So, having stuck my chin out and complained about Episodes 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, and rewritten them all, I will now write my own version of Episode 9! So perhaps some background info, since I changed a few things in Episode 7 and 8; Kylo Ren, Lord Commander of the Knights of Ren, in secret wanted to become a Sith Lord, that was why he was talking to Vaders mask. Kylo was also the one that saved Rey from being killed by the Knights of Ren when they assaulted Lukes Jedi Academy, Rey being Lukes daughter, and left her on Jakku where Snoke, who in my "movies" is called Creel, would never find her. Luke sacrificed himself in a fight against Creel so that Creel could be killed and then became a Force Ghost that helped Rey understand the Force. In Episode 7 General Hux died and was replaced in Episode 8 by Grand Admiral Armitage. Rose survived Episode 8. Admiral Holdo I made into a senator instead, with such influence that she was essential in keeping the Republic together after the Hosnian system was destroyed. And Leia died in Episode 8, killed when the bridge of her warship was hit by enemy fire. She appeared as a Force Ghost to Luke and convinced him to train Rey in the ways of the Jedi. I think that sums it up. So, let's get on with it, shall we?

An Episode 9 What If Scenario

Star Wars Episode 9

Curse of the Skywalkers

After the death of Supreme Leader Creel, the Republic has pushed back the armies of the First Order. A Republic victory is not far away and hope has returned to the galaxy.

Kylo Ren, the new leader of the First Order, is desperate to turn the tide of the war. Searching the galaxy for ancient Sith lore that will allow his evil powers to grow even stronger, his search has taken him to the forgotten planet of Korriban.


Stars. Kylo Rens shuttle flies past from below, followed by two troop-transports and an escort of eight TIE Fighters ( in my version of 7 and 8, First Order TIE Fighters look like TIE Phantoms ). We follow them as we pan up and see the reddish orange planet of Korriban.

The group of ships fly across the windy, rocky, mountainous surface. Eventually, the transports and the shuttle lands. Stormtroopers disembark and secure the landing site and then Kylo Ren, followed by four stormtroopers, leaves his own shuttle. He looks up at ancient Sith ruins embedded in the side of a mountain.

"Wait here" Kylo says and walks off alone.

Kylo enters the ruins and walks through them, always wary of his surroundings. He finds a chamber with a pool of lava, statues along the walls.

"Tresspasser!" a sinister voice echoes from the shadows.

Kylo spins around, trying to spot whom ever it was that was speaking. But there is nothing there.

"Intruder!" another cruel voice says from the dark.

Kylo looks around, seeing nothing.

"Who is he?" a third voice says, old and menacing.

"The enemy" the first voice says.

"Kill him" the third says.

"Make him suffer" the second voice says.

Kylo turns and calls out to the shadows. "I have come to seek your wisdom! To learn your secrets! The learn the true nature of the Force! To understand the Dark Side!"

An evil, disturbing laugh erupts from the dark. "He thinks he is ready" the first Sith Ghost says.

"Punish him" the second Sith Ghost says.

"No" the third Sith Ghost cuts in. "Let him speak. Why have you come here, Knight of Ren?"

Kylo looks around him, speaking to the shadows of the room. "I have come to submit to your teachings. To learn what it means to be a Sith. So that my powers will allow me to destroy the Republic and conquer the galaxy!"

"Ambitious" the first voice says.

"He has the hunger" the second voice adds.

"How did you find us?" the third Sith Ghost asks.

"I searched the catacombs of Darth Vaders castle" Kylo explains. "There I found clues to the location of Korriban. The ancient birthplace of the Sith. There my search began. And now I am here. I am ready."

"Vader" the second voice says with scorn.

"The betrayer!" the first voice adds with rage.

"The traitor!" the third voice spits harshly from the shadows.

"He is the grandchild of the cursed creature" the first Sith Ghost growls.

"He must be destroyed!" the second Sith Ghost demands.

"He must die" the third voice says cruelly.

"Nonsense" a forth voice says from the shadows, vicious and terrible.

