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Chapter 2: Wrath of the Emperor

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The Supremacy

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"Show the enemy your weakness by coddling the Prince and you play right into their hands."

Such a simple comment from Governor Tarkin lingered in Darth Vader's memory, repeating over and over again. A weakness. Any normal father would be insulted at the insinuation that loving his children was somehow a weakness. Those fathers probably didn't know danger, they didn't have to worry about the frailty of a child making them just as vulnerable and defenseless as that child was. Or maybe they did and merely failed to recognize it. After all, children are filled to the brim with weaknesses. Any naive child could wander into the middle of a busy intersection and be killed by oncoming speeders, and any father would jump to that child's rescue and risk death in the same way. Anything a person is forced to protect can be exploited. Vader knew he could never fully eliminate all of his son's weaknesses, and as such, there were always aspects about the boy that required the protection of his father. He could teach and train the boy into his geriatric days and still find something to worry about. There were only two ways to eliminate a father's weakness for his children: purge the love he felt for them, or eliminate the source altogether. The first option was an impossible task even if Vader had any desire to attempt it, and the second was inscrutable.

And now, he had a new weakness in Alderaan's Princess. So many variables that could jeopardize everything. She was vulnerable now which made Vader vulnerable, but he planned to fully remedy the danger of her being mortally wounded in combat. What unnerved him was who she was, coupled with what she was. Should the Galaxy find out Darth Vader had another child, and that child was an aspiring Jedi, his integrity would be called into question even more than it already was. He was going to have a hard enough time securing his rule, even with his orders relayed to Thrawn

Perhaps what frightened him the most was the fact that she posed a great threat to him by simply being alive. Like her brother, Leia was powerful, but unlike her brother she was not loyal to her real family.


Instead, she was loyal to everything he despised in the Galaxy.



Obi Wan Kenobi.

And what made his situation even more ironic was that he had to pander to her just to gain a minute sense of respect from her, knowing he'd probably never have her full loyalty.

Possibly not even her love...

He forced himself to hold this fact close to his chest when dealing with Leia. To her, Anakin Skywalker was her father, and he was all but dead. Destroyed by the man in his place. And she could destroy Darth Vader.

The doctors lead Vader to an open room equipped with various tables, tools, beds and state of the art equipment. The guards flanked the doors, sharp vibroblades clinking against the glossy floor and the medics headed straight to the gurney where his daughter was peacefully resting. They opened it and began to work.

Vader watched them like a hawk, his senses scanning over the Princess inside and his eyes never leaving her peaceful face. He found it ironic that her peace wouldn't last long.

For several moments, the doctors vocally called out to each other, assessing the situation and giving orders. They documented things Vader knew little about and inspected readouts on a screen beside them.

The Emperor grew impatient at the slow progress, though held his tongue.

Finally, one doctor said, "Pulling patient out." He connected a thin tube to the gurney and a surge of clear liquid shot through it.

He took a subtle, deep breath.

Vader felt a jolt of surprise from Leia and also felt his heart race madly.

Her eyes opened, and for a long moment, Lord Vader found himself thrown unwillingly back in time at seeing those deep, chocolate irises scanning the room in deep confusion.

A sharp pang of all too intense fear stabbed at Vader through the Force. Leia shot upright with a sharp inhale. "Luke!"

Vader, unnerved at the level of which her fear peaked, stepped forward. She saw him and lurched back, nearly falling off of the table but quickly stumbling to her feet.

"Calm yourself." Vader urged as calmly as he could manage.

She gulped. "Where is he?!"

Vader glanced away. "I don't know..."

"You..." She tilted her head slightly, and then her face distorted with such hatred, it shocked him. He found himself looking at a mirror image of his younger self... the same hatred that killed the one person he cared most about in the universe. "You!"

Vader took a cautious step forward.

He felt the Force flare with familiar power and braced himself as Leia threw her hands out toward him.

He found himself shooting through the air and his battle instincts quickly kicked in as he smashed into the wall.

The two guards, ignorant of Leia's identity rushed forward, their sharp blades crackling to life with energy.

Leia stepped back hesitantly, panicking to find a way to defend herself from the two offending assailants ready to kill her for attacking their Emperor.

Vader managed to land on his feet. Leia's fear struck a dangerous chord inside the Dark Lord. The snap-hiss of his lightsaber pierced the air and he threw it, spinning wildly like a saw blade.

