Roni's body was pressed to his as they both tried to wake up, he lifted his long arm and turned off the alarm. It was 8am and both of them had things to do that day, Rogers nuzzled his nose into her hair inhaling her scent of vanilla and apple. After a quick moment he put a small kiss on her neck and whispered softly.

"Good morning Queen."

"Good morning." she rolled herself to face him, "do you think we could stay in bed forever?" she asked, waving her hand into his dark hair.

"We could try." he smiled, kissing her lips.

As they were both busy exploring each others' mouth, his phone rang, filling the room. Roni could swear Rogers' coworkers had some kind of radar and they knew when the couple was busy with themself. Roni pulled herself from him so he could answer the phone.

"Why did you stop?"

"I thought you wanted to answer that?" she answered surprised.

"No, I know why they are calling. They want me to work at Halloween and I don't want to do that." he kissed her neck, "I have other plans for that day."

"Yeah?" she lifted her eyebrow, "what plans do you have then?"

"I want to organize a party, give kids sweets and see you in catwoman costume."

"Catwoman?" she shrugged, "I can be sexy in something else too."

"I know that." he answered with lust in his eyes.

"A party you say…. Well I will think about the costume…. You will be dressed as policeman?" she teased.

"I wish! I could handcuff you… If you were naughty of course." he put his hand on her breast.

"Babe, if we start…" she said, with her eyes half closed.

"We will have to do it quick then." he licked his lips, pulling her shirt off.

Roni was standing behind the bar as Henry entered and sat on the chair in front of her. He had a sad face and she could swear it was because of Jacinda. They were a couple now, Lucy couldn't be more happy about it, but something in his look made Roni doubt about his happiness.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Nothing, how did you know that something happened?"

"I know you. You have that concerned look every time Jacinda is mad at you."

"She is." he took a deep breath, "she told me that she wants to spend Halloween being productive. Like working or at least helping someone so she won't feel like she is running after the crowd."

"What's the problem then?"

"I don't have a job, a real one. I can't make her feel secure." he looked into Roni's eyes, "I should give her that… make her feel safe."

Roni looked at him, she knew he mean it, that he wanted to be a family with Jacinda and Lucy and all he needed was a bit of stability. Roni took a deep breath and after a moment she finally spoke.

"Would you like to work with me?"

"With you? Here?"

"Yes. We could try at Halloween. You and Jacinda will take control of my bar for one night. If I like it and you would like to do this… you're hired."

"You will leave me alone at Halloween? Here?" he asked surprised.

"Yes. Only because I have a date and a party upstairs. You won't be alone, you will have Jacinda and me if you need help." she cleared, "are you in?"

"Of course I'm in!" he jumped from the chair to hug her, "It looks like we're partners now."

"Don't push it Henry!" she smiled.

"Yes boss!" he smiled.

Rogers entered the house after long day at work, he had to do anything to not work at Halloween. He had told his boss that he and his girlfriend had organized a huge party and he can't canceled it, which was basically truth. Rogers put his things on the counter and went to see Roni. She was laying on the bed in her shorts and an oversized shirt. He couldn't believe how that woman could make him horny in one second. He took a step towards her, her eyes were closed so he decided to let her know about his appearance. Rogers cleared his throat and after her sight met his, he smiled to her, licking his lower lip.

"How do you do it?" he asked, pulling her on his lap.

"Do what?" she said, hugging him tight.

"Make me want you… all the time." he answered, licking her pulse point.

"We can't do this now…" she answered.

"Why? You don't want to?"

"Oh I want to so badly, but my boyfriend wanted to make a party. We have two days and he didn't even tell me what kind of party it is."

"A normal one with dancing, alcohol and…" he answered with surprise written on his face.

"It's Halloween… It can't be 'normal'. Maybe something about fairy tales?" she asked.

"But there isn't any catwoman in fairy tales" he shrugged.

"I told you… I can be sexy in many costumes other than catwoman." she kissed his lips.

"You can be sexy also without it…" he smiled, lifting his hand to her shorts.

"Yes," she pulled his hand away, "but now we have some shopping to do!" she said, standing up, "give me a sec, I will change and then we can go."

Rogers threw himself on the bed where only seconds ago he had admired Roni's beauty. He knew that her idea was a hundred times better than his, but wasn't in a mood for shopping and all that stuff. He wanted his party to appear magically when he needed it. He lifted his body up to see Roni at the door, she was already dressed and ready to leave.

When they finally finished all that shopping, Rogers sat on the sofa trying to catch his breath. He had felt weird since they had left the house, he was sweating, his breathing was heavy and he could swear he had a fever. Rogers hadn't said anything to Roni, she was so happy when they were walking through the alleys with Halloween stuff. Rogers closed his eyes and took a deep breath again.

"Babe." Roni started, "are you okay?" she touched his forehead.

"Yes, I'm just tired." he smiled.

"We should go to the doctor, you are burning up."

"I don't need a doctor, I'll help you decorate the house first." he said, trying to stand up.

