14 Jan 2018

Gentle Reader,

One year ago, I discovered "Alphabetical Anthology" by Seosh, a treasure trove of verse written for the twenty-six days leading to the premiere of Fifty Shades Darker. The poems are still on this site. I encourage you to read and enjoy Seosh's poetic take on our favorite couple.

I'm certainly no poet, but Seosh inspired me to do something of my own in celebration of Fifty Shades Freed. The result is twenty-six outtakes from "The Lucky Ones."

These aren't chapter updates, just short vignettes resulting from word sprints written in April and July, 2017. These are scenes I decided not to use, either because they would not fit my timeline or did not add significantly to the plot. Please note that the passages vary greatly in length. They are not in sequential order.

If you follow TLO, there are a few spoilers sprinkled throughout, so beware. If you are not a follower of TLO, please jump in and read. No prior knowledge is necessary to enjoy Ana and Christian.

Thank you for your reviews. They are my payday, and I appreciate the time you take to write them. Your input is important to me.

All the best,



A is for APPLES


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Today we make the annual pilgrimage to my grandparents' orchard in the Wenatchee Valley. While Ana and Katherine have visited my grandparents before, and toured the orchard, this Trevelyan-Grey tradition is a first for them.

We could drive the distance in two and a half hours, but why drive, subjecting Ana to a long trip, when Charlie Tango can get us there in a half hour? My EC-135 seats seven, so it's the perfect size. Sawyer dropped us off at the airport, while Taylor, Gail, and Sophie left earlier, enabling them to arrive ahead of us.

"I can tell from the change in terrain—we're getting close." I hear anticipation in Ana's voice. She's in the front passenger seat, and she's the only one wearing cans. This is by my design, so she and I can easily converse in privacy.

"ETA is about five minutes. Someone's excited about cider."

"I know this isn't a big deal to you, Mr. Grey, but I haven't been apple picking since my fifth grade field trip."

"If you're happy, I'm happy." She has no idea how important her happiness is.

"Think of all the money we'll save by putting up our own food," Ana says.

"Perhaps for Christmas, I'll get you a subscription to the Penny Pincher," I offer.

Ana rolls her eyes and giggles. My wife is adorable.

"Contributing to the family coffer is important to me, and frugality is one way I can do that. Once the baby arrives and I cut back to part-time at the station, I won't be getting much of a paycheck. And I enjoy putting up food. It's quite satisfying."

"I do love your domesticity, Mrs. Grey," I wink at her. She beams in return. Until Ana, I never realized I had such a traditional nature.

I land Charlie Tango in my customary spot, the expansive front yard of my grandparents' home.

The orchard has been in Grandmother's family for over a hundred years. She was born and raised here. My grandparents met, married, and raised a family in Seattle. Grandmother inherited the farm about the time I was adopted, and wanting to move back to the country, Grandfather sold his CPA practice and became a farmer.

Trevelyan Certified Organic Farms has been a leader in progressive farming. It was the first orchard to earn certification as organic, and even at his advanced age, Grandfather is constantly trying new varieties of apples, pears, and plums. He also grows several types of garlic. He has hired help, of course, because it's too much for him to handle alone.

For six weeks each year, the farm is open to the public as a U-pick. It's tradition for our family to visit the weekend before the public descends upon the place. As soon as Ana learned she would have access to apples, pears, and plums, she ordered the largest capacity food dehydrator she could find. She and Gail have big plans to make plum jelly and apple butter.

Today we'll pick fruit and press cider. Grandmother, with the help of her housekeeper, Myra, will serve lunch. Out of respect for my grandparents, I've always done my best to attend this event, but this is the first time since I was small, that I've actually wanted to attend. Ana's enthusiasm fuels mine.

Since Ana is fourteen weeks along, I broached the subject of revealing our pregnancy to my parents and grandparents today. I'm bursting to make an announcement, since my wish that Mia or Elliot might spill the beans has gone unfulfilled.

Ana has argued against any announcement, as she'd like Ray to be there, so we can tell everyone all at once. She also wants to wait until she's beginning to show before we tell anyone.