Leia flinched as they neared her, staggering mid-run before falling and crashing against the floor with their momentum.

Their heads bounced and rolled to her feet.

She stared at their headless bodies, still smoking, in shock, the same shock the doctors who were are pressed against the furthest wall were in. Her eyes traveled over to Darth Vader who stood with his lightsaber at his side, glaring at both bodies for a moment before staring accusingly and rather angrily at her.

The sound of his saber hissing shut made her flinch.

He reached out and the guards' weapons flew into his hand. He held them toward the doctors, one of whom very, very cautiously walked over to Vader and took them in his arms awkwardly. "Leave us." The man quickly left, prompting each of his colleagues to scurry after.

Alone with the one person she hoped never to be alone with, Leia found herself breaking every promise she'd made to herself is she ever found herself in this situation. Her promise not to look weak, not to give him any ammunition, not to fear him... all broken. His presence alone was enough to send her in a fit of trembles, let alone the displeased scowl on his face.

"You make quite the impression." He stepped forward, eyes glancing over the corpses of his guards.

Leia struggled to find her resolve. "You didn't have to kill them."

He stopped, an eyebrow raising at her choice of words and her strange choice to berate his willingness to kill in this situation.

She shook her head slightly at how stupid she sounded, embarrassed at how his questioning glare made her feel even stupider.

She huffed her embarrassment away. "Where is he?"

"I can sense your worry for him. Your enemy..." Vader coyly said. He wanted to test her, to see if she'd tell him who she was.

"Don't treat me like a naive child." She lowly replied. "I'm here and I'm alive. I know he told you."

Vader regarded her for a moment, searching her face for any cracks in the bitter expression and prodding her mind for any signs of anything but distaste. But she was strong, just like Luke had said. She hid her emotions well. Either that, or her anger toward him buried them deep down.

Leia sighed, sitting down on the gurney. She absentmindedly rubbed her sore shoulder.

"Luke has gone missing." Vader spoke.

"Where?" Leia sighed immediately, shaking her head at how her thoughts managed to come out in a stupid question. "I find it hard to believe you lost him. From what I hear, he's on a short leash." Leia elaborated.

"Apparently his leash is not short enough." Vader's tone lightened a tad.

Despite herself, Leia couldn't help but crack a small smile. And it left a bitter taste in her mouth. It quickly disappeared.

"Your tether to him is stronger than mine is." Vader added.

Subdued curiosity crossed Leia's face as she glanced up at her estranged father.

"Strong enough to reel him back." Vader walked in front of her. "Before he does something rash."

The tone in Vader's voice put some fear into her. Vader wasn't lying, he truly didn't know where Luke was... that alone was enough to unnerve her but the fact that Vader was also worried for his safety put some urgency into her.

Vader reached his hand out to her. "Help me find your brother." He urged. "Before something else finds him."

She stared at the gloved hand before her, eyebrows furrowed in worry and doubt. "What happens to me afterward?" She looked up to him, his face unreadable save for a rare, very discreet flash of uncertainty in his eyes.

But he said nothing. Just held his hand out, waiting for her to make a decision.

Her first instinct was to slap it away...

But instead, she took it.

He helped her to her feet, escorting her toward the door.

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Coruscant: Senate District

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Bottles smashed against windows echoing shatters amongst the fuming yells of hundreds marching in unison. Fires lit the night sky, smoke drifting through the wind flowing between them. Dressed for battle and chanting enraged rants of protests, civilians stomped toward the Senate Building, halted only by the thick wall of heavily armed stormtroopers at the base and lining the steps toward it's entrance.

Troopers shoved their riot shields, ramming them into anybody who dare get too close. Those behind the front lines were ordered to hold their rifles at ease. No action that could lead toward violence would be taken.

The mob held their signs, protesting and shouting indignities and injustices aimed at Darth Vader.

Imperial Senator Rhil Coven of Coruscant exhaled a shaky breath. As a man raised in a wealthy, privileged home, the chaos on the Senate Building's front steps was something he could never have fathomed. In university, he'd only read about protests, demonstrations and riots. He'd only ever seen footage. And he'd always been told that when demonstrations escalate into riots, they never did so on Coruscant. On Outer Rim planets, sure. The Empire's reach was only so far. But this; right on his doorstep! It was inscrutable.