Rogers stood up, but after a second his heavy body collapsed on the sofa. Roni tried to help him, but the only thing she could do was put him on the sofa and bring blankets to cover him. After a moment she picked up the phone and reached Roger's doctor. He told her he would drop by on his way home.

"It's the flu. A week at home and you will be totally fine." the doctor said, giving Roni a description for the meds.

"I can't stay at home, we have a party here tomorrow!" Rogers tried to protest.

"You wouldn't stand ten minutes on your feet… No Halloween this year." the doctor said, leaving the room.

"Be good and stay here okay? I'll go to the pharmacy and let people know there is no party tomorrow."


"No buts, my dear."

"Roni!" he shouted, "can we at least give candies to the kids? I promise I won't leave the sofa."

"Yes. We can do it." she smiled.


Rogers was sitting on the sofa with a pillow behind his back. He felt a lot better than yesterday, but Roni still wouldn't let him stand up and give the sweets away. She was opening the door and greeting every kid who knocked to their door. She wasn't in her costume yet, but she told Rogers that it was the best costume she had ever had. He also wore his, leather pants, a dark red west and a hook looked good on him and Roni regretted she couldn't take it off from him.

"I'm going to change. Pick a movie and I will make popcorns." she said, standing up from sofa.

"Aye!" he smiled to her.

Rogers put all the pillows at the floor so Roni could sit with him, he couldn't wait to see her costume, he had been curious since the day she took it home from the shop. It wasn't large so it wasn't a Snow White one or a Sleeping Beauty one. He wanted to see her so desperately that he was just about to leave his sofa to get her.

"What do you think?" she asked, before he moved.

Rogers couldn't stop staring at her, she wore a corset with a lot of sparkly stones on it and colors from the dark feathers, a pair of tight red trousers were showing her amazing butt and a big silver-red necklace brought his sight on her breasts. She had pinned up her hair and had put on dark makeup. For a moment Rogers had to focus on breathing, she was so sexy that his mind just wandered somewhere else and he couldn't say a word.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"I don't know which costume is that, but I want to tear it from you! Now!" he said, licking his lips.

"I'm the Evil Queen, well the modern version of it. How do you like it?" she asked, biting her lip.

"If I knew hot Evil Queens are… I would have become a pirate a long time ago." he smirked.

"We'll see how it will go. For now you are too sick to be pirate." she said, giving him some meds.

They were sitting together on a large sofa, but got interrupted by a ring and kids shouting 'Trick or treat'. Rogers loved kids, he thought that at his age he would have at least one, but until then he hadn't found the right girl. When the sound of the ring filled the room, Roni stood up again and reached to the large ball of sweets they had prepared. All of the sweets were for their party, but they wouldn't be needed as the party was canceled. Roni opened the door with a smile on her face, Rogers looked at her from his spot on the sofa. She was so natural with kids, the way they talked with her made him feel she would be an amazing mother. When Roni closed the door behind a cute girl in a ballerina dress, Rogers decided to go with the flow.

"Would you like to have kids?" he asked right away when she sat on the couch.

Roni slowly turned her head towards him, at once her eyes filled with tears and after a second one of them fell on her pants. Pain was written on her face and for a moment Rogers didn't know what he had done wrong.

"I... have to go to the bathroom." she whispered.

"Roni!" he shouted, "I'm sorry."

Rogers lifted his body from the sofa, he was still weak, but he didn't want to wait for Roni to come back. He had screwed something up and he didn't even know what. He walked slowly to the bathroom and after a moment, knocked to the door. At first he didn't hear anything, but when he put his ear on the door he heard Roni's cries.

"Roni, I'm sorry. Please come here. I want to know what I did wrong. Please." he begged under the bathroom doors.

"You didn't do anything wrong." she said, opening the door, "it's just… I don't know if we can be together." she said, looking into his eyes.

Roni sat on the sofa again, she had brought some tissues with her and from time to time a tear fell onto her cheek. Rogers sat next to her, but not to close, the thing she had said scared him and he didn't know how to deal with it. He was scared to lose her, Rogers wished he had never asked his question.

"I'm so sorry Roni. I don't want to lose you."

"It's not that. After what I will say… you will want to leave me."

"I would never leave you!" he almost screamed.

"You want to have kids and I can't give you them Rogers. I'm barren." she whispered with her eyes focusing on the floor.

Rogers pulled her to his body, he rolled her on his laps and hold her tight till the last spasm of cry let out of her. He caressed her back with one hand and tried not to hurt her with the fake hook on the other.

"I want you Roni." he whispered, "I always wanted you. We can adopt a child."

"But it won't be yours." she sniffed.

"No, it will be ours, if you don't want to adopt one we can have a dog or cat. We can do whatever you want Roni, but never say that we can't be together again, okay?" he touched her nose with his.

"I promise." she said, kissing him softly. "you really want to know what I have under this costume?" she bit her lower lip.

"I've dreamt about it since the moment you walked in."

"So I think Halloween is over for us… Or you are too weak because of the flu?"

"I can handle it, my Queen." he smiled, "here or in bed?"

"In bed?" she licked her lips.

"Aye my Queen! Your wish is my command." he smirked, lifting her up and carrying her to the bedroom.