speaking. "But we need your help."

I wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks as my chest tightened, waiting for Tink to continue.

"With what?"

"The Black Fairy's wand is here," Neil replied. "We need it." I stared at him in shock before I realized what they'd were going to do with it; switch Henry back to his body.

"We would never—"

"Yeah, it's a terrible, terrible thing but what's coming is worse. Where is it?" Tink asked. She glanced at me.

"I don't know," I replied just as the a dark figure flew past the window. We all flinched, looking around.

"What the hell was that?" David asked. My eyes darted until I saw it.

"It's Pan's shadow."

"What does it want?"

"The wand!" I exclaimed.

"Run!" David said, shooing them to run, while I stayed, turning to it as it flew in through an open window. "We need to get the hell out of here!"

"Stay covered!" My father exclaimed.

"Over there!"

We rushed to the benches of the church, ducking as it flew over us.

"All we have to do is light the candle again, right?" David asked. "That's how you trapped it in the first place?"

"Yeah," Neil ducked as it attempted to grab him. "This time we can get rid of it for good."

"It can't touch me," I said, looking around. "If I draw it's fire, could you get it?" Neil nodded. Tink gripped my arm as I began to stand.

"You don't know if it can."

"Well let's find out," I replied, stepping into the middle, holding my arms to my sides. "Hey!" I yelled. "Hey over here you bloody shadow! Let's see of you can touch me." My father smirked for my use of language. It flew, full force and picked me up by my shirt, pinning me against the door. I tried to grab it, to burn it. With a screech, it grabbed my shadow and tried to yank it out.

I screamed, failing as it yanked harder. I gasped. "Hey!" My father said. It turned only for a brief moment, but that was all I needed. I shot it with a blast of magic that sent it hitting my father and up in the air again. David pulled my father back into the benches as I jumped in beside my father and David.

"Can you trap it?" Tink asked, desperate.

"No. It's too high. We've got to get closer," David said. Killian held his other arm as it it was broken. I leaned over and soothed it with a pulse of magic even though I was throbbing everywhere myself.

"And I can't fly up there," Neil replied, moving as it did, up and down and side to side. He paused, turning. "Tink."

"If you didn't notice, I don't have my wings," she snapped.

"You have pixie dust."

"It doesn't work."

"Tink," David said, reaching over to grip her shoulder. "You made it work once and you can do it again." She froze for a moment and then stepped into the middle, facing the shadow as it flew against the ceiling. She reached down and pulled the cap of her necklace of pixie dust.

It glowed green and absorbed as she breathed it in. In amazement, she looked down, realizing it had worked. Neil handed her the coconut with the candle inside.

Tink closed her eyes, lighting the candle before she pushed herself into the air. She flew after the shadow, closing the coconut when it was trapped and held it as she descended gently. Then, she threw it into a burning flame.

With a puff of darkness and smoke, it was gone...forever.

We walked out of the benches. I first hugged her, hard, even as my limbs shook. "Thank you, Tink," I whispered. "Blue would be proud." She smiled at me.

Neil gripped my shoulders. "Don't be so reckless, Kaleen," he said jokingly. I rolled my eyes, smirking.

"Well done, Green."

We whipped our heads around to see the Blue Fairy, arms crossed in front of her, staring at us and beaming. I froze, staring at the woman I once thought to be dead.

"Blue?" Tink asked. "But you were—"

"I know," she replied. "But when you killed the shadow mine was returned and I was revived." She glanced at me before she continued. "You finally believed in yourself, Green. Tinkerbell, welcome back."

"I'm a fairy again? Even after I disobeyed all of your rules?"

"I may have been overly strict," she replied. "You deserve your wings Tinkerbell and you have earned them back many times over." Tink looked as if she was about to burst into tears.

"Thank you," was all she could say. Blue looked down for a second.

"And for the Black Fairy's wand," she said, making it appear in her hand. "Go. Save us." Before she could move anywhere, I embraced her, holding her.

She squeezed me back, stroking the back of my head and hair. "Kaleen," she whispered. "I'm sorry." I swallowed, looking up at her through foggy eyes.

