Disclaimer: I do not own Blue Exorcist or Soul Eater

A/N: I just finished the last Authors not and then it was freaking deleted. i am horrible with Androids. so just a quick hit, i wont be publishing much since i have no phone and i hate my mom's phone. enjoy

If there was one thing Maka especially hated about sharing an apartment or a room, it's the snoring. It's bad enough that Soul snores loud, but Black*Star is extremely loud. He could win a snoring contest if there was one. Damn him. She did feel lucky though to bunk a bed with Tsubaki while the two boys slept on the other bunk beds. She didn't mind having the bottom, so she won't wake up anyone.

Being the first one up (usually), she stood from her bed she rested, standing up to see the others remaining to sleep. Black*Star especially looks comfortable by the way he's positioned: butt in the air, drooling on the edge. Yep, very cozy. Soul looked to be the same as he usually is when he's dreaming. His mouth was open and drooling as well, but not in a way where it could make a river like his friend from above. He must be eating souls in his dream again. Tsubaki was as Maka predicted: sleeping quietly, mouth closed, and innocent. Around this time back at home, either she or Blair would make breakfast for three. Now she'll have to work extra to make it a four breakfast meal.

Before the day came for their arrival at True Cross, Maka was able to pack some snacks so they wouldn't go hungry. She knew somehow their first day on this mission would be keeping their stomachs distant from any meals. They're lucky to have a microwave already set up in the home they stayed in for their frozen dinners. Still, it was on her to do list to go to the store later for more meals later. This mission wasn't going to be easy.

Hell, their tour for the academy wasn't easy.

It was indeed a surprise to Maka with the Okumura brothers being twins. The moment she met Yukio, he looked like an adult. In an instant, she respected him. It seemed as if they had an understanding with each other, like they knew their struggles in their lives even if they're not in the same situations. His soul was indeed a pleasure to look at with his maturity level so high just like her's. His brother, Rin, was… something else… Well one word to describe him was lazy. He barely gave detail of the academy, looked mostly bored. He was very rude as well, and used so many bad words in his language. And yet she though Black*Star was bad at behaving.

His soul was odd, however. It was kinds of mixed up stuff, but she can't quite put her finger on it. It appears to be human, but there's something there that gives Maka a sense he isn't. It reminded her of when they were battling against Free, the legendary werewolf man, how mixed up his soul was with witch's powers, werewolf abilities, etc. Maybe it's his temper. She could see it, and it looks pretty bad. It reminded her of that alien character from 'Lilo and Stitch', when Lilo was explaining Stitch's badness level. It's also sarcasm she sees, and him showing it off really pissed her off. It was very offending when he called them kids when he acts like one himself. Already it's day one, and she doesn't like him.

But still, his soul… it's…


She became startled at the sound. Then she heard Black*Star groaning from his pillow.

"Someone, shut their stupid ass phone down." He mumbled, not opening his eyes or removing his cheek from the pillow.

Maka glared at him. "Oh shush! It's probably Lord Death calling us." she said.

He snorts. "You know, you don't have to be so formal Maka. It's only 'Kid'."

"I know, but as the new leader of Death Weapon Meister Academy, we have to pay our respects towards Kid. You know how sensitive it's been since Lord Death passed away."

It was still an aching moment to think about. Once Kid had told them Lord Death was gone, the world became dead. It was gray, and everything that moved seemed only dead. It's especially hard on Kid as his father is now forever gone, and has no one to looked up to anymore. Yes, her father, Spirit, and the staff have come to guide him. It still hurt him everyday going into the Death room without seeing that cheery grim reaper there to greet his son to have a good day.

She heard Soul shift from his bed with a chuckle. "He even tell us to still call him Kid, Maka. No need to be like that when he's around. He's still our friend."

'Our friend, who needs us to support him, and let him know we're here,' she thought.

"That damn buzzing…" Black*Star began to whine.

Maka stood up, already irritated in the morning, and walked to her bag to find the mirror she brought in order to call their grim reaper. At the time she began digging through the bag, Tsubaki was already greeting to them a good morning. As she pulled it out, it was glowing, barely showing of whom it was that called her. Damnit Blair. Maka decided then not to let the cat ever pack her stuff when she's heading off. She used the ends of her shirt to clear the fog away. Once it was easy to see, the hair of pink became familiar, and pleased her with who called her.

"H-Hey, Maka."

"Good morning, Crona." She smiled at the nervous boy, her tone becoming more chiper and innocent. She waved at him, as he did the same. "How are you doing on your own?"

