Voltron Legendary Defender

Dimension Travel SUCKS!

Main OC

Name: Narnra Arlag Enagok

Age: 14 years

Gender: Female

Species: Unknown


Hair Color: Black with violet natural streaks (Hip length)

Eye Color: Indigo with gold and violet specks

Skin Tone: Pallid

Other: Black cat-like ears, Black Maine Coon-like tail


Mother: Unknown; Susan McDrift

Father: Unknown; Mick McDrift

Sibling(s): Unknown; DollaMcDriftand Carl McDrift

Other: Fostered by the McDrifts, bounce around families


Boy(s): None

Girl(s): None


Bad Traits: Loner, Untrusting, Closed off

Good Traits: Deep, Alert, Hardworking

Other: XXX


Narnra Arlag Enagok was walking home from school when a 16 year old girl with blonde hair, bright blue eyes and dark tan skin and a 17 year old boy with dark brown hair, green eyes and tan skin called out for her. Narnra wore a dark purple tank-top with a red lion on it, black skinny jeans, black cowgirl boots and fingerless gloves, and a headband to make her ears look fake (her tail was curled under her shirt and around her body).

"HEY NARNRA!" The girl yelled causing the younger girl to stop by a red and white stop sign so that the girl and boy could catch up.

"What do you want Dolla, Carl?" Narnra demanded with a snarl.

The girl, Dolla, backed up as the male, Carl, glared, "we were going to ask if you want to go to the beach with us, but now..."

Narnra rolled her indigo eyes and her black ears twitched in annoyance before she continued walking, "I'm going to work with Mr. McDrift remember?"

And with that said she turned the corner and lost the two older kids, soon she was in front of a white and rose pink 2 story home with six windows on the front. Narnra took out a black key chain and pushed the whiteish gold key into the keyhole. As soon as she had the door open she put her backpack down by a black cabinet and grabbed a steak from last night's dinner, warmed it up and ate it. Once she finished Narnra went to her room and activated her computer, she went to Word Document and began to write a story as she waited for Mr. McDrift to call her down so that they can go to his work.

The reason Mr. McDrift was taking a underaged girl to a military base was because she was from a different dimension where she had a brother, a father, an actual family until the people of this world decided to rip that away from her (she was 10). The only thing she had to remember her family by was a strange bow with a weird symbol on it. Narnra always kept the symbol covered up. Anyways, after the gov. people took her from her family they believed that all humans look like her in her dimension and after days of questioning they took her to live in the orphanage until they fixed the dimension hopper portal thing (it exploded when she went through it). The McDrifts adopted (fostered) her after the Shanas, Rumlis, and Conners (everyone who fostered her were part of the same gov. place thing), now she was going to the military place to (hopefully) go home.

After Narnra wrote a chapter, a 46 year old man with tan skin, grey eyes and brown hair came into her room and told her that they were leaving. The 14 year old saved her work, downloaded everything from her computer onto her kindle, grabbed her bow and headphones and walked downstairs with her kindle and bow in hands. She put her headphone on and plugged them in after she buckled in the car, she pressed play on a song and began to look at the photos from her home dimension and felt a tightness on her chest when she saw her 14 year old brother, his indigo eyes were full of happiness, his black bangs in his face as the rest of his hair curled on the back of his neck, his skin was pale and he was smiling. He wore a dark blue t-shirt, black sweatpants and fingerless gloves, white/black/red tennis shoes (?), and his favorite white and red jacket that stopped under his ribs. Next to him was a 7 year old Narnra who was smiling and wearing a black tank-top with a purple dragon on it and words that read "Don't make me sic my Dragon on You", black skinny jeans and fingerless gloves (identical to her brothers), a dark purple headband and black cowgirl boots. Behind the two siblings was a man with brown eyes, brown hair and tan skin he wore a white t-shirt with a brown jacket over it, brown slacks and brown tennis shoes each of his hands were on their left shoulder (one hand on her brothers another on her). His posture was tense but relaxed.

Narnra stared sadly at the picture and started to sing along with the song: "I Think About You"

"~Last summer we met.
We started as friends.
I can't tell you how it all happened.
Then autumn it came.
We were never the same.
Those nights, everything felt like magic.

And I wonder if you miss me too.
If you don't is the one thing that I wish you knew:

I think about you every morning when I open my eyes.
I think about you every evening when I turn out the lights.
I think about you every moment, every day of my life.
You're on my mind all the time. It's true.

I think about you, you you, you you
I think about you, you you, you you

Would you know what to say
If I saw you today?
Would you let it all crumble to pieces?
'Cause I know that I should
Forget you if I could.
I can't yet for so many reasons.

I think about you every morning when I open my eyes
I think about you every evening when I turn out the lights
I think about you every moment, every day of my life
You're on my mind all the time. It's true

I think about you, you you, you you.
I think about you, you you, you you.

How long 'til I stop pretending
What we have is never ending.
Oh, o-o-oh.
If all we are is just a moment,
Don't forget me cause I won't end...
I can't help myse-e-elf.

I think about you. Ooh, ooh.
I think about youooh. Ohh.

I think about you every morning when I open my eyes.
I think about you every evening when I turn out the lights.
I think about you every moment, every day of my life.
You're on my mind all the time. It's true.

I think about you, you, you, you, you.
I think about you, you, you, you, you.~"

At the end of the song Narnra wiped away the tears that were on her cheek and in her eyes, the dark green SUV (AN: For those who thought Bulkhead- No Just No) pulled into a reserved parking spot and the two got out. They walked inside after Mr. McDrift gave her instructions.








Narnra got a nametag and put it on when she felt a weird sensation to go left. She looked back at Mr. McDrift she noticed he was talking to an African American man with brown eyes and black hair. 'He said not to run off... but I won't be running and I'll stay close... It isn't like I'm leaving the building...' With that decided Narnra followed the feeling to a metal door, she opened it (IDK How), walked, and stopped dead when she saw an indigo and white metal lion (there were many different shades of indigo) with an indigo forcefield up. She slowly walked forward and cautiously placed her hand on the shield, the forcefield lowered and so did the lions head and its mouth opened. Narnra cautiously walked in and sat in a comfortable black chair, she jumped slightly when the chair jerked forward and she soon found herself in a control center-like place.

Narnra felt a soft presence in her mind and smiled slightly at the comforting purr that sounded around her, the black-haired girl grabbed the movement sticks and followed the lion's directions.

"I'm gonna call you indigo" Narnra declared and the purring got louder.

Soon the lion was standing and let out a loud roar, she turned the lion toward a dark blue and red portal and Narnra had Indigo run through.

Well that's the end, please R&R