"You can't leave me again," I replied. She kissed my forehead. "You need to go. Save Henry, Kaleen. Be a hero." I squeezed her one more time before I teleported into Gold's shop.

Only after a few moments, David, Killian, Tink and Neil came in, holding the wand.

"She's back. The Blue Fairy," David said, glancing at me. "She gave us the wand." Emma looked at the Dark One.

"Do we need anything else?"

"Only one more item," he replied, turning to his cabinet and opening it, to pull out a black cuff, the same one Pan put on me after he took Henry and I from Neil. I eyed it suspiciously.

"This is one of the only useful things I managed to pull from Tamara and Greg before they left StoryBrooke," he replied. "It renders anyone with magic, utterly powerless." He kneeled down in front of Henry who was sitting on the bed with Regina and Emma on either side.

"May I see your wrist, Henry?" Rumple asked. Henry held out his arm and Rumple slid the cuff on. "I want to make sure that when my dear old dad wakes, he's weakened. This will block his powers." Henry nodded.

"So what happens now?" Henry asked.

"I enact the spell and you fall into a deep sleep and then when you awake, you're back in your own body."

"And you hang on to that scroll and come find us as fast as you can," Regina rubbed her son's shoulder.

"When I gave my heart to Pan, I thought I was being a hero," Henry shook his head. "I'm sorry."

"You're not the one who needs to be sorry. Pan does," David stepped forward.

"It's time," the Dark One said. Henry nodded, leaning back on the bed while Regina and Emma stepped off. "Keep your eye on the wand." After he moved it back and forth, Henry's eyes closed. Suddenly, with a flash of light, Henry thrashed, looking unconscious still.

"What's happening?" Emma asked frantically.

"Henry's spirit is leaving Pan's body," Rumple replied, stepping backwards as Henry continued to thrash.

And then everything was still.

"It worked," Emma said. "Now let's go find our son." I followed her and the rest of them out the door.

It didn't take long before the doors of the library flew open, and Henry, in his own body, came flying out. "It worked!" He yelled. "It worked! I'm me again!"

His mothers smothered him, holding him close until he held up the scroll in his hand.

"He's got it!" Regina exclaimed, grabbing it. She stood up, holding the scroll out in front of her, staring at it with determination. Without warning, it sent a purple flash and knocked Regina unconscious.

"Regina!" I kneeled beside her, checking her pulse, still strong. Henry shook his mother's arm and she gasped awake, eyes snapping open as her eyes darted around wildly.

"What happened?" Emma asked. "Are you okay?" Regina nodded, standing up as Henry supported her.

"I saw what needed to be done," she whispered. She glanced down at Henry and smiled softly. I stood in between Belle and my father, watching as she gripped her son's shoulder.

"Mom, are you going to be okay?" Henry asked. She cupped his chin, looking into his eyes gently and kindly.

"The important thing is you will be."

Suddenly, the scroll flew out of her hand and into Pan's, who walked to us, full with pride. "No he won't," he said. I whipped around, ready to strangle him.

"He has the-" Pan waved his hand, freezing us in place with a flash of red, cutting my father's words to a halt. I stiffened as I was frozen in place.

"Curse!" Pan finished, looking down at his hand, which held the scroll. He chuckled, walking to us calmly as he grinned. "That I do." He glanced between our frozen bodies, smiling mockingly, darkly. I shivered inside, unable to move at all.

"Look at you all," he chuckled. "A captive audience. I could play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I?" He walked over to Neil, Belle, Killian and I, smirking again.

"But I think I'll start over here," he said. "Hmm. You all look so adorable." He cocked his head as if he was truly thinking of which one's life to end. "Hard to tell which one to kill." He glanced at me, smirking again.

"Poor, Kaleen," he said mockingly. "My shadow may be gone. I may not be able to kill you, but you're going to suffer the worst fate of all." I blinked, not able to move as I held his gaze. He pointed to the sky. "When the curse comes over, you'll wake up with all your friends gone and you'll never know why." He chuckled. "You'll be stuck with me."

My chest tightened as Rumple grabbed Pan's shoulder, turning him to him forcefully, almost knocking him off balance.