Kylo spins around and finds himself face to face with a creature, dressed in torn hood, cloak and rusted armor ( imagine the Nazgul's in Lord of the Rings ).

"He has potential" the mysterious creature before Kylo says. "He finds strength in his anger. His power is fueled by his hatred. His link with the Dark Side is strong, even if he can not control it. He could serve our purpose."

"Who are you?" Kylo asks.

"Do not speak!" the first voice says and another Nazgul appears from the shadows and then vanishes into thin air.

The Forth Sith Ghost slowly moves in a circle around Kylo. "Why have you sought us out, Kylo of the Knights of Ren?"

"To gain power" Kylo replies.

"Good" the Forth Sith Ghost says. "What will you do with this power?"

"Destroy all of my enemies" Kylo says.

An evil cackle echoes through the chamber from unknown origin.

"And with them destroyed? Then what?" the Forth Sith Ghost asks.

Kylo looks at the apparition. "Then I will conquer the galaxy and create a new Sith Empire. And kill anyone who stands in my way."

"He shows promise" the first Sith Ghost says.

"Could he be the one?" the second Ghost says, appearing out of nowhere as it walks past Kylo and then vanishes into the shadows.

"He has the blood of Skywalker" the third Ghost says. "He could be the Promised One."

The Forth Sith Ghost steps up close to Kylo and inspects him from within the pitch dark of the hood. "There is anger, hatred, rage. Untamed power waiting to be unleashed."

"Will he serve us?" the second Sith Ghost wonders.

"I did not come here to serve you!" Kylo calls out to the shadows and then turns to the apparition. "I came here to become a Sith lord."

The Forth Sith Ghost erupts with cruel laughter and then fades into smoke. Kylo turns around as several voices begin to laugh, disturbing laughter echoing through the old ruins. Kylo turns again and finds a throne on the opposite side of the pool. A figure dressed in black hood and cloak sit in it.

"Do you know where you are?" the creature in the throne asks, the voice old and sinister

"The ancient citadel of Exar Kun" Kylo says.

"There exists no other place in the galaxy where the Dark Side is stronger" the Fifth Sith Ghost explains. "Here, there is nothing to shield you from the powers of the Force. Only here can you learn the true nature of the Force. Here, the great mysteries can be learned."

"Teach me" Kylo says, almost demanding it.

"Will you renounce the name Jacen Solo?" the Fifth Sith Ghost asks.

"I do" Kylo says and behind him, the other Sith Ghosts step out of the darkness.

"Will you renounce the name Kylo Ren?" the Fifth Sith Ghost asks.

Kylo does not even hesitate. "Yes!"

"Will you serve the Sith and bring order to the galaxy?"

Kylo kneels. "I do, master."

The other Sith Ghosts looks at Kylo and then turn to the Sith Ghost on the throne. The Fifth Sith Ghost reaches out with his hand gestures for Kylo to stand.

"Then rise, Darth Bane, champion of the Sith, destroyer of worlds and conqueror of the galaxy."

Kylo stands up and the Fifth Sith Ghost slowly leans forward in the throne.

"Now… your first lesson" the apparition in the throne says. "Pain."

Kylo erupts with Force Lightning coursing through him, his skeleton showing through his body and clothing at times. He screams with furious agony, a scream that would freeze blood to ice.

"Pain leads to anger" the first ghost says.

"Anger leads to hate" the second ghost says.

"Hate leads to determination" the third ghost says.

"Determination leads to power" the forth ghost says.

The Sith Ghosts all slowly vanish, except the fifth in the throne, who slowly leans back for a comfortable rest and then a cruel, evil laugh escapes from his dark hood as Kylo, hovering in midair above the pool of lava, is blasted by Force Lightning from within his own body.

The Hovering City of Geld:

Geld is a massive city on a large hovering platform, floating a mile or so above ground. It is a luxurious city, a true marvel of the galaxy. A weird alien bird flies in and sits down close to a landing-pad with a posh shuttle parked on it. Peeking out from the open airlock is Finn, armed with a blaster.

