To The Burrow

A/N New many to finish already. Well, I didn't want to write a next chapter, so I'm writing a new STORY. One that's been in my mind for a while now. It's about time it's been written. Here ya go, and PLZ review.


Ron was sitting on his bed, tired and acking all over. He had no idea why he did. Well, he might've had a few ideas, but he didn't care. The pain was mostly in his wrists, but even his back. The physical pain wasn't as hurtful as the emotional one. It was midnight, and in 12 more hours, Hermione and Harry would be visiting. That wasn't the hard part; he suspected that Hermione, his Hermione, went to Krum's. Although Ron and Hermione weren't actually a couple, Ron wanted it to be so. He loved her so much, and if he ever told her, he'd be heartbroken if she didn't love him back. An hour later, Ron finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Ron was woken up by his two older brothers, Fred and George. They were exploding things in the kitchen loudly enough, so Ron decided to get up. It seemed the pain in himself went away, which was a good thing because Ron was thinking of taking Hermione and Harry to the dock by the small lake. He never really told them about it. When he got downstairs, there was smoke all over the kitchen, and he heard Mrs. Weasley yelling at the twins.


"We didn't do it on purpose! It just exploded by itself, I swear!" Fred said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Yeah, mum. We would NEVER break one of your rules," George said, also trying to keep a straight face.

"I just don't know WHAT to do with you boys! Why don't you de-gnome the garden right now as a punishment?" Mrs. Wealsey said after calming down. The twins walk outside, muttering, 'If degnoming the garden is a punishment, then we get punished more than the average human kid'. Ron sat at the kitchen table, and took some bread.

"You finally got up, I see," Mrs. Weasley smiled as she saw Ron. "I was calling you down not too long ago."

"Guess I didn't hear," Ron said dully. "What time is it?"

"Almost 12, dear," Mrs. Weasley replied.

"12??!! HERMIONE AND HARRY'LL BE HERE ANY MINUTE!" Ron panicked, and ran upstairs, almost tripping over them. He was still in his pj's, and the door bell rang. 'Shit' he said to himself, and pulled on some jeans and a long sleeved shirt, and ran back downstairs, while trying to put on his shoes. Finally, he reached the door and opened it.

"Hey, Harry! How'd you get here?" Ron smiled as his green-eyed, jet black friend entered the doorway.

"Hey, Ron. Believe it or not, the Dursleys drove me here. Took them a while, but we found the right roads," Harry laughed, as he followed Ron up to his room.

"That's something new! Well, Hermione isn't here yet, but when she does get here, I need to show you guys something," Ron said. "But first, I need to ask you something, and you can't tell anyone."

"Sure. What is it?" Harry asked.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I'm in love," Ron said, blushing.

"Aw! Little Ronniekiens has a crush! Who's the lucky girl?" Harry teased.

"Hermione," Ron muttered. Harry's eyes grew big and his mouth dropped.

"Are you serious, Ron?" Harry whispered.

"Very serious. I have been ever since our 1st year at Hogwarts. I'm afraid to tell her, though. What if she doesn't like me back?" Ron replied, taking a deep sigh.

"I'm pretty sure she does, Ron. Don't worry. Just tell her how you feel," Harry said, patting Ron on the back. "And you have to when she comes."

"But--" Ron started, but the doorbell rang.

"That shall be Hermione," Harry grinned, and ran downstairs, with Ron following, though he didn't want to. Harry opened the door, and there was a smiling Hermione.

"Hey, guys!" she said cheerfully, and entered the house.

"Hey," Harry and Ron said together. They each took a bag and started climbing the stairs to Ginny's room.

"Hey, Ron, didn't you say you had something to show us?" Harry asked as they set the bags on the extra bed.

"Oh, yeah! Just follow me outside," Ron said, and they left the house. They walked a bit, talking about their summers, and there was no hint of visiting Krum from Hermione. Finally, they reached a hill and when they got to the top, Harry and Hermione saw the most beautiful site ever. There was a small mountain-like hill, flowers, trees, and a beautiful lake.

"Oh, my god! It's so pretty," Hermione whispered.

"I'll say! Why haven't you told us about this, Ron?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. Just forgot, I guess," Ron shrugged, and then walked down the hill as the others followed. He led them to a dock and sat at the edge, feet hanging from the ends. After moments of silence, Hermione spoke up.

"So, Ron..what have you done this summer?" she asked.

"Nothing really. Just sat around a lot," Ron smiled. "How about you?"

"Oh," she said, like she was hoping he wouldn't've said anything. "Not much..just went to Bulgaria.."

"To see Krum?" Ron gulped. His heart was beating fast, and it was getting hard for him to breathe.

"Yes," Hermione barely whispered. Now, Ron's heart was beating too fast to count, and he stopped breathing completely.

"Ron? Are you ok?" Harry asked him, but Ron didn't reply. Suddenly, everything became black; he had fainted.

"Ron!" Hermione cried.

"Help me get him back to The Burrow!" Harry said to Hermione, and they put his arms around their shoulders and ran as fast as they could back to The Burrow. They ran inside and found Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen. She looked up as they entered and shrieked.

"What happen" She asked, trying to keep from fainting herself.

"We don't know. He just passed out," Hrry said, as they laid him on the couch.

"I'll get a doctor," Mrs. Weasley said, and disappaperated.

"Oh, I hope everything'll be ok!" Hermione cried.

"It will. He'll.." Harry started, but stopped when he pulled up Ron's sleeves when he was checking his pulse.

"What is it?" Hermione asked slowly, afraid it was something horrible, and it was. Harry pointed to Ron's wrists, and saw a couple of scars, and there was one that was made recently.

"You don't think.." Hemione started, but couldn't finish the rest.

"I think so. Ron tried to kill himself several times," Harry answered, but before anything else was said, Mrs. Weasley appaperated back with a doctor. They told him what happened, and he gave Ron some medicine.

"I'm pretty sure he had fainted from deep depression, sadness, or by the heat. I'm not quite sure, but he should be better by tomorrow. If he isn't, then contact me immediately," the doctor said, while the others thanked him, and he disappaperated.

"Let's let him rest," Mrs. Weasley said, and they slowly went in the kitchen. Harry and Hermione couldn't stop thinking about what they saw on Ron's wrists. Why had he tried killing himself? They would find out as soon as he woke up and was better. . .hopefully. . .


A/N like it? I did!!! Hehe, well, I'll update ASAP, just PLZ review and wait 4 next chapter!