"O-oh, I'm uh…" No matter how long they've been friends, Crona will always be a little nervous around her and the others. Soul saw the pink hair meister through the mirror, and waved at him. Crona waved back.

They were always side by side when it came to missions - as Maka is the only friend he trusts more - but this was the first they were far away. Maka does admit when she told him she'll be gone for a while, it made her nervous. How was he gonna do without her? Will he make it through the classes without getting into a fight he doesn't know how to deal with? Thankfully, Liz, Patty, and Kid promise to keep an eye on him, and help out.

Suddenly, his back began to move, and black liquid appeared to pop out. Along comes a head of black and white, with a face that's mean yet adorable. "Goo pi pi! That ain't any of your damn business, girly!"

No matter the insult, Maka was pleased to see him. "Hi there, little Ragnarok." She grinned, knowing that would piss off the little bulb.

He growled at her, Crona whimpering underneath him. "You shut it, you ugly cow! Die!"

With the voice that loud, Tsubaki just had to step in next to Maka with her smile. "Hello you two." She says.

Ragnarok's voice let out a yelp, one which is adorable, and says, "Well, hello chef Tsubaki!" Crona waves at her. "H-hello.."

She giggles, knowing what the blob of black blood was hoping to see. "Unfortunately I have no snacks to send over yet, but I'll be sure to call to let you know Ragnarok."

He chuckles, in the most weirdest way ever. "Oh, that's alright. I can wait for your tasty treats anyday."

Maka snorted. "Kiss up.."

"You shut it!"

Both girls giggled. Crona tries to hold his in.

"Anyway, how are you doing Crona?" she asks.

"Oh uh…" she shrugs his shoulder a little. "I-I'm alright."

"Is Liz and Patty taking good care of you?"

He nods. Ragnarok then punches his fist over the pink meister's head. "He doesn't need those wimpy babes when he has me!"

Maka twitches her eye at the black blood weapon. "What's that? Getting him into trouble, because you can't learn to take a joke from others?"

He growls at her. "People need to learn what they say when they're around me, damnit!"

"That's no reason to fight the moment you start talking."

"Like you're one to talk."

Crona turns to Maka. "Have you guys f-found out anything about the m-m-murders of those girls?" he asks, hoping their argument will finally fly away. He really doesn't like the fighting, especially when it's between his weapon partner and best friend.

They both shake their heads. "Nothing so far." Tsubaki says. "All we know is that the director of the academy isn't too happy about it."

Maka furrowed her eyebrows together. "I'm not too sure." she said. "He acted as if he wasn't surprised or upset. He creeps me out a little."

Crona knew one thing about Maka that if she's uncomfortable about someone, it's an indication of evilness. How else was she so quick to sense evil when they first met? Even when everyone realized Medusa was a witch, she felt it so fast than ever before. She really is a fascinating meister at the academy.

But that was something else Crona learned. "H-Have you… Have you made a-any new f-f-friends?" He knows not to bring it up when she's like this. At least, not yet.

She didn't give a pleased look. Maka only shrugged her shoulders. "Eh… kinda." she says. "We met a very nice teacher, who's kinda around our age." She smiled when she was talking about Yukio. But then her frown came back. "His brother, not so pleasing."

Crona and Ragnarok only stared at Maka. Tsubaki giggled nervously. "Well I mean.." she says, trying to give something positive on Rin's defense. "He does seem pretty nice, and a little funny."

"I guess, but he's so disrespectful and lazy. When he gave us that tour, he clearly didn't bother giving us something to be impressed by for True Cross academy."

Knowing with Maka's opinion, Tsubaki knew she would get nowhere in letting her reconsider her view on Rin. "I-I guess you're right.."

Suddenly, Ragnarok broke their silence. "Goo pi pi! He sound actually interesting." he says.

Maka wasn't too sure if 'interesting' was the definition of Rin Okumura. He's typically just like any mean guy like Spirit Albarn. But his soul was indeed interesting. It's mostly human, yet there was something else. His soul was ….. What's the word…..

.. Unique?

"Oh no!"

Tsubaki's sudden shrieks made the meisters and black weapon jump, remembering where they were. They turned their attention to see the dark magic weapon looking around their room with a worried expression. It was unsure to them what could be the problem. Once she turned to them, Maka knew something bad was coming to this.

"Where's Soul and Black*Star?!"


