You're a mystery

I have traveled the world

And there's no other girl like you, no one

What's your history?

Do you have a tendency to lead some people on?

Cause I heard you do

~Dive by Ed Sheeran

Luckily, the pool was deep. So deep that Rey began to panic in his arms. He hugged her tightly and began to kick upwards, breaking the surface in time to avoid Rey from passing out.

Her arms wrapped around Ben's neck like a bruising vice, her cold cheek pressed tightly against his. He stayed there for a few more seconds than necessary, relishing her closeness for the first time. He couldn't resist pressing his lips to her head for a moment. It helped to quell his fear that she wasn't dead, but his body still shook from the scare.

She was going to be the death of him.

She wasn't out of trouble yet though, so he began to swim towards the edge of the pool despite having her stuck to him like a piece of gum.

"Hurry, Rey." He grabbed her waist and pulled her away from him to lift her onto land. "Go! I'm right behind you."

Except he wasn't. The last thing he managed to see was her running form before the Force disconnected them. Suddenly he was back in his chambers. He was on his hands and knees soaked to the bone and panting.

"No... NO!" Ben shouted in rage, slamming the floor with all the darkness of the Force, causing a fissure to form along the entire tiles.

"You won't win this time." He snarled to the Force as he steadily rose, hands shaking and vision gone red.

Ten minutes later he had changed to dry clothing and as soon he stalked out the door he stopped the first person passing by in the hall with the Force, a stormtrooper.

"Prepare a TIE for me alone. Tell nobody. I have personal business to attend to." Kylo ordered icily.

Rey didn't have a clue how she made it back to where she had hidden the Millennium Falcon other than from sheer adrenaline. It was then as she slid to the floor after the shuttle door had closed that she realized Ben was no longer with her.

Her heart felt like it was going to break out of her chest. She instantly snapped her head to the side, still panting when she heard pats on the steel floor.

"Peepers hey, boy." Rey broke into a smile and beckoned the little porg closer with her hand. "C'mere, Peep, it's me. Rey."

The creature hopped excitedly up to her and she cradled it like a baby in her arms. This place had been infested with porgs because of Chewy. Rey couldn't possibly keep them all so now Chewy practically had a porg farm wherever the Resistance was stationed at. But she did keep a runt of the litter, he was being picked on and Rey used to always shoo the others who hurt him. Peepers she called him, because he was always peeping around her legs for protection.

And she had to admit, he was pretty cute.

"Mommy's done with this city." She murmured, rising to her feet and pecking the top of Peepers head. He rumbled in contentment.

The shuttle door didn't even resist when he used the Force to open it. What a downright piece of junk. He didn't know what he hated most, this damn rusty can of a ship or Skywalker.

He stepped inside warily for he sensed Rey and didn't really felt like being hacked to pieces with her lightsaber or staff. Instead, he heard something else...

He followed the noise of light snores and sniffles all the way to the bunk bed of the ship. Ben froze at the sight of Rey sleeping. She was curled up covered in layers of blankets clutching an also sleeping demon spawn. What a horrid creature.

How had she not woken up? He was practically hovering over her.

The answer came when he heard congested breathing followed by a cough. His hand shot out to touch her forehead and he cursed when he felt her burning skin.

"Rey... Rey, wake up. Rey." Ben shook her gently, but desperately.

She sat bolt upright so suddenly their foreheads collided.

"Ow!" Rey shrieked hoarsely and the demon spawn had awaken screaming while he was cursing under his breath rubbing his forehead.

"Ben...? What the hell?" She says hoarsely through an open eye.

"You're sick." He spat.

"Well, yeah that's what happens when you fall into a freezing pool and then run a couple miles at night soaking wet-Peepers! Shut up will you!" She snapped at the demon spawn who she swiftly picked up and tucked between her crossed legs.

"And why do you have that thing?" He cringed at the creature in disgust.

"Peepers? He's my porg!" She lifted him up with a proud grin even though it growled at Ben and he glared at it. "Isn't he cute?"

"Adorable." Ben muttered sourly. It'll be skewered if it's ever left alone around him. He sat down at the edge of the bunk bed, leveling her with a solemn look.

"You left the Resistance." He stated but she still replied with a curt nod. "Then why didn't you come to me?"

"For obvious reasons," Rey scowled. "I'm not joining the First Order, Ben."

"I never asked you to," He retorted in exasperation. "We can start a new order together. The First Order died along with Snoke."

"Oh, did it?" Rey raised a skeptical brow. "You're practically radiating the Dark Side, Ben. How could you possibly make a better galaxy like that?"

He scooted closer to her and even with the both of them sitting down she had to tilt her head up a little to maintain eye contact. She visibly gulped at his proximity and stars did it satisfy his soul that he had this effect on her.

He could get lost in those hazel pools just as he saw her get lost in his midnight skies.

"I see darkness in you, too. Be it a little, your Force is already tainted... It feels good, doesn't it? The anger, the fear, the passion. You've seen it, felt it." He had raised his hand to lightly trace his fingertips across her red cheek. "I feel the same, except with the Light Side. Allow me to teach you, please, and you may teach me. We'll be unstoppable. No Resistance, no First Order. Just us for now."