The young man stared into the crowd from the window high into the building. Seeing the sheer number of people out there, the scale of chaos in the streets beyond... it was unnerving. A press conference turning into a full blown riot! At least, as far as he could tell it was a riot.

"It's barbaric, isn't it?"

Rhil frowned. "How is it they view themselves so clairvoyant as to judge the Emperor's actions without knowing a single bit of detail?"

The elder man beside him; Senator Gant Railen, his colleague on and the leader of the Senate Oversight Committee merely huffed at the apt assessment made by Rhil. "Is it not narcissism?" Gant replied. "They scream "injustice" at any opportunity they can because it gives them purpose outside of their mundane, day-to-day lives. A hopeful, temporary escape from the disappointing mediocrity for fifteen minutes of fame, a brave revolutionary or a victim of a suddenly tyrannical government."

Rhil's frown turned to a scowl. "Indeed, barbaric. And quite stupid."

"True." Gant nodded. "And dangerous, if handled incorrectly." He placed a hand on his younger colleague's shoulder and directed him away from the window and toward the bustling crowd behind him. A room filled with bureaucrats, senators and military men being prepped for a press conference.

A stiff Twi'lek woman waved the duo toward her. She fingered a datapad on and held it out to Rhil. "These are your queues." She explained as she lead them through a hallway. "When speaking to the people, stay away from words like "riots" or "protests". They imply violence and undermine their purpose." She quickly said. "Don't refer to the investigation tentatively, use strong dictation like "rebels", "traitors" and "saboteurs", tie this Shadow Council to the Rebel Alliance any chance you get."

Rhil felt a bit of sweat on his brow, but nodded anyways.

The group stopped just at the entrance of the Senatorial Press Room, the woman pat down Rhil's suit. "Keep the conversation on the attempt to overthrow the Emperor and the assassination of Lord Starkiller. When asked questions about the Committee's investigation into the First Order, you will simply tell them you are not at liberty to disclose this information."

Rhil peered through the curtains onto the stage, unable to see the sea of reporters but easily able to hear them chatter loudly, curiously and accusingly.

For a brief moment, he contemplated backing out, but quickly dismissed the notion. The public needed to see a fresh face, someone who wasn't directly tied to Darth Vader's inner circle or the State Media. Gant Railen was a veteran, the public knew what to expect from him, he was automatically categorized an insider. Rhil wasn't. Not yet, anyways.

"Any questions about the Rebel Alliance will be directed toward the Grand Admiral when he takes the podium." She added. "Are you ready?"

Rhil took a deep breath.

"You'll do fine." Gant reassured from behind him. "This is a big moment for you. Your career is about to catapult to great heights." He warmly smiled. "Just remember that you have these people's trust. These are your constituents, they chose you to represent Coruscant, don't hesitate to remind them that you are on their side, and that they are Imperial citizens."

The young senator nodded.

"Okay, it's time." The Twi'lek nudged Rhil forward.

Taking one final moment to steady himself, he envisioned himself back on the campaign trail. Just another rally...

Holocams beamed to life as he stepped to the microphone. An Imperial flag was hung behind him.

Rhil cleared his voice and the holo projector for his speech popped up in front of him. A look of grave concern fell on his face as he settled right in as if he'd been doing it for years. "Two weeks ago, our great Empire was attacked." He started. "On that day, Grand Admiral Thrawn asked that we all refrain from any speculation until the attack was properly assessed and all relevant parties be officially debriefed. Unfortunately, I come to you today disappointed and confused.

"Instead of heeding the Grand Admiral's request for patience while handling such a delicate situation, many of our fellow Imperial Citizens across the Galaxy have decided to take to the streets to demand answers that cannot, at this time, be fully disclosed. And even worse, some have decided to take a traitorous stance against us.

"Allow me to say this: I understand." Rhil paused dramatically. "Alongside the silence from the Emperor's Office, the rumors of various fleets allegedly commissioned by Lord Vader in secret leaked to the press and last night's attack on NaJedha, your unease is not only understood, but not unwarranted. And we hear you, loud and clear.

"I want to applaud the citizens of Corulag, Anaxes and dozens more for their peaceful demonstrations to stand for their values and their right to transparent military action promised by Lord Vader. I am, however, disappointed in several other systems, including my own who have chosen to take to the streets violently in the wake of such a devastating blow their neighbors.