When it came to jobs, their time schedules weren't as different from high school mornings. You have to be up and ready by seven, an hour early before work, and not to be late. That's pretty much education and duties for you as an adult. Even if a job is different than attending school, there was one thing Rin was so use to doing at these two activities.

He was always late in the morning.

Yukio probably tried waking him four times, and realized how he's going to be late. So he left his older brother behind to stress himself to death, and get ready. Today wasn't as bad as last week was when he missed the first two periods. Rin had so much work to do that day. It was amazing though he hasn't been called out to have after school stuff or saturday schools - which he's grateful for. Only today, he was running a little behind and was missing the mid of first period.

Kuro was the one who woke him up. All his cat sidhe did was pat his stomach, then scratch his arm to sting him to wake up. It worked. Once he saw the time, he yelled, and ran down the hall putting his clothes on. Ukobach already has breakfast for him, but it was a little cold. That was his own fault for sleeping in. Rin had to eat fast, didn't wish to waste the food that Ukobach worked himself. Wasting meals was indeed a tragedy to the both of them when they see other people waste them. After that, he started to run for the academy.

"Damnit! Damnit! Dammit!" He repeated, continuing to run towards the entrance. "I can't risk anymore tardies! I'll be expelled from cram school for a week!"

While it did sound like a blessing to those who didn't want to attend school, it wasn't with the cram school. The high school isn't too worried as he thought they were when he's tardy. Cram school is, however, mostly because of Yukio. Any late work you have, you better get it done before you go back to the classes if you want to catch up. Even though he's attending the high school first, they'll still let that count.

He could see the entrance close by. "Alright!" he said to himself. "Looks like I won't…" But once he was close, he realized something.

The entrance, when he's late, normally is empty. There were like two or three people who walk around to watch him run, but today was different. A whole crowd of students were at the entrance of the academy. This was new. He blinked, slowing down from the running to walk instead. Looks like he won't be the only one late today.

"What the..?" He said.

He walked down the stairs, and was passing through some of the crowd. Rin noticed how the students weren't moving. All they were doing was stand, and looked up into the air. There was a guess that they probably were having a party, and were still trying to get over some kind of effective hangover. But they didn't look tired or anything. They were just staring in awe.

Before he began to stare in their direction, he found some of his friends from the cram school doing the same thing. Now that was weird. Rin expected Renzo to be doing something like this sometimes - being the goofus and player of the Kyoto trio - but Ryuji and Konekomaru were doing the same thing? Something was wrong.

He poked the Ryuji's shoulder, catching his attention, and then smiled at him. "Hey, what's up?"

The others then saw him. Renzo smiled at him. "Hey, Okumura's early for once." He said.

Rin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, very funny." But then then he blinked. "Wait, early?"

"Yes, it's six thirty." Konekomaru answered. "You're only thirty minutes early."

"I'm guessing you wanted to join in on the fun, huh?" Renzo chuckled. (NOTE: I honestly don't know their time schedule. These are guesses, so please don't be pissed off if it's incorrect. If it's the manga, I never read it. This is based after the BE anime.)

Rin's eye had twitched. That four-eye mole face changed his alarm so he'd actually get ready huh? Totally Yukio related. "Yeah, whatever." He says. "So what's going on?"

"There's some lunatic yelling at the top of the roof." Ryuji answered as he looked back at the roof. "We have no idea what he's saying."

Konekomaru sweated a little as he looked back up. "I hope it's not a suicide he's trying to plan. That's horrible."

Rin agreed with him on that. So that's what's going on? A lunatic on the roof. That was a new event to put in the papers from True Cross academy. He decided to have a look himself. Unlike everyone else, Rin began to hear what the lunatic was saying. Even if his sword is taken and closed up, he still has strong hearing and seeing abilities. Looking up, he saw what appeared was a boy, looked to be young, and had spiky blue hair. He had a star tattoo on his shoulder.

His eyes widened. "Wait. Is that…"


Yep, it was Black*Star.

"Hear before me True Cross academy students!" Rin heard the boy's words loudly, and watched him show posing to the students as if he was a model. "It is I, the great and powerful Black*Star, here to protect you all from the depths of hell! No mortal is powerful enough to defeat me, as I am the one who surpassed the Gods!"

His jaw had fallen, and his eyes were so wide, you couldn't see his blue eyes. Only the pupils were shown. This kid is a lunatic. Yes, he's loud and crazy, but this is insane! The big question that raced to Rin's mind was how did he get up there?

He saw that behind Black*Star was some white hair. It was Soul. God damnit. This is really bad.

