Rosario + Wizard

Chapter 1: Evicted from magic

It was December 24th of Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts, the day before Christmas and here was the minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge and he hated toady minion Deloris Umbrige, the worst DADA teacher Hogwarts has ever seen, the look of sick glee on her face didn't bode well for many.

"Heh hem!" The entire Hall flinched at her sickly sweet tone and the disgusting expression on her face.

"Thankyou Deloris. Now Under Ministry decree 107, no half breeds, creatures or those of questionable virtue shall be allowed to attend Hogwarts." Fudge declared reading from a scroll. A lot of people cried in anger and disbelief while most of the Slytherins cheared in joy. "As such the following student are hereby expelled. Granger Hermione: Werewolf, Greengrass Astoria and Daphne: Yuki Ona, Lovegood Luna: High Elf, Lenrich Liam: Ent, Octavias Dante: Nephlim, Potter Harry: Vampire," -Draco Malfoy Laughed loudly- "Weasley Ginny, Ron, Fred, George: Blood Traitors, Zambini Blaze: Siren. You all have 2 hours to pack and vacate the school." The minister smirked, thinking he just got rid of all major competition.

"It'll be okay." Luna called loudly, drowning out whatever the minister was about to say in an instant. "Everyone who was just expelled can come with me to Yokai Academy, my Granddaddy Mikogami runs it. He's a Hades lord." The petite blonde smiled happily.

Fudge sputtered, realising how this all backfired. Hades Lords Mikogami, Mitachi and Blooddriver were the three most powerful beings asides the Satans and Gods and had more political sway than he did. His face fell in shock, he was well and truely screwed.

"Flopsy, please gather all our stuff please?" Luna called. A small house elf in a radish pattern toga appeared, bowed then vanished.

"Since when were you a vampire?" Hermione asked harry with a raised eyebrow.

"Since I was born, my mum was cousins with Lady Blooddriver, blood wards need a human to work so I couldn't live with aunt Akasha so I lived with my half aunt." Harry explained then asked. "Moony?"

"Yeah, when he dragged me off, turns out that a scratch is just as infectious." Hermione gave a small nervous smile "still friends?" She asked, ignoring Ron's sputtering.

"Of course." Harry smiled, hugging his bushy haired friend fondly. "What about your parents?"

"Kicked me out." Hermione sighed. "I've been living with Moony since."

"Sorry." Harry uttered. "Its my fault I should of been quicker and not let you get inv-"
"Shush" Hermione interrupted, covepring the young vampire's mouth with her hand. "It's their fault, not yours that they kicked me out."

"It is dones Missy Moons." The elf from before had reappeared, sitting atop a stack of luggage by crookshanks, Hedwig, Snowball (Astoria's kneezle) and Pigwigeon who was flitting about excitedly.

"Grab on everyone." Luna smiled dreamily as she pulled out a cork necklace on a silver chain. The evicted students rushed over, the closest ones grabbing her sleeves and the others grabbing them. "Diabayo!" She cheered gleefully and with a sharp tug behind their navels they dissapeared, their luggage and firmilulars going with them.

"What have you done?" Trelawny asked in fear. "The dark lord approaches!" She shrieked and fled the hall. Fudge scoffed, not realising how right the incompetent teacher was.

They all appeared at a bus stop in Japan, seconds before a skinny boy with brown eyes and worse hair than harry walked around the corner in yokia academy uniform, a trunk behind him and a bag on his back.

'Oh, hi there!' He greeting in perfect Japanese.

'Hello, I'm Luna, this is Hermione, harry, Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Astoria, Daphne, Liam and Dante.' Luna replied in flawless Japanese as the other realised their robes had become the uniform of their new school.

'Nice to meet you.' Harry and Hermione replied with a bow. The burebloods were clueless but bowed anyway, recognising it as the local greeting.

'I'm Tsukune, nice to meet you too.' The boy smiled chearfully.

'Odd, you smell human.' Luna shrugged chearfully, 'that must mean your the human kid my grandaddy is brining to the school. He has no concept of being scared shitless by weaker yokai so I doubt he'd informed you leaving you clueless and thinking I'm as mad as my Ancestor Alice, and yes she did visit wonderland.' Tsukune didn't know how to react to this but just chose to ignore it, thinking about crazy blondes.