"Our hearts are with the families devastated by both the Morningside Terror attack and the subsequent act of war on Alderaan that followed." The young man paused once more. "Over two-thousand innocent men, woman and children lost their lives... and twenty-three thousand Imperial soldiers died defending Alderaan... and another nine-thousand defending Lord Vader's personal estate on Mustafar.

"Among those killed in action is a man who reflected the core values and principals of our Empire. This man dedicated his existence to exposing and uprooting traitorous Rebel Cells, capturing the dangerous remnants of the Jedi Order and strengthening all of our resolves against the relentless assault on our way of life by the Rebellion.

"At just eighteen years old, Lord Starkiller's life was taken from him by men he not only trusted, but by men who's lives had been saved by his actions countless times. Lord Starkiller and tens of thousand Imperial soldiers... fathers, mothers, sons, daughters... all betrayed by those closest to them. By those sworn to protect and serve this Empire."

Rhil took a moment to calm the very real rage welling in his chest as he read on.

"Killed by men and women manipulated by one Gallius Rax who used his substantial wealth and influential position in our military to stage a coup, provided financial backing to a Rebel Cell in order to destabilize Alderaan's government and undermine Imperial law and order.

"Gallius Rax has brought to justice but his traitorous band of reckless followers still remain hidden within every corner of Imperial Government. This attack may have been sudden and the betrayal has indeed shocked all of us to our very core, however the Emperor and the High Command Security Force had the wisdom and foresight to predict at least some of these betrayals." Rhil stared into the main camera sternly. "Many of you have already heard the term "First Order Initiative" and the wild rumors that go along with this. In it's current state, the First Order Navy exists as a private, special military group unauthorized by and unanswerable to the Senate. Currently, it's legitimacy is under investigation by myself, the Senate Oversight Committee and the Court Justices. My colleagues in the intelligence community are working openly with us on this investigation, and I give you my word as your elected official that answers will be found. Until such time, speculation will be ignored. As it stands, Lord Vader is our Emperor. And thank the heavens he is alive to lead us in this time of peril."

Rhil concluded his speech as several reporters rose their hands. He nodded toward one. "You say the Oversight Committee is working with the ISB in an investigation toward the legitimacy of the First Order Navy. If it is found that Lord Vader has indeed used illegal channels and has broken his own laws, what power does the Senate have to convict him?"

"Great question." Rhil acknowledged. "Lord Vader is head of all branches of government. He is our leader. Conviction is not is not in consideration. Instead, this First Order Navy will be absorbed into the Imperial Army."

Another raised their hand. "Will it not be absorbed if the investigation turns up nothing?"

"I don't know." Rhil answered. "The Senate has yet to hear from Lord Vader personally."

"When can we expect his return? Do you even know where he is?"

Rhil frowned. "The Emperor has assumed the role of Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy and is now on the front lines fighting to keep the peace he has worked so hard to create." The Senator snapped. "Know this: even as our people protest in the streets, as you all stand before me with accusations of the Emperor's foul play, you have failed to consider the possibility of the legal commission of this First Order Navy. Though, I should think your focus is better left on the traitors who have massacred our people. This Shadow Council and their rebellious friends pose a much greater threat to us than what may very well be a legal, private military fighting for us."

The angry reporter simply sat down and another spoke up. "Can you tell us what exactly this investigation entails?"

"At this time, I am unable to disclose information of this nature." Rhil pointed to the next.

"Is there a planned retaliation against the Rebel's attack on NahJedha?"

"Inquiries of military operations will be directed to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Though I should hope a retaliatory operation to be swift and just."

Another spoke. "Can you tell us what the implications are? Is this open warfare?"

"At this time, a declaration has not been issued by the Emperor. An appeal has been submitted to the Senate by the ISB to oversee a committee and enact Preemptive Defensive Mobilizations Act under the pretense of apparent acts of war committed by the Shadow Council and the Rebel Alliance." Rhil articulated. "All members of the Senate have been called to a mandatory emergency session of Congress."

"What of the Prince?" Asked another. "The Immediate Emergency Action clause in the Preemptive Defense Mobilizations Act states that the Imperial Prince has the lawful right to declare war in the event that the Emperor or the Supreme Commander has become incapacitated or missing."