"What the hell?" He said. "What are they doing up there?!"

Renzo and Ryuji looked back at the demon boy. "What? You know this guy?" Ryuji asked, blinking at the remark Rin had made from his reaction.

Rin sighed. "He's one of those guests I was suppose to show around. That's why I got called in Mephisto's office."

Renzo snorted, holding in his laughter. "That's kinda random to pick you to show them around, don't you think?"

Rin glared at Renzo's joke. He knows the pink hair aria only is playing around, but he isn't exactly one to do it at a right time. He's already getting a headache because of the fact the two boys are up there. Where the hell is Maka and Tsubaki?

"Okumura." he heard one of them say.

"Yeah, Konekomaru?"

"You have hearing abilities, right? What is he saying?"

Rin blinked, forgetting the intelligence of demons he and Ryuji share. "Oh, he's just bragging how he surpassed the Gods is all. He's crazy."

"Surpassed the Gods?" Ryuji said. "Just how old is this guy?"

Rin shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Fourteen? Maybe twelve?"

Renzo smiled at them. "Well, that kid better get down soon. He's going to be in so much trouble with the headmaster."

There was some murmuring going on from the other students, none of which interested the demon son to hear. He only continued to watch the star boy's embarrassing moment. Does Black*Star even realize how silly he looks right now?

"Black*Star!" shouted a voice, one familiar to Rin. It made him feel relieved. "Please get down from there! You're going to hurt yourself!" He turned his attention, along with the Kyoto trio, towards the voice to find a worried Tsubaki, and a very pissed off Maka. He watched at how Maka's eye was twitching, very annoyed at what she was witnessing.

"Thank God, they're here." He murmur to himself.

Ryuji blinked, very confused. "I'm guessing that's his big sister or something?"

"If so, I'd like to show her around too. She's so cute." Renzo chuckled, staring at the frightened, japanese girl. They all rolled their eyes of their pink hair friend. He'll always be a pervert, won't he? At least he was kind enough not to call her 'a hot babe'.

Rin continued to watch the two girls, wondering what they'll do. Instantly, both Maka and Tsubaki walked pass some students. Closeby, they both stop to spot the demon child who stared at them. "Oh, hey girls." said Rin, trying to sound a little more pleasing than yesterday.

Tsubaki felt her cheek grow a sweat. "Oh, good morning Rin." she says. "I'm so sorry about Black*Star. I didn't think he would do this today."

Maka huffed. "I'm shocked that Soul actually followed him." she mumbled to herself, though all ears could hear her. Though she didn't bother to stay and chat, so she continued. But before she wanted to reach the front, she gave Rin one last look: a glare. It gave him a shiver in his spine just from that stink eye. Once she vanished in the crowd, Tsubaki apologize again for her partner and ran after the pigtail meister.

The three only stood there in shock, Rin's mouth had fallen. Seriously? She's still giving him shit? He heard Ryuji snorted. "Damn Okumura," he says, "what the hell did you do to piss her off?"

His eyebrows furrowed. He did not need a headache right now. "Shut it. I didn't do shit to her." he told him, only to receive the three of his friends snicker.

Then he turned his attention back to Tsubaki and Maka, who both stood at the front of the academy. Maka began to shout. "Black*Star! Soul! You better get down from there, you idiots! We're not here to fool around!"

He scoffed. "Yeah right. Like they're gonna-"

"Maka?" His demon hearing was still activated. He could hear Soul question his meister's name, and saw him look over the edge with Black*Star very puzzled. He didn't understand why they were so shock. Were they not expecting the girls to find them?

"Well, it's about damn time you guys decided to show up!" Black*Star yelled back, possessing a better hearing ability than Soul had. "You're just in the middle of my big show!"

"Black*Star, you're going to be into so much trouble for being up there!" Tsubaki yelled, still possessing innocence in her voice. "You have to come down!"

He laughed, leaning his head back where he longer showed his head to people. Then the star boy leaned back up. "Well, I guess since these mortals actually sticked around to listen to my greatness, they deserve an upclose show of me!"Black*Star looked down at the weapon next to him. "Let's go, Soul."

Rin couldn't see where Soul was, only his hair, but he could still hear him. "Cool, but you know we're gonna get our asses kicked." he heard him say.

"Whatever! Like Maka's chops are really going to be the end of me."