I love running my hand over the hard mound forming just above her pubic bone. The thrill of our pregnancy grows with each passing day. I'm in awe of the miracle we've created. Ana has been a bit tired during these early weeks of pregnancy, but she has felt well and experienced no morning sickness.

Because apple orchards tend to be muddy places this time of year, we've brought rubber boots for trekking about.

"I want to help you with your boots. Let me put mine on first," I tell Ana.

"Think I can't pull on wellies?" She scoffs, rolling her eyes, letting loose that sexy giggle of hers.

"It's not that. I just want to help you. You're my wife." The unstated and understood message between Ana and me is a simple one. She's my pregnant wife, and I desire to pamper her.

"Yes, sir," she says, and gives me a winsome, flirty smile.

"You two are the cutest things," Grandmother says. "Aren't they the cutest, Theo?"

"Took the words right out of my mouth. The cutest." Grandfather pulls a rusty, red wagon over to us. "Here you go, kids."

"Is that what we put our apples in?" Ana asks, pushing against me to assist with her boots. "We'll have to make several trips for what I have planned."

"You're ambitious. baby. I like that. We'll have plenty of fruit. We'll get those tall white buckets, and set them inside the wagon." I point at the stacks of buckets next to a large shed. "That way we can gather more apples, and keep the varieties separated. How do your boots feel?"

I extend my hand to her and she reaches for it. Her hand in mine always feels right.

"Comfy. I'm ready to pick apples."

Hand in hand we enter a world which holds my happiest childhood memories. Grandfather has loaded our wagon with buckets. I pull the red wagon behind me, exactly as I have in years past, but this time it's different. All because of Ana.

"I love this Grey family tradition. Let's do this every year."

My heart swells at the thought of bringing our children apple picking each fall. My favorite childhood memory can also become theirs.

"Absolutely. You make me very happy, Mrs. Grey. If you want to make me even happier, please let me tell everyone about the baby." I give her sad eyes and put on the biggest pout I can muster.

"Please don't do that. You know what your sulky face does to me. You're not playing fair. Dad's not here, and I'd like to tell everyone all at once. Greys, Kavanaghs, and Dad. Make a special occasion of it. And I thought we'd pass out the sonogram cards."

"We can still pass out the cards. I brought them with me."

"Of course you did. You were planning this all along, weren't you?"

Uh-oh. Busted.

"Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't." I pull another pouty face. This face and my dick are the only things that work against Anastasia's considerable resolve. "We can have Dana and Eamon over for dinner sometime this week, then visit Ray next weekend. Please, baby. Please."

Ana surveys the ground, shifts her feet, and twirls a lock of hair. She's considering my proposal.

She looks up. I resume my long face.

It's working. She's about to yield.

"Oh, alright. But first we need to fill up these buckets. You can tell everyone later, before the cider pressing. Just please stick to what we talked about. I don't want your folks to ever think we got married because I'm knocked up."

"Thank you, baby." I pick her up and twirl her around. God, I love her so much.

I've never picked apples so fast in my life. The picking is easy right now because the trees in the area close to the house haven't been touched yet, and there's plenty of low-hanging fruit.

"Those are huge. Look," Ana directs my attention to some unusually large apples at the top of the tree. I hoist Ana up on my shoulders, so she can reach them.

"It won't be too long before you'll have a son or daughter on these strong shoulders of yours," she says.

"I can't wait for that, but I hope you'll let me carry you around, too."

"Always," Ana promises.

"C'mon, baby, let's go back to the house and put our feet up." The buckets are full, and we have three varieties: Fuji, Gala, and Granny Smith.

"Do we have enough?" Ana asks.

"If you and Gail decide you need more, we'll put in an order with Grandfather. I want to go inside and snuggle up to my beautiful wife, but first let's retrieve those sonogram cards."

As we walk out to Charlie Tango, Ana stops, stretches, and reaches her arms skyward. She draws in a deep breath, filling her lungs with fresh country air.

"Everything is so clean and sweet and quiet. I love it here," she says. "The yard, the orchard, the house. Feels like a million miles from Seattle."

"I love it, too. The orchard has always been my happy place. But the house is a bit of a disaster, don't you think?"

"You and I have different ideas about houses. I love the drafty windows, the creaks and groans. Uneven floor boards hold a certain charm for me." Anastasia can make anything sound wonderful.