"Ben, I..." Rey was at a loss for words, taking his hand away from her face. "I don't know..."

"Come with me. I'll keep you hidden. Until we can make a decent plan."

"Wait... Come with you?" Her eyes widen and her hand reached up to trace the scar on his cheek. "This isn't the Force bond. You really are here? How did you find me?"

He rolled his eyes, "I saw enough to know it was Canto Bight."

A shudder ran through her body and Ben could see cold sweat forming on her brow.

"We have to go. I can get you healed back on the Finalizer." Ben removed her blankets and scooped her into his arms along with the porg. She was so weak she didn't even resist, just laid her head on his shoulder.

"My 'saber, my staff..." She mumbled, pointing them out.

Ben used the Force to bring her weapons along and buckled her inside the TIE. She was awake, but he could see she wasn't quite conscious, probably delirious because of the fever. On the Finalizer, he scooped her up again and hastily made his way to his chambers. The corridors were empty, only droids were around sweeping and shining the floors. It was rotation time, perfect.

"Rey? Wake up." He had laid her down on his bed. "You're safe now."

Rey didn't respond. Ben cursed under his breath as he removed his gloves hastily. He'd only ever done this a couple of times, a long time ago since heling with the Force was mostly a Jedi's expertise and he's only done it on minor cuts and bruises not for a sickness. This was Rey, he must do this. So, he took a deep breath, sat beside her, and hovered his hands above her chest in deep meditation. He felt his Force slowly heal her and he strained himself more than once, but shook it off as best as he could. It felt like a lifetime later when Rey's eyes fluttered open, her breathing back to normal and Ben felt her forehead, it was cool.

He let out a long, tired breath of relief. His hands were shaking, his hair sticking to the sweat on his forehead.

"Ben…? Hey, you're nose!" Rey gasped.

Ben brought a finger to nose and saw that is was bleeding, "I'm fine. Just out of practice. How do you feel?" He says, wiping the remaining blood with the back of his sleeve.

"I feel better. Thank you… Crap. The Millennium Falcon!" Rey suddenly realized, sitting upright.

The things she worried about.

He sighed exasperated, "That piece of junk is fine. You hid it well in that cave."

"What if somebody steals it?"

Ben couldn't help but burst into laughter at the absurdity. Rey's expression turned into one of shock, but slowly she also started to giggle. Ben was awestruck, her laughter was such a beautiful sound.

"It's nice. Seeing you smile, even more laugh." Rey says taking his hand and squeezing it between her small ones.

He lifted his hand to cup her face. His thumbs circled her temples, feeling her soft baby hairs. At that moment he realized how young she was, just a girl, but in many ways a grown woman.

"How old are you exactly?" He asked curiously.

She pursed her perfect pink lips, "I think I'm nineteen, almost twenty. I don't have an exact date. Why?"

"Now I feel like an old man." He sighed.

"What? How old are you?"


Rey grinned mischievously, "You're not old. You're a five-year-old stuck in a man's body."

"A child you say?" He narrowed his eyes at her, causing her to blush and inhale sharply as she felt his Force change to what can only be described as lust.

His lips crashed with hers and she instantly responded with fervor. His tongue seeking entrance she willingly gave, but it was a fight for dominance. Her hands buried in his hair, his hands gripping her hips. There was no lightness, no softness in this kiss. It was just hunger and fear and lust and frustration all being released into a searing moment.

Ben suddenly flipped her down on the bed, his mouth placing hot, open-mouthed kisses along her jaw, neck, and stopping to suck at the soft spot behind her ear. She moaned so softly, her entwined fingers in his hair rose goosebumps along his skin.

Finally, she was his and he meant to prove it.

His nose trailed up and down the length of her neck and shoulder, his hands wandering down her waist until he stopped at the juncture of her shoulder and neck to bite and suck greedily. Rey didn't protest, lost in sensations she's never felt. Warmth she's never experienced, hatred and love coexisting.

He released her with a satisfying pop and pecked her lips and closed eyelids, "You're so beautiful."

She opened her eyes, pupils dilated as she sat up along with him. She took his face and kissed his cheek where his scar was before wrapping her arms around him.

He could feel her Force. A second ago he could describe it as blood red, now it was a blinding white light of hope and happiness...


Ben turned his head sharply and there stood the little demon spawn on the nightstand and he swore it was judging him somehow. It was about to have a fatal accident when Rey pulled away to glance at it.

"Peepers. Oh, you poor thing must be hungry and thirsty."

Ben had to fight to keep his jaw closed. Her attention to had just been stolen by the ugliest creature in the galaxy. He watched disgruntled as she picked it up and went looking for the kitchen. It glared at him over her shoulder and he cursed inwardly.

"Oh, your days are counted." Ben whispered vehemently, thinking of ways to kill it to make it look like an accident.

"What?" Rey turned around slightly, hearing him say something.

"Oh, nothing." He instantly pulled on a smile. "I'll call for someone to bring food."

A/N: Yay! I finally have time to update! I was so busy with finals, college life drains you so much ugh. I'm on vacation now so I'm able to update more frequently, work on new fanfics, and catch up on my fandoms! Please check out m other Reylo fanfic Forgotten Light if you love this one! Thank you for reading!

Disclaimer: I own nothing