At last, the two young males stood up from the roof, and both jumped off. A few people gasped, worried that they might kill themselves just from that. Someone did shout that they were committing suicide. Rin figured they were going to die from that jump. No human could ever survive a jump like that. But once they both landed on their feet, unharmed on their bodies, he was wrong and shocked.

More people gasped, amazed at them surviving the jump. The two then stood up towards everyone. Black*Star's grin was wide, and he spoke again. "Yep! That's right people! No need to be so shaken by my greatness!" Then he started to laugh.

"More like his shortness." Rin heard Renzo mumbled, silently agreeing with him.

"You hear, right son of Satan?!" Rin's eye widened at the bluette's response. "We're here to take you down motherf-"


Everyone was completely silent. Black*Star could no longer brag about his greatness after his head was smashed from the bloody book Maka held in her hand. Her expression was really upsetting, almost reaching her boiling point of yelling at him. The weapons were very still. Tsubaki looked in shock of what her partner just exposed, while Soul held in his laughter. Everyone could hear Maka's sigh. Then she said, "Sorry about him everyone. Please pay no attention to him. He's an idiot."

Tsubaki then ran to her unconscious partner, grabbed him by his arms, and began to drag him away from the entrance with Soul following behind her. Maka finally put her large book away, and follow them around the corner to avoid the awkward tension they created. Everyone remained quiet, questioned at what just happened. But eventually, noise of the talkative teens came in the air once again, blocking out the silence once again. Many kids were assuming that Black*Star was a kid from the asylum and only made all that stuff up. Rin finally let out his breath, relieved no one took him so serious.

Renzo only blinked. "Wow. So that just happened." he said. "That girl with the pigtails got some aim, doesn't she?"

Soul was right. Rin should feel very lucky not to be smack from a Maka chop.

Rin turned away from the scene they saw to spot a spark of concern in Konekomaru's eyes. That was odd to him. One second ago, he was only confused by the annoying star kid. Why does he look so worried? "Konekomaru, what's wrong?" He asked, feeling unsure if he should have waited until they were alone. Ryuji and Renzo didn't notice their best friend's sudden different expression until he was questioned.

He blinked at Rin. "D-Did that lunatic ust said, they're going to take you down?" He responded with a nervous tone. "What's going on Okumura?"

Ohhh… He remembered that Yukio told him last night that he was going to assemble a meeting to talk to his classmates, and other exorcists and staff, from the cram school about this situation for the safety for them. Rin knew how awkward it was going to be when high school ended. He wasn't looking forward to it.

He smiled at the small, bald boy, and said, "Oh, don't listen to him. He really is only an idiot." That was all he could say, without any spoilers. He could just tell them now, but he didn't want to miserable today. He'll wait for that later to hide his identity again.


"Dang. I never seen kid so wiped out before." Liz states, watching at the little unconscious grim reaper with an eyebrow raised.

Patty only blinked as she did the same. "Should we wake him up? That way we won't be keeping Crona, Kim, and Jacqueline waiting~" She asked her big sister.

Liz shook her head. "Nah. Honestly he does need the rest for today. Those jerks really did give him a headache." She felt a sweat fall from her cheek, still feeling a little embarrassed from the memory.

Not a long while ago, Death the Kid had to deal with an issue of bullying at the DWMA. Two males, one meister and one a weapon, challenge the other to a fight because one of them flipped one of the girl's skirts up, embarrassing her to the eyes of the academy. One was in defence for the girl as she was innocent and didn't deserve such embarrassment, so he beat up the other guy. The other was so mad, he fought back, and a fight surrounded a crowd of people to chant 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'. Azusa and Spirit had to get involved by pulling the two boy's to Lord Death's office to let kid decide what to do with them.

Kid gave a long lecture to both of them how fighting each other, unless it's a duel, it unacceptable. He especially glared at the one who flipped up the innocent girl's skirt at how he was clearly a dishonor to the academy for doing such a thing. But then one of them brought up Hiro Shimono, that he didn't get in trouble when he was in control of the school. Kid tried to explain that Hiro's past desire had nothing to do with this. But instead, Stein and Spirit stepped in and took control of the situation instead. They gave them both detention, and the asshole had to write an apology note to the girl, including being expelled for a week.

Liz sighed at the memory of Kid's reaction through it all. "Besides," she says, "you know how he most of the time wants to stay here to keep his duty, right? Might as well give him what he wants."

Patty looked up at her eldest sibling with wide eyes. "But Stein said.."

She sighed. "I know, Stein wants Kid to enjoy little of his life as a young teenager instead of always being cope up here. But honestly, it's kinda their fault."