"Again, at this time, a declaration of war has not been issued."

"Earlier, you said the Emperor has assumed Lord Starkiller's position. Does this mean a replacement will not be appointed?"

"Several potential candidates are under consideration. Unless the Senate and High Command including the Joint Chiefs can unanimously agree on a single candidate, Lord Vader will approve one personally." Rhil answered. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must turn the podium to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thank you for your questions."

Rhil ignored the sudden ruckus of the press asking questions simultaneously and returned to Gant's side. The veteran Senator pat Rhil's shoulder. "You did well."

The younger Senator released a pent up breath.

"Indeed, Senator Coven. We look forward to hear of dissipating violence on the streets after your speech." The ghostly voice of Thrawn chimed.

Rhil and Gant turned the decorated war hero. "Grand Admiral." Gant nodded to the Chiss.

"Senator Railen. We have you to thank for the lack of violent demonstrations on Anaxes. The Emperor is grateful for your display of leadership and loyalty."

"Thank you, Grand Admiral." Gant Railen again nodded.

"What will you tell them?" Rhil asked the Admiral.

Thrawn glanced over Rhil Coven's shoulder toward the empty podium. "Advocate the Emperor's orders. If you'll excuse me, gentleman."

Briskly walking between the two Senators with hands clasped behind his back, the Grand Admiral took the stage and reporters fell silent. "The Emperor has informed the High Council to formally disband the ISB and the Senate Intelligence Committee."

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First Order stormtroopers swarmed the ISB HQ, blaster barrels smoking from combat.

Central Commander Sollaine could only watch as the sleek soldiers piled into his command room, gunning down any who so much as reached for their weapons.

Behind them entered a commanding officer, pistol trained on the Commander.

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"As we speak, Lord Vader's First Order has launched an assault on the Bureau with orders to execute Central Commander Sollaine on charges of treason, collusion with the Shadow Council, disclosing Imperial Security measures and intelligence to a criminal entity."

The press room was seized by stunned silence.

"Any and all traitors to our Emperor's Imperial Law will be hunted down and executed without prejudice." Thrawn continued. "As of now, Select members of High Command and the HCSF, including myself will be granted all legislative power of the Senate while it's members are meticulously investigated. Lord Vader urges his colleagues in the Senate to comply. Expedition of this matter is of dire importance in order to restore the Senate's power so delegations may resume unhindered. This means all investigations into the First Order Initiative are to cease immediately until further notice."

Everyone, including Rhil and Gant were too stunned to speak. Though one thing seemed to be realized completely.

Darth Vader just declared war on his own government. That government would surely fight back.

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Outer Rim

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Awareness came screaming to Luke Skywalker and his eyes opened, vision flooded with dim light illuminating a stale, gray room. The Force pulsed with fear.

He was on his feet. His hand reached instinctively for the lightsaber that wasn't there.

He heaved a panicked breath, his danger sense flaring in the Force.

"Y-your Highness?"

Luke's gaze snapped toward a young man, slowly standing with a concerned look as he set down a datapad.

He took a step forward and Luke took a step back.

The young man was suddenly seized by an invisible energy, feet dangling from nearly a yard above the ground while his eyes bulged and his fingers clawed at his neck.

The sound of boots against the floor made the confused Prince's panic heighten. Several more men ran into what seemed to be a medium sized medical bay. Each of them seemed shocked at the spectacle before them. "Woah, woah!" One man - a teenager - warily shouted, slowly stepping forward with his hands out. "Just... put him down and-"

"Where is she!?" Luke hissed.

The man's head tilted in slight confusion. "Who?"

Luke sneered and tightened his grip on the young man in midair. He quickly flew toward the Prince's mechanical hand and Luke gracefully spun his hostage around, arm keeping him in a choke hold. He yanked the pistol from the man's holster.

"Hey- woah, just calm down!" The obvious leader took a very cautious step forward, only to find Luke's pistol aimed right at him. He stopped. "Wait... there's no need for anybody to get hurt..."

"I asked you a question." Luke's voice dipped threateningly. "Where is she?"

"Sir, I don't know who you're talking about!" The man pleaded.

Luke eased just a bit as his thoughts began to sort themselves out. He took another glance around the room, recognizing Imperial design and then remembering that not all Imperials were friendly. Not anymore... "Where am I?"

