All rights go to Scott Cawthon

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, 12:00 PM

Marionette's POV

It took a while, but we made it across the hallway.

Once we got to the Main Stage area (I know, crazy right?). I looked at the clock. 12:00 PM?! I couldn't believe we spent 45 minutes in that hallway. I came to realize that we unfortunately most likely only had at most, an hour left before we would be dragged away into those same old trucks we were dumped here in. I shook the thought off. I shouldn't think like that. If I only had an hour left, then I better make the most of it. Quote: "Let's make the most of it"(Rallying Speech Marionette). Shut up, subconscious voice! I don't need you right now! I was greeted with no reply. I was taken away from my deep thinking when I heard Balloon Boy yell.

"I love this room!

He was running around the room like a headless chicken. Toy Chica was on the side laughing while Mangle was busy chasing him around trying to get him to settle down. Balloon Boy was attempting to get away, still giggling like crazy. But unfortunately for him, Mangle was like three times faster. Mangle easily dove over obstacles in the way while Balloon Boy took extra time to run around them. He looked back at her and his optics widened. She was not very far behind. Balloon Boy started to run faster, still looking back, and tripped on his on feet. He crashed to the ground with a ungraceful roll and started to cry. Mangle swooped down and scooped him up. She stood there rocking him side to side gently. Toy Chica's laughing had stopped. Although she still was whispering, trying to start a conversation. Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie both just stood around shifting uncomfortably on their feet, obviously not knowing what to do. They occasionally glanced my way like they were expecting me to say something.

"Hey Mangle, is he doing ok over there?" I questioned.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?!" She snapped back. I was taken aback at how harsh her tone was. As I looked around at the others I could tell they were too. Toy Chica was completely silent. The two other's attention was clearly caught. Everyone was staring at Mangle, who just glared back before turning to help Balloon Boy again.

(Line Break)

By the time Balloon Boy was finally calm, it was 12:30 PM. We didn't have much time left. I started to think about the children without something to distract me. I hope that they figure out who killed them and have their revenge. Because i'm depending on them for mine too. I was broken out of my thoughts when Toy Bonnie cleared his throat, ending the long silence.

"So uh, what are we going to do?" he asked. Toy Chica's eyes narrowed at him accusingly. She started to throw a mini fit.

"Hey! I thought we are still doing the tour!" she pouted. Clearly not pleased with the idea of ending the little tour. Toy Bonnie's mouth opened to correct himself before Toy Chica raised her hand and put it in his face with a "stop" gesture.

"Don't even start, Guitar Boy." She warned. Toy Bonnie's lips formed into a smirk.

"Oh, so i'm Guitar Boy now, huh?" he mocked her.

She crossed her arms, "That's not fair."

"How is it not?" He asked, still happy with his standing in this playful argument.

Toy Freddy just groaned. He may be one big happy dude. But he hates this kind of stuff. One time we were all watching a romantic movie. Throughout the whole movie he was extremely stiff and uncomfortable. But when it came to the ending kiss scene. He couldn't take it anymore. So he stood up, and smashed his fist through the TV. Let's just say he got a long lecture from Mangle about respecting other people's property.

"GET A ROOM!" he screamed randomly. All eyes turned towards him. Toy Chica was confused while Toy Bonnie was as red as a tomato.

"I don't understand, there is nothing going on at all." she stated.

"Yeah… not at all!" Toy Bonnie added. Toy Freddy raised an eyebrow at him which made him shy away.

"I'm… going to go to the bathroom." he croaked before dashing out of the party room. Everyone except Toy Chica understood what just happened. Even Balloon Boy knew! Now that's saying something. I decided it was time for the truth. As much as Toy Bonnie will hate it. It will be good for him. We are all going to die today anyway.

"Toy Bonnie is… into you." I confessed for my friend. Yep, I signed my death warrant. Its ok though… he's not THAT scary. Toy Chica looked at me, confusion plastered all over her face.

"What?" she asked. She was seriously going to make me do it again? I took a deep breath, and let it all out.

"Since the pizzeria opened, Toy Bonnie has been interested in you." I said. Toy Chica looked at me with a shocked expression. Everyone else in the room groaned. We all knew about Toy Bonnie's interest. No one ever talked about it because he would get super awkward and go to the bathroom. Like he is doing now.

"I… didn't know.." She stammered. We all could tell she was struggling to understand what she had been told. Toy Freddy just plugged his audio receivers, refusing to hear anymore.

"Stop it Mari! Your just making things worse! It all sounds like something out of a cheap romantic comedy movie." he whined, flailing his arms around. I merely shrugged, for the sake of our blue friend. I had to do it.

"Come on Freddy, it's really not that bad. You're exaggerating a lot." I replied. It may cause a few problems, but at least the cats out of the bag. Hopefully, Bonnie can actually do something. I really don't want to go out knowing that we all were single...cause that'd be really depressing. Though now that I think about it. A bunch of AIs dating is probably the most disturbing thing ever. Even if they are super advanced.

After a few minutes, Toy Bonnie came back out from the bathroom. He uncomfortably looked around. Obviously noticing that all eyes were on him. This seemed to send him into panic mode. His eyes widened and he started talking really fast.

"What happened when I was gone. Why are you all staring at me? And where is Chica?" he fired off rapidly. The poor bunny was clearly extremely worried for unknown reasons. I quickly began to answer his questions to prevent him from exploding with nervousness.

"Well nothing interesting happened really..yeah, nothing at all and we were all waiting for you to come out of hiding so we were watching the door. And Chica is right over there.. Where's Chica?" I asked with confusion. My finger was pointed exactly where she was about a minute ago. Well...that spot was empty. I could see Bonnie's face from the corner of my vision. Let's just say it wasn't pleasant.

It seemed like we were in for quite a ride.