"What do you mean?~"

"Well, they kinda still act as if Kid can't be responsible for this, even though he was destined to be the next grim reaper. You saw how they treated him with those dumbasses." She felt his fists shake. It upsets Liz that Kid is being treated like this. He was handling them well. Yes, he was yelling a lot, but that's what a member of a school does when something like that happens… right?

Suddenly, muffled was made. "If you two don't mind, I like to get rid of my headache in peace."

They both jumped at the sound of Kid's voice, and looked down to see him giving them the stink eye. That was the sign to just let him have his moment alone. Patty didn't worry too much when she saw it. "Okie dokie! You want us to bring you coffee when we come back?" She asked.

Kid only blinked at her, and then sighed. "Add lots of cream to it, please?"

"Okay!~" With that, Patty was out the door.

Liz eventually followed behind her younger sister, telling kid goodbye and that they'll be right back. Once the door was closed, Kid groaned to himself. He wasn't technically mad at the Thompson sisters or anything. Just irritated. He hates it when they, especially Liz, gets pissed off when something bad is happening to him. Only him. He didn't understood why though. They went through it rough growing up in the streets of Brooklyn, never relying on anyone, stealing, and he knows they won't admit it, but cry as well.

Maybe that's how family treats each other. They looked out for everyone…

He sighed, thinking of how Liz explained to Patty about what happen with those bullies, Spirit, and Stein. She wasn't wrong. They really did treat him like a child who couldn't follow the rules. He understood from mrs. Marie's explanation of how he's still young, and still has to learn things of being a grim reaper that he even he doesn't know about. But how are they the ones to teach him the power of a grim reaper? They're not immortals. His father was. But even if Kid wasn't a grim reaper, they still would take away all of his power to discipline teenagers of the academy. He would have given those boys a detention, or something worse - since embarrassing a girl like that is very dishonorable- if Stein and Spirit didn't have to step in.

There also somewhere in the conversation that she mention that Lord Death asked them to make sure Kid still enjoyed his life with his friends, and others he'll have to greet soon. His father was always stuck inside the Death Room to keep an eye on the kishin underneath from them. If that kishin didn't revive, Lord Death wanted his son to still enjoy the little life he had with others he could meet one day. Since the kishin was defeated, Lord Death did every so often leave the Death Room to spend time with Spirit or Stein, or the other adults. Still, Kid felt very unable to do anything outside of his job at this academy so he could prove to these adults he has what it takes.

This wasn't what he was taught as being the next grim reaper. With Lord Death, he tells Kid all the things a grim reaper does and follows in order to create peace into Death City, and all over the world. Now these humans are changing so many rules, acting as if they're the boss. They're adults, but they were never next to the throne. The only adult who did treat him like a mature child was that weirdo in the mirror from yesterday.

...Mephisto Pheles…

"Now, Kid, tell me what souls are not meant to be collected." Lord Death instructed the little boy in his lap.

"Umm…" Kid was a very intelligent child for such a young age, but he did have to take his time on new information he as been told to do so. He did promise his father he'll be the smartest grim reaper ever, just like him. ".. The souls you don't collect.. are… are the innocent ones?"

Lord Death smiled behind his mask, immediately getting his son excited. "That is correct my boy!" He cheered, lifting kid from the ground to throw him in the air, then catches him from every drop."Oh, you really are a smart grim reaper aren't you? I'm so proud!"

They were alone in the Death Room, enjoying some time for themselves. It had been a month since Lord Death saw his son at home, in real life. No mirror calls or anything. He had lots more duties to attend to at the academy, more missions to attend as the reports have gotten worse of more kills on innocent humans were made one night. Lord Death and his team were having difficulty trying to stop this nightmare of kills from possessions from a certain demon, but failed to do so.

Luckily, the possessing of humans stopped suddenly, leaving everyone else in peace. He had been feeling ashamed, not being able to save these humans from a sudden attack for a ritual they were doing. Only a few survive, but many were never able to walk again.It had been a few stressful weeks of helping humans, and mourning for the lost one's families. Not to mention, all the people who were scared of Death was hard to handle when the grim reaper has to explain for these losses and how he couldn't find who was responsible.

But nonetheless, he was happy to be back in his city, in this Death Room, and spend time with his son to teach him souls, and history. Once he was in the mirror in Kid's room, he felt himself wanting to cry when Kid clutched onto his cloak, crying at how happy he was to see his father again. Lord Death knows how lonely Kid can get, but there's never a day where Kid wants to go play outside and meet other kids. He always prefers to stay home, and study with Sid, or Spirit. But none of that was a problem today. It's all perfect.