I find the cards right where I left them, in the front pocket of the bag.

"You've never spent the night here. Baby, the radiators talk to each other, they're so damned loud." When I was small, the house frightened me. Elliot didn't help by telling me it was haunted.

"Really? See if you can wrangle us an invitation to sleep over. I'd like to experience that."

"You're crazy, baby." She really must be crazy to tether herself to me. I hand her the cards. "I'll drop hints to Grams."

We slip off our boots and leave them on the porch.

"I don't like these heavy woolen socks you talked me into wearing." Ana peels off the socks and stuffs them into the boots.

"I want your toes warm and dry."

"You'll be one overprotective father, and I love you for it." Ana slides her hands up into my hair, giving it a gentle tug. She favors me with a soft kiss.

The house is empty save Myra, the housekeeper. She brings us glasses of ice water, which we sip while listening to Nat King Cole on the old hi-fi. Gramps' vinyl collection is older than Mother, and she was born in '57.

Ana and I stretch out on the family room sofa, with Ana on top. Her warm weight is a welcome blanket. We make out for a few minutes, then share the comfort of each other's arms, listening to the music. Ana's breathing slows, in turn slowing my own.

Suddenly I hear voices, and pull myself out of a half-sleep. Ana snores softly and stirs restlessly, rubbing her tiny baby bump against my hard dick.

"Gram, you know they probably boned right there on your sofa. I'm not going near that spot until Myra takes the Lysol to it." Elliot can be such an asshole.

"I wouldn't put it past your brother to do such a thing, but Ana would never." And now Katherine has to pile on, throwing in her two cents.

"Banana has turned into just as much of a horndog as Chrissy. Those two never stop." Well, now that my erection has been completely extinguished, I suppose I can get up.

"You all be quiet. I want more photos, before they wake. Don't they look precious together?" Mom and her photos. She never stops, and I secretly love it. I hope she sends me copies of these.

"I'm awake," I say. My entire family is standing over us.

Ana groans and her eyes flutter open to meet mine.

"Look, baby, we have company."

"Did we miss the cider pressing?" Ana speaks in a croaky, drowsy drawl. It's the way she sounds in the morning just after waking. It's such a turn-on.

"No," Mother answers. "We wouldn't do that without you two."

Ana rolls off me, sits up, and pulls my feet into her lap. She massages my feet, and everyone stares at her, mouths agape.

"Is it really so strange that a wife would rub her husband's feet?" I ask.

"No, I guess not," Mia answers. "It's only strange when the feet are yours. You've never liked anyone touching your shoes, much less your feet."

Does my family really think I'm so strange? Since Ana came into my life, I'm completely normal.

I sit up and pull Ana onto my lap. It's time for our big announcement.

"Have a seat. I need everyone's attention." Katherine and Elliot plop down next to us. So much for not wanting to touch the sofa. Dickhead Lelliot.

I wait, while everyone finds a spot. This will be news only to Mother, Dad, Grandmother, Grandfather, and Sophie. Taylor, Gail, Mia, Katherine, and Elliot have known since early days, but now they can speak freely about it.

Sophie pulls an ottoman over to Ana and me. She peers up expectantly.

"Sophie, would you please be our helper and pass these out?" Ana holds the envelopes out to Sophie.

"Sure, Ana. I'd love to help." Sophie hops up to quickly distribute the cards. Each card has a sonogram photo, edited to remove dates and measurements. The message says: Ana and Christian Grey are pleased to announce the arrival of Baby Grey in late February 2012.

"Anastasia and I have some important news. Sophie is handing out envelopes. Don't open them until I tell you to, please." I wish I had a trumpet to blow or a drum to roll. I take a deep breath.

"The envelopes are all gone, Mr. Grey." Sweet little Sophie is so earnest and proud of herself.

"Okay, open the envelopes."

"Oh, my goodness. Does this mean…" Mother is completely surprised.

"Yes, Mother. We're expecting a baby," I confirm. I love saying it out loud.

"A baby!" My mother is on her feet, and practically knocks over little Sophie in an effort to hug Ana and me. "Did you hear that, Carrick?"

"I guess you can call me Grandpa now," Dad looks around at the rest of the family. "You all don't seem surprised."