"Say away from them," Rumple hissed. Pan growled, facing the Dark One. I hoped that Rumple could break the spell holding us, that he could help us and I could help end Pan, but when I looked down at his wrist, he had the cuff on.

"Well how about that. The worm has teeth," Pan stepped closer, eyes narrowing. "Are you here to protect your loved ones?"

"I'm not going to let you touch either of of them," he replied threateningly. He took another step closer as he snarled at Pan.

"Oh, I'd like to see that," he said, sneering.

"Oh, you will," the Dark One fired back in a threat. "Because I have a job to finish and I have to do it. No loopholes." Pan smirked as Rumple continued to speak. "And what has to be done has a price a price I'm finally willing to pay." The Dark One's gaze turned to his son's.

"I sued the curse to find you, Bae. To tell you that I made a mistake. To make sure you have a chance at happiness and hat happiness is possible, just not with me. And I accept that," Rumple swallowed as Pan chuckled in disgust.

"Pretty, pretty words."

"I love you Bae," he said. His gaze met mine for a split second before looking at Belle. "And I love you, Belle," he said. Pan scoffed in disgust again and turned away for a moment. "You made me stronger." Tears stained my eyes.

"Stronger?" Pan questioned mockingly. "Yes, perhaps. But no magic." Rumple simply turned to him with a smile.

"Oh, but I don't need it," the Dark One huffed. "You see, you may have lost your shadow, but there's one thing you're forgetting."

Pan leaned close to his son, hate lacing every word. "And what is that?"

"So have I," he hissed. "I sent it away with something to hide." The Dark One simply raised his arm into the air, arm out. Suddenly, Rumple's shadow flew forward as it handed his dagger to him and flew back into him. As it did, the Dark One yanked Pan to him at the same time, his shadow binding them together.

"What are you doing!" Pan yelled, bucking to get free and grunting. Rumple gripped onto his father. Pan panted as he couldn't get out of Rumple's grip.

"You see, the only way for you to die, is if we both die," he leaned to his father's ear, hissing his last words. "And now I'm ready."

Unable to move, a cry wrenched up me, but made no sound as Rumpelstiltskin stabbed the dagger through Pan's back. Pan's sharp cry of pain echoed as he began to gasp in Rumple's arms.

With a huff of smoke, Pan was replaced by his true form, Malcolm. He turned his head to his son. "Take the dagger out," he gasped. "We could start over. We could have a happy ending." Rumple stared at his father for a second before shaking his head.

"I'm a villain," he replied. "And villains don't get happy endings." With that, he twisted the dagger and was lost in a blinding white light as the curse and cuf fell out of mid air. The magic holding up, broke, but no one moved. I only brought my hands to my mouth, chest tightening. Belle collapsed behind me, crying with her hands over her mouth. Taking a shuddering breath, I kneeled down and put my arms around her, holding her as she cried.

"No! Rumple!" Belle sobbed. I clutched her tightly. I knew it wasn't worth to numb her pain. She needed to cry.

Regina broke the silence. "We need to go. There isn't much time."

As we stood in a line, watching as Regina was eye to eye with Emma, Henry hugging with his father. I stood by Killian, looking up at him. Emma gave me an envelope of photos with her and Henry in them. I swallowed, glancing over at Henry.

"Henry," I whispered. He ran over to me, arms wide. Tears ran down my cheeks. "I'm going to miss you, Henry." I choked, kissing his forehead.

"I'll miss you too," he said. "You'll always be my Protector." I reached behind my neck, unclipping the necklace I wore, the only thing I had from my mother. Folding it, a chain with a simple charm at the end, I placed it into Henry's hands.

"Wear this," I whispered. "And I will always be able to find you. He clipped it behind him, tucking it in his coat. I smirked, squeezing him one more time before Regina summoned her son over. I let him go, standing up again to watch as he walked into Emma's yellow car. I swallowed as my father gripped my shoulders.

Regina ripped the curse in her hands, turning to the cloud of smoke and raising her hands. All I did was watch as the car drove over the town line and the violet smoke engulfed us as we were all left in the unknown future that awaited us; a future without my oath; a future I would never know.