He put down his little boy, and looked at him through his mask's chirpy eyes. "You are really studying very hard here, Kid." He says to him. "You sure you don't want to attend the academy just yet?"

Kid shook his head. "No way! Being in classes can never get me to a high level to take on as the next grim reaper daddy. Plus, I don't like the other kids."

Lord Death only chuckles at the sudden serious looked Kid gave. "What about those two meisters you got to play with? Maka, and Black*Star. You like them, don't you?"

Kid looked down for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders. "That star kid was very annoying."

The adult snickered, holding in of his laughter as much as he could. He couldn't disagree with that. Black*Star is a very energetic and skilled child, but he is very loud. Kid continued, "And that Maka girl is super quiet."

"That's because she enjoys to read, Kid." lord Death informed him. "She's kinda like you."

Still, Death the Kid was in denial, not willing to reconsider of the young meister. "I don't like anyone. Just you daddy."

Lord Death sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get Kid anywhere with socializing with other children. Oh well. Worth a shot.


They both blinked, and turned their attention towards the mirror to see it glow. Another call was being made. Oh, how Lord Death hope it wasn't another mission. He just wants to spend time with his son. Is that really too much to ask from the universe?

But then he saw it wasn't only just a call. Something was coming through the mirror. A figure had stepped it's foot out from the glass, stepped onto the ground Lord Death had stood on, and finally pulled itself out to face eye to eye with Death himself. The man wore an outfit that seemed out of the century they were being introduced to, but was very classy and fancy. The man had very dark blue hair, pointy ears to make him looked like an elf, and eyes of emerald green that shimmered in the light. He smiled at the grim reaper, revealing the fangs he inherited throughout his birth.

By the appearance, Lord Death instantly knew who this was. He jumped slightly, thrilled seeing an old friend he thought would take another hundred years to see. "Well, well, well. You're looking very sharp and well these days, Mephisto." He says, chirpy in his tone. "How are you doing? What's up?"

The demon blinked at Death, and chuckled into his hand. "'What's up?' Certainly Lord Death, you're spending too much time trying to be cool for the kids again, aren't you?" He said.

"Well, you gotta talk like them to understand eventually. Am I right?"

"Truly you are. Explains why my students give me the lazy eye when I have a chat with them." Mephisto then walked towards Lord Death, taking the grim reaper's open hand, and shook with him. "I have been doing well however. Our classes are having issues with the new windows we included as students like to stare out and moon other children."

Lord Death laughed. "Oh dear! Thank goodness those aren't my children!" He felt a pull from the lower part of his cloak, and looked down to see Kid look a little confused at him. "Oh!" He turned to Mephisto. "Mephisto, I like you to meet my son." He leaned down to the level Kid was standing at, lifted his weightless son in his arms, and said, "Isn't he such a big boy?"

Mephisto looked surprised at the child in front of him, and smiled. "Well, how amazing, Lord Death!" he cheers at the two. "I knew you said you wanted a child of your own, but I had no idea you'd really followed my advice. So, who's the lucky lady?"

"Actually, there is no mother." Lord Death then began to explain to the demon king of how grim reapers are create - a fragment from their soul - once he saw that confused look at Mephisto.

Either way, Mephisto wasn't disappointed. "Hmm, very interesting. That should be included in the facts of shinigamis, now shouldn't it? I'll have to write it down when I returned back to True Cross." He then turned back to face Kid. Then waved at him. "Hello there. I am Mephisto Pheles. It is an honor to meet the son of the grim reaper. What is your name, my boy?"

Kid looked a bit nervous at him, then looked back at his father if that question was necessary. Lord Death nodded, then Kid looked back at the demon. "It's Death the Kid." He responded with his tone a little annoyed and full of suspicion. It wasn't that he didn't like him. It was that his quality time with his father was interrupted.

Mephisto chuckled. "What a lovely name for the next grim reaper. I just know now you're going to surprise the world." He then pointed to his hair. "And those are the Lines of Sanzu, I'm assuming?"

Instantly, a nerve was hit. Kid ran out of his father's large gloves and ran to the edge to sit down, clutch his knees together, amd murmur to sadly to himself. The two immortals blinked at the sudden run from Kid. Then it hits the grim reaper. "Oh yeah." he rubbed the back of his head. "Forgot to mention. Kid has a little bit of OCD in him. He prefer things to be 'symmetrical', and can get a little offended about his hair."