The leader stepped forward, and Luke straightened his arm, finger resting on the trigger while his thumb switched the safety off. "Okay... you're in the Imperial Academy in Eriadu City." The man informed. "You crash landed here about a week ago."

His memories came back to him, the battle and his hunt for vengeance.

And the Shadow Council.

"Eriadu?" Luke repeated. "Why am I in the Academy? Warlord Tiess and the 807'th are stationed here under Baron Tarkin's orders..." Luke shook his head of the million friendly people that should be on this planet. "Why am I here?"

The group's leader sighed lightly. "Imperial Transmissions have been jammed. Warlord Tiess betrayed the Baron... and attacked the Academies. He's dead."

Luke's eyes widened a bit. "What? Tiess is one of them?"

"One of... who?"

Luke released the young man he held hostage, shoving him forward. He stumbled and coughed and the leader ran up to him to check his vitals.

Luke's jaw tensed at the news. "The Shadow Council." He bitterly stated. The teenager's head tilted in confusion, but held his questions. "What's your name?"

The leader stood while the rest of the group carried the battered young man to a bed. "Xav- Xav'kri." The leader answered.

"And your role here?"

"I..." Xav's eyes went to the ground. "I guess I'm the ranking officer now. Cadet Squad Captain."

Luke sighed. "Cadets... all of your commanders were killed?" His voice softened.

"Yes... Sir." Xav quietly answered. "Seventy-eight cadets survived the attack... Tiess's troopers haven't found us yet, we've locked down the med sector." He informed. "But it's only a matter of time before they find us and break in. We... don't have the numbers or the munitions to fend them off."

Luke contemplated this for a moment. "What are we up against?"

"I don't know." Xav answered honestly. "Everything happened so... fast." He took a shaky breath. "I've heard rumors that the surviving members of the Baron's Cabinet found shelter with the Tarkins in their family compound... but nobody has been able to alert the Grand Moff."

Luke could piece together the rest. The Imperial Garrison was wiped out from inside and Tiess probably had reinforcements from off world as well. Eriadu was now in the hands of the Shadow Council.

"And my ship?"

"Hidden." Xav answered. "With the medical frigate in a sealed hangar. But it's damaged, not flight worthy."

Of course it wasn't... "For now." Luke murmured. For a moment, he gathered his thoughts and scanned himself. His shoulder was wrapped in a bandage, though nothing seemed to be broken. A puncture wound that went clean through. He flexed that hand, finding that if he ignored the pain, he still had full functionality. The nervosensors on his prosthetic were on the fritz, it seemed. He could only 'feel' three fingers though they all responded to his command.

His injuries were nothing detrimental, only minor inconveniences. And he felt an incredible urgency to get off of this planet... not because of the danger he was in, but because of the uncertainty pulsing through the bond he shared with Leia. Such confusion and doubt.

Silently, Luke begged his father not to hurt her...

"What should we do?"

His attention went back to Xav. "Gather the survivors and all the weapons and munitions you can scrounge up."

"We-we're going to fight?" The teen asked incredulously.

"You're soldiers, aren't you?"

"I-...hardly! We're outgunned, outmanned and outmatched!" Xav argued nervously. "They've got a fleet- an entire army out there!"

Luke frowned. "I attended classes in the Imperial Academy on Raithal. It's funny because I don't remember being taught to fear the enemy there." He said in a hard tone.

Xav stuttered over his words for a moment.

"Must be why I was sent there and not here." Luke sensed the indignant pride swell in Xav. Academic rivalries were still as potent as he remembered.

Xav straightened his back and saluted. "Yes, Sir."

The Prince smirked. "Good." Luke grabbed his tunic and pushed his arms through, buttoning it up. "I want a team of the most skilled cadets ready for combat in one standard hour." He ordered Xav. "And a layout of the facility immediately." He pulled on his boots, standing to find the Cadets still staring at him like lost puppies. He could sense their fear, and it wasn't for him. It was clear that they'd seen things they weren't ready for... lost friends, mentors and even brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, academic rivalry wasn't enough to wipe away what they'd endured...