"None of us should be surprised," Elliot offers. "Lil Bro did announce his intention of keeping Banana barefoot and pregnant for the next two decades." Elliot, Katherine, and Mia laugh, pointing at Ana's naked feet.

"Laugh if you must," Ana tells them. "But Christian and I are over the moon about this."

"We know you are, sweetie," Katherine says, her eyes full of love. "And we're thrilled at getting a niece or nephew."

"This means shopping," Mia interjects. "Lots and lots of shopping. When do you find out the gender?"

"We haven't decided whether or not to learn the gender before delivery," I say. Ana wants gender to be a surprise, but how do we plan if we're not in possession of all the facts?

"Pink or blue...I need to know," Mia whines. I feel your pain, little sister. I'll be happy either way, but I'm secretly hoping for blue.

"We're keeping the nursery gender neutral," Ana tells her. "It'll make things easier as we add to our family."

"You two are no fun," Mia huffs, then wraps us in a hug. "But I love you anyway."

"Congrats again, Chrissy. I'm proud of you and your super splooge." Elliot slaps me on the back, then scoops up Ana and swings her around. His face radiates joy and happiness at our good fortune. He's my big brother, and I love him.

"How are you feeling?" Grandmother asks Ana. "You look wonderful, sweetheart."

"Thanks. I feel wonderful," Ana says, as she strokes my hand.

Grandfather pulls me into an embrace, but doesn't say a word. His eyes are filled with tears. He gently ruffles my hair before stepping away.

"Due date! Tell us when this is happening," my mother implores.

"Ana just cleared twelve weeks. End of February." I've shaved two weeks off to satisfy Ana's need for propriety. I can practically see Mother's brain ticking off the weeks, trying to calculate the conception.

"A honeymoon baby!" Mother is very excited. "Did you know you were pregnant at the Mile High?"

"Yes," Ana says, a light blush kissing her cheeks. "We'd just found out." She's a terrible liar.

"Oh, my goodness, I can't begin to tell you how thrilling this is." Mother is beside herself with joy. She can't stop hugging and kissing us, and now has been joined by Grandmother.

"We haven't told my dad or Mama and Papa K, so please keep this to yourselves." Everyone nods in understanding of Ana's request.

"Congratulations, son," Dad pumps my hand, and pulls me over to the window. He lowers his voice. "Did you get married because Ana was pregnant?"

"Absolutely not. We got married because we love each other and want to start a family together. End of story."

Dad's grimaces and scrubs a hand over his face.

"Sorry, son. Old habits die hard."

"I understand why you asked, but my choices are never up for discussion."

Dad nods his head in agreement.

"I love you, son. I'm very proud of you."

Dad and I hug it out. Over the past few weeks I've become completely comfortable with my immediate family putting their hands on my back. Our family unit is a no-bullshit zone, built on mutual trust and respect.

Dad turns to Gramps.

"Got any good stuff around here, Theo? We need to drink to your great grandchild." This child won't be the first Trevelyan great grandchild, but will be the first from the Grey branch.

Not in a million years would anyone have predicted I'd marry, or be the first to give Grace and Carrick Grey a grandchild.

Being so unexpectedly normal gives me great satisfaction.

Anastasia's eyes find mine.

"Happy now, my darling?"

I reach for my Anastasia, and pull her against me. I'll never let her go.

"Baby, with you, the happiness never ends. Let's go press cider."


If you prefer to read the stories in sequential order, here's the list for that:

Sequential Order


Apples 28 Aug

Brother 4 Oct

Halloween 4 Oct & 29 Oct

Quickening 16 Oct

Jar 3 Nov

Luminol 15 Nov

Wishbone 24 Nov

Krispy Kreme 8 Dec


Spinnbarkeit 5 Jan

Daddy 9 May

Eavesdrop 27 Aug

Carla 7 Sep


Valentine 14 Feb

Yours 5 Apr

Zippers 13 Apr

Xerox 7 Aug

Oven 27 Nov


Friendship 23 Jun


Grace 3 Dec


Mia 27 Jan


Intimate 22 Jan

Nativity 5 Oct


Target 24 Oct

Ray 12 Dec


Us 15 Apr


Past 21 Jan