'She's right you know. Don't wory, none but orcs and animal Yokai eat humans anymore so your safe. Anyway Granger Hermione, Werewolf.' Hermione introduced with a kind smiled as the school bus arrived, they idley compared it to the English counterpart the Knight bus only it was smaller and green not purple.

'ALL ABOARD FOR YOKAI ACADEMY' the eery bus driver cackled darkly.

'Hello Lord Mitachi, pleasure to see you again.' Harry grinned widely. The driver's smile fell into a deep frown.

'Finally got kicked out eh? Hop onboard.' Mitachi sighed with a roll of his eyes as everyone piled on. 'Thank Kami for time turners.' He sighed, realising the headmaster would have his head otherwise due to last minute schedule changes. Once everyone was seated he pulled a creaky lever, shutting the doors and tore down the street like a man possessed and into a inter dimensional tunnel, Tsukune looked terrified.

'Gods I hate this part.' Harry moaned, holding his head. The entire bloody bus was acting as a portkey.

"Grow up potter, just a portkey." Daphne greengrass scoffed, able to now understand Japanese due to the translation wards which over the next month would ingrane the knowledge into everyone's mind. The ward was not known to many as it was invented by Luna's late mother who installed it shortly before her death.

"Oh, sod off." Astoria groaned, slugging her sister in the arm. "We both know this way to travel sucks."

"What's g-going on?" Tsukune stuttered in fear.

"Portkey." Liam replied in a bord tone as he watched the vortex of color outside the windows. "How magicals travel long distances and from these colors, were headed for Lord Mikogami's realm."

"Eh, who?" Tsukune looked really panicked now.

"My granddaddy. He's a powerful warlock and he wants yokai and humans to coexist." Luna reexplained.

"Yokai?! What?!" Tsukune cried.

"I'll explain." Hermione instantly volunteered. Everyone, even Mitachi felt sorry for tsukune, the young werewolf's love of lectures and literature was legendary. "Magic for one is real. Before I got turned into a werewolf, I was a regular witch and no we don't eat children, that would be a evil witch most likely a Dark Lady. Now as you've probably realised monsters or Yokai are real too. In here we've got A vampire, A pair of Yuki Onna, a Nephlim, A ent, A High elf, a Siren, the weasleys are all Wizards with Ginny being a Witch and Mitachi is a gatekeeper demon obviously." Tsukune looked about ready to shit himself at all that information. "Now, from what I've read, Yokai Academy is all about cooperation between Humans and Monsters, it was established in 1860 by Mikogami at the age of 617 years old with the help of Lady Akasha Blooddriver who is Harry's second cousin. The school every three years invites a human student in to try and implemented cooperation between humans and Yokia but most early attempts ended in deaths, this in turn lead to the creation of the great barrier to keep the worlds separate from one another to prevent riots and angry mobs attacking the school."

"Why me?" Tsukune moped sadly. "Why did my parents have to send me here of all places? I'm probably going to get killed!"

"They most likely didn't know." Harry consoled Tsukune, patting his shoulder. Tsukune flinched in fear making Harry sigh. "I haven't drank blood from humans my entire life, I've only had Tomato juice as long as I could remember."

"O-okay." Tsukune stuttered.

The flashing colors stopped as they exited into a cliffside road overlooking a sea of blood while headed for a dead Forrest, a trio of buildings were perched atop a distant hill as the bus came to a halt. Right in front of them was a sign dressed as a scarecrow which read "WELCOME TO YOKAI ACADEMY" in bold silver letters.

End chapter 1

Notes: Take a vote. The first is pairings and the second is what Tsukune should end up as, the vote will close 20th January 2018 so better be quick.

Harry/ ?
Hermione Mizore Astoria Kuruma Daphne Luna Ginny Multiple?

Tsukune/ ?
Hermione Mizore Astoria Yukari Luna Moka Kuruma Daphne Luna Ginny Multiple?

Ghoul Tsukune Vampire Tsukune Human Tsukune or Mage/wizard Tsukune

Please not Harry and Moka will be 3rd cousins through their mothers. Luna is Mikogami's daughter through her mum's side and High elf through her father.