Luke walked toward Xav, the rest of the Cadets, a group of boys ranging from the age of thirteen to sixteen moved in with their leader. "We're at war now, Squad Captain." Luke roughly poked Xav's shoulder, managing to intimidate the teen even though he was a bit taller and bigger than Luke. "Any hesitation can cost you your life or the lives of these Cadets in your command. You were given orders. I expect you to carry them out swiftly and thoroughly as the men on my fleet would. All of you." He scanned the whole group. "Now get to work."

Xav blinked in surprise at how stern Luke's voice was. "Uh- yes... your Highness."


The entire group clicked their heels in salute and exited the room, leaving Luke alone with the barely conscious kid he choked.

Luke shook his head lightly, purging his guilt and glancing down at the pistol in his hand. He walked back over to his bed, on the table next to it sat the two broken lightsabers...

The Force seemed to darken as his anger rose at the sight of Starkiller's weapon, crumpled and mangled. Luke picked it up, pulling the casing off forcefully and holding the half shard that remained between his thumb and index finger.

His own burnt saber floated into the air disassembled itself. The broken crystals hung in the air in front of him.

And then Starkiller's crystal came together with one half of Luke's, the pieces settled in their chamber and the lightsaber closed around them.

It seemed fitting to him to use half of Starkiller's crystal. Now, every time the lightsaber was needed, he'd always have Starkiller helping him, able to call on his fallen brother's darkness whenever he needed it.

And he had a feeling he would need it very soon if he was to survive and escape this doomed planet.

And to kill the man responsible for ripping Starkiller from him.

The Prince glanced slightly up and turned...

He could feel C-28. But he wasn't here. The whole purpose for his defiance, the reason he was in this situation to begin with. His revenge was once again delayed.

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Mos Eisley, Tattooine

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The Jedi's footprints left puffs of dust in the air, rising into the dry, arid air and lingering while he continued on; a sign that the aging man was becoming tired out by the heat. It wouldn't have been hard to notice that his companion was a droid based on the stiff, nearly unmoving posture it held as it dragged it's feet through the sand. The odd pair of C-3PO and Obi Wan Kenobi trudged through the narrow streets of Mos Eisley.

Agent 13 kept a safe distance. Unlike Kenobi, his steps were lighter. He didn't leave a trail of rising dust as the droid did. He was unassuming and put off very little presence; a trait he'd spent years perfecting. Not even the Jedi Master was aware of his presence.

Following Kenobi through the streets, the Jedi lead the Agent into a hangar bay where a ship Agent 13 easily recognized sat grounded.

13 silently cursed with a scowl on his face. He had assets everywhere, powerful allies who owed him a great deal of favors. That ship, the Millennium Falcon, while nothing special on the surface was in fact, a famously evasive ship. And very fast. And rumor had it that her pilot, Han Solo, was being closely watched by her.

A woman with such reputation that even the Security Force flagged her as a person of interest to watch closely, the ISB wanted to recruit her and the Inquisitorius wanted her head.

Dostra: Demon Witch of the Black Sun. A Force Sensitive Dathomirian who was once trained by the Inquisitorius... and once trained by Agent 13 himself when he was undercover for COMPNOR, infiltrating the Black Sun. Back then, he went by the name Raviont and earned the title Ghost Shooter as nobody ever saw him assassinate a single person.

She rivaled Agent 13's accuracy. It was said that the Demon Witch and the Ghost Shooter were the two most deadly snipers in the Galaxy.

And she hated him. Admittedly for good reason.

13 pulled back around a corner and pulled a sleeve up, pressing a few buttons on a subtle gauntlet on his wrist. He didn't have his rifle. Such a disadvantage posed a grave threat to him. Though he wasn't here to fight, he had to believe the possibility was a real threat should he reveal himself. His gauntlet synced up with the Falcon's navicomputer, and then he turned away from the hangar.

Now was not the time to be fighting.

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Thank you all for the support :). Updates will be kind of staggered unfortunately due to life, but I'll pump stuff out as quickly as I can.

Rubies - glad you're enjoying this one :). Let me know what you think so far!

Generation Zero - Luke's gotta dog himself out of a hole. Promise it'll get more interesting with him.

I just love the Supremacy. May be a bit soon to introduce it, I admit but I don't care. It's so intimidating and awesome.

I have plans for Obi Wan. He's still pivotal in this story and I enjoy his character a lot.

Lyn - Hopefully it stays good ;)