Mephisto continued to stare at Kid, and smiled when he looked back at Lord Death. "I think him and I can relate. I do prefer things to be symmetrical at times as well. Though he should feel honored about his hair. The Lines of Sanzu are a big importance when he grows up."

Lord Death agreed with him. "Yes, but no matter what, he never takes pride of it, and tries whatever he can to make them go away." He then leaned closer to Mephisto to whisper to him, "Though between you and me, his lines will connect when he's older. I don't want to spoil him that so he won't force himself to grow up."

The demon king chuckled. "Understandable. Though, what age would you believe when those lines will finally connect?"

"Hmmm…. I'd have to say, around 21 or older. Kid does need to enjoy life as a child. I'd hate for him to forcefully be in the throne already when he's so young. There's so much to learn."

Mephisto shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, there is indeed lots to learn. However, I have to disagree with you on that. I believe his lines with finally connect around the time he's a teenager. He is very mature, and as you tell me, very intelligent."

He knew what Mephisto means. Even without telling his son the future, Kid has indeed grown up so well, it's almost hard to believe he's only eight. But still, he doesn't want those lines to connect until he's old enough to handle things on his own. Otherwise…

Mephisto looks at the grim reaper. "But I'm sure you know what will happen once it's unleashed, don't you?"

… he won't be around long enough to see his son have somewhat of a normal life.

He nods. "I only hope that won't happen. Even though it's destined to happen, I want to see him grow up to his fullest."

He barely pays attention to the world around him. He barely could hear Kid's murmurs, or spot the grin on Mephisto's face. Memories came of when Kid was born and carried in Lord Death's arms had felt him tear up inside. Maybe that was what he enjoyed of the mask he wore: he'll get to hide his painful expressions.

"Then how about this?" He heard Mephisto's voice finally come through, and looked at the devilish grin Mephisto gave. They were lucky for Kid not to over hear them, but honestly, he was listening to only half of their conversation. His depressing moment was stalking a hold of him right now.

"Would you like to propose a wager, Lord Death?"

"Lord Death? Lord Death! Wake up!"

Kid jumped, waking up from the sudden third voice that had come from their conversation, in his dream. He forgot he was still in the Death Room. He must have fallen asleep. Great, now sleeping is going to hell tonight. He looked up seeing Azusa standing next to him, holding a pile of papers in her arms. "Oh. Yes, Azusa?" he rubs his tired eyes.

"Sorry for interrupting your nap, sir." She said. Then she placed the pile on the table he was sitting in front of. "These are the tests students from the NOT rank had finished."

Ugh, this is the only thing the adults don't bother him with: grading. Why can't they do that instead of discipling kids? He nodded. "Thank you ma'am."

"Don't thank me just yet, sir." He swears, Azusa is ike the only teacher here who calls him 'sir', or 'Lord Death'. Maka does the same thing, even though he's told her to call him 'Kid' as she's still his friend. But then again, she's a grammar nazis, so he's not complaining.

He blinked puzzled at when Azusa says not to thank her, but shrugs it off when he grabs the first test score from the stack. Once he looked at the person's name and title, he saw it was already graded with a seventy rank. It was then he realized all the papers were graded. He looked up at Azusa with wide eyes.

Before he could question her out loud, she pushes her glasses back close to her eyes. "The Thompson sisters say you were experiencing a migraine, so I decided to take it easy on you today and grade them. I know you prefer to do it on your own, but not today. I apologize for that sir."

Kid didn't know how to respond. Normally, Yumi Azusa is not like this. If anything, she's the woman to basically demand you to do it yourself, and not complain. She's rarely kind or not so strict with the students. So why was she taking is easy on him? Yeah, he's not disappointed she did it herself, but it's a mystery added to the weapon adult.

Then again, the day Lord Death had passed on, she watched the father and son say their last goodbye. Azusa saw the pain in Kid's eyes, and comforted him that it'll be alright. Maybe she's always looked out for Kid, always made sure he was alive. Even if she wasn't always around when he was born, it was nice having such a positive surprise come from the toughest attitude of them all.

He smiled at her. "Thank you, ma'am. I really appreciate that."

She didn't smile, only nodded. She's not the person to just smile at the gestures she does, but he knew she was glad to help him out. He was glad to have her as a part of the staff, and taking a nap. That headache was finally gone.