Finn takes a step inside the shuttle. "What's taking so long?"

Rose has opened a panel in the wall and is working her mechanic-magic on the ships systems. "I need to trick the ships computer that the encryption is secure if we are too slice it" she tells Finn. "If we don't manage that, then BB-8 will never find the datafiles."

BB-8 is hooked up to a droid-socket not far from Rose and he beeps and chirps.

"Well, hurry up" Finn says. "Before you know it, someone will come and check on the shuttle and then we're out of time."

Then, Poe is heard over the communicator. "How's it going, guys?"

Finn picks up his communicator. "No luck yet. Whoever owns this ship got tight security on the personal files in the computer."

High Society Event, Hovering City of Geld:

Poe and Rey are attending a high-society event, with music and dancing and everything, and Poe and Rey are dressed for the occasion.

"Well hurry up" Poe says, speaking into a communicator. "There are a thousand dignitaries here, and if we don't find out which one of them is selling out the Republic to the First Order, then a lot of good people will die." He then returns the communicator to his belt. "No luck yet" he tells Rey.

"It could be anyone here" Rey says, looking out across the large, impressive and luxurious establishment. "We must find out who before more Republic secrets ends up with the First Order."

Poe looks at some of the factions represented at the scene. "Hutts, Zygerrians, Trade Federation, Techno-Alliance… Criminals, slave-traders and war-profiteers."

They walk past a girl wearing very similar outfit to what Leia wore in Return of the Jedi, which draws Poe's attention. Rey slaps him over the shoulder.

"Focus" Rey tells him.

Poe then spots something. "Look" and points.

Across the room, they see Grand Admiral Armitage talking to a group of dignitaries. Armitage is a falleen wearing a posh admirals outfit with medals and regalia.

"Grand Admiral Armitage" Poe says. "Kylo Rens right-hand man."

"Let's follow him" Rey says and the two moves in closer.

Armitage and the people he's conversing with move on and Rey and Poe try to follow as inconspicuous as possible. They end up on a small yacht that detaches itself from the building where the event is held and leaves the incredible city and flies down towards the surface of the planet. Poe and Rey are sipping drinks as they try to blend in and spy on Armitage and the people he surrounds himself with.

Poe frowns. "Looks like Armitage is making friends with the Trade Federation, the Solkor Guild and the Fonvor-Lex Consortium. A lot of planets ready to build weapons and ships for Kylo Rens war-machine."

"What do they get in return?" Rey wonders.

"First Order troops to oppress the planets they control" Poe says. "Riches from the planets the First Order conquers. So more weapons can be built. And on and on it goes."

The yacht moves in over a pod-racing track, the arena is overcrowded and the racers are standing by. The yacht hovers in place and gives the rich and wealthy a spectacular view of the track and coming race.

Hovering City of Geld:

Finn peeks out of the ship and spots crew-workers stepping out onto the pad to do their thing. He quickly steps back into the ships.

"We need to get out of here, now" Finn tells Rose.

"There! Got it" Rose says as she manages to trick the computer.

BB-8 begins to scan the computer-files.

Luxury Yacht:

Poe and Rey, along with all the dignitaries on the yacht, move up to get a view of the track below. And the pod-race begins and they can follow the race from their vantage-point. Rey glances over at Grand Admiral Armitage and their eyes meet. Rey quickly looks away. Armitage, however, smiles confidently.

To be continued…

So that is how my idea for Episode 9 opens. Kylo Ren arrives to Korriban, simply because we have not seen the badguys do that journey; Luke went to Dagobah to train with Yoda, Rey went to Achc-To to train with Luke, so why not have the villain do the same thing? I chose Darth Bane simply because Kylo will become the bane of the Siths enemies, it has nothing to do with any Legends character. Then, the Hovering City of Geld; combining Bespin and Cloud City with the casino at Canto Bight with the Mos Espa pod-race. Our heroes are on a secret mission to discover a spy that is selling classified information to the First Order, betraying the Republic. Could be a fun thing to see in a Star Wars movie, wouldn't it`?